angular-foundation and angular-translate: apply translation into attribute back-text - angularjs

I'm using angular-translation and angular-foundation modules with AngularJS and have defined Foundation top-bar like this:
<top-bar custom-back-text="true" back-text="My back text">
I need to apply translate filter to My back text. Already tried these two solutions but with no success:
example 1 - CODE
<top-bar custom-back-text="true" back-text="'BACK.KEY' | translate">
example 1 - TEXT IN MENU
example 2 - CODE
<top-bar custom-back-text="true" back-text="{{ 'BACK.KEY' | translate }}">
example 2 - TEXT IN MENU
'BACK.KEY' | translate
Do I something wrong or is there no possibility to achieve this with these two modules?
Used versions
angular-translate: 2.4.2
angular-foundation: 0.5.1

If you check the js source code of foundation you will find this piece of code that handles back button
if (settings.custom_back_text == true) {
$('h5>a', $titleLi).html(settings.back_text);
} else {
$('h5>a', $titleLi).html('« ' + $link.html());
So it creates new element and adds to dropdown, result of which is that it copies the value you specified in the back_text. By that time "translate" is not resolved so it copies whatever you put there.
A quick hack to do to solve it you could listen for language change by doing
$rootScope.$on("$translateChangeSuccess", function...
As you can see in the piece of code from foundation.js it creates "a" element inside "h5", so you can do something like this
$rootScope.$on("$translateChangeSuccess", function(){
angular.element(".dropdown h5>a").html($filter('translate')('BACK'))
where "BACK" is the key used for translation.
But keep in mind that it's not a good practice to manipulate DOM inside controller, so you may create directive for that.
Though there may be better way to achieve it, this could be just quick hack to do the thing.


How can my template include an element whose type is determined by an expression in angularjs?

It's 2022 and sadly I'm learning AngularJS (already past end of life!)
I need need to use what might be called a dynamic element/component. Pseudocode example:
In controller:
this.theElementName = 'b';
In the template:
<{{$ctrl.theElementName}}>this is some text</{{$ctrl.theElementName}}>
I would want this to create <b>this is some text</b>.
The reason is that I want to generate an array of different directives to render, and I don't want code like:
<b ng-if="$ctrl.theElementName === 'b'">this is some text</b>
<div ng-if="$ctrl.theElementName === 'div'">this is some text</div>
<directive-abc ng-if="$ctrl.theElementName === 'directive-abc'">this is some text</directive-abc>
In Svelte, it's
<svelte:element this={theElementName} />
In Vue it's
<div :is="theElementName" />
EDIT: in response to the reluctant 'that person', clarifying the use-case
Consider a user-configurable UI. The result of the configuration might be an array list of components desired. I would then need to loop and output those different components in my template. Of course the components would need a standard interface for properties passesd in, events emitted etc. but that can all be designed for.
My code could do a big switch statement, but that requires prior knowledge of every possible component that might be used now or in the future. By doing it the way I intend to, however, a future person could add a component without needing to touch this code.
You can write directive my-directive to use:
<div my-directive="$ctrl.theElementName">...
to generate:
All directive should do is to generate html string and compile it:
element.append($compile('<' + scope.myDirective + '>...')(scope))
(also remember to update content in onChanges if you want to support it)
Directive may also copy certain/all attributes from original element etc.
P.S. you should be cautious e.g. if component name comes from database that may allow injections.
Not a brilliant solution, but documenting what is more of a workaround.
ng-include can be used to source another template file. That file can contain the component you need to include.
<ng-include src="'/path/to/' + theElementName + '.html'"></ng-include>

Using variables with translate filter in AngularJs

I am working on an AngularJs project and I am using the translate filter the following way:
<h2>{{'This is my text' | translate}}</h2>
It works fine, but I would like to be able to use variables in my translations. Here is what I have tried:
In the controller:
vm.text = "This {{toReplace}} is a variable.";
vm.myVariable = "random value";
In the html:
<h2>{{vm.text | translate:'{ toReplace: vm.myVariable }'}}</h2>
It doesn't replace {{toReplace}} with the content of myVariable. Instead, the page displays "This {{toReplace}} is a variable."
What should I do to make this work ?
Have you tried with the directive rather than the filter ? Something like this :
<h2 translate="vm.text" translate-values={'toReplace':vm.myVariable}"></h2>
vm.text must contain a valid translate key, which you should define in your language files. The value of the translate key will be "This {{toReplace}} is a variable.". Then your HTML should render correctly.
If you just want to render this text without internationalization support, you could just do this:
<h2>This {{vm.toReplace}} is a variable.</h2>
Here is the solution that has worked for me, considering 'myVariable' is a variable defined in my controller:
<h2 data-translate>This {{vm.myVariable}} is a variable</h2>
The tricky part is that, just like when using the translate filter, the text in the element is not the text being displayed, but the ID of the element to translate. In the translation files (po), you will have to have an element with the ID 'This {{vm.myVariable}} is a variable', including the name of the variable. If you need to display the same text but with data coming from a different variable, you would have to declare a different translation with its own ID, even though only the variable part of the text is different.
For exemple, this would have to be a different entry in the translation files:
<h2 data-translate>This {{vm.myVariable2}} is a variable</h2>

OnsenUI loads page in text, via a splitter

I have previously created a web app, and now I would like to integrate it with OnsenUI to enable my app to be used on all mobile devices as well as the web.
I am using a splitter in a toolbar which will be the header of all pages, and it will redirect the user to other pages when they click an item in it. Clicking the home item successfully redirects to the home page (index, which is already loaded correctly). However, clicking any of the other items in the splitter redirects me to the requested page, but shows the content of the file in text format instead of actually rendering the page. It looks like the following, except it's all jumbled together with no spaces:
ons-page(ng-controller='SearchController' ng-init='showme = false; getAllTrainers();')
| Search Trainer
// ***** I cut off the rest of the file for simplicity
// ***** I should still be able to see the toolbar if the page loads correctly
Here is the content of index.jade:
doctype html
link(rel='stylesheet' href='')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
link(rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/stylesheets/jquery.datetimepicker.css')
link(rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/stylesheets/ratings.css')
link(rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/stylesheets/searchTrainerTab.css')
link(rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/onsenui/css/onsenui.css')
link(rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/onsenui/css/onsen-css-components.css')
block loadfirst
integrity="sha256-aaODHAgvwQW1bFOGXMeX+pC4PZIPsvn2h1sArYOhgXQ=" crossorigin="anonymous")
script(data-require='angular-credit-cards#*', data-semver='3.0.1', src='')
script(async='', defer='', src='')
ons-splitter(var='mySplitter', ng-controller='RootController as splitter')
ons-splitter-side(side='left', width='220px', collapse='', swipeable='')
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('index.jade')", tappable='')
| Home
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('searchForTrainer.jade')", tappable='')
| Search Trainer
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('searchForEvent.jade')", tappable='')
| Search Event
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('trainerAddEvent.jade')", tappable='')
| Create Event
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('userProfile.jade')", tappable='')
| Profile
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('addPayment.jade')", tappable='')
| Payment
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('userSettings.jade')", tappable='')
| Settings
ons-list-item(ng-click="splitter.load('trainerSignup.jade')", tappable='')
| Trainer Application
ons-list-item(ng-click="href='/logout'", tappable='')
| Logout
ons-page(ng-controller='MapController' ng-init='getEvents()')
| Fitness App
a(href='', title='How PayPal Works', onclick="'','WIPaypal','toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=1060, height=700'); return false;")
img(src='', border='0', alt='Now Accepting PayPal')
//- google maps stuff
ons-input#pac-input.controls(type='text', placeholder='Search Box')
| Fitness App
block scripts
// ***** I cut out javascript related to Google Maps for simplicity
here is the splitter load page function I am using in my angular file:
this.load = function(page) { console.log("The page is: " + page);
.then(function() {
Has anyone successfully built an Onsen app using Jade?
When I leave the code in html instead of jade, everything works correctly. When I convert it back to jade it shows up as text again.
Using Solution 1 from the selected answer, I realized and solved my problem with the guidance from the selected answer on my other post:
By the looks of it you seem to be using Jade on the server side.
To solve the problem I see a couple possible solutions.
Solution 1:
Make sure that whatever Onsen UI is receiving is pure HTML. You're free to use Jade, but as it stands Onsen does not have Jade bundled inside, so there is no way for it to support it out of the box. However as long as Onsen sees only html it should be fine.
The reason why the ons-template(id='index.jade') works initially is actually because when you serve the page you are actually serving actual html, so when onsen starts the contents of that template are actually pure html.
In searchForTrainer.jade it seems that you are giving it raw jade, which it does not know how to handle. You can handle this on the server side, making sure that the request for the searchForTrainer returns html. Returning jade.renderFile('searchForTrainer.jade') from the server instead of the jade file itself should solve the issue.
Solution 2:
As you noticed as long the contents are inside the initial page everything will be fine. So you could just put all your ons-templates inside the initial page.
If you want to retain your current file structure you can just do
include searchForTrainer.jade
while having an ons-template tag in the file itself. That way in the end the result will be a page with the template already converted into html.
Solution 3:
The final option is to give the raw jade files, but help Onsen understand Jade, so that it can use them properly. To do that you need to include jade.js and modify Onsen UI so that it uses it.
However since Onsen does not currently provide an official API for switching template engines whatever hack we use now might break in the future. It's possible that in the near future a feature like that may be implemented, but in order to do it now we need to wrap some of onsen's internal functions.
Here's a simple example to do it.$onsen) {
var old = $onsen.normalizePageHTML;
ons._internal.normalizePageHTML = $onsen.normalizePageHTML = function(html) {
return old(jade.render(html, {}));
And here's also a working Demo showing this solution in action.
Note: that demo actually checks for a comment // jade at the beginning just to be safe.
Which solution to choose?
Solution 1 - I think this makes most sense as it retains a clear separation of concerns. If you want to change the templating engine it should be handled only in one place. Onsen does not need to know what you're using on the server as long as it gets what it wants.
Solution 2 - Not the best way to solve the problem, but it may be the easiest to use if you just want things to work. One minus is that with it you would load all the templates at the beginning, which may not be very good.
Solution 3 - While this solution can work I would suggest avoiding it as handling jade on the frontend would result in poor performance. It's could be an option if you actually decide not to rely on the server.

Decompile angular elements

We have a angular grid written by some guys here at work, the entire company uses it.
A td-cell could look like this
<td typeahead-cell="location as location.Name for location in getApiLocations($viewValue, mapping)" ng-model="mapping.selectedLocation">
The typeahead-cell directive will execute some custom code on the td, what it does is hookup some code so that if you double click or write in the cell it will go from display only to (in this case) typeahead. It does this by taking the html in the td cell (The td cell is already compiled by angular), wrap it with some custom code that does above functioanlly and then call $compile on the entire thing. This works with expressions above like {{mapping.getLocationNames()}} because they do not change when compiling so it can be compiled any number of times.
The problem I face now is that I try to use a more complex expression with ng-repeat. Problem is the first compile (Done directly by angular-core) will change html from example
<span ng-repeat="location in mapping.locations">...</span>
<!-- ngRepeat: location in mapping.locations -->
Then when our custom grid code executs it will try to compile the code above which will result in an empty since it compiles against a html comment.
This is the code that breaks
$element is the td-cell that contains my orignal code that, when doing $element.html() it will take compiled code and try to use that. Wont work. Displayelement is a wrapper that will show when we are in displaymode.
I either need to decompile $elementbefor edoing $element.html or somehow move the content of the $element (td cell) compiled and hooked up.
Any ideas?
edit: I have somewhat solved it, doing this
This will take the children from the td-cell and add them to the displayElement without actually breaking the original $compile. jQuery.children cant move <!-- comment --> elements so if you have an expression with ng directives like my repater above you need to wrap it in a dummy element like
<span><span ng-repeat="location in mapping.locations">...</span></span>
Any workaround for this?
Instated of that line if you can check with this
//Store it first on a variable if blank
var html;
if(!html) html = displayElement.html($element.html());
Hopefully it will work. May be you need to manage the scope of the variable.
Final solution is this
It's very important to use contents and not children because childrenwill ignore text nodes which will not include the comments generated by ng-repeat directive.

how to find the css style attribute of a particular html element using Robot Framework?

I am writing an automation test script using Robot Framework & Selenium2Library for testing our web application( in .txt format) . One of my test cases involves to check the CSS style attribute of an HTML tag.
Is there any specific keyword in Robot Framework to obtain the CSS style attribute of an html element?
Here is my testing scenario:
<div id="check_style" style="width:20px;height:20px;background-color:#ffcc00;"></div>
Now, I have to store the background color of this particular html tag into a variable ${bg_color}. Is there any specific keyword in Robot Framework to do this process?
Can you please suggest an effective way to handle this situation?
I think we can make use of this javascript function for the above mentioned purpose :
But how to make use of this particular function to store the value of background-color inot a variable ${bg_color} ?
( I have tried to execute ${bg_color} = Execute Javascript document.getElementById("check_style").style["background-color"],
but didn't work ! )
You can use the Selenium2Library Get Element Attribute keyword to get the style attribute:
| | ${style}= | Get element attribute | id=check_style#style
You can then either use a regular expression to find the background color attribute or do some additional parsing. The latter would be easier to do in python than with robot keywords.
For example, if you understand regular expressions, something like the following might work. Of course, you'll probably want to add some bullet-proofing.
| | ${style}= | get element attribute | id=check_style#style
| | ${color}= | evaluate |"background-color: *(.*?);", '''${style}''').group(1) | re
Note: you might not get the same literal value as is in the raw HTML. For example, on my machine ${color} comes back as rgb(255, 204, 0) even though the color in the HTML is #ffcc00.
For whatever reason I had a bunch of trouble getting this to work. I think it's because my CSS was defined in an external file (therefore pulling the style attribute came up empty).
Also note that RF now has changed the definition of Get Element Attribute to take two parameters, not one.
I'd like to pass along a great solution I found after a bunch of searching -- I found this amazing keyword here How to get the css style of text-overflow in robot framework
*** Keywords ***
Get CSS Property Value
... Get the CSS property value of an Element.
... This keyword retrieves the CSS property value of an element. The element
... is retrieved using the locator.
... Arguments:
... - locator (string) any Selenium Library supported locator xpath/css/id etc.
... - property_name (string) the name of the css property for which the value is returned.
... Returns (string) returns the string value of the given css attribute or fails.
[Arguments] ${locator} ${attribute name}
${css}= Get WebElement ${locator}
${prop_val}= Call Method ${css} value_of_css_property ${attribute name}
[Return] ${prop_val}
after which I could simply run
${style}= Get CSS Property Value class:logo background-image
and do a plain text comparison. Sub in any CSS value for background-image and have fun with this!
Get css value using javascript in robot framework. link here
# Get element using Xpath in JavaScript.
${element}=    Set Variable    document.evaluate("${xpath_locator}", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue
# Get css attribute value using getComputedStyle()
${attribute_value}=    Execute Javascript    return window.getComputedStyle(${element},null).getPropertyValue('${css_attribute}');
Log   ${attribute_value}
