Using a file to store json data - angularjs

I am working on a webapp for a client that has a cPanel virtual server, and it appears that I can only use MySQL, but I want to store the data using a json-like structure, so that I can more easily use Angular.js on the frontend.
I've looked into installing a NoSQL database, and I can't find anything viable (if you know of a way to do that, that would be my best solution), so I'm thinking of storing the data as json strings in a series of text files on the server that I would write to with php.
I'd like to hear some opinions, and if there are any better solutions of which I'm not thinking of.

Go look at firebase and thank me afterwards.
In short, firebase is a cloud real-time JSON data storage. Everything for the backend is done for you and all you need to do is the front-end. Their servers are CDNs which means it will be great if you're looking to serve the entire world. All you need to do is configure your data-structure and use it!
It also provides sockets, which is great for real-time data (used for games, chat and etc).
There is a free option. The only downside is that it is a little expensive if you want to scale it, nevertheless if your app really gets to that stage - I'm sure you'll have money to hire some people to develop a similar backend for yourself.


Is there a simple way to host a program with a small data file (esp. on Heroku)?

If you go to my Heroku-hosted to do list program, you can put test data in, but it's gone pretty soon. This is because, I learned, Heroku has an "ephemeral" filesystem and disposes of any data that users write to it via post. I don't know how to set up a PostgreSQL database or any other kind of database (although maybe I soon will, as I'm working through Hartl's Rails tutorial). I'm just using a humble YAML file. It works fine in my local environment.
Any suggestions for beginners to work around this problem, short of just learning how to host a database? Is there another free service I might use that would work without further setup? Any advice greatly welcome.
I fully understand that I can't do what I'm trying to do with Heroku (see e.g. questions like this one). I just want to understand my options better.
UPDATE: Looks like this and this might have some ideas about using Dropbox to host (read/write) flat files.
The answer is no. But I'll take a minute to explain why.
I realize that you aren't yet familiar with building web applications, databases, and all that stuff. And that's OK! This is an excellent question.
What you need to know, however, is that doing what you're asking is a really bad idea when you're trying to build scalable websites. And Heroku is a platform company that SPECIFICALLY tries to help developers building scalable websites. That's really what the platform excels at.
While Heroku is really easy to learn and use, it isn't targeted at beginners. It's meant for experienced developers. This is really clear if you take a look at what Heroku's principles are, and what policies they enforce on their platform.
Heroku goes out of their way to make building scalable websites really easy, and makes it VERY difficult to do things that would make building scalable websites harder.
So, let's talk for a second about why Heroku has an ephemeral file system in the first place!
This design decision forces you (the developer of the application) to store files that your application needs in a safer, faster, dedicated file storage service (like Amazon S3). This practice results in a lot of scalability benefits:
If your webservers don't need to write to disk, they can be deployed many many times without worrying about storage constraints.
No disks need to be shared across webservers. Sharing disks typically causes IO contention and can adversely affect performance.
It makes it easy to scale your web application horizontally across commodity servers, since disk resources aren't required.
So, the reason why you cannot store flat files on Heroku is because doing this causes scalability and performance problems, and would make it nearly impossible for Heroku to help you scale your application easily (which is their main goal).
That is why it is recommended to use a file storage service to store files (like Amazon S3), or a database for storing data (like Postgres).
What I'd recommend doing (personally) is using Heroku Postgres. You mentioned you're using rails, and rails has excellent Postgres support built in. It has what's called an ORM that let's you talk to the database using some very simple Ruby objects, and removes almost all the prerequisite database background to get things going. It's really fun / easy once you give it a try!
Finally: Heroku Postgres also has a great free plan, which means you can store the data for your todo app in it for no cost at all.
Hope this helps!

Persisting and keeping mobile app data in snych with online backend

I am building a mobile app using AngularJS and PhoneGap. The app allows the user to access a large amount of data-items. These data-items come with the app in form of a number of .json files.
One use-case is that a user can favorite any of those data-items.
Currently, I store the (ids of) the items that have been favorited in localStorage. It works and it's great and very simple.
But now I would like create an online-backend for the app. By this I mean that the (ids of) the items that have been favorited should also be stored on a server somewhere in some form of database.
Now my question is:
How do I best do this?
How do I keep the localStorage data and online-backend data in synch?
In particular, the user might not have an internet connection at the time were he favorites a data-item. Additionally, if the user favorites x data-items in a row, I would need to make x update calls to the server db, which clearly isn't great.
So, how do people do it?
Does Angular have anything build-in for this?
Is there any plugin?
Any other framework?
This very much seems like a common problem that must have a well-known solution?
I think you've almost got the entire solution. All you need to do is periodically (on app start load the data from the service if available, otherwise use current local storage, then maybe with a timer and on app close update the data if connected) send the JSON out to a service (I generally prefer PHP, but Python, Java, Ruby, Perl, whatever floats your boat) that puts it in a database. If you're concerned with merging synchronization changes you'll need to use timestamps in the data in local storage and in the database to make the right call on what should be inserted vs what should be updated.
I don't think there's a one size fits all solution to the problem, though I imagine someone may have crafted a library that handles the different potential scenarios the configuration may be as complicated as just writing the logic yourself.

Storing back-end of mobile app on amazon web services - how?

I have an app which needs a backend which consists of 3 parts:
Front PHP pages to handle request from the app, access DB and return JSON
File-system storage for pictures
Now I know that many people go with Amazon AWS today, and I recently had a quick look around at their services. Now for the database, it seems DynamoDB would suit me fine! But my question is, which product (and how) should I use to store the static php pages, and the basic filesystem (which can potentially get pretty big). For the static php pages, I really need something as simple as services the likes of, but it has to be fast and be able to respond to many requests.
For the image file-system storing, this could either be done on the same place as the php files, or anywhere else as long and I can access it with php. What do you recommend?
I would really like to hear which products you think will suit this back-end, as this is a pretty popular setting. If you think of something better than amazon, I am open to suggestions, just keep in mind that the top priorities (by order) are stability, scalability and ease of use, and it need to be VERY scaleable.
Thanks for any replays!
You could use S3 for storage as it is simple, easy to use and scalable. But it's slow to retrieve files from S3. To solve this, retrieve the files from Cloudfront instead of S3. S3 bucket can act as the origin server of your Cloudfront distribution. It has two advantages -
- Retrieval will be very fast, specially of more popular pages/pictures
- It doesn't matter which part of globe your app is being used, Cloudfront will select the nearest edge cache to serve your content.

Google AppEngine DB Management best practice?

Google app engine offer a data store (some kind of DB wrapper) to hold your data.
It does not supply an editor to this data store - only a viewer.
When developing a web application with other DB - MSSQL, MySql etc. - I change the DB structure in the development process many times.
In AE data store you should edit it's structure and data by using code - Java in my case.
Do you - AE developers - have any best practice to manage this DB updates and save them in some smart way for deployment?
I don't know about "best practice", but I have a Servlet that I use during development which can upload and download all entity data as JSON.
I can then use a regular text editor to make changes or I use a hacked version of JSONpad to edit data live in the system.
Since, I use JSON through out my application this works best for me. One could also do the sample thing with XML and use any one of the many XML editors.
Also, I do use the low-level API for all my applications, so my data models tends to be fairly simple.
There are plenty of JSON/XML editors that could be adapter for your purposes, with a little bit of work.

Is this how I design REST, and is REST what I want to be using?

In short, I am writing an Android application that I want to have pull data from a remote database. I was looking into .NET web services, but this How to call a SOAP web service on Android question pointed me away from that direction.
Is REST as simple as writing some short PHP to handle something like and have it return relevant XML or JSON data? That to me seems like what has been described to me by various sites and videos. Also, is this the best way to do this kind of operation over the internet for mobile devices, desktop applications, etc?
What you describe is pretty much what REST is about. Perhaps, however the URL to michael employee could be something like that:
Anyway, the idea with REST is that resources are exposed through URLs and that everything is stateless. This is a very good model to use in order to pull data from a database. It can be used both from mobile as well as desktop applications.
What you are discussing is only a small part of what REST is about. For simply pulling raw data from a database a HTTP based - Type I system is probably sufficient for your needs.
