I need to find the company with the highest earnings.
So far I am able to pull out the highest total Earnings from the loop but have no idea how to get the company name that ties with this highest earnings.
while( count <= noOfComp)
System.out.print("Enter Company: ");
companyName = kb.nextLine();
System.out.print("Number of hires: ");
noOfHires = kb.nextInt();
totalEarnings = noOfHires * 2500 + 10000;
System.out.println("Total Earnings of company is :" + totalEarnings);
totalEarned = "" + totalEarnings;
if(totalEarnings > large ) //If statement for largest number
large = totalEarnings;
allTotalEarnings += totalEarnings;
You can assign the highest earning company name and its earnings in variables after the calculation by comparing with previous highest with calculated one.
String highCompanyName = "";int highCompanyEarning = 0;
while( count <= noOfComp)
System.out.print("Enter Company: ");
companyName = kb.nextLine();
System.out.print("Number of hires: ");
noOfHires = kb.nextInt();
totalEarnings = noOfHires * 2500 + 10000;
System.out.println("Total Earnings of company is :" + totalEarnings);
totalEarned = "" + totalEarnings;
if(totalEarnings> highCompanyEarning ) //If statement for largest number
highCompanyEarning = totalEarnings;
highCompanyName = companyName;
allTotalEarnings += totalEarnings;//the purpose of it is not clear so left as it is.
System.out.println("Highest Earnings company is :" + highCompanyName );
System.out.println("Earning of that company is :" + highCompanyEarning );
I am new to Python and I have been stuck trying out a "simple banking program".
I have got everything right except for this bit:
If the user types S then:
Ask the user for the account number.
Search the array for that account number and find its position in the accountnumbers array.
Display the Name, and balance at the position found during the above search.
Originally it was just supposed to be through accounts 1-5, but now I am having trouble coming up with a way to search the account numbers if they are any number, not just 1 - 5. For example
The user makes his account numbers 34, 445, 340,2354 and 3245. Completely random account numbers with no order.
Here is what I have so far
names = []
accountNumbers = []
balance = []
def displaymenu():
print("**** MENU OPTIONS ****")
print("Type P to populate accounts")
print("Type S to search for account")
print("Type E to exit")
def choiceInput():
choice = str(input("Please enter your choice: "))
if (choice == "P"):
elif (choice == "S"):
accountNumb = int(input("Please enter the account number to search: "))
if (accountNumb > 0) and (accountNumb < 6):
print("Name is: " + str(names[accountNumb - 1]))
print(names[accountNumb - 1] + " account has the balance of : $" + str(balance[accountNumb -1]))
elif (accountNumb == accountNumbers):
index = names.index(accountNumb)
accountNumb = index
print(names[accountNumb - 1] + " account has the balance of : $" + str(balance[accountNumb -1]))
print("The account number not found!")
elif (choice == "E"):
print("Thank you for using the program.")
raise SystemExit
print("Invalid choice. Please try again!")
def populateAccount ():
name = 0
for name in range(5):
Names = str(input("Please enter a name: "))
account ()
name = name + 1
def account ():
accountNumber = int(input("Please enter an account number: "))
def balances ():
balances = int(input("Please enter a balance: "))
I have tried to use indexes and have not been able to find a solution.
Replace the following line of code
if (accountNumb > 0) and (accountNumb < 6):
if (accountNumb > 0) and (accountNumb < len(accountNumbers)):
My mistake. I messed up when appending the account number:
def account ():
accountNumber = int(input("Please enter an account number: "))
I appended
the code should be
def account ():
accountNumber = int(input("Please enter an account number: "))
also the searchArray function I made was:
def searchArray(accountNumbers):
x = int(input("Please enter an account number to search: "))
y = accountNumbers.index(x)
print("Name is: " + str(names[y]))
print(str(names[y]) + " account has a balance of: " + str(balance[y]))
rookie mistake , shouldnt be using such similar object names.
I am new to cplex.
I would like to implement a loop for my MILP problem. It's about to add up.
For example like this:
time: 1 2 3 4
weight: 10 20 30 40
The solution should tell me the Summation weight at each time;
time: 1 2 3 4
sum_weight: 10 30 60 100
I hope my problem becomes clear.
It sounds like you want to use IBM ILOG Script (i.e., JavaScript). For example, the foodmanufact example has the following execute block at the end:
execute DISPLAY {
writeln(" Maximum profit = " , cplex.getObjValue());
for (var i in Months) {
writeln(" Month ", i, " ");
write(" . Buy ");
for (var p in Products)
write(Buy[i][p], "\t ");
write(" . Use ");
for (p in Products)
write(Use[i][p], "\t ");
write(" . store ");
for (p in Products)
write(Store[i][p], "\t ");
This can be modified to show the sum of Buy over products, like so:
execute DISPLAY {
writeln(" Maximum profit = " , cplex.getObjValue());
for (var i in Months) {
writeln(" Month ", i, " ");
write(" . Buy ");
for (var p in Products)
write(Buy[i][p], "\t ");
// START: Display the sum of Buy over products:
write(" . Sum(Buy) ");
var sumBuy = 0;
for (var p in Products) {
sumBuy += Buy[i][p];
write(sumBuy, "\t ");
// END
write(" . Use ");
for (p in Products)
write(Use[i][p], "\t ");
write(" . store ");
for (p in Products)
write(Store[i][p], "\t ");
This gives output, like the following:
Maximum profit = 100278.703703704
Month 6
. Buy 480.37037037 629.62962963 0 730 0
. Sum(Buy) 480.37037037 1110 1110 1840 1840
. Use 0 200 0 230 20
. store 500 500 500 500 500
Good evening everyone!
Anyone knows how to extract the top 5 numbers (the highest) from an array?
I have an XML with names, surnames and score and want to extract the top 5 to create a chart.
As for now, I am getting all the info in this way:
num = xmlData.childNodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i <= num - 1; i++)
names[i] = this.childNodes[i].childNodes[6].firstChild.nodeValue;
surnames[i] = this.childNodes[i].childNodes[5].firstChild.nodeValue;
points[i] = this.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
pointsint[i] = parseInt(speeds[i]);
trace(i + "." + pointsint[i] + " (" + names[i] + " " + surnames[i] + ")");
Thank you for any help!
Organize data as generic object entries and Array.sortOn(...) (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as2/reference/flashlite/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118ccf9c47f-7ea5.html). I didn't test it but I think the idea is clear:
var num = xmlData.childNodes.length;
var entries = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= num - 1; i++)
var anEntry = {};
var aNode = xmlData.childNodes[i];
anEntry['name'] = aNode.childNodes[6].firstChild.nodeValue;
anEntry['surname'] = aNode.childNodes[5].firstChild.nodeValue;
var aSpeed = aNode.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
anEntry['speed'] = parseInt(aSpeed);
trace(i + "." + anEntry['speed'] + " (" + anEntry['name'] + " " + anEntry['surname'] + ")");
entries.sortOn("speed", Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC);
// Now first five elements of entries Array is what you want.
So far I have this program doing what i want. However when running through it will overwrite the last employee record instead of just adding to the file. I'm new to prgramming and have been staring at this for hours and i can't get it yet. Just need a little nudge in the right direction.
# Define Employee Class
# Common Base Class for all Employees
class EmployeeClass:
def Employee(fullName, age, salary):
fullName = fullName
age = age
salary = salary
def displayEmployee():
print("Name: " + fullName)
print("Age: " + age)
print("Salary: " + salary)
EmployeeArray = []
Continue = True
print ("Employee Information V2.0")
while Continue == True:
print ("Welcome to Employee Information")
print ("1: Add New Record")
print ("2: List Records")
print ("3: Quit")
choice = input("Pick an option: ")
if choice == "1":
fullName = input ("Enter Full Name: ")
if fullName == "":
blankName = input ("Please enter a name or quit: ")
if blankName == "quit":
print ("Goodbye!")
print ("Hope to see you again.")
Continue = False
age = input ("Enter Age: ")
salary = input ("Enter Salary: ")
EmployeeRecords = open ('EmployeeRecords.txt' , 'w')
EmployeeRecords.write("Full Name: " + fullName + '\n')
EmployeeRecords.write("Age: " + age + '\n')
EmployeeRecords.write("Salary: " + salary + '\n')
elif choice == "2":
EmployeeRecords = open ('EmployeeRecords.txt', 'r')
data = EmployeeRecords.read()
print ("\n")
print (data)
elif choice == "3":
answer = input ("Are you sure you want to quit? " "yes/no: ")
if answer == "yes" or "y":
print ("Bye!")
Continue = False
print ("Please choose a valid option")
print ("\n")
You are opening the file to be rewritten each time, based on the control string passed to open. Change open ('EmployeeRecords.txt, 'w')to open ('EmployeeRecords.txt', 'a+'). and the records will be appended to the end of the file.
Append mode should work.
EmployeeRecords = open('EmployeeRecords.txt', 'a')
Ok, I realize this is a very niche issue, but I'm hoping the process is straight forward enough...
I'm tasked with creating a data file out of Customer/Order information. Problem is, the datafile has a 5 product max limit.
Basically, I get my data, group by cust_id, create the file structure, within that loop, group by product_id, rewrite the fields in previous file_struct with new product info. That's worked all well and good until a user exceeded that max.
A brief example.. (keep in mind, the structure of the array is set by another process, this CANNOT change)
orderArray = arranyew(2);
set order = 1;
loop over cust_id;
field[order][1] = "field(1)"; // cust_id
field[order][2] = "field(2)"; // name
field[order][3] = "field(3)"; // phone
field[order][4] = ""; // product_1
field[order][5] = ""; // quantity_1
field[order][6] = ""; // product_2
field[order][7] = ""; // quantity_2
field[order][8] = ""; // product_3
field[order][9] = ""; // quantity_3
field[order][10] = ""; // product_4
field[order][11] = ""; // quantity_4
field[order][12] = ""; // product_5
field[order][13] = ""; // quantity_5
field[order][14] = "field(4)"; // trx_id
field[order][15] = "field(5)"; // total_cost
counter = 0;
loop over product_id
field[order[4+counter] = productCode;
field[order[5+counter] = quantity;
counter = counter + 2;
end inner loop;
order = order + 1;
end outer loop;
Like I said, this worked fine until I had a user who ordered more than 5 products.
What I basically want to do is check the number of products for each user if that number is greater than 5, start a new line in the text field, but I'm stufk on how to get there.
I've tried numerous fixes, but nothing gives the results I need.
I can send the entire file if It can help, but I don't want to post it all here.
You need to move the inserting of the header and footer fields into product loop eg. the custid and trx_id fields.
Here's a rough idea of one why you can go about this based on the pseudo code you provided. I'm sure that there are more elegant ways that you could code this.
set order = 0;
loop over cust_id;
counter = 1;
order = order + 1;
loop over product_id
if (counter == 1 || counter == 6) {
if (counter == 6) {
counter == 1;
order= order+1;
field[order][1] = "field(1)"; // cust_id
field[order][2] = "field(2)"; // name
field[order][3] = "field(3)"; // phone
field[order][counter+3] = productCode; // product_1
field[order][counter+4] = quantity; // quantity_1
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == 6) {
field[order][14] = "field(4)"; // trx_id
field[order][15] = "field(5)"; // total_cost
end inner loop;
if (counter == 6) {
// loop here to insert blank columns and the totals field to fill out the row.
end outer loop;
One thing goes concern me. If you start a new line every five products then your transaction id and total cost is going to be entered into the file more than once. You know the receiving system. It may be a non-issue.
Hope this helps
As you put the data into the row, you need check if there are more than 5 products and then create an additional line.
loop over product_id
if (counter mod 10 == 0 and counter > 0) {
// create the new row, and mark it as a continuation of the previous order
counter = 0;
order = order + 1;
field[order][1] = "";
field[order][15] = "";
field[order[4+counter] = productCode;
field[order[5+counter] = quantity;
counter = counter + 2;
end inner loop;
I've actually done the export from an ecommerce system to MOM, but that code has since been lost. I have samples of code in classic ASP.