Visio Static Connectors - How do you place them? - static

I have two shapes, with connection points. I am using my own master for the two shapes, so I know the names of the connection points.
I'd like to make an arrow that connects one connection point (from) to another connection point in the second shape. Seems like a basic thing to do, but I can only find documentation or sample code for dynamic connectors, which don't let you choose the connection points. I downloaded and searched the Visio Code Samples Library, and I can't find anything on this.
In short, I'd like a function that does something like this:
//drop a connector onto the page, then connect them
public void dropStaticConnector(Shape sFrom, String connectionPointName1, Shape sTo, String connectionPointName2)
Can someone give sample code?

You could try something like the following:
//drop a connector onto the page, then connect them
public void dropStaticConnector(
Shape sFrom, String connectionPointName1,
Shape sTo, String connectionPointName2)
// drop a default connector
var conn = ActivePage.Drop(Application.ConnectorToolDataObject, 0, 0);
// glue it to the connection points
conn.Cells("BeginX").GlueTo(sFrom.Cells("Connections." + connectionPointName1));
conn.Cells("EndX").GlueTo(sTo.Cells("Connections." + connectionPointName2));
Means, you need to go the "old-fashioned" way. The new one is Shape.AutoConnect, but afaik it will not guarantee that the shapes will be glued to the connection point of your choice.
Here is the related article from DVS (Developing Viso Solutions) book - it still applies:


Appending values to DataSet in Apache Flink

I am currently writing an (simple) analytisis code to sum time connected powerreadings. With the data being assumingly raw (e.g. disturbances from the measuring device have not been calculated out) I have to account for disturbances by calculation the mean of the first one thousand samples. The calculation of the mean itself is not a problem. I only am unsure of how to generate the appropriate DataSet.
For now it looks about like this:
DataSet<Tupel2<long,double>>Gyrotron_1=ECRH.includeFields('11000000000'); // obviously the line to declare the first gyrotron, continues for the next ten lines, assuming separattion of not occupied space
for (int=1,i<=10;i++) {
DataSet<double> offset=Gyroton_'+i+'.groupBy(1).first(1000).sum()/1000;
It's the part in the for-loop I'm unsure of. Does anybody know if it is possible to append values to DataSets and if so how?
In case of doubt, I could always put the values into an array but I do not know if that is the wise thing to do.
This code will not work for many reasons. I'd recommend looking into the fundamentals of Java and the basic data structures and also in Flink.
It's really hard to understand what you actually try to achieve but this is the closest that I came up with
String[] codes = { "11000000000", ..., "10000000001" };
DataSet<Tuple2<Long, Double>> result = env.fromElements();
for (final String code : codes) {
DataSet<Tuple2<Long, Double>> codeResult = ECRH.includeFields(code)
.map(sum -> new Tuple2<>(sum.f0, sum.f1 / 1000d));
result = codeResult.union(result);
But please take the time and understand the basics before delving deeper. I also recommend to use an IDE like IntelliJ that would point to at least 6 issues in your code.

How to use Collections.binarySearch() in a CodenameOne project

I am used to being able to perform a binary search of a sorted list of, say, Strings or Integers, with code along the lines of:
Vector<String> vstr = new Vector<String>();
// etc...
int index = Collections.binarySearch (vstr, "abcd");
I'm not clear on how codenameone handles standard java methods and classes, but it looks like this could be fixed easily if classes like Integer and String (or the codenameone versions of these) implemented the Comparable interface.
Edit: I now see that code along the lines of the following will do the job.
int index = Collections.binarySearch(vstr, "abcd", new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String object1, String object2) {
return object1.compareTo(object2);
Adding the Comparable interface (to the various primitive "wrappers") would also would also make it easier to use Collections.sort (another very useful method :-))
You can also sort with a comparator but I agree, this is one of the important enhancements we need to provide in the native VM's on the various platforms personally this is my biggest peeve in our current VM.
Can you file an RFE on that and mention it as a comment in the Number issue?
If we are doing that change might as well do both.

XPcollection not loaded - why?

This must be something very simple, I just don't see it (and can not find the answer :(
I am trying to learn DevExpress controls and have read that eXpress Persistent Objects is recommended for O/R mapping.
1) I have an existing SQL Server Compact 4.0 database for which I generated ORM
2) I have a Winform with XtraGrid.GridControl gridControl1
3) In Form_Load event I have this code:
XPCollection cName = new XPCollection(typeof(WindowsFormsApplication1.DUzskv1r6.XPO_TableName));
int c = cName.Count; //didn't help...
cName.DisplayableProperties = "Name;Nr"; //choose columns to display
gridControl1.DataSource = cName;
I have read that it using "delayed loading" - loading when it is necessary (, but reading XPcollections record Count didn't do the trick as it was suggested.
As a result I get an empty gridControl1 with columns "Name" and "Nr".
Please help - what am I missing?
I think the issue is somewhere in your datalayer initialization.
You use XPCollection with default session, maybe you forgot to initialize it.
The best way is to specify the session is in the XPCollection contractor.

fluent nhibernate SQL Server 2008 R2 Express very long string saving issue

I am trying to create my first NHibernate project, so it is possible I am doing something stupid here but have been Googling for a couple of days and not had any joy yet.
I have an Article object which has various properties:
public class Article {
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
public virtual string Body { get; set; }
I am using the fluent configuration to load the mappings:
configuration.Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add((AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Article>())
The override is:
public class ArticleOverrideMapping : IAutoMappingOverride<Article>
public void Override(AutoMapping<Article> mapping)
//mapping.Map(x => x.Body).CustomSqlType("NVARCHAR(4000)");
//mapping.Map(article => article.Body).Length(10000);
//mapping.Map(article => article.Body).Length(Int32.MaxValue);
//mapping.Map(article => article.Body).CustomSqlType("NVARCHAR(max)");
//mapping.Map(article => article.Body).CustomSqlType("NVARCHAR(max)").Length(Int32.MaxValue);
mapping.Map(article => article.Body).CustomType("StringClob").CustomSqlType("NVARCHAR(max)");
I have tried each of the commented out lines (roughly in order of when I found a possible solution online). I can get SQL Server to create the nvarchar(max) column and if I use SQL management studio I can paste a LOT (185,602 words was largest test) into the Body column. My issue is trying to get it to save from the MVC site using NHibernate.
There are two main errors I get:
String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.
This would occur if I didn't set the ".Length(Int32.MaxValue)" override.
The second Error that occurs (when the length is set):
The length of the string value exceeds the length configured in the mapping/parameter.
I am pretty confused as to what I should be doing at this point. My goal is to be able to store a very large string (an whole article) in SQL Server (and SQLite for testing, nvarchar(max) wasn't liked by SQLite) and get that back out, (and edit it) in an MVC site.
As per #Cymen's link I tried
but this lead to the error:
The length of the string value exceeds the length configured in the mapping/parameter.
when I only tried to save 1201 words (all the word "test"). When I added the length on the end of the above mapping ".Length(Int32.MaxValue)" I still the same error.
wanted to confirm which versions I am using:
final update
Kieren had it correct, I had completely forgotten that I took that property and ran markdownsharp on it on the server and populated a second property on the server. So it was the second property that I hadn't mapped that was actually blowing up, sorry.
this is how i normally handle it.
mapping.Map(x => x.Problem).CustomType("varchar(MAX)");
not sure what CustomSqlType is, but i've never used it, and this works.
Ok, folks. Same stuff, so i've did some tests.
It seems that int.MaxValue cannot be used as LENGTH for fluent. If you do that, the resulting create SQL will be nvarchar(255). So if nhibernate (fluent) still generates such a script, then he is awaiting 255 chars at max.
If you hovewer use int.MaxValue / 2, then everything is ok. At least in the script.
Only reasonable explanation: unicode string, so for a single char fluent automatically takes 2 bytes. SO internally fluent hibernate may do a multiplication by 2. And if we get above 2GB space, who knows what fluent will do...
Please let me know if it works with data too.

Play Scala: How to access multiple databases with anorm and Magic[T]

I want to access two databases in Play Scala with anorm and Magic[T], (one is H2 and another is PostgreSQL). I just don't know how to config it...
I noticed that we can set another database connection in conf/application.conf
However, how can I use it with Magic?
(I read the source code of Magic but don't understand it... my am a freshman of Scala)
Anyhow, if multiple database access is impossible with Magic[T] , I wish to do it with anorm, then how can I config it?
var sqlQuery = SQL( //I guess some config params should be set here, but how?
select * from Country
In play.api.db.DB it appears you can pass in a string of the name you defined in application.conf.
Then use one of the methods specified here:
# play.api.db.DB.class
def withConnection[A](name : scala.Predef.String)(block : scala.Function1[java.sql.Connection, A])(implicit app : play.api.Application) : A = { /* compiled code */ }
