Need another set of eyes to debug angular unit tests - angularjs

I am getting a series of error messages on my unit tests and Its been a few hours since I have made any progress. If anyone has the time to take a look it would be much appreciated. This is part of a larger controller so if anyone wants to see more code please let me know but I think this should cover it.
The errors I am getting are:
Test 'CampaginLinksController getCampaignLinks():is loading' failed
Expected undefined to be true.
Test 'CampaginLinksController getCampaignLinks():has a webSiteId that is not 0 and a buyRequestId that is not "" ' failed
Expected spy mockCampaginLinkSrv.getWebSiteBuyRequestLinks to have been called with [ 54, 8, 432, 200, { nextRowKey : 'fdsf2', nextPartitionKey : '5432gee' } ] but it was never called.
describe('CampaignLinksController', function () {
//make module avalible to tests
var $controller;
var mockPromiseObj;
var length = 200;
var continuationToken = {
nextRowKey: 'fdsf2',
nextPartitionKey: '5432gee'
var mockCampaignLinkService = {
//all but delete must return a promiseObj
getCampaignLinks: jasmine.createSpy('mockCampaignLinkService.getCampaignLinks').and.returnValue(mockPromiseObj),
getCampaignBuyRequestLinks: jasmine.createSpy('mockCampaignLinkService.getCampaignBuyRequestLinks').and.returnValue(mockPromiseObj),
getWebSiteBuyRequestLinks: jasmine.createSpy('mockCampaignLinkService.getWebSiteBuyRequestLinks').and.returnValue(mockPromiseObj),
deleteCampaignLink: jasmine.createSpy('mockCampaignLinkService.deleteCampaignLinks').and.returnValue(mockPromiseObj)
var mockGlobal = {
activeOrganizationId: 54
var mockCampaignLinks = true;
var mockCurrentView;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_) {
$controller = _$controller_;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $q) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
var mockPromiseObj = {
hello: "world",
then: function (orgId, entityId) {
var defer = $q.defer();
return defer.promise;
controller = $controller('CampaignLinksController',
$scope: scope,
//$stateParams: mockStateParams,
global: mockGlobal,
campaignLinks: mockCampaignLinks,
campaignLinkService: mockCampaignLinkService,
currentVeiw: mockCurrentView,
promiseObj: mockPromiseObj
describe('getCampaignLinks()', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
mockCurrentView = {
campaignId: 32,
webSiteId: 8
//describing loading
it('is loading', function () {
scope.getCampaignLinks(mockCurrentView, length, continuationToken);
it('is not loading', function () {
mockCampaignLinks = false;
scope.getCampaignLinks(mockCurrentView, length, continuationToken);
it('has a webSiteId that is not 0 and a buyRequestId that is not "" ', function () {
mockCurrentView.buyRequestId = 432;
scope.getCampaignLinks(mockCurrentView, length, continuationToken);
expect(mockCampaignLinkService.getWebSiteBuyRequestLinks).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockGlobal.activeOrganizationId, mockCurrentView.webSiteId, mockCurrentView.buyRequestId, length, continuationToken);
// must check that what is returned is a promise
$scope.getCampaignLinks = function (currentView, length, continuationToken) {
// When loading list items, display loading image
if ($scope.campaignLinks) $scope.campaignLinks.loading = true;
var promiseObj = null;
if (currentView.campaignId && currentView.campaignId !== 0 && !currentView.buyRequestId) {
promiseObj = campaignLinkService.getCampaignLinks(global.activeOrganizationId, currentView.campaignId, length, continuationToken)
} else if (currentView.campaignId && currentView.buyRequestId && currentView.campaignId !== 0 && currentView.buyRequestId !== '') {
promiseObj = campaignLinkService.getCampaignBuyRequestLinks(global.activeOrganizationId, currentView.campaignId, currentView.buyRequestId, length, continuationToken);
} else if (currentView.webSiteId && currentView.buyRequestId && currentView.webSiteId !== 0 && currentView.buyRequestId !== '') {
promiseObj = campaignLinkService.getWebSiteBuyRequestLinks(global.activeOrganizationId, currentView.webSiteId, currentView.buyRequestId, length, continuationToken);
if (promiseObj) {
promiseObj.then(function (data) {
// If there are already some campaign links being displayed, add newly loaded list to the end
if ($scope.campaignLinks) {
$scope.campaignLinks.continuationToken = data.continuationToken;
$ +=;
$.each(data.items, function (index) {
} else {
// Otherwise add loaded list to scope
$scope.campaignLinks = data;
// When done loading, hide loading image
$scope.campaignLinks.loading = false;

First test: When you initialize mockCampaignLinks, you should give it an object, not true. Also, you probably should initialize it in beforeEach since you mutate it in the tests.
Second test: getCampaignBuyRequestLinks is the method being called.


AngularJS check object/array is empty

I've read many questions and answers, noone has helped me. I've this function:
var model = {};
var mediaReproductionApp = angular.module("mediaReproductionApp",["ui.event",'ngAnimate']); ($http) {
$http.get("movimenti_per_totem.json").success(function (data) {
model.items = data;
mediaReproductionApp.controller("MediaReproductionCtrl", function($scope, $http, $timeout) {
$scope.item = model;
$scope.playVideo = function(media) {
return media ? "../gallery/video/" + media : null;
$scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty = function() {
return Object.keys($scope.item).length == 0;
$scope.endVideo = function() {
$timeout(function() {
$http.get("php/delete_record.php").success(function () {
$http.get("movimenti_per_totem.json").success(function (data) {
$scope.item.items = data;
if($scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty()) {
prelevaDati('../json/52.json', 'spot_creator', 'sc1', modello_SC, {});
$scope.checkMediaData = function() {
$http.get("movimenti_per_totem.json").success(function (data) {
$scope.item.items = data;
if($scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty()) {
This is my JSON file when it is not empty:
[ {"media":"zafferano_VP8.webm"}, {"media":"amaretti_VP8.webm"}, {"media":"passata_VP8.webm"}]
It never return true when it is empty. I've tried also:
$scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty = function() {
return $scope.item.length == 0;
$scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty = function() {
return $scope.item == {};
$scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty = function() {
return angular.isUndefined($scope.item) || $scope.item === null;
$scope.reproductionCodeIsEmpty = function() {
return angular.isUndefined($scope.item.items) || $scope.item.items === null;
Nothing works... can u tell me why?
Thank you!
After you added to your question:
You define model as: model.items = data;
So, you empty model is: model = { items: [] }.
That's why it isn't empty. You need to test for model.items being empty.
If you need a tested way to tell that the object is empty, I'd recommend lodash.isEmpty(). You can use it for "any Array-like values such as arguments objects, arrays, buffers, strings, or jQuery-like collections".
Since I don't know what your model is, this would cover the most possible data types.
// => true
// => true
// => true
_.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]);
// => false
_.isEmpty({ 'a': 1 });
// => false
If you want to check if object/array is empty, I use:
angular.equals({}, yourObject);
angular.equals([], yourArray);

Delay loading data in Angular JS

I have code like this
(function (app) {
app.controller('productListController', productListController)
productListController.$inject = ['$scope', 'apiService', 'notificationService', '$ngBootbox', '$filter'];
function productListController($scope, apiService, notificationService, $ngBootbox, $filter) {
$scope.products = [];
$ = 0;
$scope.pagesCount = 0;
$scope.getProducts = getProducts;
$scope.keyword = '';
$ = search;
$scope.deleteProduct = deleteProduct;
$scope.selectAll = selectAll;
$scope.deleteMultiple = deleteMultiple;
function deleteMultiple() {
var listId = [];
$.each($scope.selected, function (i, item) {
var config = {
params: {
checkedProducts: JSON.stringify(listId)
apiService.del('/api/product/deletemulti', config, function (result) {
notificationService.displaySuccess('Deleted successfully ' + + 'record(s).');
}, function (error) {
notificationService.displayError('Can not delete product.');
$scope.isAll = false;
function selectAll() {
if ($scope.isAll === false) {
angular.forEach($scope.products, function (item) {
item.checked = true;
$scope.isAll = true;
} else {
angular.forEach($scope.products, function (item) {
item.checked = false;
$scope.isAll = false;
$scope.$watch("products", function (n, o) {
var checked = $filter("filter")(n, { checked: true });
if (checked.length) {
$scope.selected = checked;
} else {
$('#btnDelete').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
}, true);
function deleteProduct(id) {
$ngBootbox.confirm('Are you sure to detele?').then(function () {
var config = {
params: {
id: id
apiService.del('/api/product/delete', config, function () {
notificationService.displaySuccess('The product hase been deleted successfully!');
}, function () {
notificationService.displayError('Can not delete product');
function search() {
function getProducts(page) {
page = page || 0;
var config = {
params: {
keyword: $scope.keyword,
page: page,
pageSize: 20
apiService.get('/api/product/getall', config, function (result) {
if ( == 0) {
notificationService.displayWarning('Can not find any record.');
$scope.products =;
$ =;
$scope.pagesCount =;
$scope.totalCount =;
}, function () {
console.log('Load product failed.');
So my problem is when i loading data the application take me some time to load data.
I need load data as soon as
Is the any solution for this?
Since you are loading data via api call, there will be a delay. To handle this delay, you should display a loading screen. Once the data is loaded, the loading screen gets hidden and your main screen is visible. You can achieve this using $http interceptors.
See : Showing Spinner GIF during $http request in angular
The api-call is almost certainly causing the delay. Data may be received slowly via the api-call so you could display any sort of loading text/image to notify the use that the data is being loaded.
If u want the data ready at the time when controller inits, u can add a resolve param and pass the api call as a $promise in the route configuration for this route.

object doesn't support property or method 'slice' jasmine

this is my controller code
$scope.loadMajorObjects = function () {
var appId = $scope.currentAppId;
var type = $scope.majorObject.type;
if (_.isEmpty(appId))
var cacheKey = { key: cacheKeys.objectTypeList($scope.asCacheOptions({ ObjectType: type })) };
return dataFactory.get("/MajorObject/All?applicationId=" + appId + "&type=" + type, { cache: cacheKey })
.then(function (result) {
$scope.majorObjects =;
$scope.majorObjectsList = $scope.majorObjects.slice(0, $scope.itemsPerPage);
$scope.totalItems = $scope.majorObjects.length;
$scope.isLoad = true;
and this is test case and in this i am calling $scope.loadMajorObject
describe("Testing MajorObjectsCtrl", function () {
//checking dataFactory.get called only once
it("should call dataFactory.get and called only once", function () {
scope.currentAppId = mockApplicationId;
scope.applications = applicationsMockData;
scope.itemsPerPage = 10;
$scope: scope,
dataFactory: mainmockdataFactory
scope.currentAppId = mockApplicationId;
when i call this function it is throwing and exception as object doesn't support property or method 'slice', how to rectify this?

$watch not updating scope variable

First I want to say that I am a complete beginner in AngularJS and just attempting to understand the basic concepts. I have a background in Java and PHP.
I am building a part of a website. Right now the angular app only consists of opening and closing 2 drop down menus registrationDropDown and loginDropDown. I want them to work so that only one can be open at a time ie. if I open one, and the other is already open, the older one is forced to close.
I have a service to manage the variables that determine whether the drop downs should be open or closed and 2 controllers, one for login and one for registration, both include $watch for the respective variables.
I want the app to work so that only one of the drop downs can be open at one time.
angular.module("ftApp", [])
.factory('dropDownService', function () {
var loginDropDownStatus = false;
var registrationDropDownStatus = false;
return {
getLoginDropDownStatus: function () {
return loginDropDownStatus;
showLoginDropDown: function () {
console.log("showing login drop down");
registrationDropDownStatus = false;
loginDropDownStatus = true;
console.log("loginDropDownStatus" + loginDropDownStatus + "registrationDropDownStatus" + registrationDropDownStatus);
hideLoginDropDown: function () {
console.log("hiding login drop down");
loginDropDownStatus = false;
console.log("loginDropDownStatus" + loginDropDownStatus);
getRegistrationDropDownStatus: function () {
return registrationDropDownStatus;
showRegistrationDropDown: function () {
console.log("showing registration drop down");
registrationDropDownStatus = true;
loginDropDownStatus = false;
console.log("registrationDropDownStatus" + registrationDropDownStatus);
hideRegistrationDropDown: function () {
console.log("hiding registration drop down");
registrationDropDownStatus = false;
console.log("registrationDropDownStatus" + registrationDropDownStatus);
}) .controller("LoginDropDownController", function ($scope, dropDownService) {
$scope.loginDropDownStatus = dropDownService.getLoginDropDownStatus();
$scope.$watchCollection('loginDropDownStatus', function(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("watcher is working");
console.log("value is " + newValue + oldValue);
console.log("LOGIN new value is " + newValue);
$scope.loginDropDownStatus = newValue;
$scope.toggleDropDown = function () {
if ( $scope.loginDropDownStatus == false ) {
$scope.loginDropDownStatus = true;
} else if ( $scope.loginDropDownStatus == true ) {
$scope.loginDropDownStatus = false;
.controller("RegistrationDropDownController", function ($scope, dropDownService) {
$scope.registrationDropDownStatus = dropDownService.getRegistrationDropDownStatus();
$scope.$watch('registrationDropDownStatus', function(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("watcher is working");
console.log("value is " + newValue + oldValue);
console.log("new value is " + newValue);
$scope.registrationDropDownStatus = newValue;
$scope.toggleDropDown = function () {
if ( $scope.registrationDropDownStatus == false ) {
$scope.registrationDropDownStatus = true;
} else if ( $scope.registrationDropDownStatus == true ) {
$scope.registrationDropDownStatus = false;
Here is probably the shortest option:
angular.module("ftApp", [])
.controller("ctrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.toggle = function(menu){
$ = $ === menu ? null : menu;
One controller, no service.
Previous Answer:
I think you have quite a bit of code to get something very simple done. Here is my solution:
angular.module("ftApp", [])
.service('dropDownService', function () { = null;
this.toggle = function(menu){ = === menu ? null : menu;
.controller("LoginDropDownController", function ($scope, dropDownService) {
$scope.status = dropDownService;
$scope.toggleDropDown = function () {
.controller("RegistrationDropDownController", function ($scope, dropDownService) {
$scope.status = dropDownService;
$scope.toggleDropDown = function () {
You can make it even shorter by only using one controller. You wouldn't even need the service then.
You are overcomplicating things. All you need your service to hold is a property indicating which dorpdown should be active.
Then you can change that property's value from the controller and check the value in the view to determine if a dropdown should be shown or hidden.
Something like this:
<!-- In the VIEW -->
<li ng-controller="XyzController">
<a ng-click="toggleDropdown()">Xyz</a>
<div ng-show="isActive()">Dropdown</div>
/* In the SERVICE */
.factory('DropdownService', function () {
return {
activeDropDown: null
/* In the CONTROLLER */
controller("XyzDropdownController", function ($scope, DropdownService) {
var dropdownName = 'xyz';
var dds = DropdownService;
$scope.isActive = function () {
return dropdownName === dds.activeDropdown;
$scope.toggleDropdown = function () {
dds.activeDropdown = (dds.activeDropdown === dropdownName) ?
null :
See, also, this short demo.
Based on what exactly you are doing, there might be other approaches possible/preferrable:
E.g. you could use just on controller to control all dropdowns
or you could use two instances of the same controller to control each dropdown.
See my updated fiddle. I simplified the code and removed the service. Because you just used two variables to control visibility, you don't need a service nor $watch. You need to keep variables in the $rootScope, otherwise changes in a controller is not visible to another controller due to isolated scopes.
angular.module("ftApp", [])
.controller("LoginDropDownController", function ($scope, $rootScope) {
$rootScope.loginDropDownStatus = false;
$scope.toggleDropDown = function () {
if ($rootScope.loginDropDownStatus == false) {
$rootScope.registrationDropDownStatus = false;
$rootScope.loginDropDownStatus = true;
} else if ($rootScope.loginDropDownStatus == true) {
$rootScope.loginDropDownStatus = false;
}).controller("RegistrationDropDownController", function ($scope, $rootScope) {
$rootScope.registrationDropDownStatus = false;
$scope.toggleDropDown = function () {
if ($rootScope.registrationDropDownStatus === false) {
$rootScope.loginDropDownStatus = false;
$rootScope.registrationDropDownStatus = true;
} else if ($scope.registrationDropDownStatus === true) {
$rootScope.registrationDropDownStatus = false;
This code can be simplified further. I'll leave that to you.

Why is my Factory not getting instantiated/injected?

Why is readingController not able to use the Romanize service? It always says Romanize is undefined inside the function. How can I get the service in scope?
var readingController = function (scope, Romanize){
scope.currentMaterial = scope.sections[scope.sectionNumber].tutorials[scope.tutorialNumber].material;
var app = angular.module('Tutorials', ['functions', 'tutorials']).controller('getAnswers', function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.sectionNumber = 0;
$scope.tutorialNumber = 0;
$scope.questionNumber = 0;
$scope.sections = sections;
$scope.loadFromMenu = function (sec, tut, first) {
if (tut === $scope.tutorialNumber && sec === $scope.sectionNumber && !first) {//if clicked on already playing tut
if (tut !== undefined && sec !== undefined) {
$scope.tutorialNumber = tut;
$scope.sectionNumber = sec;
for (var x in sections) {
sections[x].active = "inactive";
for (var y in sections[x].tutorials){
sections[x].tutorials[y].active = "inactive";
var section = sections[$scope.sectionNumber]; = "active";
section.tutorials[$scope.tutorialNumber].active = "active";
$scope.questionNumber = 0;
$scope.currentTutorialName = sections[$scope.sectionNumber].tutorials[$scope.tutorialNumber].name;
if ($scope.sectionNumber === 0){
readingController($scope, app.Romanize);
}else if ($scope.sectionNumber === 1){
$scope.loadFromMenu(0,0, true);
var conjugationController = function (){
var loadNewVerbs = function (scope) {
scope.currentVerbSet = scope.sections[scope.sectionNumber].tutorials[scope.tutorialNumber].verbs;
if (scope.currentVerbSet === undefined) {
alert("Out of new questions");
scope.verbs = conjugate(scope.currentVerbSet[scope.questionNumber]);
scope.correct = scope.verbs.conjugations[0].text;
$scope.checkAnswer = function (answer) {
if($scope.sectionNumber === 0 && $scope.tutorialNumber === 0 && $("video")[0].currentTime < 160){
$scope.message = "Not yet!";
answer.colorReveal = "reveal-color";
if (answer.text === $scope.correct) { //if correct skip to congratulations
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
} else { //if incorrect skip to try again msg
if ($scope.sectionNumber === 0 && $scope.tutorialNumber === 0) {
app.factory('Romanize', ['$http', function($http){
get: function(){
$http.get(scope.sections[scope.sectionNumber].romanizeService).success(function(data) {
$scope.romanized = data;
Update: based on comments/discussion below:
For a service to be instantiated, it has to be injected somewhere – not just anywhere – somewhere where Angular accepts injectables. Just inject it into your getAnswers controller – .controller('getAnswers', function ($scope, $element, Romanize) – then pass it to your "controller" function: readingController($scope, Romanize).
Since I don't think readingController is a real Angular controller, you can name the arguments whatever you want, so scope should be fine.
Original attempt at an answer:
Inject $scope not scope into your controller:
var readingController = function ($scope, Romanize){
Then I don't get any errors: Plunker.
