I am using Gremlin to query a graph stored in TitanDB.
The graph contains user vertices with properties, e.g., "description", and edges denoting relationships between users.
I want to use Gremlin to obtain 1) users by properties and 2) possible relationships to other users. I can use, for example, the following query to obtain all users whose description contains the word 'developer' and the edges with label 'relationship' originating from or targeting these users:
So far, so good. The problem is, however, that some users do not (yet) have any relationships. The above query will neglect these users (despite their description containing 'developer') and will only return users that do have at least one relationship.
Is there a way to select ALL users whose description contains 'developer', and optionally their relationships in addition if they exist?
You could do:
in this way, you should get an empty list for those developers who don't have edges.
In TinkerPop 3.x, using the TinkerPop modern graph where I dropped edge with id 12, you would do:
gremlin> g.E(12).drop()
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('person').as('u').
......1> map(bothE().fold()).as('r').
......2> select('u','r')
Is there any way to sort on a nested value in Azure Cognitive Search?
My use case is that I have a database of songs that are associated with dances that one can dance to that song. Users can vote on the danceability of a dance to a song, so there is a is a numeric vote tally for each song/dance combination. A core part of the functionality for the search is to be able to do an arbitrary search and sort the results by the popularity of a particular dance.
I am currently modeling this by creating a new top level field with a decorated name (e.g. DNC_Salsa or DNC_Waltz) for each dance. This works. But aside from being clumsy, I can't associate other information with a dance. In addition, I have to dynamically add the dance fields, so I have to use the generic SearchDocument type in the C# library rather than using a POCO type.
I'd much prefer to model this with the dance fields as an array of subdocuments where the subdocuments contain a dance name, a vote count and the other information I'd like to associate with a dance.
A simplified example record would look something like this:
"title": "Baby, It's Cold Outside",
"artist": "Seth MacFarlane",
"tempo": 119.1,
"dances": [
{ "name", "cha cah", "votes", 1 },
{ "name", "foxtrot", "votes", 4 }
I gave this a try and received:
{"error":{"code":"OperationNotAllowed","message":"The request is invalid.","details":[{"code":"CannotEnableFieldForSorting","message":"The field 'Votes' cannot be enabled for sorting because it is directly or indirectly contained in a collection, which makes it a multi-valued field. Sorting is not allowed on multi-valued fields. Parameters: definition"}]}}
It looks like elastic search will do what I want:
Sort search results | Elasticsearch Guide [7.17] | Elastic
If I'm reading the Elasticsearch documetion correctly, you can basically say I'd like to sort on the dances subdocument by first filtering for name == "cha cha" and then sorting on the vote field.
Is there anything like this in Azure Cognitive Search? Or even something more restrictive? I don't need to do arbitrary sorting on anything in the subdocument. I would be happy to only ever sort on the vote count (although I'd have to be able to do that for any dance name).
It's not clear to me what your records or data model looks like. However, from the error message you provided, it's clear that you try to sort on a multivalue property. That is logically impossible.
Imagine a property Color that can contain colors like 'Red' or 'Blue'. If you sort by Color, you would get your red values before the blues. If you instead had 'Colors' that can contain multiple values like both 'Red' and 'Blue', how would you sort it? You can't.
So, if you actually want to sort by a property, that property has to contain a single value.
When that's said, I have a feeling you are really asking about ranking/boosting. Not sorting. Have a look at the examples with boosting and scoring profiles for different genres of music. I believe the use case in these examples could help you solve your use case.
So I understand that Neo4j 3.5 and above implements full-text search in cypher query via createNodeIndex(), e.g.:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex("myIndex", ["PersonNode"], ["name"])
where myIndex is an arbitrary variable I make up to store the index, PersonNode is the name of my Node label, and name is one of the attributes of PersonNode where I want the full-text search performed.
And to actually perform the search by name, I can do something like the following:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("myIndex", "Charlie")
But now assume that PersonNode has a relationship of type PURCHASED_ITEM, which is connected to another node label ProductNode as follows:
And assume further that ProductNode has an attribute called productTitle indicating the display title name for each product.
My question is, I would like to set up an index for this relationship (using, presumably, createRelationshipIndex()), and perform a full-text search by productTitle and return a list of all PersonNode that purchased the given product. How can I do this?
Addendum: I understand that the above could be done by first getting a list of all ProductNode instances matching the given title, then performing a normal cypher query to extract all related PersonNode instances. I also understand that for the above example, a normal cypher query would be all that I need. But the reason I'm asking this question is that I eventually need to implement a single search bar that would allow the user to input any text, including possible misspellings and all, and have it perform a search through multiple attributes and/or relationships of PersonNode, and the results need to be sorted by some kind of relevance score. And in order to do this, I feel I need to first grasp exactly how the relationship queries work in neo4j.
Here is an example of how to create a full-text index for the productTitle property of PURCHASED_ITEM relationships:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createRelationshipIndex("myRelIndex", ["PURCHASED_ITEM"], ["productTitle"])
And here is a snippet showing the use of that index:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryRelationships("myRelIndex", "Hula Hoop") YIELD relationship, score
product title is the property of product node not the purchased item
I am wondering if there is anyway to transform an end user query to a more complicated solr query based on some rules.
For example, if the user types in 32" television, then I want to use the dismax query parser to let solr take care of this user query string like below:
http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=32" television&defType=dismax
However, if the user types in "televisions on sale", then I want to do a regular search for token televisions and onsale flag is true like below:
http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=name:televisions AND isOnSale:true
Is this possible? Or must this logic require an advance search form where the user can clearly state in a checkbox that they only want on sale items.
Transforming the user query is quite possible. You can do it in following two ways
implement a Servlet Filter that listens to user query transforms it before dispatching it to solr request handler.
Look at query parser plugin in SOLR and implement one based on the existing one like standard query parser and modify it to apply transformation rules.
Let the search happen through the whole index and let the user choose. If a review shows up, render it with the appropriate view. If a product shows up, offer to search for more products.
Samsung 32 in reviews --read more
LG 32 in offers --find more like this
Your offers page can offer more options, such as filtering products on sale.
You may use a global boost field on documents. For example, a product on sale has a score of 1.0 while out of stock products have 0.33. A review of a new products has 1.0, old products have less.
Maybe you can set up the search so when someone searches for whatever have isOnSale as a secondary sort parameter. So by default sort by score then sort by isonsale or just sort by isonsale. That way you will still get all "television" ads in the results just the ones on sale are on top.
Is it possible in solr to index key-value pairs for a single document, like:
Document ID: 100
Document ID: 200
and then querying for documents with a specific value aggregation in a specific time range, i.e. "give me documents with sum(value) > 0 between 2011-08-01 and 2011-09-01" would return the document with id 100 in the example data above.
Here is a post from the Solr User Mailing List where a couple of approaches for dealing with fields as key/value pairs are discussed.
1) encode the "id" and the "label" in the field value; facet on it;
require clients to know how to decode. This works really well for simple
things where the the id=>label mappings don't ever change, and are
easy to encode (ie "01234:Chris Hostetter"). This is a horrible approach
when id=>label mappings do change with any frequency.
2) have a seperate type of "metadata" document, one per "thing" that you
are faceting on containing fields for id and the label (and probably a
doc_type field so you can tell it apart from your main docs) then once
you've done your main query and gotten the results back facetied on id,
you can query for those ids to get the corrisponding labels. this works
realy well if the labels ever change (just reindex the corrisponding
metadata document) and has the added bonus that you can store additional
metadata in each of those docs, and in many use cases for presenting an
initial "browse" interface, you can sometimes get away with a cheap
search for all metadata docs (or all metadata docs meeting a certain
criteria) instead of an expensive facet query across all of your main
I am trying to search a SQL Server 2008 table (containing about 7 million records) for cites and countries based on a user input type text. The search string that I get from the user can be anything like:
"Hotels in San Francisco, US" or "New York, NY" or "Paris sddgdfgxx" or "Toronto Canada" terms are not allways separated by comma and not in a specific order and there might be unusefull data.
This is what I tried:
Method 1: FTS with contains:
ex: select * from cityNames where contains(cityname,'word1 and word2') -- with AND
select * from cityNames where contains(cityname,'word1 or word2') -- with OR
This didn't work very well because a term like 'sddgdfgxx' would return nothing if used with 'AND'. Using OR will work for one word cities like 'Paris' but not for 'San Diego' or 'San Francisco'
Method 2: this is actually a reverse search, the logic of it is to search if the user imput string contains any of the cities or countries from my table. This way I'll know for sure that 'Aix en Provence' or 'New York' was searched for.
ex: select * from cityCountryNames where 'Ontario, Canada, Toronto' like cityCountryNames
notes: I wasn't able to get results for two words cities and the query was slow.
Any help is appreciated.
I would strongly recommend using a 3rd-party API like the Google Geocoding API to take such input and parse it into a location with discrete parts (street address, city, state, country, etc.) Then you could use those discrete parts to search your database if necessary.
Map services like Google and Bing have solved this problem way better than you or I ever would, so why not leverage all the work they've done?
SQL isn't designed for the kinds of queries you are performing, certainly not scale.
My recommendation would be as follows:
Index all your places (cities + countries) into a Solr Index. Solr is a FOSS search server built using Lucene and can easily query the 7MM records index in milliseconds or less.
Query solr with the user typed string and voila the first match is the best match.
So even if the user typed "Paris sddgdfgxx", Paris should be your first hit. If you want to get really sophisticated use an n-gram approach (known as Lucene Shingles)
Since Solr offers a RESTful (HTTP) API should easily integrate into whatever platform you are on.