Angularjs Dom Manipilation in a Table - angularjs

i have a table where i can turn pages, you can choose a color for a user and that color is shown in the circle, but when i turn one page, the color is gone!
I read about dom manipluation in directives, but that still didnt solve my problem:
the tutorials mostly show one with a click funktion, and i dont to click the circle
they also werent "permanent"
maybe i did something wrong? please can someone help or give me a hint?
i made also a plnkr :
Here's the link!

You need to save chosen color to currect user object. Maybe like this:
$scope.showColorPicker = function(user) {
data = $scope.colors;
dlg = $dialogs.create('/dialogs/pickColor.html','pickColorCtrl',$scope.colors,{},{key:false ,back:'static'});
dlg.result.then(function(data) {
var colnr = data;
var user_circle = angular.element(document.getElementById('color_' +; = $scope.colors[colnr-1].color;
user.color = $scope.colors[colnr-1];
HTML for color circle:
<span class="smallcircle" ng-bind="color_{{}}" id="color_{{}}" name="color_{{}}" style="background-color: {{user.color.color || 'lightgray'}};"></span>
Make sure you pass user object to showColorPicker function:
Change Color


How to trigger Quill JS's Mention Module when a button is clicked

I'm using this quill mention module for my quill editor:
My editor toolbar has an "#" button, and I was hoping that what if I click that the mention-list will appear.
Was thinking my code will be something like this:
$("button.mention-btn").on("click", triggerMention);
function triggerMention(){
evt1 = $.Event('keydown');
evt1.which = 16; // shift
evt2 = $.Event('keypress');
evt2.which = 50; // 2
Can someone with quill-js experience please help. Thanks in advance.
As stated in the docs, the method openMenu(denotationChar):
Opens the mentions menu for the given denotation character.
In order to call this method, we need to retrieve the module from Quill like: quill.getModule('mention').
The following code should work:
function showMenu() {

PrimeNG select datatable cell

I am working on a project using Angular 4 and PrimeNG where I need to be able to double click on a cell, selected it and open a dialog to do some modifications on the cell's underlying data.
As far as I can see from the documentation, currently there is no way to accomplish this. What is the best way to handle this situation?
So after some playing around I came up with a solution, which being far from perfect serves the purpose while we wait for the folks from PrimeNG (which I love, btw) to include this functionality.
The first issue was to determine which cell the user double-clicked on. I did that by having all column's templates in a div which I can get a reference to:
<p-dataTable #grd [value]="view"
<p-column field="SomeFieldName" header="Header" [editable]="false">
<ng-template let-col let-data="rowData" pTemplate="body">
<div [id]="col.field" class="cell-content">
<div [innerHTML]="data[col.field]" class="center-parent-screen"></div>
All columns I am interested in handling on double click are wrapped in the div with class cell-content. Also notice the id attribute. It is set to match the field. Then in the onRowDblclick event:
editTemplate(e: any) {
let target = e.originalEvent.toElement.closest('div.cell-content');
if (target && {
let td = target.closest('td');
if (td) { = 'darkorange'; = 'white';
let fieldValue =[];
//do something with this data
The key here is the id attribute. Once we have that now we know which cell was clicked and we can proceed to do what we need to do. Also notice that I get a reference of the parent TD element and set the background and the color of the cell. Once you are finished working with it, you can clear the formatting to go back to normal.
You can also use the onRowClick event to clear the selection like so:
clearSelection(e: any) {
let target = e.originalEvent.toElement.closest('div.cell-content');
if (target && {
let td = target.closest('td');
if (td) { = 'white'; = 'black';
I know manipulating the DOM directly is not the way to go, but until we get the new version of PrimeNG that includes this functionality, this will do, at least for me.
Please let me know if you have a better way of doing this.

Ask to confirm when changing tabs in angular bootstrap

I have tabs with forms and I want ask the user to confirm or discard their changes when changing tabs. My current code works
<uib-tab heading="..." index="3" deselect="main.onDeselect($event)" ... >
this.onDeselect = function($event) {
if(...isDirty...) {
if($window.confirm("Do you want to discard?")) {
... discard (and go to new tab) ...
} else {
$event.preventDefault(); //stays on current tab
The problem is I want to change confirm to javascript dialog and I will get result in callback.
I planed to preventDefault() all and then switch manually, but I cannot figure out where to get new tab id.
Any solution is appreciated. Even if it is easier in other tab implementations.
I use AngularJS v1.4.7, ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.3.3.min.js
You can make use of $selectedIndex and the active property for that purpose. See this Plunk
One thing to be noted here is that when we manually change the active property, it again fires the deselect event which needed to be handled. Otherwise it seems to do what you wanted.
Indeed as noted in the comments, the deselect carries the HTML index rather than what is passed in in the tab index property. A workaround could be in this: Another Plunk. Here I'm pulling the actual index from the HTML index.
And a little research indicates that this issue might as well be fixed already with 3.0 bootstrap tpl See this.
I spent some time with different approaches and this one is stable for some time. What I do is to prevent deselect at the beginning and set the new tab in callback if confirmed to loose changes...
this.onDeselect = function($event, $selectedIndex) {
var me = this;
if(this.tabs.eventDirty || this.tabs.locationDirty || this.tabs.contractDirty) {
var alert = $mdDialog.confirm({
title: 'Upozornění',
textContent: 'Na záložce jsou neuložené změny. Přejete si tyto změny zrušit a přejít na novou záložku?',
ok: 'Přijít o změny',
cancel: 'Zůstat na záložce'
.show( alert )
.then(function() {
me.tabs.activeTab = $selectedIndex;

Removing a fMath image properties dialog in ckeditor

I am a bit stuck with this so it would be great if you could help.
I am using Drupal 7 and Ckeditor 4.3. I am developing a site which has fmath equation editor integrated.
I have disabled the image button, as I don't want end users being able to upload their own images. On the other hand, users can use fMath to insert equations. The way fMath handles equation insertion is by inserting a img tag.
When users double click this image or when they right click over the image, they access the image properties dialog, where they can change source url of the image and few other things. On the url input text, they could change the source of the image so that they could insert their own images on the page, which is something I don't want.
The have been working with two different unsuccessful approaches until now trying to solve this problem:
Removing elements from the dialog, as the URL input text on the dialog (and the alt text as well).
Trying to disable the dialog itself.
I'd like to use a custom plugin to accomplish the desired behavior as I have different CKeditor profiles in Drupal.
I haven't been successful. Do you know how could I handle this undesirable behavior?
Ok, I ended up with something like this in the plugin.js file:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'custom_doubleclick',
init: function( editor )
// First part, dialogDefinition allow us to remove the
// "Link" and "Advanced" tabs on the dialog
CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev ) {
var dialogName =;
var dialogDefinition =;
if ( dialogName == 'image' ) {
dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'Link' );
dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'advanced' );
// Second part, it disables the textUrl and txtAlt input text boxes
editor.on( 'dialogShow', function( ev ) {
var dialog =;
var dialogName = dialog.getName();
if ( dialogName == 'image' ) {
//var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
// Get a reference to the Link Info tab.
dialog.getContentElement( 'info','txtUrl' ).disable();
dialog.getContentElement( 'info','txtAlt' ).disable();
As you can see I didn't disable the dialog itself, but the non useful elements. I hope this can help to someone else.

How to override the pagingtoolbar?

I would like to know how to override the displaymsg and page number of the paging toolbar.
I'm trying to get the paging toolbar working with the infinite scrolling. I've got the components working so that when the user moves the infinite vertical scroller I work out what page we're on using javascript and I want to update the paging toolbar with this number. Similarly I work out in what range of records the user is on and want to update the displaymsg with this range.
I could modify the the html to directly change the displaymsg but I would prefer to change these {0}, {1}, {2} variables:
"Displaying {0}-{1} of {2} Item(s)"
Is there some kind of store I can access to change these?
I don't know if the page number is in a store, if it's not I could simply edit the html directly to change that without having to worry about conflicts.
Any idea or tips how I can accomplish this? Thank you.
Thanks altrange. This changes the displaymsg, any idea how to change
the page number in the text box?
You can generate it by yourself.
So... create some public methods -
refreshDisplayMsg(from, to, total) {
var me = this,
displayItem = me.child('#displayItem'),
msg = Ext.String.format(
Moreover this method will be invoked by store onload hanlder.
Look at sources..
There is a method
// private
updateInfo : function(){
var me = this,
displayItem = me.child('#displayItem'),
store =,
pageData = me.getPageData(),
count, msg;
if (displayItem) {
count = store.getCount();
if (count === 0) {
msg = me.emptyMsg;
} else {
msg = Ext.String.format(
Probably you can develop a public interface for something like this.
Cheers. :)
