How to target a specific Ionic view with $rootScope.$broadcast - angularjs

Using Ionic, calling $rootScope.$broadcast("$ionicView.enter") will trigger all child views having an event handler for the $ionicView.enter event.
How can I narrow this down to target the handler for a specific view?

You haven't provided any code samples, but it sounds like what you are describing doesn't require triggering an event with specific data, but listening to the event w/ specific data.
Perhaps this snippet can help you:
$rootScope.$on( "$ionicView.enter", function( scopes, states ) {
//here's an example of storing network error state in rootscope
//and some random important state that requires your data to be refreshed
if( $rootScope.networkErrorOccurred && states.stateName == "myImportantState" ) {
//refresh data due to network error code goes here

When calling $rootScope.$broadcast("$ionicView.enter") the "states" object is none existent and hence you cannot rely on the stateName.
But, you can add it yourself, like so:
$rootScope.$broadcast('$ionicView.enter', {stateName: 'myImportantState'});
This will make Travis example working.
The other way I can think of is to save a reference to the view's scope and emit an event directly on it.
I must say I wouldn't recommend it, but maybe that's what you're looking for.
Inside the view's controller
app.controller('someViewCtrl', function($scope) {
//Save a reference to the view's scope, using window for brevity
window.someViewScope = $scope;
Somewhere else in the app


dynamic header/menu in angularjs

While transitioning an existing angular site, I encountered an annoying problem. The initial symptom was that a certain controller was not running it's initialize function immediately following the login. I logged and I tracked, and eventually I realized it was a design flaw of the page. Essentially, index.html contains a <header>, <ng-view>, and <footer>. There are a couple of ng-if attributes that live in the header that I want to evaluate after the login, but since the view is the only thing that is reloaded, it was not reinitializing the header controller, and thus not updating the ng-if values.
Then I was reminded of ngInclude, which seems like the perfect solution, until I got it hooked up and realize that doesn't work either. It loads the template the first time, and doesn't reinitialize when the view changes. So then I got the bright idea of passing the HeaderController to another controller or service, and controlling this one stubborn boolean value through a proxy of sorts. That also didn't work. Then I tried putting a function and a boolean into another service, and mirroring that property in the header controller, but thus far I have not gotten this working.
I have done plenty of research about multiple views in the index, and so far I hear a lot about this ui-router, but I'm still not convinced that is the way I want to go. It does not seem to be a simple solution. I have not tried putting the ng-include into the templates yet either, because then I feel like that is going back in time to when we had to update 100 pages every time we changed the menu.
I lost a whole day to this. If anyone could tell me how to trigger the evaluation of this one property in my header controller which I would like to live outside the other templates, please let me know!
Ok so you need to know in your HeaderController when the view has reloaded. There's a number of ways of doing this but the easier and maybe the more correct in this particular case is with an event.
So when you are refreshing the view you just do this, let's say you need the new value of ob1 and ob2 variables.
// ViewController
$rootScope.$emit('viewRefresh', {ob1: 'newvalue1', ob2: 'newvalue2'});
And in your HeaderController you need to listen for that event, and set on your $scope the new values for those attrs (if you're not using controller as syntax).
// HeaderController
$rootScope.$on('viewRefresh', function onRefresh(event, data) {
$scope.ob1 = data.ob1;
$scope.ob2 = data.ob2;
Another Solution
Sharing a Promise through a Service (using $q)
function HeaderService($q) {
var defer = $q.defer();
return {
getPromise: function() {return defer.promise},
notify: function(data) {defer.notify(data)}
function HeaderController(HeaderService) {
var vm = this;
HeaderService.getPromise().then(function(data) {
vm.ob1 = data.ob1;
vm.ob2 = data.ob2;
function ViewController(HeaderService) {
var data = {ob1: 'newvalue1', ob2: 'newvalue2'};

Fire an event when user moves out of speciifc route in AngularJS

I am using AngularJS 1.3. Assume I have created several routes in my application. But when user hits a specifc route/url & then tries to move to another route/url, I want to fire some event. I do not want to fire this event on every URL change.
So only when user comes out of this url http://localhost:9000/data/55677c/edit, I want to fire one function available in XYZ controller.
Here is my scenario:
I have a page which looks like this:
<div class="well">
<button id='edit-btn' type="button" ng-click='saveContent()'>
<div ng-include="'components/grid/comOne.html'"></div>
components/grid/comOne.html page contains one grid and it has its own controller which takes care of data management of the grid.
This grid is shown in two pages. One in editable mode and one is non-ediatble mode. While user is in editable mode and try to move out of the page without saving the info, I need to fire an event in order to discard ant changes user has made to the grid data.
Please suggest
If the listening controller is a parent controller you could $emit the event.
Or you could have a common service like this:
angular.module('x').factory('CommonLogic', function(){
var pageChangeListeners = [];
return {
listenToPageChange: listenToPageChange
function listenToPageChange(callback){
function pageChanged(){
for(var i = 0; i < pageChangeListeners.length; i++){
then when leaving that url (track that via $routeChangeStart) you can call: commonLogic.pageChanged()
In the controller where you want to take action just:
Obviously this should be improved to avoid duplicate registration of the listener ... etc.
I hope I'm not overcomplicating this. Could you describe your use case in more detail ?
I guess you want to use $routeChangeStart:
$rootScope.$on( "$routeChangeStart", function(event, next, current) {
You can put this in the scope of your current controller which might be edit as your url says.
From the docs:
Broadcasted before a route change. At this point the route services starts resolving all of the dependencies needed for the route change to occur. Typically this involves fetching the view template as well as any dependencies defined in resolve route property. Once all of the dependencies are resolved $routeChangeSuccess is fired.
The route change (and the $location change that triggered it) can be prevented by calling preventDefault method of the event. See $rootScope.Scope for more details about event object.
Target:root scope

angularjs with soundmanager, update DOM on whileloading

I'm new to Angularjs, and I'm trying to create a simple player using soundManager library.
The problem i'm facing is about updating the DOM, during sound loading/playing.
The soundManager Sound object exposes some dynamic properties like bytesLoaded or position and I'm trying to figure out how to bind them to the DOM.
I tried with something like
<span ng-bind="sound.bytesLoaded"></span>
where sound is an instance of the sound object attached to the root $scope, but it seems the DOM is updated only once in this way.
The problem might be that the sound.bytesLoaded is updated in non-angular world like, callback function of bytes loaded or some similar callback methods which is non-angular world.
To make the view update while updating the model value in non-angular world, you may need to call the $scope.$apply method from within the callback method of the SM2.
Some pseudo code:
sound.on('bytesLoaded', function(bytesLoaded){
// Imagine you have some similar kind of the callback in SM2,
// where you will be updating the sound.bytestLoaded property.
sound.bytesLoaded = bytesLoaded;
$scope.$apply(); // please make sure you call have this line
// where you are updating the bytesLoaded property.

When using Marionette.js when should I call vent.trigger('app:show', Controller.layout)?

Of course the answer is "Use it when you want to show the app". Ok that is fair enough. But what about subviews? I am using Ted's example: That example only has one controller setup. I have six controllers which I copied the libraryController in Ted's example. Each example has the following code:
var _initializeLayout = function() {
console.log('initialize Start Layout...');
Controller.layout = new Layout();
Controller.layout.on("show", function() {
vent.trigger('app:show', Controller.layout); <!-- is this needed for each?
So I have that code in each of my controllers. The StartLayout has two regions that have their own views that are the entry points to the InspectorController and the PlayerController.
Each of those controllers has:
vent.trigger('app:show', Controller.layout);
So it would seem to me that I may be calling 'app:show' more than needed. Once for every Controller that needs initializing.
Is this necessary? I can understand perhaps calling that when I'm dealing with direct child views of the app but if I'm deep into PlayerController and the app view isn't visible it seems like overkill.
Try not to think of "calling" app:show. It's not a function, it's an event. An event can have an arbitrary number of subscriptions listening for it. In the case of this application, there is only one listener on that event:
vent.on('app:show', function(appView) {;
In this case, it's telling the content region to display whatever view is included in the event as appView. So, if you want to replace the content region with your own view, you should trigger app:show with a parameter of whatever view you want the content region to display.
content is bound to a DOM element, and whenever you call, the contents of that DOM element will be replaced by whatever is generated by someView.render().el.
I would suggest reading up on Layouts, Regions, and Events.
Hope this helps.

Test Driving Backbone view events

I am trying to test drive a view event using Jasmine and the problem is probably best explained via code.
The view looks like:
App.testView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: { 'click .overlay': 'myEvent' },
myEvent: function(e) {
console.log('hello world')
The test looks something like:
describe('myEvent', function() {
it('should do something', function() {
var view = new App.testView();
// assertion will follow
The problem is that the view.myEvent method is never called (nothing logs to the console). I was trying to avoid triggering from the DOM. Has anyone had similar problems?
(Like I commented in the question, your code looks fine and should work. Your problem is not in the code you posted. If you can expand your code samples and give more info, we can take another look at it. What follows is more general advice on testing Backbone views.)
Calling the event handler function like you do is a legitimate testing strategy, but it has a couple of shortcomings.
It doesn't test that the events are wired up correctly. What you're testing is that the callback does what it's supposed to, but it doesn't test that the action is actually triggered when your user interacts with the page.
If your event handler needs to reference the event argument or the test will not work.
I prefer to test my views all the way from the event:
var view = new View().render();
Like you said, it's generally not advisable to manipulate DOM in your tests, so this way of testing views requires that view.render does not attach anything to the DOM.
The best way to achieve this is leave the DOM manipulation to the code that's responsible for initializing the view. If you don't set an el property to the view (either in the View.extend definition or in the view constructor), Backbone will create a new, detached DOM node as view.el. This element works just like an attached node - you can manipulate its contents and trigger events on it.
So instead of...
View.extend({el: '#container'});
new View({el:'#container'}); should initialize your views as follows:
var view = new View();
Defining your views like this has multiple benefits:
Enables testing views fully without attaching them to DOM.
The views become reusable, you can create multiple instances and render them to different elements.
If your render method does some complicated DOM manipulation, it's faster to perform it on an detached node.
From a responsibility point of view you could argue that a view shouldn't know where it's placed, in the same way a model should not know what collection it should be added to. This enforces better design of view composition.
IMHO, this view rendering pattern is a general best practice, not just a testing-related special case.
