Angular UI Bootstrap vs. AngularStrap vs Bootstrap - angularjs

I have been researching options to using Bootstrap with Angular and it appears to focus on two:
Angular UI Bootstrap
I see a third option of just using native Bootstrap. What are the pro/cons of all approaches? This seems to hint that Angular UI Bootstrap is not feature complete:
Which one to use, AngularUI Bootstrap or AngularStrap?

I don't use both of them because I don't want my project depends on too many 3rd party libraries. So I just use native Bootstrap JS, but I have to customize it to fit requirement of my project.
I don't say Angular UI Bootstrap and AngularStrap are not good, but with my project's requirement, I don't need all features so they are quite heavy. I just want you to pay attention to a point: currently, AngularStrap supports AngularJS 1.2+, this means it should support IE8 but Angular UI Bootstrap doesn't.

Hi in my case its not about either or, its about getting things done. If a component or directive exists already from aforementioned libraries (probably isn't much difference between angular ui bootstrap and angularstrap) e.g. modal, datepicker and it fits requirements then I'll use it. Otherwise I use vanilla bootstrap to make my own directives :-)
Here's a link to building components using directives in angular.


How safe is to use Bootstrap JS Tab with AngularJS?

AngularJS 1.4.x is used on my current project. I have to implement tabs section on page. Is it ok to use Bootstrap's JS Tab or I should move to AngularJS based solution, for example UI-Bootstrap or custom tab library?
I think it is totally ok to use Bootstrap JS tab, but as usual angular developers are also divided into two camps, one who want to do everything in angular way(like creating directives or use UI-Bootstrap directives/components), even when it is a very small task and another who wants to mix jquery/bootstrap library with angular and choose one or another depending on the need.
Angular-UI, will also use the same bootstrap library, but you will get an angularized wrapper over it.
My suggestion, use whatever you are comfortable with and don't bind yourself to one opinion or another.

what are main things are consider to Convert bootstrap application to angular

I’m developing a website design using bootstrap now I want to move to convert my application as angular JS application.
What are the main things are consider converting angular application.
Angular is a JavaScript framework, Bootstrap is a CSS toolkit with some javascript modules for UI elements. They do different things.
You might want to look at Angular UI Bootstrap for a collection of directives from bootstrap but otherwise its just a matter of JS to Angular.
Bootstrap and Angular are different technologies with different purposes. I would advise you to start with Bootstrap and Angular documentations first.

What is the core difference between Bootstrap CSS and AngularJS UI Bootstrap?

So I am developing a new MVC application using AngularJS and I wanted to implement bootstrap for the UI but upon searching for bootstrap from within NuGet I see AngularJS UI Bootstrap.
I did a little reading to find that this unfamiliar flavor of Bootstrap could actually serve as a replacement for the traditional bootstrap that I am more familiar with but I really don't understand what the core difference is of when one would opt to use one over the other.
So what are the advantages of using AngularJS UI Bootstrap instead of Bootstrap? Given my current stated position for what I am doing, would it be more advantageous to use AngularJS UI Bootstrap or is it purely a matter of personal preference?
Angular UI-bootstrap is a replacement for the Bootstrap javascript, not for the css framework. It has rebuild the bootstrap JS functionalities such as modals and popovers to 'the Angular way', so if you want to use those functionalities use Angular UI-bootstrap

AngularJS - Angular-Strap and Angular UI on the same project?

I am using Angular-Strap, but at this of my project I need to set up an accordion with some special behavior that only Angular UI accordion does... so, is there any conflict if I set up both libraries on the same project?
Is there a way to do not download the full library and only the directive for the accordion that I need and if so, how?
And new to Angular. Thank you
the Angular-ui project has a Bootstrap module that i am sure if compatible with the rest of angular-ui.
try it out:
this way you do not have to use angular-strap.

Modal popup in Angular JS without Bootstrap CSS

I'm looking for a plugin for a modal directive in Angular but there is a requirement not to use the Bootstrap CSS. Angular-UI looks nice but obviously depends on Bootstrap. Any pointers?
In case of Angular-UI you can define your own templates and in case of CSS you can for sure use your own files.
Here are standard templates for modal. The only dependencies on Bootstrap I found are: modal and modal-backdrop so just rename them for your needs or add them to your CSS to get custom styling.
Btw: Angular-UI is modular so you can just use these directives which you really need.
I don't know existing plugin to achieve this without Bootstrap (I use Angular-UI), but you can easily create your own directive using jQuery UI modal.
There are lots of tuto on the internet to create directive for jQuery UI.
I have found a JSFiddle in this Google Group (you have to follow the link in the answer of January 4). User has made a simple directive based on jQuery.
I think it will put you on the right way.
