Security roles on master database in Azure SQL - sql-server

I´m building an Azure SQL resource monitor, and I have to grant permission for a login to access the 'sys.resource_stats' on the master database of a Azure SQL 'server'. I can´t use neither loginmanager or dbmanager roles, because they grant some permission I don´t want to grant for a monitor application.
Is there another database role on the master database which i can add members?

I have recently created a special monitoring login/database user (see below) and I didn't find any reason to assign roles (I'm Azure noob thought).
Step 1
Create a login and a database user in master database:
-- in master database
-- create a login
create login <LOGIN> with password = '<PASSWORD>'
-- create a corresponding database user
create user <USER> from login <LOGIN>;
Step 2
Authorize the login to use a target database:
-- in target database
-- create a corresponding database user
create user <USER> from login <LOGIN>;
-- grant permission to view dynamic management views
grant view database state to <USER>;
In practice <LOGIN> and <USER> are the same, like foo_monitor.
See also:
Managing Databases and Logins in Azure SQL Database.
Which privileges does a user need to query used size in SQL Azure database?


Clone Login\User in SQL Server

I have a SQL Server 2017 database instance that was created before I was given administration of the database and I have a Login at DB server level named "atSupervisor" which is a user in database "StaffMonitoring". I wish to clone the login and user "atSupervisor" as login and user "bcSupervisor" in database "StaffMonitoring" to have all permissions, table access, grants etc.
I have tried a few suggestions on google such as this example -
This seems to creates the login and user and I can then assign the database "StaffMonitoring" in User Mapping in the login's properties and login with the user. However, none of the tables are present.
Is there a way to do this please that clones everything to include grant access to tables that mirrors the original login\user?

How to create a master key on the master database?What are the roles required to GRANT to the login and user of the master db for the same?

I am trying to create a master key on a master database of my azure sql datawarehouse. But my user does not have required permissions to do so. What are the roles need to be assigned/granted to the user or login of the azure sql datawarehouse? I was able to grant control permission using GUI of SSMS to the user of sql server instance on-prem. And also I was able to create a master key with the help of that role on master database of that sql server.The Scripts I used for that are:
ALTER ROLE dbmanager ADD MEMBER [LoaderRC20];
ALTER ROLE loginmanager ADD MEMBER [LoaderRC20];
ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER [LoaderRC20];
GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::[master] to LoaderRC20;
But there's no direct provision to provide such access to the user on azure sql warehouse using GUI of SSMS.The scripts that I used for on-prem sql server instance are not working for azure sql datawarehouse.The GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::[master] to LoaderRC20; threw an error that cannot grant,deny or revoke permissions to yourself,sa,dbo,sys,etc. Is there any script to give permissions to azure sql datawarehouse's user of master db so that I am able to create a master key on it?If yes, then what are those scripts and their sequence?I have really tried hard to find answers to these questions. Please help me to find the answers
Dbmanager is intended for creating databases and loginmanager to manage logins.
To create a master key (CREATE MASTER KEY) in Azure SQL just run the following statements on the user Azure SQL Database context not on the master database. If you try to create the master key on the master database you may run into error "Msg 15247". On the context of any user database you can try:

Azure SQL database - application user setup

I am using Azure SQL database with sharding (single tenant approach). So, when the application connects to DB it goes into Shard and creates a proper connection to the tenant's DB (tenant is identified by login name).
However, we've been using a server admin credentials for that on a development stage.
Now, I'd like to create a separate application user with much more limited permissions compared to server admin.
In a very general case, what I want is to have a user that can connect to the Shard Map and figure out a connection string to any of the Shards, but have different permissions for each of the shards. For example, some application user may need to be able to connect to DB_1 with full read-write permissions, to DB_2 with read-only permissions and no permissions to connect to DB_3.
In a simpler case I just need a user that doesn't have any update permissions to ShardMap and other internal databases, but has a normal read/write/execute access to all tenant databases(shards).
I was googling around and din't find any good recipe how to do that, what are the best practices, etc.
I'd appreciate if someone could answer me or point to a docs.
Thank yuo!
In each database create a role for the Application Users, and grant the minimal permissions needed for the application to run. Granting permissions on the Schema level is a good choice here, as you don't have to manage object-level permissions.
create role ApplicationUsers;
grant select, insert, update, delete, execute on schema::dbo to ApplicationUsers;
Then if you want a single identity to access all the databases, create a login with a password. Then in each Tenant database create a user mapped to that login.
--create a server-level Login
create login AppUser with Password ='asdfAds01980(*)(*)(#&$)##';
--add a user mapped to that login in each database
create user AppUser for login AppUser;
alter role ApplicationUsres add member AppUser;
Or create a user in each database with a different password or a database user mapped to an Azure Active Directory identity.
create user AppUser with Password ='asdfAds01980(*)(*)(#&$)##';
alter role ApplicationUsers add member AppUser;
create user [] from external provider;
alter role ApplicationUsers add member [];

How to grant permission to a user in Azure SQL Server

I'm a newbie on SQL, I'd like to know how to grant select and other permissions to a specify user in Azure Sql Server.
I'm trying to use AUMC to do this, I've created a new login as well as a new user test and grant all permissions I can select on AUMC. (for master database, I've assigned roles loginmanager and dbmanager to test, for other database, I've assigned permissions db_owner, db_securityadmin, db_accessadmin, db_backupoperator, db_ddladmin, db_datawriter, db_datareader, db_denydatawriter, db_denydatareader to test).
After the setting, I'm trying to login to the Azure SQL Server via ssms. The login is success, but I cannot find any tables on the database except the System Tables.
And when I execute SELECT TOP 1 * FROM <a_table>, it returns The SELECT permission was denied on the object <a_table>, database <the database>, schema dbo.
The problem is likely that you are adding your test user to the db_denydatawriter and db_denydatareader roles. These roles prevent the user from reading or writing in the database, overriding the permissions granted by other roles like db_datawriter and db_datareader. Try removing your user from these two 'deny' roles.
For more information on the various database-level roles, see:

Create User failed by master db on Azure

I create a db on azure portal. After this I connect to the azure db with my own application which i programming in dotnet. What i want is to create a new login which have the permission to also create new logins. So i connect to master db, then i create a new SQL login, then i create a new user from the login and add them to the loginmanager role. So know i can create new logins with the user but when i want create also user from login then i get an error that i have no permission to alter the the login. So what can i do?
Thanks for helping
The problem is that the loginmanager role doesn't have the necessary permissions to create or alter users. The 'CREATE USER' statement requires the 'ALTER ANY USER' permission (details here).
So, in the first step you create a login and user in the master database that has the 'loginmanager' role.
-- connect to the master database with your 'sa' account
CREATE LOGIN login1 WITH PASSWORD='<your password>';
CREATE USER login1user FROM LOGIN login1;
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'loginmanager', 'login1user';
In the second step you need to grant this user the 'ALTER ANY USER' permission. Note that this needs to be done in the application database in which you want to have the user accounts.
-- connect to the application database with your 'sa' account
CREATE USER login1user FROM LOGIN login1;
You should now be able to create new logins and the associated users. Note that you create the logins in the master database, and you create the user in the application database.
