TF30040 after database server migration - sql-server

we've attempted a database server migration for a TFS2012 install (source & destination db servers are both 2008r2). We backed up the databases from the old server and successfully restored them onto the new one. I did a database compare between the two after we'd restored and all the expected objects were transferred. However, when I run the tfsconfig remapdbs command I get a TF30040 error.
Most of the examples / help I've found so far relates to TFS2010 rather than 2012.
Any thoughts on what to check for would be greatly appreciated as we're otherwise a bit stuck on the wrong database hardware.
thanks Andy

If you backup and restore with the TFS Management application, it does a bit more than using an SQL database backup - so if you went that route, or if the automatic restore had a glitch, there will be some manual steps you may need to apply.
In particular, the database needs to be stamped with the ID of the TFS server that it is being used by, and you may also need to remap the databases to get them linked to the server properly.
Important: Please do some research on the above commands before you try executing anything. You may find the migration docs helpful. Hopefully this will give you a good starting point to find a remedy for your the problem, but please be careful to understand the instructions before you go ahead. The most important thing is to keep your backup so in the worst case you can still rebuild it and have another go if anything gets broken.


Tips for manually writing SQL Server upgrade scripts

We have some large schema changes coming down the pipe and are in needs of some tips in writing upgrade scripts manually. We're using SQL Server 2000 and do not have access to automated tools nor are they an option at this point in time. The only database tool we have is SQL Server Management Studio.
You can import the database to a local machine with has a newer version of SQL, then you can use the 'Generate Scripts' feature to script out a lot of the database objects.
Make sure to set in the Advanced Settings to script for SQL Server 2000.
If you are having problems with the script generated, you can try breaking it up into chunks and run it in small batches. That way if you have any specific generated scripts you can just write the SQL manually to get it to run.
While not quite what you had in mind, you can use Schema comparing tools like SQL Compare, and then just script the changes to a sql file, which you can then edit by hand before running it. I guess that would be as close to writing it manually without writing it manually.
If you -need- to write it all manually i would suggest getting some intellisense-type of tools to speed things up.
Your upgrade strategy is probably going to be somewhat customized for your deployment scenario, but here are a few points that might help.
You're going to want to test early and often (not that you wouldn't do this anyway), so be sure to have a testing DB in your initial schema, with a backup so you can revert back to "start" and test your upgrade any number of times.
Backups & restores can be time-consuming, so it might be helpful to have a DB with no data rows (schema-only) to test your upgrade script. Remember to get a "start" backup so you can go back there on-demand.
Consider stringing a series of scripts together - you can use one per build, or feature, or whatever. This way, once you've got part of the script working, you can leave it alone.
Big data migration can get tricky. If you're doing data transformations, copying or moving rows to new tables, etc., be sure to check row counts before the move and account for all rows afterwards.
Plan for failure. If something goes wrong, have a plan to fix it -- whether that's rolling everything back to a backup taken at the beginning of the deployment, or whatever. Just be sure you've got a plan and you understand where your go / no-go points are.
Good luck!

Restart log shipping when out of sync

The scenario is. A database secondary server are for different reason out of sync or is suspected that is not sync. Someone has made the secondary databases online by mistake or other mishaps. If you now want to make sure that they are set back on track. How do you do that? Preferably swiftly and for many databases at once.
When you set up a log shipping between two servers using the guide it takes care of the initial backup and copying of backup file and then the initial restore.
If I have to redo that I have to unable/enble and redo the loghipping and fill all the parameters again. Is there an other way? Can I use sqllogship application?
I there a "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqllogship.exe" -Restart -server SQLServ\PROD2
Or is there something that could be done easily with powershell and SQL Server Management Objects - SMO?
I want to use all the parameters that are already in tables like log_shipping_secondary.
I have not found any scripts for doing this. I looked at the generated script when I used the guide but that does not contain the inital backup and copy. I can write my own script. I am just afraid someone will say: Why did you not just run: $smoLogShipping.Redo
If you bring a standby database on-line (i.e.) restore it with_recovery then this will break the log-shipping. The only way to re-establish log shipping is to restore the standby database from a full backup of the source again and use no_recovery / standby mode.
I do not know of any community supported script to do what you ask but it can be scripted easy enough. The GUI can handle most of the process, you would then just need to tweak it be parameterized and customized to the work flow that you are after. The link below gives an example of what I'm talking about.
Scripting Log Shipping Automation

Replicating / Cloning data from one MS SQL Server to another

I am trying to get the content of one MSSQL database to a second MSSQL database. There is no conflict management required, no schema updating. It is just a plain copy and replace data. The data of the destination database would be overwritten, in case somebody would have had changed something there.
Obviously, there are many ways to do that
SQL Server Replication: Well established, but using old protocols. Besides that, a lot of developers keep telling me that the devil is in the details and the replication might not always work as expected and that is this best choice for an administrator, but not for a developer.
MS Sync Framework: MSF is said to be the cool, new technology. Yes, it is this new stuff, you love to get, because it sounds so innovative. There is the generic approach for synchronisation, this sounds like: Learn one technology and how to integrate data source, you will never have to learn how to develop syncing again. But on the other hand, you can read that the main usage scenario seems to be to synchronize MSSQL Compact databases with MSSQL.
SQL Server Integration Services: This sounds like an emergency plannable solution. In case the firewall is not working, we have a package that can be executed again and again... until the firewall drops down or the authentication is fixed.
Brute Force copy and replace of database files: Probably not the best choice.
Of course, when looking on the Microsoft websites, I read that every technology (apart from brute force of course) is said to be a solid solution that can be applied in many scenarios. But that is, of course, not the stuff I wanted to hear.
So what is your opinion about this? Which technology would you suggest.
Thank you!
The easiest mechanism is log shipping. The primary server can put the log backups on any UNC path, and then you can use any file sync tools to manage getting the logs from one server to another. The subscriber just automatically restores any transaction log backups it finds in its local folder. This automatically handles not just data, but schema changes too.
The subscriber will be read-only, but that's exactly what you want - otherwise, if someone can update records on the subscriber, you're going to be in a world of hurt.
I'd add two techniques to your list.
Write T-SQL scripts to INSERT...SELECT the data directly
Create a full backup of the database and restore it onto the new server
If it's a big database and you're not going to be doing this too often, then I'd go for the backup and restore option. It does most of the work for you and is guaranteed to copy all the objects.
I've not heard of anyone using Sync Framework, so I'd be interested to hear if anyone has used it successfully.

SQL Server missing tables and stored procedures

I have an application on a client's site that processes data each night, last night SQL Server 2005 gave the error "Could not find stored procedure 'xxxx'". The stored procedure does exist in the database, has the right permission as far as I can tell, the application runs fine in other nights as well.
In previous occasions, the SQL Server has also gave error saying 'database object not found', and refers to a table in the database that does exists.
So, on rare occasions, the server thinks certain stored procedures and tables does not exist in the database. The objects it refers to are often ones that are frequently used.
Is the database somehow corrupted, is there some sort of repair/health check I can do?
I would try using SQL Database Recovery tool (you can download a trial for free) at It uses high-end scanning mechanisms to ensure in-depth scanning of damaged database and complete data retrieval and it's really easy to use I think. That may be able to tell you what is causing the issues. I know messed up stored procedures have the potential to corrupt your whole database when they go missing or seeminly dissappear like in your case and then it gets ugly.
Good luck!
Along with other problems, the client ended up moving to a new server...

How did my database security fail?

In a couple of my tables in my SQL Server 2005 database all of my data has been erased. Is there anyway to get a log in SQL Server of all the statements that have ran in the past day? I am trying to find out if someone did this on accident, there is a vulnerability in my web app, or the actual DB has been compromised.
You're looking for the transaction log. Depending on how, and if, it is setup, you'll be able to see what was run. There some info on it at Given that, I'm sure you can also Google some better resource.
You could also try running the command DBCC LOG(database,3). It will output the data that is in the transaction log.
See the following there are a couple of programs which will allow you to read the log.
The one from Red Gate is called SQL Rescue and looks pretty good.
You could try a log rescue tool like Log Rescue
I would also sort out some auditing of your own.
Log Rescue doesn't support SQL 2005 so you could also try Apex SQL Log
There are applications you can buy that can convert a transaction log backup into the actual statements that were run. You may be able to find a trial version of some of these, unfortunately I cannot reccommend any specific one though.
Something else to keep in mind: if a hacker gained enough access to clean out some tables, there's a good chance they gained enough access to have their way with your log files as well.
Make a Transaction Log Backup in SQL Server, download a Trial Version of TOAD for SQL Server there you can import your Transactionlog Backup.
And if you want you can also create INSERT Scripts of the DELETED records. But I dont know if there are any restrictions in the TOAD trial version.
