How to convert ng-repeat to ng-options? - angularjs

I am not getting how the ng-model are connected to the ng-repeat options. How can the code below be converted to an ng-repeat? I can get the ng-repeat work but
ng-selected="{{alternative.code == question.answer}}"
is what I don't understand how to do with the ng-options.
<select ng-model="question.answer">
<option ng-selected="{{alternative.code == question.answer}}"
ng-repeat="alternative in question.alternatives"

Use the following:
<select ng-model="question.answer"
ng-options="alternative.code as alternative.label for alternative in question.alternatives">
if question.alternatives is an array and the following:
<select ng-model="question.answer"
ng-options="alternative.code as alternative.label for (key, alternative) in question.alternatives">
if it is an object. Both expressions start with the syntax value as label, which tells the <select> what to consider a value (to be bound to model) and what to use as a label (visible for users). The whole business with "this option has that value and is selected when model has it too" is then done automatically. See documentation.

<select ng-model="question.answer" ng-options="alt.code for alt in question.alternatives"></select>
modelValue as optionLabelValue for item in array if 'modelValue as' is ommited modelValue is considered as item object


Display unlisted value in select with ng-options

I have a <select> element populated with the acceptable values via ng-options and bound to a model with ng-model. It is possible that the model is set to a value that is not acceptable. (It used to be acceptable but no longer is.) In this case AngularJS renders the <select> as if it had an empty item selected.
Is there a way to have it render the selected value even if it is not listed in ng-options? I know I can put a default <option> inside the <select>. It's better than displaying an empty item, but it's a static string. I'd like to have the invalid value displayed.
Interesting problem. I think that you will be able to achieve this with the combination of ngInit directive to set up initial value (it can be missing from the allowed options list) and ngShow to hide it once valid option is selected.
Something like this:
ng-init="preselected = selected"
ng-change="preselected = null"
ng-options=" as for item in items">
<option value="" ng-show="preselected">{{preselected}}</option>

Empty Option field in Select tag - Angular js

I am getting empty Option field in select tag.
My code is shown below:
<select id="reportOpenSelectBoxSingle" size="6" ng-style='selectStyle' class="openSelectBox" ng-model="openSelectBoxModel" ng-change="changeFn()" >
<option ng-selected="openSelectBoxModel===item[valueKey]" ng-repeat="item in openSelectList" id="" ng-value="{{item[valueKey]}}" ng-title="{{item[titleKey]}}" ng-bind="item[titleKey]"></option>
Please help me to solve this problem.
You should not use ng-selected with ng-model.
The thing to do is to bind the selected item to your ng-model before displaying it.
//Also, instead of ng-repeat, you should use ng-option
As far as performance is regarded : ng-options does not create child scopes for every iteration. When angular performs its digest, your ng-repeat will slow it. If you have a list with hundreds of elements, you will feel a difference.
<select id="reportOpenSelectBoxSingle"
ng-change="changeFn()" >
<option ng-repeat="item in openSelectList"
Furthermore, you need to declare your variables inside a controller :

AngularJS ng-options

I have this select in AngularJS:
<select id="objectId" name="seccionId" class="form-control" ng-model="arguments.seccion" data-ng-options=" as item.valor for item in arguments.objects" required></select>
I like to save both values in scope, but I only save one value.
Any form to save both values?
If you want the entire value to be bound to ng-model than you can simply omit the select portion of your ng-options expression.
In this case, it's the part.
data-ng-options="item.valor for item in arguments.objects"
This will ensure the entire item is bound to your ng-model when selecting.
I am assuming you want a multiple select. Have you tried using the attribute multiple:
<select id="objectId" name="seccionId" class="form-control" ng-model="arguments.seccion" multiple="true" data-ng-options=" as item.valor for item in arguments.objects" required></select>

How to set the dropdownlist value in angularjs.

I tried below code to set the dropdownlist value to some integer value.
My code is as below:
<select class='form-control input-new' id="ConditionTypeSelect" data-msg-required="" name="conditionTypeName" data-ng-model="listingProfile.conditionTypeId" data-ng-options="ct.conditionTypeId as ct.conditionType for ct in amazonCategoryConditionType">
<option value=""></option>
data-ng-model="listingProfile.conditionTypeId" contains integer values.
Can you please let me know how this can be achieved ?
The value for ng-model should be the currently selected value.
<select data-ng-model="currentvalue" data-ng-options="x.value as for x in listofvalues">
For this code, define $scope.currentvalue to be a singular object and $scope.listofvalues to be the list of objects to choose from. Setting $scope.currentvalue to the value or the index will not work!
For this code, the object should have an attribute value and an attribute name.

ng-options and ng-bind not working with objects and strings

I have a drop down bound to ng-options (which uses an array of objects)
and ng-bind (which uses a string). This doesn't work because object comparison fails. Is there a workaround for this?
<select class="form-control"
ng-options=" for a in dropdowns.gender">
If I'm not mistaken what you want is to bind the name property to the person.gender property of the $scope. What you need to do is:
<select class="form-control"
ng-options=" as for a in dropdowns.gender">
The first part defines what is actually stored in the ng-model and the second part how is going to display, in this case both displayed value and model value are the same.
Working fiddle: jsfiddle
