How to split string with "=" without for loop in batch file - batch-file

I would like split a string in two part with = as delimiter.
I saw this post but I do not manage ta adapt.
I try this:
set "str=4567=abcde"
echo %str%
set "var1=%str:^=="^&REM #%
echo var1=%var1%
Why it does not work?

While not a bulletproof solution (use the for, artoon), without more info, this can do the work
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "str=4567=abcde"
rem Step 1 - remove the left part
set "str1=!str:%str%!"
rem Step 2 - Get the right part
set "right=!str:*%str1%!"
rem Step 3 - Get the left part
set "left=!str:%right%=!"
set "left=%left:~0,-1%"
echo [%left%] [%right%]
edited to adapt to comments (OP code in comments adapted to my code, or the reverse)
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('set') do (
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Step 1 - remove the left part
set "str=%%i"
for %%x in ("!str!") do set "str1=!str:%%~x!"
rem Step 2 - Get the right part
for %%x in ("!str1!") do set "right=!str:*%%~x!"
rem Step 3 - Get the left part
for %%x in ("!right!") do set "left=!str:%%~x=!"
set "left=!left:~0,-1!"
echo [!left!] [!right!]
And no, as previously indicated this is not bulletproof and some of the variables show problems (had I said it is not bulletproof?).
What i don't understand is the requirement to not use a for loop and then use a for loop. It is a lot easier this way
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ('set') do (
echo [%%a] [%%b]
Another alternative (not as easy as the for, more stable than the previous one, non bulletproof) is
for /f %%a in ('set') do (
call :split left right %%a
echo [!left!] [!right!]
goto :eof
:split leftVar rightVar data
set "%~1=%~3"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "data=%*"
set "data=!data:*%1 %2 %3=!"
set "data=%data:~1%"
endlocal & set "%~2=%data%"
goto :eof

As npocmaka commented above, = has special meaning and cannot be replaced with traditional variable string manipulation. If you know the length of either side of the equal sign, you could strip off a number of characters. For example, if "4567" will always be 4 characters, you could set "var1=%str:~0,4%". Or if "abcde" will always be 5 characters, you could set "var1=%str:~0,-6%" (5 chars + 1 for the equal sign).
Otherwise, a for loop is your only other option without using 3rd party utilities.
for /f "delims==" %%I in ("%str%") do set "var1=%%I"
If you've got grep installed, you can do something like:
echo %str% | grep -P -o "^[^=]*"
... but you'd still need to capture its output with another for /f loop.
If you are allergic to for loops, and as an exercise in providing a solution to your question without any regard for efficiency, here's how you get the first half of your string without using a single for loop. Put grep and its dependencies in your %PATH%. Then:
echo %str% | grep -P -o "^[^=]*" >temp.txt
set /P "var1="<temp.txt
del temp.txt
echo %var1%
There, I fixed it!


Avoid a null value in last for loop iteration?

I have a text file with one string per line (only a couple lines total). This file needs to be searched and each string stored. The script will ultimately prompt the user to choose one of the stored strings (if more than one string/line is present in the file), but the for loop is iterating an extra time when I don't want it to.
I'm using a counter to check the number of iterations, and I also read that it's probably a NL CR regex issue, but the finstr /v /r /c:"^$" in the for file-set like in this post Batch file for loop appears to be running one extra time/iteration doesn't work for me (but I probably don't understand it correctly).
The "pref" term is because the strings are to be eventually used as a prefix of files in the same folder...
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a x=1
for /f %%a in (sys.txt) do (
set pref!x!=%%a && echo %^%pref!X!%^% && set /a x+=1
echo last value of x = !x!
for /L %%a in (1,1,!x!) do (
echo !pref%%a!
REM The rest would be to prompt user to choose one (if multiple) and
REM then use choice as a prefix with a ren %%a %prefX%%%a
If the "sys.txt" contains three lines with strings A, B, C respectively, then the output I currently get is:
last value of x = 4
ECHO is off.
ECHO is off. is not desired, clearly.
You just need to change your increment structure like this. (set it before each line starting from a base of 0)
#Echo Off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "i=0"
For /F "UseBackQ Delims=" %%A In ("sys.txt") Do (
Set/A "i+=1"
Set "pref!i!=%%A"
Echo(last value of i = %i%
For /L %%A in (1,1,%i%) Do Echo(!pref%%A!

set /A command expands with a comma for more than one var, only set does not

(set /a "m1=1,m2=2")
for /f %%c in ("%m1%%m2%") do echo %%c
The brackets else where than due to the for command are used in cases, a space key should have been added.
The echo of the for command, is 12. I used the number characters to face the set /A command with decimal Expression.
When i try the same procedure only with a set for a Shell, may also be named m1 it is just possible without comma seperation.
With set command the m1 Expression would be 1 m2 2 and not two values like with a set /A SET.
Is there a way to use set only once and not only with the set /A?
As other answers and comments already indicated, there is no way to directly do this in one command, but via a procedure. The method below is the simplest one:
#echo off
rem Define the several values
set "vars=m1=1,m2=2"
rem Do it:
set "%vars:,=" & set "%"
echo m1=%m1%
echo m2=%m2%
You may remove the #echo off command and execute this program to see what exactly is executed...
As I understand the question you want something like:
set x=1,y=2
and as a result to have two variables (like set /a). The answer is no.
Though you can iterate trough expressions with plain for :
#echo off
for %%a in (
"x=1" "a=5"
"y=2" "b=6"
"z=3" "c=7"
) do set "%%~a"
echo %x% %y% %z% %a% %b% %c%
Mind that the quotes around the items are mandatory because = is a delimiter. You can put everything on line and to use as separators , ,; ,<space>
May be with a lot of variables this can save you from some writing...?
this can be rewritten like this:
#echo off
set "vars=x=1,y=2,z=3,a=5,b=6,c=7"
for %%a in ("%vars:,=","%") do set "%%~a"
echo %x% %y% %z% %a% %b% %c%
And thus you'll need to change only the vars value.

Batch Loop menu (multiple selection)

I'm trying to set up a batch menu that allows for multiple selection at once then runs all the functions. Sequence that functions are not relevant just the fact that the functions will be run with out, outside errors. Here is the code that I have so far.
#Echo off
Echo Please Enter the corrasponding numbers separated by a space or colon (,)
Echo for the Options that you would like to run e.g. 1 4,3 2
Echo Option #1
Echo Option #2
Echo Option #3
Echo Option #4
SET /P Selection=Please Select Restore Options?
echo You chose: %Selection%
Set /a index = 0
FOR %%A IN (%Selection%) DO (
SET Array[!index!] = %%A
SET /a index += 1
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%s in ('set Array[') DO (
set string=%%s
set string=%string: =%
echo %string%
Call :Opt%string%
goto :EOF
ECHO Option 1's code
ECHO Option 2's code
ECHO Option 3's code
ECHO Option 4's code
The code I have works to the point where trying to call the Array veriable and attach it to a Call e.g. Call :Opt%%s
The probelm I have is that the array variable keeps coming out with a space proceeding the selected variable. So I have tried combating this with set string=%string:=% but I keep getting an error.
Error :
either echo is off and only opt is getting called with out the selected variable.
Help with this would be amazing, Thanks in advance.
The start of the problems is
SET Array[!index!] = %%A
------------------^-^---- = aditional spaces
This aditional spaces are used, so you end with a variable with an aditional space in its name and an aditional space in its value. So, better use
SET "Array[!index!]=%%A"
The reason for the echo error is you forget to use delayed expansion in the for %%s loop. You change the %string% variable inside the loop and try to use the changed value inside the same loop.
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%s in ('set Array[') DO (
set "string=%%s"
set "string=!string: =!"
echo !string!
Call :Opt!string!
But the corrections indicated in the original set make it unnecessary to replace the spaces.
MC ND solved most of the problems with your code.
One trivial issue - the punctuation is a comma, not a colon ;-)
But a more serious issue, what if the user entered 3 choices, and there already was a variable named Array[4]? It would run that extra value that hadn't been entered by the user. It would even attempt to run a value stored in Array[anythingGoes.
You've got the number of values stored in "index", so why not use it? A more common and simpler way to iterate the array is to use a FOR /L loop. This also preserves the original order. Your way would change the order once you get 10 or more entries. (I know you say order doesn't matter, but why change the order if you don't have to?)
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%N in (1 1 %index%) do (
echo !Array[%%N]!
call :Opt!Array[%%N]!
But I don't see a reason to mess with an array at all. Your loop that parses the user input could simply call the functions directly. Now you don't even need delayed expansion.
for %%A in (%Selection%) do (
echo %%A
call :Opt%%A

Trying to reformat a very large csv with a batch file

I have an application that exports data in the format:
1a,1b,1c1,1c2,1c3, ... (up to 1c100),1d1,1d2,1d3, ... (up to 1d100)
2a,2b,2c1,2c2,2c3, ... (up to 2c100),2d1,2d2,2d3, ... (up to 2d100)
and I am trying to reformat this into
I figured that if this can be done a row at a time I can just loop through the file. However I can't find a way of doing a single row with either tokens, a list, or even as a string function. There is too much data to process in a single operation (each value is about 12 chars). Tokens limit at (roughly) 64/202, a list at about 107/202 and a string at about 1000/2300
Does anyone know how this can be written into a new file?
I was trying things like:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set dimCnt=0
<example.csv (
set /p "dimList=" >nul
for %%D in (!dimList!) do (
set /a dimCnt+=1
set "dim[!dimCnt!]=%%D"
for /l %%I in (3 1 102) do echo !dim[1]!,!dim[2]!,!dim[%%I]!
..besides the fact that I have missed out the last variable in the line (need to add 100 to it), I can't get more than about 80-110 values out of the list (I guess it depends on value string length)
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
(for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims=," %%a in (example.csv) do (
set "data=%%c"
set "i=0"
for %%f in ("!data:,=" "!") do (
set /a "i+=1"
set "d[!i!]=%%~f"
set /a "end=!i!/2"
set /a "j=!end!+1"
for /l %%i in (1 1 !end!) do (
for %%j in (!j!) do echo %%a,%%b,!d[%%i]!,!d[%%j]!
set /a "j+=1"
)) > output.csv
This iterates over the file, getting the first two tokens in the line (%%a and %%b), the rest of the line (%%c) is splitted and each value stored in an environment variable array (kind of). Then, the array is iterated from the start and from the middle, reading the needed values to append to %%a and %%b and generating output file.
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,*delims=," %%a IN (u:\long.csv) DO (
SET rpta=%%a
SET rptb=%%b
CALL :rptcd %%c
SET /a lines=100
SET lined=%*
FOR /l %%x IN (1,1,99) DO CALL SET lined=%%lined:*,=%%
IF %lines%==0 GOTO :EOF
SET /a lines-=1
CALL SET lined=%lined:*,=%
FOR /f "delims=," %%x IN ("%lined%") DO ECHO %rpta%,%rptb%,%1,%%x&shift&GOTO loop
GOTO :eof
This should get you going - just need to change the input filename and output filename...
Your code does not work because SET /P cannot read more than 1023 bytes. At that point it returns the data read so far, and the next SET /P picks up where it left off. Adapting your code to compensate will be very difficult. You would be better off using FOR /F as in MC ND's answer. But beware, batch has a hard limit of 8191 characters per line in pretty much all contexts.
Better yet, you could use another scripting language like JScript, VBS, or PowerShell. Performance will be much better, and the code much more robust and far less arcane. I love working with batch, but it simply is not a good text processing language.

Batch - Read contents of a file in an array

I've a text file with two rows (say param.txt) which is shown below:
I want to read this file in batch and store the contents of first line in a variable called cube_name. When I'm reading the second line, I want to split the comma delimited string dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4 and create an array of four elements. I am planning to use the variable and the array in later part of the script.
The code which I created is shown below. The code is not working as expected.
#echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a count_=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type param.txt') do (
set /a count_+=1
set my_arr[!count_!]=%%a
set /a count=0
for %%i in (%my_arr%) do (
set /a count+=1
if !count! EQU 1 (
set cube_name=%%i
if !count! GTR 1 (
set dim_arr=%%i:#=,%
for %%i in (%dim_arr%) do (
echo %%i
echo !cube_name!
I get to see the following when I run the code:
C:\Working folder>test2.bat
ECHO is off.
So this doesn't appear to work and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I am fairly new to the batch scripting so help is appreciated
Your first FOR loop is OK. It is not how I would do it, but it works. Everything after that is a mess. It looks like you think arrays are a formal concept in batch, when they are not. It is possible to work with variables in a way that looks reminiscent of arrays. But true arrays do not exist within batch.
You use %my_arr% as if it is an array, but my_arr is not even defined. You have defined variables my_arr[1] amd my_arr[2] - the brackets and number are part of the variable name.
It also looks like you have a misunderstanding of FOR loops. I suggest you carefully read the FOR documentation (type HELP FOR from a command line). Also look at examples on this and other sites. The FOR command is very complicated because it has many variations that look similar to the untrained eye, yet have profoundly different behaviors. One excellent resource to help your understanding is
Assuming the file always has exactly 2 lines, I would solve your problem like so
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set dimCnt=0
<param.txt (
set /p "cube_name=" >nul
set /p "dimList=" >nul
for %%D in (!dimList!) do (
set /a dimCnt+=1
set "dim[!dimCnt!]=%%D"
echo cube_name=!cube_name!
for /l %%I in (1 1 !dimCnt!) do echo dim[%%I]=!dim[%%I]!
One nice feature of the above solution is it allows for a varying number of terms in the list of dimensions in the 2nd line. It will fail if there are tabs, spaces, semicolon, equal, * or ? in the dimension names. There are relatively simple ways to get around this limitation if need be.
Tabs, spaces, semicolon and equal can be handled by using search and replace to enclose each term in quotes.
for %%D in ("!dimList:,=","!") do (
set /a dimCnt+=1
set "dim[!dimCnt!]=%%~D"
I won't post the full solution here since it is not likely to be needed. But handling * and/or ? would require replacing the commas with a new-line character and switching to a FOR /F statement.
I'm impressed of your code!
Do you try to debug or echo anything there?
You could simply add some echo's to see why your code can't work.
#echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a count_=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type param.txt') do (
set /a count_+=1
set my_arr[!count_!]=%%a
echo ### show the variable(s) beginning with my_arr...
set my_arr
echo Part 2----
set /a count=0
echo The value of my_arr is "%my_arr%"
for %%i in (%my_arr%) do (
set /a count+=1
echo ## Count=!count!, content is %%i
if !count! EQU 1 (
set cube_name=%%i
if !count! GTR 1 (
echo ## Setting dim_arr to "%%i:#=,%"
set dim_arr=%%i:#=,%
for %%i in (%dim_arr%) do (
echo the value of dim_arr is "%%i"
echo cube_name is "!cube_name!"
Output is
### show the variable(s) beginning with my_arr...
Part 2----
The value of my_arr is ""
cube_name is ""
As you can see your part2 fails completly.
