UFT 12.01 - Doesn't recognize objects in .Net desktop application - wpf

We are working on .Net desktop Empower application, which is completely developed on .Net 4.0 version framework. We are using UFT(QTP) 12.01 as automation tool.
when I am trying spy on any object it's treating as SwfObject instead of it's original property, I tried recording way and it doesn't recognize properly in expected way, for ex: if I spy on Menu bar with list of icons and dropdown menus, UFT recognizing everything as single SWFObject and no use. It's behaving the same way for all the objects.
Selected ADD Ins are : Web, .Net, WPF, Active X, Visual Basic
And also "Infragistics Inc." is used as CompanyName which I have come across in Properties spy window.
We are trying to contact HP support guys too.. meanwhile can somebody post the solution if you come to know, Thanks a million in advance !!

I hope you got solution, If not please use below help,
We are using Desktop application and it developed in Adobe flex, First we got same problem what you are facing later we found soultion, May be it will help you.
Open your desktop application with UFT tool and later try spy or object repository it will recognise.
To open application using UFT we used systemutil.run "application path"

To further elaborate on sateesh response, the following ways:
launch application using Systemutil
Systemutil.Run "C:\Program\YourApplication.exe"
some other tips: https://www.learnqtp.com/ways-to-launch-your-application.
HP UFT menu: Run > Record and run settings

Thanks I appreciate your help, we figured out the issue. We used Keyboard strokes for the objects which do not have tag names or recognizing the objects as a single SWFObject.


Does Thinfinity Virtual UI work with embedded browsers (Cefsharp)?

My company wants to try out the library "Thinfinity Virtual UI", to run a Windows Forms application in a browser.
It seems to more or less work, though the application crashes everytime an embedded browser is attached to the form (Cefsharp), see attached image.
I am not able to catch the error in the try/catch.
Any ideas how to remedy/debug this issue?
I tried searching the web for a solution/alternative to CefSharp, looking at error logs, inserting the try/catch. I also wrote to the company, but so far I get no reply.
This is Luke and I work at Cybele Software where we developed Thinfinity VirtualUI to help Windows developers converting their Legacy Windows Applications into modern Web Applications by just modifying one single line of code and adding our libraries.
Unfortunately, as it is, WebView and Chromium are not supported in our propietary protocol. But do not worry, we have 2 valid workarounds.
Using our HTMLDOC demo. Link to our GitHub HERE
This demo shows how to programatically create an iframe inside your application (using HTMLDOC.CreateComponent) , and how to communicate back and forward between the application and the website running inside that iframe, using Javascript Remote Objects (JSRO)
Using our 'Third Party Applications' Feature. Link on how to enable this HERE
Be aware that to enable this feature, you'll need to have our Thinfinity Broker and your app running on a Windows Server. Basically, with this option, you'll be using a Microsoft feature called 'Desktop Duplication' where we can eventually render any Third Party application with the help of Remote Desktop Services.
I hope this does the trick for you and don't hesitate on contacting us about this or any other doubt you may have about our products :)
Thank you!

Cocs2d-x + XAML on windows phone 8

A couple of weeks ago the new cocos2d-x (version 2.2.1) was released with great support for windows phone. However, there is one thing missing in the templates and examples: integration of XAML with Cocos2d-x. A feature that is absolutely necessary for free to play games that use ads since every single ad network uses a silverlight component.
I tried to implement the integration myself but I am stuck and all I get is a black screen. I used the following strategy for implementing it:
modified the CCEGLView class. The create method takes the follwing arguments:
bool CCEGLView::Create(In IDrawingSurfaceRuntimeHostNative* host, In ID3D11Device1* device)
in the XamlComponent class of the visual studio template I have added CCApplication member variable and the Connect methos create the CCEGLView and runs theCCAplication.
Everything compiles without any errors and runs without any crashes. However, the screen remains black :-( My guess is that the drawing surface / windows is not correctly passed but I do not know how I can do this.
Any help and ideas appreciated.
Cocos2dx 2.2.1 used native mode, currently it's not support XAML+native hybrid mode.
CoreWindow is a fundamental component, do you remove all the referene to CoreWindow?
You can look up from this project, they've a branch for wp8+waml.

Create a .dll from a Silverlight Web Application

I programmed a Virtual Keyboard (On Screen Keyboard) as a Silverlight Web Application, now I want to use this Keyboard in an other Silverlight Application (call the Keyboard when clicking a Textbox). I thought I could create a .dll and use this in my other Application.
So is it possible to create a .dll File from a Silverlight Web Application?
Thank you for reading,
Knut Hansen
You simply need to convert it into a Silverlight Class Library. There are some things to look out for, but it isn't too hard.
It is one of the options when you create a new project in Visual Studio.
See Microsoft's documentation for more info:
also you can think of a web service, in this way your application can be used by anyone else, of course you can specify users of your app. I think web services are more recent and using them is more future-oriented, give it a go!

whats the name of this windows phone 7 element?

hi sometimes i get at the top of the screen a small message like: this is only a trial version, when i click on it, it get invisible.
what is the name of this form element? want to use it too
i think it is not a popup
If it comes with an incredibly annoying sound, then it's a MessageBox.
It not, then it's maybe some kind of child window - see http://wildermuth.com/2010/08/17/Using_ChildWindow_in_Windows_Phone_7_Projects
Without any kind of visual reference it's difficult to tell, but you may be referring to a "Toast". There is no specific API in the current version of the framework, though the Mango tools for version 7.1 that are now available include the ShellToast method for this.
If you're developing a 7.0 app for the currently available devices then you can use the ToastRequestTrigger from the Prism libraries for WP7.

Internet Explorer Developer Tool with Silverlight application

When I worked on ASP.NET web forms, I found IE developer tool extremely useful to debug my Javascript and CSS issues.
I cannot seem to make that tool work with my Silverlight application. I was trying to use "Select Element by Click" feature and it was not selecting any elements on my silverlight application.
Any ideas what's going on?
The elements on your Silverlight application are not HTML elements, they are embedded in your Silverlight application, so the developer tool cannot see them.
As Jeff Yates pointed out Silverligh is object, so you cannot inspect something. I can suggest to try SilverlightSpy.
