Load AngularJs Controllers dynamically with ui router and requireJs - angularjs

there is some articles and projects that load angularjs controllers dynamically around internet, but I need loading controllers and templates with ui router and requireJs.
how Can I do that?

Kolban is right. there is a project named "ui-router-extras" that can do these kind of things.


How to use ocLazyLoad in Angular 1.5.7 with ui.router?

I am developing one SPA using Angular 1.5.7 . In that application routing is done with "ui.router". i have a separate folders for each component like Dashboard,Users,Reports and each folder contains its own component and directive, view and service files.
kindly need some guidance on the below questions
Is Angular 1.5.7 is supports $ocLazyLoad ?
If its Supports kindly share the some useful links to learn with ui.router.
How can i achieve lazyloading of Components with Angular 1.5.7?
Is Angular 1.5.7 having default method for lazyloading Components?
Thanks in advance..

what are main things are consider to Convert bootstrap application to angular

I’m developing a website design using bootstrap now I want to move to convert my application as angular JS application.
What are the main things are consider converting angular application.
Angular is a JavaScript framework, Bootstrap is a CSS toolkit with some javascript modules for UI elements. They do different things.
You might want to look at Angular UI Bootstrap for a collection of directives from bootstrap but otherwise its just a matter of JS to Angular.
Bootstrap and Angular are different technologies with different purposes. I would advise you to start with Bootstrap and Angular documentations first.

Tabs and Carousel in Angular JS

I want to implement tabs and inside the tabs route to a carousel.Can anybody provide me the code sample as I am new to Angular JS and have issues implementing routing inside tabs in Angular JS.Here bootstrap can also be used in Angular JS.
ng-view is not good for you maybe as you can have only 1.
try to take a look at ui-view in angularUI project to enable multiple views with sub views.
as for carousel and tabs, you got implementation for that with angularUI/bootstrap/jqueryUI so no need to implement by yourself.

integrating angularjs and backbonejs routing

I have an application where banner is desinged using backbone js which has its own routing mechnism. So its like when you click on banner on top its falls down like curtain and shows all the views in mosaic on dashboard.
My challenege is we are thinking now to implement app with angular js integrating this backbonejs banner.
I have already made things work with angular.bootstrap and all but facing hard time to manage the routing in backbone vs angular.
so problem is if I use angular routing somehow my backbone routing stops functioning. But if I don't use angular routing then backbone routing and angular app works just awesome.

Angular routing and dynamically loading controllers

We are creating a single page app with Angular routing.
The problem is that the Javascript with the controller(s) need to be referenced.
I want the js file to be downloaded dynamically on demand.
Is it mandatory to use a system like RequireJS ? Is there an alternative ?
AngularJS is just a wrapper over pure JS to make a system that's defined in its documentation (MVC, two-way binding, directive and so on). So, you can download the JS and bind the controller defined in the file to the angular app (ng-app). You don't need to use RequireJS to load the file, rather you can use pure JS to do the work.
Most people use requirejs but you can do it in pure JS.
