What is the maintained version of google-app-engine mapreduce for python? - google-app-engine

It seems that the latest documentation is this one:
so I assumed that the code in this repo is the latest, is that so?
It seems that in the SDK one can also find a mapreduce lib under google.appengine.ext.mapreduce.
The issue is that I can't find a working example using either one of them, nor a good installation instructions (just putting the mapreduce dir from the above repo doesn't seem to work). Also running the tests fails.
So before digging in and working through the issues to get it working I wonder if I'm missing something obvious?
Any help will be great.

Got response from the Google team that indeed this library is maintain.
Indeed the code example was missing but it was added back now and some of the documentation was updated.
The best tutorial I have found is this one:
Now linked from the official documentation.
One thing that wasn't clear to me in the documentation is that in addition to the mapreduce lib which you need to add to your app code, you need also to add the dependencies:
the code comes with a build.sh which does it on the some code but you need to do it your self if you are adding the mapreduce lib to your code project.

To use the lib you need to add just this folder to your project. Then use these imports:
from mapreduce import base_handler
from mapreduce import mapreduce_pipeline
This is a good start point.


Where do I find CodenameOne's version of iKVM?

I need to do some research if/how to use backend code from some already available Java web service in some newly created Windows 10 UWP app. The Java code deals with parsing special binary data, depends on things like configuration files and some additional 3rd party libs like Apache Commons*. The current ideas are either providing some native DLL to be bundled with the UWP-app or providing a stand-alone one publishing some high level web services which the UWP-app consumes.
I came across iKVM and CodenameOne and read that iKVM itself is not maintained anymore, but CodenameOne forked a version for their own purposes. At various places authors say that that version of iKVM is managed in the official GitHub repo of CodenameOne, but I'm unable to find it there. The only thing I find are some helper implementations and formerly committed DLLs in the repo-history and such, but nothing which looks like the complete forked project.
Any idea where I can find this? Obviously I'm missing something...
I would simply like to have a look at what CodenameOne needed to change, how much effort they put into keeping up with Java 8, what of those efforts went back to the original project etc.
Sorry about that. I was under the wrong impression that the code resided in the Ports/UWP directory but apparently it isn't there. I'm probably the person who wrote that in those places...
We added a link to the actual repo there for reference. It's here: https://github.com/shannah/cn1-ikvm-uwp

Structuring frontend and backend (AngularJS, Slim)

Questions: What is the correct / proper structure of Frontend and Backend together? How do I publish whole project after It's done? Will it just work if I copy it all to some host? (I know I have to modify DB paths and stuff, I'm worried about all the updating that composer does.. or am I understanding it all wrong)?
Short explanation of how I got here: I'm a student developing a Time management web application (Projects, Tasks..). I have knowledge of PHP (Slim), JS (JQuery, Angular), HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), SQL. My development flow was first creating a database and setting up an Apache server (Linux). After that I started coding by simply creating a folder, adding sub-folders for backend (DB operations..) and frontend (js, css, view, images...) when I needed them. All the includes were downloaded when I needed them (jquery, bootstrap etc.). I never used composer/ npm /bower.. Which brings me to this:
Current situation: I was about to upgrade form Slim 2 to Slim 3. In the last 6 hours of googling I've completely lost motivation and at the moment I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Almost every article/tutorial I read gives me different information: Composer? Bower? npm? Yo?... I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. I tried few of those seeds that create a clean project for you.. WHAT ARE ALL THOSE FILES. I even tried one that creates clean structure of Angular and Slim in one project. Needlessly to say I'm completely lost. I feel like I did all those 100 hours of coding while I should be studying for nothing, since i have no idea how to properly use it.
I'd really appreciate any tip, suggestion, links to stuff that'll help. I feel like all the knowledge of coding I have is just useless since I have no idea how to use it properly. Thank you
This is very simple to work with composer and npm for Slim3 and Angular2
both are different files and main folders
For Slim you will use composer to download all files in vendor folder
For Angular you will use npm to install all files in node_modules
Even the required file is different composer.json for slim and package.json for Angular.
I use Slim with Angular 4 now inaa project and every thing is going smoothly
I don't know what kind of problems you faced, but I'm sure both can work together

Updating AppEngine deployed version on GitHub push

Is it possible to auto-deploy to AppEngine when Github receives a new commit? I found a bunch of dead documentation links that suggest it is, however I still have no idea how to set it up. There are some mentions for creating a release pipeline, but I don't see any way to do that in the cloud console anymore.
I've got my code mirroring the GitHub repository already, however I can't figure out how to link this to the deployment pipeline or even how to create a new version. Am I missing something obvious? This seems like it should be incredibly straightforward to do...
The entry on the Google Cloud Platform blog that's supposed to explain how to achieve this is blank. It seems Google quietly killed this feature. Some people have complained that it suddenly stopped working. The only way to do this now is to use Continous Delivery/Integration tools such as Travis CI.

Camel app on Liberty - JAXB Marshalling

I'm running a Camel application on Liberty Profile server. I'm taking a message from a queue, unmarshalling, mapping then marshalling. This was working fine but now I'm getting an error that JAXBDataBinding method getContextualNamespaceMap is not found.
I think this is because there is an older version of the jar in the server libs but I don't know why it started using it.
IBM Jar: com.ibm.ws.org.apache.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb.2.6.2_1.0.12
The issue is resolved if I switch to parent last class loading but its a very hacky way to fix it and is not a great option. Any other ideas? I'm thinking some feature or other dependency in my build may have pulled this jar in.
So it does look like getContextualNamespaceMap is only available in newer versions of the org.apache.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb JAR than what is available in Liberty.
It might be that parentLast is the best option then. (You already know how to do this but it's documented (here). If it leads to some other issues then do follow-up with another question.
I suppose it's conceivable you might be able to look at whatever is packaged within your application and try removing a set of things and picking them up from the Liberty runtime, to avoid running in parentLast mode. E.g. if you are only referencing getContextualNamespaceMap because you have other code in your app but there is some alternative path you could have gone down entirely in the Liberty-provided modules, then in theory you could be OK.
I'm not familiar enough with the code paths in the modules in the CXF or Camel "stack" to guess whether that's a real-world likelihood though.
The javaee7 feature contained a jaxsw version that clashed with the server version. Removing the javaee7 feature has resolved this issue. Remains to be seen whether or not I will to add it back in.

NoClassDefFoundError Could not initialize class EMFService

I have imported a an app engine project in my eclipse.It was running fine on my previous laptop, here i have copied the eclipse directory from my old machine and imported the project in it. Now I am seeing an error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sharepro.java.dao.EMFService" . The error is in line "EntityManager em = EMFService.get().createEntityManager();". I have all the jars added. any pointer on whcih jar I am mising or any conf issue??
Thanks and Regards
I realize this is an old post, but I just had this exact problem, and it took me a couple of hours to figure this out today (June 2013). I'm still not sure why my solution worked out (or rather, why my situation was causing the error), but this is what I did to fix it:
I had a source folder in my project structure with a /test folder, where I had some JUnit stuff. I deleted that folder, and now everything works. Weird.
Other things that I saw people suggest for this problem include the following:
Make sure you have copied the appropriate .jar files into your /war/WEB-INF/lib folder
Make sure you're not calling your EMF singleton from client code (if you're using GWT)
Make sure you have enabled the Datastore option for your project (Project Properties > Google > App Engine > Datastore > Use Datanucleus JDO/JPA to access the datastore)
(I know this is an old post but in case anyone else needs help)
Your error is more than likely in your JDO, I just had this problem, I didn't annotate a JDO properly and I got the same error as you did
This is because enhancer does not properly enhance your entities. You should enhance entities.
