Check for Integer Overflow with Boolean - c

This little project is based on this discussion about the best way to detect integer overflow before an operation is performed. What I want to do is have a program demonstrate the effectivity of utilizing the integer check. It should produce an integer overflow unchecked for some numbers, whereas it should quit before performing the operation if the check (-c) flag is used. The -m is for multiplication.
The program runs fine without the boolean part, but I need some help with the boolean part that conducts the highestOneBitPosition check. I am getting compilation errors after adding the true/false logic. I am not sure if I am calling and using the highestOneBitPosition function properly. Thanks!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/*boolean */
#define true 1
#define false 0
typedef int bool;
void ShowUsage ()
printf (
"Integer Overflow Check before performing an arithmetic.\n"
"Integer Operant (-a, -s, -m, -d) Checked/Unchecked (-u, -c)\n"
"Example: ./overflowcheck 2 -a 2 -u\n"
size_t highestOneBitPosition(uint32_t a) {
size_t bits=0;
while (a!=0) {
return bits;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 5) {ShowUsage (); return (0);}
else if (strcmp(argv[2],"-m") == 0 && strcmp(argv[4],"-u") == 0)
{printf("%s * %s = %d -- Not checked for integer overflow.\n",argv[1],argv[3], atoi(argv[1])*atoi(argv[3]));return 0;}
/*Works fine so far */
else if (strcmp(argv[2],"-m") == 0 && strcmp(argv[4],"-c") == 0)
bool multiplication_is_safe(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
a = atoi( argv[1] );
b = atoi( argv[3] );
size_t a_bits=highestOneBitPosition(a), b_bits=highestOneBitPosition(b);
return (a_bits+b_bits<=32);}
if (multiplication_is_safe==true)
{printf("%s * %s = %d -- Checked for integer overflow.\n",argv[1],argv[3], atoi(argv[1])*atoi(argv[3]));return 0;}
if (multiplication_is_safe==false)
{printf("Operation not safe, integer overflow likely.\n");}
ShowUsage ();
return (0);}
gcc integer_overflow2.c -o integer_overflow
integer_overflow2.c:40:61: error: function definition is not allowed here
bool multiplication_is_safe(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
integer_overflow2.c:45:17: error: use of undeclared identifier
if (multiplication_is_safe==true)
integer_overflow2.c:47:17: error: use of undeclared identifier
if (multiplication_is_safe==false)

[to long for a comment]
Nested functions are not supported in C.
Properly indented C sources might look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/*boolean */
#define true 1
#define false 0
typedef int bool;
void ShowUsage()
printf("Integer Overflow Check before performing an arithmetic.\n"
"Integer Operant (-a, -s, -m, -d) Checked/Unchecked (-u, -c)\n"
"Example: ./overflowcheck 2 -a 2 -u\n"
size_t highestOneBitPosition(uint32_t a)
size_t bits = 0;
while (a != 0)
a >>= 1;
return bits;
bool multiplication_is_safe(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
a = atoi(argv[1]);
b = atoi(argv[3]);
size_t a_bits = highestOneBitPosition(a), b_bits = highestOneBitPosition(b);
return (a_bits + b_bits <= 32);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 5)
return (0);
else if (strcmp(argv[2], "-m") == 0 && strcmp(argv[4], "-u") == 0)
printf("%s * %s = %d -- Not checked for integer overflow.\n", argv[1],
argv[3], atoi(argv[1]) * atoi(argv[3]));
return 0;
/*Works fine so far */
else if (strcmp(argv[2], "-m") == 0 && strcmp(argv[4], "-c") == 0)
if (multiplication_is_safe == true)
printf("%s * %s = %d -- Checked for integer overflow.\n", argv[1],
argv[3], atoi(argv[1]) * atoi(argv[3]));
return 0;
if (multiplication_is_safe == false)
printf("Operation not safe, integer overflow likely.\n");
return (0);
There however still is a bug, which you might like to find and fix yourself. Look closely what the compiler warns you about. To enable all warnings use -Wall -Wextra -pedantic for gcc.

Check the below link:
Nested function in C
Standard C doesn't support nested functions.So you are seeing compilation errors.
Please move your function outside main() and just invoke that function from main()


RAND_bytes not invoking though setting a RAND_set_rand_method()?

Even though we set currentMethod.bytes with local function to generate random numbers, the RAND_bytes is not invoking. After we set RAND_set_rand_method(&cuurentMethod).
Here I attached link [] which I already tried.
int main()
unsigned char rand[16];
int ret;
RAND_METHOD *oldMethod,currentMethod,*temp;
oldMethod = RAND_get_rand_method();/*getting default method*/
currentMethod = *oldMethod;
currentMethod.bytes = local_function_rand;
if((ret = RAND_set_rand_method(&currentMethod))!= 1)
return 0;
/* Now we are printing both address of local_function_method_rand() and
temp->bytes , those address are same after getting. */
temp = RAND_get_rand_method();
/* after we are comparing with RAND_SSLeay() function , to find default or not*/
if((ret = RAND_bytes(rand,16)) != 1)
return 0;
return 1;
Expecting result is our local function should invoke. Also, to invoke RAND_bytes() is it required to set fips mode in Linux system?
After cleaning up and minimizing your test program and filling in the missing parts:
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int local_function_rand(unsigned char *buf, int num) {
printf("in local_function_rand(); requested %d bytes\n", num);
memset(buf, 4, num); // RFC 1149.5 standard random number
return 1;
int main(void) {
unsigned char rand[16];
RAND_METHOD currentMethod = {.bytes = local_function_rand};
if (RAND_bytes(rand, sizeof rand) != 1) {
return 0;
and running it (With OpenSSL 1.1.1):
$ gcc -Wall -Wextra rand.c -lcrypto
$ ./a.out
in local_function_rand(); requested 16 bytes
it works as expected; the user-supplied function is being called by RAND_bytes(). If you're getting different results from your code, there's probably a problem in the bits you didn't include in your question.

How to return an error from a returning value function in C language [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this question
I am wondering for a while what is the best practice to handle errors in returning values function in C.
First, I would like to introduce the need then share a few solutions that I tried and to hear different ideas.
The issue is when I have a returning value function, this function can return any value in the range, and the function sometimes has a problem that it must return as well to the calling function, it cannot use the traditional return for that cause.
How can I handle that error in the calling function?
few notes:
1. I am an Embedded programer, and I am keen on keeping my function reentrant (pure) functions in a way that different interrupts won't harm the globals, I hardly use globals in my code.
I can't handle it with 0 or -1 because it is a valid return as well.
the errno solution doesn't support pure functions as well as 1.
4.I tried using structs of return which I have one field for the value and one field for the error if it has occurred.
unsigned int squre(unsigned int num)
return num*num;
programmer say I would like to have handle for overflow.
struct returnUnsignedint squre(unsigned int num)
struct returnUnsignedint returnValue;
if (num>65535) { //my embedded system over flow
returnValue.error = 1;
returnValue.value = num*num;
return returnValue;
is there a better option out there?
Let me know if you have different point of view, or solutions.
I would appreciate any help, thanks!
There's no "one size fits all" solution, since it depends on needs of your program.
However, there are a few possibilities.
One way is to specify that one possible return value of your function can indicate an error occurred. For example, since not every value of an unsigned is the square of another, pick a suitable value and return that.
unsigned sqre(unsigned x)
if (x == 0U)
return 0U;
else if (UINT_MAX/x >= x) /* use fact that UINT_MAX is typically not a perfect square */
return x*x;
return UINT_MAX;
(Note, in the above, that I have eliminated your implicit assumption that unsigned is at least 32-bit, by avoiding use of the magic value 65535).
Another option is to do what some standard library functions do: return 0 (or, in the case of unsigned, return 0U, on error) even if it is feasible that value is valid. That means your function always returns a usable value, but the caller will need to decide what to do if your function returns zero.
Another option is to return a data structure
struct Return
unsigned value;
int error;
struct Return sqre(unsigned x)
struct Return retval;
retval.error = 0;
if (x == 0)
retval.value = 0U;
else if (UINT_MAX/x >= x) /* use fact that UINT_MAX is typically not a perfect square */
retval.value = x*x;
retval.error = 1;
return retval;
The trade-off is that forces the caller to create an instance of the struct and then check or extract data from it.
Another is to provide a second argument that provides an error indication.
unsigned sqre(unsigned x, int *error)
*error = 0;
if (x == 0U)
return 0U;
else if (UINT_MAX/x >= x) /* use fact that UINT_MAX is typically not a perfect square */
return x*x;
*error = 1;
return 0U; /* falling off end without a return statement gives undefined behaviour */
The disadvantage of the above is that the caller can forget to check the error condition. It is trivial to modify the above so it checks if error is NULL and then doesn't modify *error (and then allow the caller to specify a NULL to indicate no interest in the error condition).
An alternative is for the function to return the error condition, and require the caller to pass the address of a variable to hold the result (if no error occurs). A disadvantage of this is that the result from the function can't be used directly in larger expressions.
Since, technically, overflow of unsigned gives well-defined behaviour (essentially modulo arithmetic), use your version that does no checks. This option isn't feasible if the function returns a signed int (since overflow gives undefined behaviour). This requires the caller to deal with the fact that the returned value may be truncated (e.g. high order part of the value lost).
Yet another option is for the function to terminate with prejudice if an overflow would occur. For example;
unsigned sqre(unsigned x)
assert(x == 0 || UINT_MAX/x < x); /* from <assert.h> */
return x*x;
This removes the responsibility of the caller to check. However, the caller (if program termination is undesirable) must then ensure the argument passed is valid. Alternatively, the end-user would need to be willing to accept that the program may terminate on bad data.
Another option is to return the error code and write the output value to a parameter:
int sqr( unsigned int num, unsigned int *result )
if ( num > 65535 )
return 0;
*result = num * num;
return 1;
This isn’t always the most convenient option (especially if you want to use sqr as part of a larger arithmetic expression), but it should meet your requirements.
Of course, you could always go the other way - return the value and write the error code to a parameter:
unsigned int sqr( unsigned int num, int *err ) { ... }
but frankly I prefer the first version, since you aren't tempted to use the return value unless you know the operation succeeded.
Following up John's answer I propose an additional macro to be able to use the function in a "larger arithmetic expressions"
#include <stdlib.h> /* for EXIT_xxx macros */
#include <stdio.h> /* for perror() */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
int sqr(unsigned int num, unsigned int *psqr)
int result = 0;
if (NULL == psqr)
result = -1;
errno = EINVAL;
else if (num > 0xffffU)
result = -1;
errno = ERANGE;
*psqr = num * num;
return result;
#define SQR(x, y) \
((-1 == sqr(x, &y)) \
? (perror("sqr() failed"), exit(EXIT_FAILURE), 0U) \
: y \
Some tests below (please note that the macro SQR() has to end the program if sqr() fails):
int main(void)
unsigned int r, i;
puts("Test case 1:");
i = 42;
if (-1 == sqr(i, &r))
perror("sqr() failed");
printf("sqr(%u) = %u\n", i, r);
puts("Test case 2:");
i = 0x10000;
if (-1 == sqr(i, &r))
perror("sqr() failed");
printf("sqr(%u) = %u\n", i, r);
puts("Test case 3:");
if (-1 == sqr(i, NULL))
perror("sqr() failed");
printf("sqr(%u) = %u\n", i, r);
puts("Test case 4:");
r = SQR(1, r) + SQR(2, r);
printf("sqr(%u) + sqr(%u) = %u\n", 1, 2, r);
puts("Test case 5:");
r = SQR(0x10000, r) + SQR(2, r);
printf("sqr(%u) + sqr(%u) = %u\n", 0x10000, 2, r);
puts("Test case 6:");
r = SQR(NULL, r) + SQR(2, r);
printf("sqr(%u) + sqr(%u) = %u\n", 0x10000, 2, r);
The output is:
Test case 1:
sqr(42) = 1764
Test case 2:
sqr() failed: Numerical result out of range
Test case 3:
sqr() failed: Invalid argument
Test case 4:
sqr(1) + sqr(2) = 5
Test case 5:
sqr() failed: Numerical result out of range
Test case 6 is never reached as test case 5 ends the program.

How to define an array of structs at compile time composed of static (private) structs from separate modules?

This question is something of a trick C question or a trick clang/gcc question. I'm not sure which.
I phrased it like I did because the final array is in main.c, but the structs that are in the array are defined in C modules.
The end goal of what I am trying to do is to be able to define structs in seperate C modules and then have those structs be available in a contiguous array right from program start. I do not want to use any dynamic code to declare the array and put in the elements.
I would like it all done at compile or link time -- not at run time.
I'm looking to end up with a monolithic blob of memory that gets setup right from program start.
For the sake of the Stack Overflow question, I thought it would make sense if I imagined these as "drivers" (like in the Linux kernel) Going with that...
Each module is a driver. Because the team is complex, I do not know how many drivers there will ultimately be.
Loaded into contiguous memory (an array)
Loaded into memory at program start
installed by the compiler/linker, not dynamic code
a driver exists because source code exists for it (no dynamic code to load them up)
Avoid cluttering up the code
Here is a contrived example:
// myapp.h
struct state
int16_t data[10];
struct driver
char name[255];
int16_t (*on_do_stuff) (struct state *state);
/* other stuff snipped out */
// drivera.c
#include "myapp.h"
static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
/* do stuff */
static const struct driver _driver = {
.name = "drivera",
.on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
// driverb.c
#include "myapp.h"
static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
/* do stuff */
static const struct driver _driver = {
.name = "driverb",
.on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
// driverc.c
#include "myapp.h"
static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
/* do stuff */
static const struct driver _driver = {
.name = "driverc",
.on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
static struct driver the_drivers[] = {
{drivera somehow},
{driverb somehow},
{driverc somehow},
int main(void)
struct state state;
struct driver *current = the_drivers;
while (current != 0)
printf("we are up to %s\n", current->name);
current += sizeof(struct driver);
return 0;
This doesn't work exactly.
On the module-level structs, I could remove the static const keywords, but I'm not sure how to get them into the array at compile time
I could move all of the module-level structs to main.c, but then I would need to remove the static keyword from all of the on_do_stuff functions, and thereby clutter up the namespace.
In the Linux kernel, they somehow define kernel modules in separate files and then through linker magic, they are able to be loaded into monolithics
Use a dedicated ELF section to "collect" the data structures.
For example, define your data structure in info.h as
#ifndef INFO_H
#define INFO_H
#if defined(__LP64__)
struct info {
long key;
long val;
} __attribute__((__aligned__(INFO_ALIGNMENT)));
#define INFO_NAME(counter) INFO_CAT(info_, counter)
#define INFO_CAT(a, b) INFO_DUMMY() a ## b
#define INFO_DUMMY()
#define DEFINE_INFO(data...) \
static struct info INFO_NAME(__COUNTER__) \
__attribute__((__used__, __section__("info"))) \
= { data }
#endif /* INFO_H */
The INFO_ALIGNMENT macro is the alignment used by the linker to place each symbol, separately, to the info section. It is important that the C compiler agrees, as otherwise the section contents cannot be treated as an array. (You'll obtain an incorrect number of structures, and only the first one (plus every N'th) will be correct, the rest of the structures garbled. Essentially, the C compiler and the linker disagreed on the size of each structure in the section "array".)
Note that you can add preprocessor macros to fine-tune the INFO_ALIGNMENT for each of the architectures you use, but you can also override it for example in your Makefile, at compile time. (For GCC, supply -DINFO_ALIGNMENT=32 for example.)
The used attribute ensures that the definition is emitted in the object file, even though it is not referenced otherwise in the same data file. The section("info") attribute puts the data into a special info section in the object file. The section name (info) is up to you.
Those are the critical parts, otherwise it is completely up to you how you define the macro, or whether you define it at all. Using the macro is easy, because one does not need to worry about using unique variable name for the structure. Also, if at least one member is specified, all others will be initialized to zero.
In the source files, you define the data objects as e.g.
#include "info.h"
/* Suggested, easy way */
DEFINE_INFO(.key = 5, .val = 42);
/* Alternative way, without relying on any macros */
static struct info foo __attribute__((__used__, __section__("info"))) = {
.key = 2,
.val = 1
The linker provides symbols __start_info and __stop_info, to obtain the structures in the info section. In your main.c, use for example
#include "info.h"
extern struct info __start_info[];
extern struct info __stop_info[];
#define NUM_INFO ((size_t)(__stop_info - __start_info))
#define INFO(i) ((__start_info) + (i))
so you can enumerate all info structures. For example,
int main(void)
size_t i;
printf("There are %zu info structures:\n", NUM_INFO);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_INFO; i++)
printf(" %zu. key=%ld, val=%ld\n", i,
__start_info[i].key, INFO(i)->val);
For illustration, I used both the __start_info[] array access (you can obviously #define SOMENAME __start_info if you want, just make sure you do not use SOMENAME elsewhere in main.c, so you can use SOMENAME[] as the array instead), as well as the INFO() macro.
Let's look at a practical example, an RPN calculator.
We use section ops to define the operations, using facilities defined in ops.h:
#ifndef OPS_H
#define OPS_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_LP64)
#define ALIGN_SECTION __attribute__((__aligned__(16)))
#elif defined(__ILP32__) || defined(_ILP32)
#define ALIGN_SECTION __attribute__((__aligned__(8)))
typedef struct {
size_t maxsize; /* Number of values allocated for */
size_t size; /* Number of values in stack */
double *value; /* Values, oldest first */
} stack;
#define STACK_INITIALIZER { 0, 0, NULL }
struct op {
const char *name; /* Operation name */
const char *desc; /* Description */
int (*func)(stack *); /* Implementation */
#define OPS_NAME(counter) OPS_CAT(op_, counter, _struct)
#define OPS_CAT(a, b, c) OPS_DUMMY() a ## b ## c
#define OPS_DUMMY()
#define DEFINE_OP(name, func, desc) \
static struct op OPS_NAME(__COUNTER__) \
__attribute__((__used__, __section__("ops"))) = { name, desc, func }
static inline int stack_has(stack *st, const size_t num)
if (!st)
return EINVAL;
if (st->size < num)
return ENOENT;
return 0;
static inline int stack_pop(stack *st, double *to)
if (!st)
return EINVAL;
if (st->size < 1)
return ENOENT;
if (to)
*to = st->value[st->size];
return 0;
static inline int stack_push(stack *st, double val)
if (!st)
return EINVAL;
if (st->size >= st->maxsize) {
const size_t maxsize = (st->size | 127) + 129;
double *value;
value = realloc(st->value, maxsize * sizeof (double));
if (!value)
return ENOMEM;
st->maxsize = maxsize;
st->value = value;
st->value[st->size++] = val;
return 0;
#endif /* OPS_H */
The basic set of operations is defined in ops-basic.c:
#include "ops.h"
static int do_neg(stack *st)
double temp;
int retval;
retval = stack_pop(st, &temp);
if (retval)
return retval;
return stack_push(st, -temp);
static int do_add(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] + st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
static int do_sub(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] - st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
static int do_mul(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] * st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
static int do_div(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] / st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
DEFINE_OP("neg", do_neg, "Negate current operand");
DEFINE_OP("add", do_add, "Add current and previous operands");
DEFINE_OP("sub", do_sub, "Subtract previous operand from current one");
DEFINE_OP("mul", do_mul, "Multiply previous and current operands");
DEFINE_OP("div", do_div, "Divide current operand by the previous operand");
The calculator expects each value and operand to be a separate command-line argument for simplicity. Our main.c contains operation lookup, basic usage, value parsing, and printing the result (or error):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "ops.h"
extern struct op __start_ops[];
extern struct op __stop_ops[];
#define NUM_OPS ((size_t)(__stop_ops - __start_ops))
static int do_op(stack *st, const char *opname)
struct op *curr_op;
if (!st || !opname)
return EINVAL;
for (curr_op = __start_ops; curr_op < __stop_ops; curr_op++)
if (!strcmp(opname, curr_op->name))
if (curr_op >= __stop_ops)
return ENOTSUP;
return curr_op->func(st);
static int usage(const char *argv0)
struct op *curr_op;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ -h | --help ]\n", argv0);
fprintf(stderr, " %s RPN-EXPRESSION\n", argv0);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value\n");
fprintf(stderr, "or operator. The following operators are supported:\n");
for (curr_op = __start_ops; curr_op < __stop_ops; curr_op++)
fprintf(stderr, "\t%-14s %s\n", curr_op->name, curr_op->desc);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double val;
size_t i;
int arg, err;
char dummy;
if (argc < 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))
return usage(argv[0]);
for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++)
if (sscanf(argv[arg], " %lf %c", &val, &dummy) == 1) {
err = stack_push(&all, val);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot push %s to stack: %s.\n", argv[arg], strerror(err));
} else {
err = do_op(&all, argv[arg]);
if (err == ENOTSUP) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Operation not supported.\n", argv[arg]);
} else
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot perform operation: %s.\n", argv[arg], strerror(err));
if (all.size < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "No result.\n");
} else
if (all.size > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Multiple results:\n");
for (i = 0; i < all.size; i++)
fprintf(stderr, " %.9f\n", all.value[i]);
printf("%.9f\n", all.value[0]);
Note that if there were many operations, constructing a hash table to speed up the operation lookup would make a lot of sense.
Finally, we need a Makefile to tie it all together:
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -Wall -O2 -std=c99
LDFLAGS := -lm
OPS := $(wildcard ops-*.c)
OPSOBJS := $(OPS:%.c=%.o)
PROGS := rpncalc
.PHONY: all clean
all: clean $(PROGS)
rm -f *.o $(PROGS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^
rpncalc: main.o $(OPSOBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $#
Because this forum does not preserve Tabs, and make requires them for indentation, you probably need to fix the indentation after copy-pasting the above. I use sed -e 's|^ *|\t|' -i Makefile
If you compile (make clean all) and run (./rpncalc) the above, you'll see the usage information:
Usage: ./rpncalc [ -h | --help ]
Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse
Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value
or operator. The following operators are supported:
div Divide current operand by the previous operand
mul Multiply previous and current operands
sub Subtract previous operand from current one
add Add current and previous operands
neg Negate current operand
and if you run e.g. ./rpncalc 3.0 4.0 5.0 sub mul neg, you get the result 3.000000000.
Now, let's add some new operations, ops-sqrt.c:
#include <math.h>
#include "ops.h"
static int do_sqrt(stack *st)
double temp;
int retval;
retval = stack_pop(st, &temp);
if (retval)
return retval;
return stack_push(st, sqrt(temp));
DEFINE_OP("sqrt", do_sqrt, "Take the square root of the current operand");
Because the Makefile above compiles all C source files beginning with ops- in to the final binary, the only thing you need to do is recompile the source: make clean all. Running ./rpncalc now outputs
Usage: ./rpncalc [ -h | --help ]
Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse
Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value
or operator. The following operators are supported:
sqrt Take the square root of the current operand
div Divide current operand by the previous operand
mul Multiply previous and current operands
sub Subtract previous operand from current one
add Add current and previous operands
neg Negate current operand
and you have the new sqrt operator available.
Testing e.g. ./rpncalc 1 1 1 1 add add add sqrt yields 2.000000000, as expected.

How to determine if a pointer equals an element of an array?

I have code in Code Reveiw that "works" as expected, yet may have UB
Code has an array of same-sized char arrays called GP2_format[]. To detect if the pointer format has the same value as the address of one of the elements GP2_format[][0], the below code simple tested if the pointer was >= the smallest element and <= the greatest. As the elements are size 1, no further checking needed.
const char GP2_format[GP2_format_N + 1][1];
const char *format = ...;
if (format >= GP2_format[0] && format <= GP2_format[GP2_format_N]) Inside()
else Outside();
C11 §6.5.8/5 Relational operators < > <= >= appears to define this as the dreaded Undefined Behavior when comparing a pointer from outside the array.
When two pointers are compared, the result depends on the relative locations in the address space of the objects pointed to. If two pointers to object types both point to the
same object, ... of the same array object, they compare equal. ...(same object OK) .... (same union OK) .... (same array OK) ... In all other cases, the behavior is undefined.
Q1 Is code's pointer compare in GP2_get_type() UB?
Q2 If so, what is a well defined alternate, search O(1), to the questionable GP2_get_type()?
Slower solutions
Code could sequentially test format against each GP2_format[] or convert the values to intptr_t, sort one time and do a O(ln2(n)) search.
...if a pointer is part of a set, but this "set" is not random, it is an array.
intptr_t approach - maybe UB.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
} GP2_type;
const char GP2_format[GP2_format_N + 1][1];
static int GP2_get_type(const char *format) {
// candidate UB with pointer compare
if (format >= GP2_format[0] && format <= GP2_format[GP2_format_N]) {
return (int) (format - GP2_format[0]);
return GP2_format_N;
int main(void) {
printf("%d\n", GP2_get_type(GP2_format[1]));
printf("%d\n", GP2_get_type("Hello World")); // potential UB
return 0;
Output (as expected, yet potentially UB)
If you want to comply with the C Standard then your options are:
Perform individual == or != tests against each pointer in the target range
You could use a hash table or search tree or something to speed this up, if it is a very large set
Redesign your code to not require this check.
A "probably works" method would be to cast all of the values to uintptr_t and then do relational comparison. If the system has a memory model with absolute ordering then it should define uintptr_t and preserve that ordering; and if it doesn't have such a model then the relational compare idea never would have worked anyway.
This is not an answer to the stated question, but an answer to the underlying problem.
Unless I am mistaken, the entire problem can be avoided by making GP_format a string. This way the problem simplifies to checking whether a pointer points to within a known string, and that is not UB. (If it is, then using strchr() to find a character and compute its index in the string would be UB, which would be completely silly. That would be a serious bug in the standard, in my opinion. Then again, I'm not a language lawyer, just a programmer that tries to write robust, portable C. Fortunately, the standard states it's written to help people like me, and not compiler writers who want to avoid doing hard work by generating garbage whenever a technicality in the standard lets them.)
Here is a full example of the approach I had in mind. This also compiles with clang-3.5, since the newest GCC I have on the machine I'm currently using is version 4.8.4, which has no _Generic() support. If you use a different version of clang, or gcc, change the first line in the Makefile accordingly, or run e.g. make CC=gcc.
First, Makefile:
CC := clang-3.5
CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -std=c11 -O2
LD := $(CC)
PROGS := example
.PHONY: all clean
all: clean $(PROGS)
rm -f *.o $(PROGS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^
example: out.o main.o
$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $#
Next, out.h:
#ifndef OUT_H
#define OUT_H 1
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
} out_type;
extern const char out_formats[out_count + 1];
extern int outf(FILE *, ...);
#define out(x...) outf(stdout, x)
#define err(x...) outf(stderr, x)
#define OUT(x) _Generic( (x), \
FILE *: out_formats + out_FILE, \
double: out_formats + out_double, \
int: out_formats + out_int, \
char: out_formats + out_char ), (x)
#define OUT_END ((const char *)0)
#define OUT_EOL "\n", ((const char *)0)
#define OUT_fixed(x) (out_formats + out_set_fixed), ((int)(x))
#define OUT_width(x) (out_formats + out_set_width), ((int)(x))
#define OUT_decimals(x) (out_formats + out_set_decimals), ((int)(x))
#endif /* OUT_H */
Note that the above OUT() macro expands to two subexpressions separated by a comma. The first subexpression uses _Generic() to emit a pointer within out_formats based on the type of the macro argument. The second subexpression is the macro argument itself.
Having the first argument to the outf() function be a fixed one (the initial stream to use) simplifies the function implementation quite a bit.
Next, out.c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "out.h"
/* out_formats is a string consisting of ASCII NULs,
* i.e. an array of zero chars.
* We only check if a char pointer points to within out_formats,
* if it points to a zero char; otherwise, it's just a normal
* string we print as-is.
const char out_formats[out_count + 1] = { 0 };
int outf(FILE *out, ...)
va_list args;
int fixed = 0;
int width = -1;
int decimals = -1;
if (!out)
return EINVAL;
va_start(args, out);
while (1) {
const char *const format = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (!format) {
return 0;
if (*format) {
if (fputs(format, out) == EOF) {
return 0;
} else
if (format >= out_formats && format < out_formats + sizeof out_formats) {
switch ((out_type)(format - out_formats)) {
case out_char:
if (fprintf(out, "%c", va_arg(args, int)) < 0) {
return EIO;
case out_int:
if (fprintf(out, "%*d", width, (int)va_arg(args, int)) < 0) {
return EIO;
case out_double:
if (fprintf(out, fixed ? "%*.*f" : "%*.*e", width, decimals, (float)va_arg(args, double)) < 0) {
return EIO;
case out_FILE:
out = va_arg(args, FILE *);
if (!out) {
return EINVAL;
case out_set_fixed:
fixed = !!va_arg(args, int);
case out_set_width:
width = va_arg(args, int);
case out_set_decimals:
decimals = va_arg(args, int);
case out_count:
Note that the above lacks even OUT("string literal") support; it's quite minimal implementation.
Finally, the main.c to show an example of using the above:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "out.h"
int main(void)
double q = 1.0e6 / 7.0;
int x;
out("Hello, world!\n", OUT_END);
out("One seventh of a million is ", OUT_decimals(3), OUT(q), " = ", OUT_fixed(1), OUT(q), ".", OUT_EOL);
for (x = 1; x <= 9; x++)
out(OUT(stderr), OUT(x), " ", OUT_width(2), OUT(x*x), OUT_EOL);
In a comment, chux pointed out that we can get rid of the pointer inequality comparisons, if we fill the out_formats array; then (assuming, just for paranoia's sake, we skip the zero index), we can use (*format > 0 && *format < out_type_max && format == out_formats + *format) for the check. This seems to work just fine.
I also applied Pascal Cuoq's answer on how to make string literals decay into char * for _Generic(), so this does support out(OUT("literal")). Here is the modified out.h:
#ifndef OUT_H
#define OUT_H 1
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
out_string = 1,
} out_type;
extern const char out_formats[out_type_max + 1];
extern int outf(FILE *, ...);
#define out(x...) outf(stdout, x)
#define err(x...) outf(stderr, x)
#define OUT(x) _Generic( (0,x), \
FILE *: out_formats + out_set_FILE, \
double: out_formats + out_double, \
int: out_formats + out_int, \
char *: out_formats + out_string ), (x)
#define OUT_END ((const char *)0)
#define OUT_EOL "\n", ((const char *)0)
#define OUT_fixed(x) (out_formats + out_set_fixed), ((int)(x))
#define OUT_width(x) (out_formats + out_set_width), ((int)(x))
#define OUT_decimals(x) (out_formats + out_set_decimals), ((int)(x))
#endif /* OUT_H */
Here is the correspondingly modified implementation, out.c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "out.h"
const char out_formats[out_type_max + 1] = {
[ out_string ] = out_string,
[ out_int ] = out_int,
[ out_double ] = out_double,
[ out_set_FILE ] = out_set_FILE,
[ out_set_fixed ] = out_set_fixed,
[ out_set_width ] = out_set_width,
[ out_set_decimals ] = out_set_decimals,
int outf(FILE *stream, ...)
va_list args;
/* State (also, stream is included in state) */
int fixed = 0;
int width = -1;
int decimals = -1;
va_start(args, stream);
while (1) {
const char *const format = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (!format) {
return 0;
if (*format > 0 && *format < out_type_max && format == out_formats + (size_t)(*format)) {
switch ((out_type)(*format)) {
case out_string:
const char *s = va_arg(args, char *);
if (s && *s) {
if (!stream) {
return EINVAL;
if (fputs(s, stream) == EOF) {
return EINVAL;
case out_int:
if (!stream) {
return EINVAL;
if (fprintf(stream, "%*d", width, (int)va_arg(args, int)) < 0) {
return EIO;
case out_double:
if (!stream) {
return EINVAL;
if (fprintf(stream, fixed ? "%*.*f" : "%*.*e", width, decimals, va_arg(args, double)) < 0) {
return EIO;
case out_set_FILE:
stream = va_arg(args, FILE *);
if (!stream) {
return EINVAL;
case out_set_fixed:
fixed = !!va_arg(args, int);
case out_set_width:
width = va_arg(args, int);
case out_set_decimals:
decimals = va_arg(args, int);
case out_type_max:
/* This is a bug. */
} else
if (*format) {
if (!stream) {
return EINVAL;
if (fputs(format, stream) == EOF) {
return EIO;
If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please let me know in the comments. I don't actually need such code for anything, but I do find the approach very interesting.

C - argc changes with operation

for some reason my argc argument changes from 4 to 6 if instead of "a+bi + c+di" I write "a+bi * c+di" and I don't know why. What is happening and how can I solve it?
Thank you
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FORMATLOG "Invalid Input. Required format: <a+bi> <operator> <c+di>"
#define INPUTLOG "Error: Trying to operate with different sets of numbers"
enum { true, false };
typedef struct {
double realp, imagp;
} Complex;
int checkIfComplex(char *exp) {
unsigned int i = 1;
if(exp[strlen(exp) - 1] == 'i')
while(exp[i] != '\0') {
if(exp[i] == '+' || exp[i] == '-')
return true;
return false;
Complex parseComplex(char *exp) {
Complex number;
sscanf(exp, "%lf + %lfi", &number.realp, &number.imagp);
return number;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("%d", argc);
if(argc != 4) {
return false;
if(argv[2][0] != '%')
if(checkIfComplex(argv[1]) || checkIfComplex(argv[3])) {
return false;
Complex result,
fterm = parseComplex(argv[1]),
sterm = parseComplex(argv[3]);
switch(argv[2][0]) {
case '+':
result.realp = fterm.realp + sterm.realp;
result.imagp = fterm.imagp + sterm.imagp;
case '-':
result.realp = fterm.realp - sterm.realp;
result.imagp = fterm.imagp - sterm.imagp;
case '*': case 'x':
result.realp = fterm.realp * sterm.realp;
result.imagp = fterm.realp * sterm.imagp
+ fterm.imagp * sterm.realp
- fterm.imagp * sterm.imagp;
return false;
fprintf(stdout, ">> %g + %gi\n", result.realp, result.imagp);
return true;
It would appear that the '*' is being treated as a wild-card and expanded by the shell before being passed to you application. For example,
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ndx;
printf("%d\n", argc);
for(ndx = 0; ndx < argc; ndx++)
printf("argument %d is %s\n", ndx, argv[ndx]);
return 0;
produces the following output (on a Ubuntu host, using gcc-4.8 as the compiler):
******#ubuntu:~/junk$ ./complex a+bi * c+di
argument 0 is ./complex
argument 1 is a+bi
argument 2 is complex
argument 3 is complex.c
argument 4 is complex.c~
argument 5 is c+di
I can see two solutions to your problem:
(1) escape the * like this:
xxxxxx#ubuntu:~/junk$ ./complex a+bi \* c+di
argument 0 is ./complex
argument 1 is a+bi
argument 2 is *
argument 3 is c+di
Problem here is that you are going to have to escape any symbol that has special significance, and it certainly doesn't seem natural to write *. Additionally, I'm not sure how portable this is going to be due to shells using different escape charaters.
(2) quote the entire expression like this:
xxxxxx#ubuntu:~/junk$ ./complex "a+bi * c+di"
argument 0 is ./complex
argument 1 is a+bi * c+di
At least here the user can write the expression in a normal form, they just have to remember to quote it. Additionally, this provides some protection against a user adding an additional space in the expression, vis a + bi * c+di. The problem here is that the use needs to remember to quote the expression and you need to do a bit more parsing to extract the two terms.
