Partial database shortcut in SSDT - sql-server

I'm assuming this is not possible but asking just in case. I have two database projects in my Visual Studio 2013 solution and Database Y mostly just has shortcuts to tables in Database X. Everything worked great until I added partitioning to the definition of Table A in Database X. Since I deploy Database X to SQL Server 2012 Enterprise and deploy Database Y to SQL Server 2012 Standard, and partitioning is not allowed in Standard, the latter deployment fails.
Is there a way to tell the database project for Database Y to ignore the partitioning stuff? Any other ideas on how to keep the tables in sync without using a shortcut?
UPDATE: Here is the error.
Creating [PartitionByReportFileID]... (75,1): SQL72014: .Net SqlClient
Data Provider: Msg 7736, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Partition function
can only be created in Enterprise edition of SQL Server. Only
Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports partitioning. (74,0):
SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: CREATE
FOR VALUES (90000000, 120000000, 140000000, 160000000, 180000000, 200000000, 220000000, 240000000, 260000000, 280000000, 300000000,
320000000, 340000000, 360000000, 380000000, 400000000, 420000000,
440000000, 460000000, 480000000, 500000000, 520000000, 540000000,
560000000, 580000000, 600000000);
An error occurred while the batch was being executed.

UPD: Well, it's possible, though you probably won't like the approach.
Indeed, SSDT includes partition-related stuff into the deployment script no matter how hard one tries not to allow it. The other way is to create an empty database and then perform a schema compare between the project (source) and that database (target). In the schema compare settings, make sure 2 checks are set on the General tab:
Ignore object placement on partition schemes
Ignore partition schemes
This works in SSDT 2012, verified. From this point on, you can either run an update directly, or generate script and then use it for deployment, with only minor modifications (such as adding the database (re)creation part from the standard deployment script, if needed).
The only drawback with this approach is that previously partitioned tables appear on default filegroup, which is usually PRIMARY unless you change it. That, and post-deployment script functionality isn't included, afaik (assuming you have one, of course).


How to deploy DACPACs to transaction replicated databases

I am deploying a DACPAC via SqlPackage.exe to database servers that have a large volume of transaction replication in SQL Server. The DACPAC is built as the output of a SQL Server Database Project. When I attempt to deploy the DACPAC to the database with replication enabled the SqlPackage execution returns errors such as, Error SQL72035: [dbo].[SomeObject] is replicated and cannot be modified.
I found the parameter DoNotAlterReplicatedObjects which does not alter objects with replication turned on and would silence those errors, which isn't what I want to do. Instead, I want to alter all objects regardless of replication as part of the deployment.
The only option that I can think of to deploy the DACPAC to these replicated databases is to:
remove the replication through a script before deploying,
deploy the DACPAC via SqlPackage,
reconstruct the replication via scripts after deploying.
Unfortunately, the database is so heavily replicated that the step #3 above would take over 7 hours to complete. So this is not a practical solution.
Is there a better way to use SQL Server Database Projects and DACPACs to deploy to databases with a lot of replication?
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your advice.
We solved the issue by doing the following. Hopefully this will work for others as well. The high level idea is that you need to disable "Do not ALTER replicated objects" and enable "Ignore column order".
There's a couple of ways to do this.
If you are using the SqlPackage tool in your deployment pipeline, then use the DoNotAlterReplicatedObjects and IgnoreColumnOrder properties see this link. So /p:DoNotAlterReplicatedObjects=False /p:IgnoreColumnOrder=True
If you are using C# or PowerShell Dac classes, then use the DacDeployOptions.DoNotAlterReplicatedObjects and DacDeployOptions.IgnoreColumnOrder properties.
You can directly modify the "Advanced Publish Setting" in Visual Studio IDE. You uncheck the Do not ALTER replicated objects checkbox and enable the Ignore column order checkbox. See this StackOverflow answer for how an example for the Ignore checkbox.
Our theory on why this works is that the alter table can only append a column to the end of a table so the only way to add a column to a specific position is to drop and recreate the table. The ignore tells the publisher to append the column to the end regardless of where I positioned the column in the script.
So the place this could be a problem is if you do an insert without specifying a column list because you expect the columns to be in a specific order and they're not.
Another potential side-effect that you could run in to is the table created by the DACPAC could have a different column order than the table altered by the DACPAC. We have been using this solution for a few months without issues, but the above are things to be aware of.
I hope that this helps.

Collation change on MS sql server 2012

Dear all, Currently I am just researching how I could handle the change of the collation on the database.
Somebody made an unusual decision to create accent sensitive database for global use... but I am on the way to handle this!
REASON: of changing the collation is that database contains data collected from different countries and as we all know some of cultures have their own letters.
With the respect for the customers, our organization would like to have Accent Insensitive database. That will allow users to request data from the server without any limitations using local characters.
As far as I have find out, there may be an option to drop constraints and etc. change collation and then just to bring everything back. In this case I am afraid if this would be enough to affect already existing data (columns).
Another way, I have found an article in Collation change on 2005 and 2008 server. However, this does not include the 2012 server.
Also I am taking the complexity of this example into consideration as well.
I believe that I am not in an easy phase. But I am hoping to get few advises what would be the best and safest way to handle this.
Thank you for your concerns and assistance.
UPDATE let me add what architecture do we have: The complete system contains 4 databases and more than 1.000 tables in total. So my expectations is that not all of the possible ways may work in an optimal way.
me too i had to deal with a similar issue because of a different reason: ancient databases with an old SQL collation installed ages ago on a SQL6.5 server that has been inplace upgraded for each version from sql 7 to sql 2005 and now should be updated to sql 2012.
why all these inplace upgrades? because the actual collation was the server collation and was so old that is not available during then install process of a recent version (2000+) of sql server...
i decided to drop all that old rubbish so i had to find a way that allowed me to move to a new installation with a windows collation.
i had to exclude the data migration (create a new database and import data) because of the lack of documentation and the huge number of customizations, triggers, hidden rules and so on.
the solution i used (the order matters):
disable automatic statistics generation
script the creation of all foreign keys and then drop them
script unique and primary indexes and then drop them
script all remaining indexes and then drop them
script custom statistics and then drop them
script CHECK and DEFAULT constraints and then drop them
now you can run the ALTER commands needed to change the collation of the columns and change the collation of the database itself.
when done repeat the above in reverse order to rebuild all the needed objects.
it happens that if the database is so old as is mine you may incur in something funny like existing foreign key that references fields with different datatypes.
Changing collation of all existing columns is a real pain. I suggest a side-by-side migration rather than alter each column individually. Create a new database with the desired collation containing only empty tables. Copy data from the old db to the new one using INSERT...SELECT (or the ETL tool of your choice), and then create constraints, indexes, and other database objects.
Consider upvoting the Make it easy to change collation on a database SQL Server feature request.
There are a number of complicated solutions on the internet for inplace collation changes but the simplest (and safest) way we have found is to script out the database, alter the script to create a new db with the collation set at the start and then import the data to the new database.
We achieve this using MS SQL Server 2012 Management Studio in the following way:
Script out all database objects with Tasks -> Generate Scripts -> Script entire Database and all Database objects
Alter the script with the following 2 changes and then run it to create a new database:
a) Change DB name to MY-NEW-DB
b) Under the CREATE DATABASE statement add: ALTER DATABASE [MY-NEW-DB] collate Latin1_General_CS_AS
If desired, use a tool like RG SQL Compare to compare the old and new database to verify all indexes, constraints, types etc were the same and collation on relevant columns only was changed.
Run Tasks->Import Data ensuring 'Enable Identity Insert' checked. All data transferred to the new case sensitive database correctly.
Run DBCC CHECKDB if you wish to check consistency

Full Text Search Auto-Partition Schemes and Functions

We have some full text searches running on our SQL Server 2012 Development (Enterprise) database. We noticed that partition schemes and functions are being (periodically) added to the DB. I can only assume that the partitions are for FTS as they have the following form:
CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [ifts_comp_fragment_data_space_46093FC3] AS PARTITION [ifts_comp_fragment_partition_function_46093FC3] TO ([FTS], [FTS], [FTS])
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [ifts_comp_fragment_partition_function_46093FC3](varbinary(128)) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (0x00330061007A00660073003200360036, 0x0067006F00730066006F00720064)
The problem is that our production servers are running SQL Server 2012 Standard which does not support partitions. Thus it adds an extra admin burden on our schema compares (using SSDT) to exclude these partitions every time. When one does (inevitably) creep in it is a pain to remove. We have done some extensive research and have not been able to come up with any answer as to why this is even happening. Any ideas?
Yes, those are internal to the fulltext search functionality. You have no control over them.
However, I would consider it a bug that they show up in your schema compares. You'll never create/alter/drop them yourselves, and they completely maintained by sql server, so I would file a bug report on

SQL Server 2005 Auditing

I have a production SQL Server 2005 server to which 4 different applications connect and make changes.
There are no foreign keys and in some cases no primary keys.
Unfortunately throwing the whole thing out and starting from scratch is not an option.
So my solution is to start migrating each of the applications to a service layer approach so that there is only one application directly connecting to the database.
However there are problems that need to be fixed before that service layer is written and all the applications are migrated over.
So rather than make changes and hope they don't break any one of the 4 badly written applications (with no way of quickly testing all functionality) my solution is to start auditing the database
How do I audit what stored procedures, tables, columns, views are being accessed/updated/called by each user on SQL Server 2005.
I can find out which tables are being updated but I have no idea which columns and by what users.
I also don't know if certain tables are being accessed only through stored procedures/views.
I know that SQL Server 2008 has better auditing features but if I could do this without spending money that would be great. That said if the best solution is to upgrade or buy software that's also an option.
Check out SQL Server 2008's CDC feature. You can't use this directly in 2005 but you can write a trigger for each table to log all data changes to a new audit table. i.e. you'd have an audit table for each table in your db, with all the same columns plus some additional columns saying what the operation was and when it occurred.
If the nature of your applications means you can get user information and/or application information from CURRENT_USER and APP_NAME() you could include that information in the audit table too.
And check out this answer for more goodness.

How can I copy a SQL Server 2005 database from production to development?

We have a production SQL Server 2005 database server with the production version of our application's database on it. I would like to be able to copy down the data contents of the production database to a development server for testing.
Several sites (and Microsoft's forums) suggest using the Backup/Restore options to copy databases from one server from another, but this solution is unworkable for several reasons (I don't have backup authority on our production database, I don't want to overwrite permissions on the development server, I don't want to overwrite structure changes on the development server, etc...)
I've tried using the SQL Import/Export Wizard in SQL Server 2005, but it always reports primary key violations. How can I copy the contents of a database from the production server to development without using the "Backup/Restore" method?
Well without the proper rights it really becomes more tedious and less than ideal.
One way that I would recommend though is to drop all of your constraints and indexes and then add them again once the data has been imported/exported.
Not an elegant solution but it'll process really fast.
Another option is to create an SSIS package where you specifically dump the tables in an order that won't violate the constraints.
I often use SQL Data Compare ( for this task: the synchronization scripts it writes will remove the relationships during the transfer and reapply them, but that is OK in most development cases. It works especially well with smaller databases or subsets of databases.
If your database is large, I would recommend finding someone with the keys to the kingdom. Doing an out of sequence backup could mess with the ability to restore the database from the primary backup (if they are doing partials during the week for example) by marking records backed up when they are only in your backup, so don't try to bypass that security if you are unsure why it is there.
Assuming that you can connect to both DB's from the same machine (which almost always you can - I do it with my production servers via a VPN).
For each table
DELETE FROM devserv.dbo.tablename;
SET identity_insert [devserv.dbo.tablename] ON;
INSERT into devserv.dbo.tablename SELECT * from prodserv.dbo.tablename;
SET identity_insert [devname.dbo.tablename] OFF;
It is obviously worth noting that you will need to do this in a certain order if your tables have foreign key constraints.
The import/ export wizard is notorious for this sort of thing, and actually has a bug that makes it even less useful in working out the dependencies (sorry, don't have the details to hand).
SSIS does a much better job, but you'll have to add each table copy task by hand (in fact a datasource, copy task and data destination objects. It's a little tedious to set up (more than it should be), but a lot simpler than writing your own code.
One tip: avoid generating an SSIS project with the import/ export wizard, thinking it will be easier to just tweak it. It generates something that most people would find unrecognisable, even with some SSIS experience!
If you do not have backup permission on the production server, I guess this is because you are using a shared SQL Server from a webhoster. In this case, check if your webhoster provides the tool called myLittleBackup. It allows installing a db from one server to another in a few clicks...
I'd contact someone that does have access to backup the database. Permissions are usually there for a reason.
I might consider getting a backup as there will be one wether you run it or not (t least in theory a Prod DB is being backed up :) )
Then just restore to a brand new database on your dev box so you dont conflict with anything or anyone else.
If you restore to a new DB you could also pull the tables and data across manually if you wanted and since you create the DB you give yourself rights and it's all ok. There's a number of other methods, all tedious.
It is obviously worth noting that you will need to do this in a certain order if your tables have foreign key constraints.
We just use the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard at work.
You would use this little utility to generate a T-SQL script that describes your production database (including all its data). Then connect to your dev server and run the generated script.
If you have to avoid backup/restore this is what I would recommend (these steps assuming you don't want to maintain the old schema NAME, just the structure) -
Download opendbdiff. Choose 'Compare' between source and (empty) destination. Choose sync. script tab and copy only the create table rows (without dbo.sysdiagrams tables etc.) paste into sql managment studio new query, delete all the schemas names appearing before the table names.
Now you have the full structure including primary keys, identity etc. Next step - use sql server import and export data like you did before (make sure you choose edit mappings and choose destination schema as dbo etc.). Also make sure you tick drop and recreate destination table.
On your Dev machine, setup a linked server to your production machine. Then just
INSERT dev.db.dbo.table (fieldlist)
SELECT (fieldlist) from prod.db.dbo.table
