Angular and Symfony2 - Different Templates for Search Engines - angularjs

I want to implement a Search-Tool with AngularJS on a Site in Symfony. The Angular-App is only part of this single Template. BUT the results of the search has also crawled from Search Engines as Google, Yahoo and so on. The Idea i have was to build a switch in a Action of Symfony. If the action detects that the request is from a Search Engine it gets a Template that have a regular search index with first results, without the angular-part.
The Question is, may this cause Problems?


What is the status of Angularjs SEO in 2018?

I remade my website, and used angularJS for some part of it. It is online for three weeks now, and seems that Google still not indexed any of the angularjs content.
I would like to know what is the status of Google crawling Angularjs in 2018?
Searching the web returns old articles that claims that Google cannot crawl Angularjs, although google claim they do crawl Angularjs.
Should I wait patiently for Google to crawl my site or generate a server-side-rendering instead?
Also, I would like a link to how to properly do server-side-rendering in 2018?
Is hashbang is still the standard way to do it? There are some similar questions on Stack Overflow that are several years old, but I wonder if the situation has changed.
here is a good article -
Also, for your sanity, you can check what your website looks like when Google crawls it by going to Google Webmaster/Search Console and under “Crawl” choose “Fetch as Google”, then “Fetch and Render” :
In the case of my site - google doesn't index angular JS so well
For some page it display the content as I would expected, but on other it just display the raw html (i.e. with the {{title}} ng tag instead of the value of the $scope.title)
I'm fetching a category page that uses ajax to display the category content - some category display well, thus it might be a bug in the googlebot-fetch tool
But I still don't know how long should it take for google to show it in the index?
NOTE: according to this server side rendering is deprecated

sitemap.xml in Angular SPA [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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We have built a simple page app in angular, which is a loan application wizard. So every user must start at page 1, enter some info to get to page 2 etc. There is no possibility to enter other pages without submitting data from the fist one.
I am quite new to SEO and my question is what an optimal sitemap file should look like. I think it must contain just first page url and ignore the rest because when crawler tries to access other pages the app returns first page too (this is handled in $stateChangeStart - app checks user data on BE and redirects him to appropriate page)
In src folder paste you sitemap.xml file then go to angular.json file just add sitemap in assets.
It's work for me
"assets": [
First of all, this is not really about programming, so you may get a better response on the sister site: But will give my view anyway.
A sitemap is just an optional extra hint to your site to help search engines and other web crawlers find all your pages. There is no need to have one at all and Google will find your pages if linked from anywhere else. A sitemap just speeds up the process and also gives search engines like Google one place to check if any of your pages have been updated so for those reasons it's recommended but still not mandatory nor is it mandatory to include all your pages in it.
So, given that, what pages do you want Search Engines to find? Those pages should go in the sitemap. As per above, that is not to say other pages will not be found because you do not include them in your site map, so don't depend on that.
Given that your second and subsequent pages will just display your first page there seems little point in including them in a sitemap. At best case they would be ignored and in worst case Google would think they are duplicate content which can cause problems.
Typically for a site like yours you want the static pages indexed by Google along with the first page of the dynamic application form and that's it. So that's what should go in the sitemap.
The other thing to note is that Angular SPAs take quite a bit of Javascript which may or may not be processed properly by search engines. Google crawlers have got pretty good at it, but can't vouch for other search engines. It's best to have as much content as possible not dependent on Javascript and particularly heavy frameworks like Angular if you want the best change of being understood by search engines. So if you turn off Javascript and don't at least get a basic page of content then you could be in trouble.
Leading on from that, and why it pertains to sitemap, search engines page process hash URLs (used by Angular) and parameters differently. Some ignore them and treat anything with the same core URL as the same page. Adding same pages with different parameters to a sitemap can be an indicator that these are different pages - but even then I've seen lots of problems with this. Not sure how you're handling page moves in your app (same url, hash url or parameters?) but the fact you only want or need your first page indexed will probably avoid a lot of those problems.
Google has a number of useful tools in Google Search Console (aka Google Webmaster Tools). If you have not registered your site in that then do that ASAP. This allows you to upload your sitemap, see any errors, and also fetch a page as Google sees it (to answer Javascript questions raised above) and tell Google how to handle parameters on your pages - amongst other things. Google will also use this to report back any errors it finds in your site which is another very important reason to use it.
There is no need of adding an optional sitemap or many number of sitemaps for each page. Just by adding one sitemap it take in all your applications link(url) into it. Well what is sitemap ? Sitemap is a source or a file that simplify's the job of search crawl engine, in other terms it helps crawler to easily get into your sitemap XML file and index your app or websites pages instead of going one by one. Even it is less time consuming. You can add as many as link(url) into your Sitemap XML files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
And so on, you can keep on adding number of pages.

angularjs sitemap SEO

I don't see any updated answer on similar topics (hopefully something has changed with last crawl releases), that's why I come up with a specific question.
I have an AngularJS website, which lists products that can be added or removed (the links are clearly updated). URLs have the following format:
The product's ID (6937219vfeg9920gd903bg03) is retrieved by our back-end.
My problem is that Google doesn't list them, probably because I don't have a sitemap.xml file in my server..
In a day a page can be added (therefore a new url to add) or removed..
How can I manage this?
Do I have to manually (or by batch) edit the file each time?
Is there a smart way to tell Google: "Hey my friend, look at this page"?!
Generally you can create a JavaScript - AngularJS sitemap, and according to this guidance from google :
They Will crawl it.
you can also use Fetch as Google To validate that the pages rendered correctly
There is another study about google execution of JavaScript,

URL handling in a Hypermedia (HATEOAS) driven AngularJS application

We are looking for some advice on handling URLs (and the state related to each URL) in a web application backed by a HATEOAS REST API, more specifically on
how to avoid having the web application URLs coupled with the REST API URLs
how to handle multiple resources in a single view
But let me first provide some more context:
We are building an Angular web application on top of a REST layer with Hypermedia constraint. (Note: I prefer simply using the term 'Hypermedia (constraint)' over HATEOAS).
As dictated by the Hypermedia constraint, the available actions and links in the application at any point in time are provided by the REST API. So the web application should not contain any hardcoded urls of the REST API, except for the 'root' (assuming that concept really exists in a REST API).
On the other hand, each page in the web application needs to be bookmarkable. So we cannot create a black-box application (with a single url and all state changes handled in the SPA without changing the URL). This means the web application also has its URL space, which needs somehow to be mapped to the REST API URL space. Which is already a conflict with the Hypermedia idea.
In the Angular application we use UI Router for handling application state. Here is how we got it working:
We only define states, no URLS
We defined a $urlRouterProvider.otherwise handler that will map the current web application URL to the corrsponding REST API URL, retrieve the representation of the resource that corresponds with that REST URL and pass it to the controller (in $stateParams).
The controller can then use the data (and links and actions) in the representation, just like it would if it would have made the REST call itself (or through a service)
So far so good (or not really) because there are some downsides on this approach:
The Web application URLs are mapped to the REST API URLs, so both URL spaces are coupled, which conflicts with one of the basic assumptions of using Hypermedia constraint: we cannot change the REST API URLs without having to change the web application.
In the $urlRouterProvider.otherwise handler we retrieve the representation of the current web app URL. But in some cases we have two resources in a single view (using UI Router nested states): for example a list of items and a detail of a single item. But there is only a single URL, so only the representation of the item detail is retrieved and the list of items remains empty.
So we would love to hear some suggestions on how we could improve on our approach in handling the two URL spaces. Is there a better way to make the REST API dictate the (available) behaviour of the web application and still have bookmarkable URLs in the webapplication? Because now we have some kind of hybrid approach that does not feel completely right.
Thanks in advance.
that's a tough setup. Roughly you want bookmarks into your API, and RESTful systems somewhat discourage bookmarks.
One possible solution is a "bookmark service" that returns bookmark ( like) urls for the current resource being presents that are guaranteed to be fowards compatible because as you may change the canonical url structure, the bookmark service can always translate the like url into the canonical url. Sounds complicated, but we see this all the time and we call them SEO urls eg: /product-name/ maps to products/ today, but may be /catalog/old-products/ tomorrow.
How you match that up to a UI that shows 2 resources the first being a list of summary like resources, and the second being a specific resource get's really tricky. I would expect such a page to know contain the state of what's it's displaying in it's url (probably in the fragment). As such since it's [likely] the controller that processing such commands it probably needs both (the list resource and the expanded resource) as input. I bet the url would look something like:
So the last part you have is to make sure that works going forwards. Again this is the bookmark problem. What i may suggest if you don't want to build a bookmark service is that given you want to have such bookmarks you need to transition people to the new URLs. When a request is made to http://path/to/list/results and you want to switch that over you should be 301 redirecting them to the new canonical url and the app should be updating the bookmark. such a redirect can include the &flag=deprecate_message param to trigger the presentation in the UI that the client's bookmark is old and should be replaced. Alternatively the response can be internally forwarded and the deprecation flag & canonical (or latest) link included in the response to the old URL. This causes a phased transition.
In summary: I have yet to see HATEOAS be a cure all for backwards & forwards compatibility, but it's much better than the existing techniques. that said you must still make decisions in v1 of your API about how you want your users to move to v2.

SEO for a single view AngularJS app

I have a SPA here and I´m wondering what should I do to get it properly indexed by Google bot.
I read a lot on multiple views angularjs apps (hashbanging and that stuff) but my app has just one view / controller.
Should I create an html copy for each of the items being shown and link them together?
Thanks in advance,
In AngularJS, you can compile templates & cache them using a variety of techniques - you'll need to write a process or build into your runtime logic building these templates & binding them to data, writing them out as static files.
Google allows for special handling based on user-agent. I have a friend who says, "This was called cloaking, before Google owned Angular." This is true. You need to setup server logic that re-directs any Google-bot user agent (or other search engine agents you care about) dynamically to one of these static "Search-Bot Friendly" pages.
Although this is more work, there are obviously bonuses to being able to maintain a set of content that search crawlers "see" and a (potentially different) set of content consumed by real users.
This is also the reason why AngularJS as a client-side framework quickly falls down the rank list when search visibility is a primary objective of the project.
