How To Sign Up A New User To My Website Using Facebook - database

I have a relatively simple question that I am having trouble finding the answer to. I want to set up a way for users to sign up for and log into my site using Facebook. I have been through tutorials which show me processes I need to go through in order to enable my website to communicate with Facebook.
My question is: Once I can communicate with Facebook, how do I then sign a user up permanently on my site? Do I pull information about the user from Facebook and just create a profile for them on my site using that information? Wouldn't I need to then associate that user's unique Facebook ID with the profile I create for them on my website. It seems like I will have to alter my databases in order to accommodate logging in through Facebook. Am I on the right track?

You can authorize/reauthorize a User with Facebook even without any Database, but if you want to store data for the User (name, email, ...) or connect it to an existing User account in your Database, you can store the unique ID.
Use FB.login to authorize with Facebook and FB.getLoginStatus to refresh the User session and to check if a returning User authorized your App already. The User ID is in the callback response of those functions, for example:
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
//user is authorized
} else {
//user is not authorized or not logged in on facebook
Careful though, it is an "App Scoped ID" and only valid for one specific App. See changelog for more information:
Btw, hereĀ“s an article about Login with the JavaScrip SDK:


IdentityServer4: How to set a role for Google user?

I have 3 applications:
An IdentityServer4 API which provides Google authentication and also provides an access token to authorize the resource API.
A simple Resource API which provides some data from DB.
A simple Client in React which have 4 buttons:
Login, for Google auth
Get data - a simple request with the access token to the Resource API and gets the data from Db
Get user data - returns user profile and token (for debug purpose)
I didn't put any sample code because my problem is not code related, it's knowledge that I'm missing and I ask for guidance.
The workflow is working just fine: the user press the Login button, it is redirected to IdentityServer4 API for Google Auth. From there it is redirected to a Callback Page from the Client and from there to the Index page. I receive the user data and the token, I can request data from the Resource API and it's working.
My problem is: How do I give a Role to the Google Users ?
I don't have users saved in DB. I want three types of Users: SuperAdmin, Admin, Viewer and each of these roles have limited Endpoints which can access.
For limiting their access I saw that I can use Claims-based authorization or Role-based authorization.
So, my question is how ca I give a Google User who wants to login in my app, a specific Claim/Role ? What is the workflow ? I must save it first in DB ? Or there exists a service from Google where I can add an email address and select a Role for that address ?
Thank you very much !
After you get the response from Google in your callback you can handle the user and do what ever you want to do with it. Below are the some typical tasks that you can do in callback that I took from documentation page of identityserver4 link:
Handling the callback and signing in the user
On the callback page your typical tasks are:
inspect the identity returned by the external provider.
make a decision how you want to deal with that user. This might be
different based on the fact if this is a new user or a returning
new users might need additional steps and UI before they are allowed
probably create a new internal user account that is linked to the
external provider.
store the external claims that you want to keep.
delete the temporary cookie
the user
What I would do is creating an new internal user account that is linked to the external provider and add a role to that user.
If you don't want to save users in db, you can add an extra claim to user in callback method and use that claim in token. and i think this link will help with that.

Do you need firebase admin sdk when creating admin web?

I'm currently working on a small project using firebase. My team member is working on IOS and android while I'm trying to build a custom admin page using React.
In the app, users can signup with their phone and send a request for permission by attaching few documents.
I have to build an admin page to approve or deny these documents. For that I need to get list of all user from User Collection and view all the documents that was submitted and be able update user field 'isApproved' to true or false.
I was thinking of simply creating a new admin account directly in firebase and use that account to signin to admin page and perform the following actions (manipulate normal user info field). But I found out about firebase admin SDK. Do I need to use this in my case?
I may need to send push notifications to all users signed up and create user, update user, delete user account later on.
Give the situation should I use firebase admin SDK?
Can someone give me advice on how to set up the overall structure?
First things first, you should not use the Admin SDK on frontend. The Admin SDK has privileged access to all Firebase resources and does not follow any security rules either. You should always use Admin SDK in a secure environment like Firebase Cloud Functions or your own server.
I am not entirely sure what actions you need to perform while accepting/rejecting the documents. If you need to read/write a specific part of a database (which only a admin can access) then you can use Firebase security rules. You would have to add a Custom Claim to the admin user or store their UID in a database.
But if you need to do multiple things (maybe sending an email to user, doing some actions using 3rd party API), I'll recommend using a Cloud Functions with the Admin SDK.
How will that work?
You will have to create a Cloud Functions to accept/reject the documents.
When the admin accepts/rejects a document, you can pass details of that user (userID, document info and if the docs were accepted to the
cloud function) to the cloud function and process it over there.
The callable function may look like:
exports.verifyDocs = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const {uid, token} = context.auth
if (!uid) return "Unauthorized"
if (!token.admin) return "Forbidden"
//The user is an admin
//Do database updates
//Any third party APIs
If you use callable functions, Firebase will automatically add auth info of the user calling that function. In the example above, I've assumed the user will have an admin custom claim but if you want to keep things simple based on UIDs you can do so by:
const adminUIDs = ["uid1", "uid2"]
if (!adminUIDs.includes(context.auth.uid)) return "Forbidden"
To call the function from your React app:
const verifyDocs = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('verifyDocs');
verifyDocs({ userID: "userID", text: messageText })
.then((result) => {
// Read result of the Cloud Function.
Any thing you pass in the function above will be available in your cloud functions in the 'data' parameter.

How to update id_token after user has updated his profile

I have set up identityserver 4 with an mvc web site using it for authentication (implicit grant type). I need have to have the claims on token updated when the user modifies the profile of the account but it is not.
Everything is working great in the happy path, client authenticates, then redirects back to website, claims comes through - all good.
My web site has a link that sends the user back to the IdentityServer in order to update the profile (name, email, phone, etc) but once this is completed and the user is sent back to the web site the claims are not being updated with the new information.
I can see that my user claims factory is being called from the profile service and that the new profile information is being set in the claims, however my website doesn't seem to pick up the new information. What might I be missing? Is this even the correct approach?
After the user logged in claim information is saved in a cookie. It will not be updated until the user logs out and logs in again. You may need to sign out user forcefully so that he must log in again after a profile update.
But if the user does frequent profile updates you may need to rethink having profile data in id-token and then in claims. There is a user info endpoint in identity server that you can query to retrieve profile data when needed.

Firebase AngularJS full data access

I'm building an app based on Firebase + AngularJS. I'm using User management service by Firebase. I'm able to get all data for Authenticated user, however, I'm not able to retrieve all user data as admin. How can I get full access to Firebase data.
As Frank mentioned in the comment, Firebase doesn't make user account information available to the admin. Rather, some information is available on the client after authentication and it could be sent to be stored as explicit data in Firebase.
The link Frank provide in the comment explains how to do this.
Applications do not automatically store profile or user state. To persist user data you must save it to your database. The callback function will return an object containing the data for the authenticated user, which you can then write to your database.
Here is the core of the example
var ref = new Firebase("https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>");
ref.onAuth(function(authData) {
if (authData && isNewUser) {
// save the user's profile into the database so we can list users,
// use them in Security and Firebase Rules, and show profiles
provider: authData.provider,
name: getName(authData)

Retrieve a logged in Google Glass User's email address?

We are attempting to be able to provide the ability for a Glass user to request an email to be sent to them from a Timeline Card. On the notify callback Servlet, we are attempting the following to retrieve a user's email address:
String userId = notification.getUserToken();
Credential credential = AuthUtil.getCredential(userId);
Mirror mirrorClient = MirrorClient.getMirror(credential);
Contact contact = MirrorClient.getContact(credential, userId);
We do not get a result back when retrieving an email off of the UserInfo object of a authenticated user. Our application has the following scopes available to the application server:
" "
" "
" "
" "
Are we allowed to retrieve the authenticated user's email address, is there a permission I am missing or is there another means by which to request that data?
The getContact call you are making doesn't have anything to do with the user's email address. You can read up on what Contact is referring to here:
To get the user's email address, I've successfully used the same auth token used to authorize the Glass mirror API app with the added scope you mention to call this URL:
This method seems to stop working after the initial authorization at some point, so be sure to do it when the user first authorizes the app and save off the email.
Although I've also just gotten the email off AppEngine's UserService before as well, which is easier if you happen to be running on AppEngine:
So the question boils down to "Why am I not getting contact info for this userID that I am sending to the Google Mirror service?"
The Mirror service only provides contact information for Contacts that your Glassware has added. See for more about Contacts in Glass and how to add Contacts. Unless you have already added a Mirror Contact with this userId, you won't get anything back.
The Mirror service does not provide direct access to the information from or You will need to get it out using the OAuth2 libraries first if you want to add them as a Contact for Glass.
