Best way to communicate between two programmes (VB.NET) - sql-server

I'm looking for some advice on a project I am working on.
Presently I have 2 Console Applications (That run 2 separate API's one for the phone system ACD and one of the Call Recorder).
These churn through traffic and store information in a database ready for a client application (Windows Form) to obtain and use.
At present I am storing the information in a SQL Table and using calls to and from the SQL database in both the Console Applications and Windows Form application.
Is this best practice? In my experience under load the SQL Server could slow down and I don't like the idea of relying on DB requests to send the information back.
Is there a better way I could communicate between my Console Applications and my WIndows Form? I was potentially thinking that TCP messages from one to the other on a port would work and then use the Windows Form to use the 'stream' to perform its actions rather than getting the information from the database.
The reason being is ideally I'd like to have the 'database' as stored within memory for quicker retrieval than using the SQL DB.
Any and all advice is fully appreciated. Please give me an explanation as to why your suggestion is efficient as I would like to learn from this rather than just 'do'
Many Thanks!


Transfer data between NoSQL and SQL databases on different servers

Currently, I'm working on a MERN Web Application that'll need to communicate with a Microsft SQL Server database on a different server but on the same network.
Data will only be "transferred" from the Mongo database to the MSSQL one based on a user action. I think I can accomplish this by simply transforming the data to transfer into the appropriate format on my Express server and connecting to the MSSQL via the matching API.
On the flip side, data will be transferred from the MSSQL database to the Mongo one when a certain field is updated in a record. I think I can accomplish this with a Trigger, but I'm not exactly sure how.
Do either of these solutions sound reasonable or are there more better/industry standard methods that I should be employing. Any and all help is much appreciated!
There are (in general) two ways of doing this.
If the data transfer needs to happen immediately, you may be able to use triggers to accomplish this, although be aware of your error handling.
The other option is to develop some form of worker process in your favourite scripting language and run this on a schedule. (This would be my preferred option, as my personal familiarity with triggers is fairly limited). If option 1 isn't viable, you could set your schedule to be very frequent, say once per minute or every x seconds, as long as a new task doesn't spawn before the previous is completed.
The broader question though, is do you need to have data duplicated across two different sources? The obvious pitfall with this approach is consistency, should anything fail you can end up with two data sources wildly out of sync with each other and your approach will have to account for this.

Is an intermediate server for communication between Cloudant server and mobile device advisable?

I am new to servers and online databases, so please bear with me.
I have a question regarding database server communication on mobile devices as follows:
I am currently developing a game application on iOS. I have set up a non-SQL database on Cloudant and I would like to access that data on my iOS device. I have to update multiple database entries each time I complete a round, and I also need to read multiple entries on my database to refresh the leaderboard. I have tried to access multiple entries on Cloudant individually via device before, but most of them returned as timeout.
Thus, right now I have written several PHP scripts on my application server so that my device only needs to access the script once, and do multiple updates on my database or filter through the data I require from Cloudant. However, this means I need an additional server, meaning higher costs. I feel there should be a better or more elegant solution out there, and thus I would like to ask for help from everybody out here. Is it better to do all the updates directly from the device, or to enlist the help of a 3rd party?
Thanks for your time!
For security reasons alone it is necessary to use a server in front of the cloudant database. I assume you don't want every user of your app to be able to access the whole database. Also, the reasons you gave seem valid to me. It's generally a good idea to reduce the number and size of requests for a mobile application. Also, this might allow you to do some caching in the PHP server, ultimately reducing your costs.

Replacement for Ms Access Db for multi-LAN user purpose

I have been using access for my applications from over 4 years now. I realize its time to move on now and i need suggestions for a new database. Here are my requirements :
Should be able to connect it with windows form frontend GUI - all database functions such as add/delete/edit/update will be done through the front-end only.
Should be able to place the db on LAN and each client on the LAN can then access the centrally stored db through their individual front-ends.
At the most 5-6 users will be reading/writing to the database at the same time , so the database should not crash or slow down .
Since i come from MS access background, i would like something thats similar to it so that i can learn and adapt to it quickly.
Not very important, but i think its worth mentioning. This db will be the main central db for my .net application. My .net application will also be interacting with quickbooks and magento via some apis but ultimately all this data will go to the central db. So just curious, will there be any compataibility issues with the database that you suggest ?
Should handle about 10 tables and around 10k records in each table
Should be secure - just that i should be able to lock it up or anyhow prevent it being accessed from anywhere else other than the front-end.
Lastly, I would prefer it to be free to use if possible but not essential.
I realize there are some topics like mysql vs sqllite and on databases, but pls understand i need suggestions for one that will be apt for the purposes i have listed above.
All inputs will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Edit : Just curious - Would i pushing the limits if i still stick to access - i understand access won't be good for multi-user access but i guess 5 users is not much ?
I would go with SQL server express which adds no cost to your application. You would have to do some modifications to your application like double quotes that should be replaced by single quote. also note that any Ms access function in queries will not be compatible like date function. If you use msaccess form, you can still use them with the data from SQL server.
SQL Server is the obvious answer, and MS Access has built-in upgrade tools. I do not think you have to look further than that.
It sounds like the scope of what you're doing is pretty small, so I'd say using a new version of access (like 2010) is still a good solution. Access really only tends to start to struggle once you're building large applications inside it or having a large number of users. If you're under ten users I'd say it's still a fine solution.
Alternatively, SQLite is very similar to access in design and is a great database engine (and free as well!).

Setting up a Reporting Server to liberate resource from a webserver

Yay, first post on SO! (Good work Jeff et al.)
We're trying to solve a bottleneck in one of our web-applications that was introduced when we started allowing users to generate reports on-demand.
Our infrastructure is as follows:
1 server acting as a Webserver/DBServer (ColdFusion 7 and MSSQL 2005)
It's serving a web-application for our backend users and a frontend website. The reports are generated by the users from the backend so there's a level of security where the users have to log in (web based).
During peak hours when reports are generated it brings the web-application and frontend website to unacceptable speed due to SQL Server using resources for the huge queries and afterward ColdFusion generating multi page PDFs.
We're not exactly sure what the best practice would be to remove some load, but restricting access to the reports isn't an option at the moment.
We've considered denormalizing data to other tables to simplify the most common queries, but that seems like it would just push the issue further.
So, we're thinking of getting a second server and use it as a "report server" with a replicated copy of our DB on which the queries would be ran. This would fix one issue, but the second remains: generating PDFs is resource intensive.
We would like to offload that task to the reporting server as well, but being in a secured web-application we can't just fire HTTP GET to create PDFs with the user logged in the web-application from server 1 and displaying it in the web-application but generating/fetching it on server 2 without validating the user's credential...
Anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance Stack Overflow!!
"We would like to offload that task to the reporting server as well, but being in a secured web-application we can't just fire HTTP GET to create PDFs with the user logged in the web-application from server 1 and displaying it in the web-application but generating/fetching it on server 2 without validating the user's credential..."
why can't you? you're using the world's easiest language for writing webservices. here are my suggestions.
first, move the database to it's own server thus having cf and sql server on separate servers. the first reason to do this is performance. as already mentioned, having both cf and sql on the same server isn't an ideal setup. the second reason is for security. if someone is able to hack your webserver, well there right there to get your data. you should have a firewall in place between your cf and sql server to give you more security. last reason is for scalability. if you ever need to throw more resources or cluster your database, it's easier when it's on it's own server.
now for the webservices. what you can do is install cf on another server and writing webservices to handle the generation of reports. just lock down the new cf server to accept only ssl connections and pass the login credentials of the users to the webservice. inside your webservice, authenticate the user before invoking the methods to generate the report.
now for the pdfs themselves. one of the methods i've done in the pass is generating a hash based on some parameters passed (user credentials and the generated sql to run the query) and then once the pdf is generated, you assign the hash to the name of the pdf and save it on disk. now you have a simple caching system where you can look to see if the pdf already exists and if so, return it, otherwise generate it and cache it.
in closing, your problem is not something that most haven't seen before. you just need to do a little work and your application will magnitudes faster.
The most basic best practice is to not have the web server and db server on the same hardware. I'd start with that.
You have to separate the perception between generating the PDF and doing the calculations. Both are separate steps.
What you can do is
1) Create a report calculated table that will run daily and populated it with all the calculated values for all your reports.
2) When someone requests a PDF report, have the report do a simple select query of the pre-calculated values. It will be much less db effort than calculating on the fly. You can use coldfusion to generate the PDF if it's using the fancy pdf settings. Otherwise you may be able to get away with using the raw PDF format (it's similar to html markup) in text form, or use another library (cfx_pdf, a suitable java library, etc) to generate them.
If the users don't need to download and only need to view/print the report, could you get away with flash paper?
An alternative is also to build a report queue. Whether you put it on the second server or not, what CF could do if you can get away with it, you could put report requests into a queue, and email them to the users as they get processed.
You can then control the queue through a scheduled process to run as regularly as you like and do only create a few reports at a time. I'm not sure if it's a suitable approach for your situation.
As mentioned above, doing a stored procedure may also help, and make sure you have your indexes set correctly in MySQL. I once had a 3 minute query that I brought down to 15 seconds because I forgot to declare additional indexes in each table that were being heavily used.
Let us know how it goes!
In addition to advice to separate web & db servers, I'd tried to:
a) move queries into stored procedures, if you're not using them yet;
b) generate reports by scheduler and keep them cached in special tables in ready-to-use state, so customers only select them with few fast queries -- this should also decrease report building time for customers.
Hope this helps.

How do you keep two related, but separate, systems in sync with each other?

My current development project has two aspects to it. First, there is a public website where external users can submit and update information for various purposes. This information is then saved to a local SQL Server at the colo facility.
The second aspect is an internal application which employees use to manage those same records (conceptually) and provide status updates, approvals, etc. This application is hosted within the corporate firewall with its own local SQL Server database.
The two networks are connected by a hardware VPN solution, which is decent, but obviously not the speediest thing in the world.
The two databases are similar, and share many of the same tables, but they are not 100% the same. Many of the tables on both sides are very specific to either the internal or external application.
So the question is: when a user updates their information or submits a record on the public website, how do you transfer that data to the internal application's database so it can be managed by the internal staff? And vice versa... how do you push updates made by the staff back out to the website?
It is worth mentioning that the more "real time" these updates occur, the better. Not that it has to be instant, just reasonably quick.
So far, I have thought about using the following types of approaches:
Bi-directional replication
Web service interfaces on both sides with code to sync the changes as they are made (in real time).
Web service interfaces on both sides with code to asynchronously sync the changes (using a queueing mechanism).
Any advice? Has anyone run into this problem before? Did you come up with a solution that worked well for you?
This is a pretty common integration scenario, I believe. Personally, I think an asynchronous messaging solution using a queue is ideal.
You should be able to achieve near real time synchronization without the overhead or complexity of something like replication.
Synchronous web services are not ideal because your code will have to be very sophisticated to handle failure scenarios. What happens when one system is restarted while the other continues to publish changes? Does the sending system get timeouts? What does it do with those? Unless you are prepared to lose data, you'll want some sort of transactional queue (like MSMQ) to receive the change notices and take care of making sure they get to the other system. If either system is down, the changes (passed as messages) will just accumulate and as soon as a connection can be established the re-starting server will process all the queued messages and catch up, making system integrity much, much easier to achieve.
There are some open source tools that can really make this easy for you if you are using .NET (especially if you want to use MSMQ).
nServiceBus by Udi Dahan
Mass Transit by Dru Sellers and Chris Patterson
There are commercial products also, and if you are considering a commercial option see here for a list of of options on .NET. Of course, WCF can do async messaging using MSMQ bindings, but a tool like nServiceBus or MassTransit will give you a very simple Send/Receive or Pub/Sub API that will make your requirement a very straightforward job.
If you're using Java, there are any number of open source service bus implementations that will make this kind of bi-directional, asynchronous messaging a snap, like Mule or maybe just ActiveMQ.
You may also want to consider reading Udi Dahan's blog, listening to some of his podcasts. Here are some more good resources to get you started.
I'm mid-way through a similar project except I have multiple sites that need to keep in sync over slow connections (dial-up in some cases).
Firstly you need to track changes, if you can use SQL 2008 (even the Express version is enough if the 2Gb limit isn't a problem) this will ease the pain greatly, just turn on Change Tracking on the database and each table. We're using SQL Server 2008 at the head office with the extended schema and SQL Express 2008 at each site with a sub-set of data and limited schema.
Secondly you need to track your changes, Sync Services does the trick nicely and supports using a WCF gateway into the main database. In this example you will need to use the Sync using SQL Express Client sample as a starting point, note that it's based on SQL 2005 so you'll need to update it to take advantage of the Change Tracking features in 2008. By default the Sync Services uses SQL CE on the clients, which I'm sure isn't enough in your case. You'll need a service that runs on your Web Server that periodically (could be as often as every 10 seconds if you want) runs the Synchronize() method. This will tell your main database about changes made locally and then ask the server for all changes made there. You can set up the get and apply SQL code to call stored procedures and you can add event handlers to handle conflicts (e.g. Client Update vs Server Update) and resolve them accordingly at each end.
We have a shop as a client, with three stores connected to the same VPN
Two of the shops have a computer running as a "server" for that shop and the the third one has the "master database"
To synchronize all to the master we don't have the best solution, but it works: there is a dedicated PC running an application that checks the timestamp of every record in every table of the two stores and if it is different that the last time you synchronize, it copies the results
Note that this works both ways. I.e. if you update a product in the master database, this change will propagate to the other two shops. If you have a new order in one of the shops, it will be transmitted to the "master".
With some optimizations you can have all the shops synchronize in around 20minutes
Recently I have had a lot of success with SQL Server Service Broker which offers reliable, persisted asynchronous messaging out of the box with very little implementation pain.
It is quick to set up and as you learn more you can use some of the more advanced features.
Unknown to most, it is also part of the desktop editions so it can be used as a workstation messaging system
If you have existing T-SQL skills they can be leveraged as all the code to read and write messages is done in SQL
It is blindingly fast
It is a vastly under-hyped part of SQL Server and well worth a look.
I'd say just have a job that copies the data in the pub database input table into a private database pending table. Then once you update the data on the private side have it replicated to the public side. If you don't have any of the replicated data on the public side updated it should be a fairly easy transactional replication solution.
