Golang html/templates : ParseFiles with custom Delims - angularjs

Using templates with delimiters works fine when using template.New("...").Delims("[[", "]]").Parse()
However, I cannot figure out how to get to the same result with template.ParseFiles()
tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles("base.tmpl", "homepage/inner.tmpl")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
tmpl.Delims("[[", "]]")
p := new(Page)
err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, p)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
I have no errors, but the Delimiters are not changed.
tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles("base.tmpl", "homepage/inner.tmpl")
t := tmpl.Lookup("base.tmpl").Delims("[[", "]]")
p := new(Page)
err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, p)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
This leads to the same result.
In case this is relevant, my need is to embed a small angular app in a particular page of my site.
Also, I have a base template with a common HTML structure that I combine with a page-specific template with ParseFiles(), leading to this layout :
Is this possible at all ? If so, what am I doing wrong ?

Create a dummy template, set the delimiters and then parse the files:
tmpl, err := template.New("").Delims("[[", "]]").ParseFiles("base.tmpl", "homepage/inner.tmpl")
This aspect of the API is quirky and not very obvious. The API made more sense in the early days when the template package had the additional Set type


An error is returned when loading an extension in sqlite3

db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "./map.gpkg")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
_, err = db.Exec("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite');")
if err != nil {
In the code above, SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite'); When executing the line, the following error is returned:
panic: not authorized
I don't know why this error occurs, it seems that the extension is not loaded properly
Also, what files do I need to download to use the mod_spatialite extension? Or is it possible to simply use the extension by loading it?
please help

How to query a entity from datastore with Namespace In golang?

I am working on a multi tenant application, I need to query a particular user from a KIND and From Particular Namespace.
I am able to get the values from default Namespace.the package i am using here is "google.golang.org/appengine/datastore"
q := datastore.NewQuery(ENTITYNAME).Filter("Name =", ed.Expense.Name)
var expenses []ExpenseEntiry
return q.GetAll(ed.Ctx, &expenses)
The namespace value is not part of the query (it's not a property of the query). The namespace comes from the context which you pass when executing the query, e.g. to Query.GetAll().
If you have a context (you do as you pass it to q.GetAll()), you can create a derivative context with a given namespace using the appengine.Namespace() function.
For example:
ctx2, err := appengine.Namespace(ed.Ctx, "mynamespace")
// check err
And use this new context to pass to Query.GetAll():
return q.GetAll(ctx2, &expenses)
It is rare that you need to create a new context with a different namespace, ed.Ctx should already be a context with the right namespace. So when / where you create ed.Ctx, you should already apply the namespace there, so you can avoid "accidental" exposure of data of other tenants (which is a major security issue).
If you are using the old lib: google.golang.org/appengine/datastore, then you need to create the context with the namespace:
ctx2, err := appengine.Namespace(ed.Ctx, "mynamespace")
if err != nil {
return err
But you WANT to be using the latest lib: cloud.google.com/go/datastore. The Namespace can be set directly on the Query object. This is new. You must then run the query using datastoreClient.Run(ctx, query).
func deleteTestNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespaces string) error {
dsClient, err := datastore.NewClient(ctx, log, datastore.Config{...})
err := dsClient.DeleteMulti(ctx, keys[i:i+chunk])
if err != nil {
return err
var keys []*datastore.Key
for _, kind := range envKinds {
// Get all keys
query := datastore.NewQuery(kind).KeysOnly().Namespace(namespace)
it := dsClient.Run(ctx, query)
for {
var key datastore.Key
_, err := it.Next(&key)
if err == iterator.Done {
if err != nil {
return err
keys = append(keys, &key)
// Delete all records in chunks of 500 or less
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i += 500 {
chunk := min(len(keys)-i, 500)
err := dsClient.DeleteMulti(ctx, keys[i:i+chunk])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func min(num1 int, num2 int) int {
if num1 < num2 {
return num1
return num2

Go. Writing []byte to file results in zero byte file

I try to serialize a structured data to file. I looked through some examples and made such construction:
func (order Order) Serialize(folder string) {
b := bytes.Buffer{}
e := gob.NewEncoder(&b)
err := e.Encode(order)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
os.MkdirAll(folder, 0777)
file, err := os.Create(folder + order.Id)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer file.Close()
writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)
n, err := writer.Write(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
Serialize is a method serializing its object to file called by it's id property. I looked through debugger - byte buffer contains data before writing. I mean object is fully initialized. Even n variable representing quantity of written bytes is more than a thousand - the file shouldn't be empty at all. The file is created but it is totally empty. What's wrong?
bufio.Writer (as the package name hints) uses a buffer to cache writes. If you ever use it, you must call Writer.Flush() when you're done writing to it to ensure the buffered data gets written to the underlying io.Writer.
Also note that you can directly write to an os.File, no need to create a buffered writer "around" it. (*os.File implements io.Writer).
Also note that you can create the gob.Encoder directly directed to the os.File, so even the bytes.Buffer is unnecessary.
Also os.MkdirAll() may fail, check its return value.
Also it's better to "concatenate" parts of a file path using filepath.Join() which takes care of extra / missing slashes at the end of folder names.
And last, it would be better to signal the failure of Serialize(), e.g. with an error return value, so the caller party has the chance to examine if the operation succeeded, and act accordingly.
So Order.Serialize() should look like this:
func (order Order) Serialize(folder string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(folder, 0777); err != nil {
return err
file, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(folder, order.Id))
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
if err := gob.NewEncoder(file).Encode(order); err != nil {
return err
return nil

How to verify if file has contents to marshal from ioutil.ReadFile in Go

I am trying to use a file instead of a DB to get a prototype up and running. I have a program that (1) reads existing content from the file to a map, (2) takes JSON POSTs that add content to the map, (3) on exit, writes to the file.
First, the file is not being created. Then I created an empty file. It is not being written to.
I am trying to read the file, determine if there is existing content. If there is not existing content, create a blank map. If there is existing content, unmarshal it into a new map.
func writeDB() {
eventDBJSON, err := json.Marshal(eventDB)
if err != nil {
err2 := ioutil.WriteFile("/Users/sarah/go/dat.txt", eventDBJSON, 0777)
if err2 != nil {
func main() {
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/Users/sarah/go/dat.txt")
if err != nil {
if dat == nil {
eventDB = DB{
events: map[string]event{},
} else {
if err2 := json.Unmarshal(dat, &eventDB); err2 != nil {
router := httprouter.New()
router.POST("/join", JoinEvent)
router.POST("/create", CreateEvent)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
defer writeDB()
There is no way for the server to ever reach defer writeDB().
http.ListenAndServe blocks, and if it did return anything, you log.Fatal that, which exits your app at that point.
You can't intercept all ways an app can exit, getting SIGKILL, machine loss of power, etc.
I'm assuming you really just want to write some code, bounce the server, repeat
If that's the case, then Ctrl-C is good enough.
If you want to write your file on Ctrl-C, look at the signal package.
Also, defer on the last line of a function really has no purpose as defer basically means "do this last".
you can use (*os.File).Stat() to get a file's FileInfo which contain its size
file, err := os.Open( filepath )
if err != nil {
// handle error
fi, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
// handle error
s := fi.Size()

Go : concatenate file contents

I'm currently learning how to develop with Go (or golang) and I have a strange issue:
I try to create a script looking inside an HTML file in order to get all the sources of each tags.
The goal of the script is to merge all the retrieved files.
So, that's for the story: for now, I'm able to get the content of each JavaScript files but... I can't concatenate them...
You can see below my script:
//Open main file
mainFilePath := "/path/to/my/file.html"
mainFileDir := path.Dir(mainFilePath)+"/"
mainFileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mainFilePath)
if err == nil {
mainFileContent := string(mainFileContent)
var finalFileContent bytes.Buffer
//Start RegExp searching for JavaScript src
scriptReg, _ := regexp.Compile("<script src=\"(.*)\">")
scripts := scriptReg.FindAllStringSubmatch(mainFileContent,-1)
//For each SRC found...
for _, path := range scripts {
//We open the corresponding file
subFileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mainFileDir+path[1])
if err == nil {
//And we add its content to the "final" variable
} else {
//Try to display the final result
// fmt.Println(finalFileContent.String())
fmt.Printf(">>> %#v", finalFileContent)
fmt.Println("Y U NO WORKS? :'(")
} else {
So, each fmt.Println(finalFileContent.Write(subFileContent)) display something like 6161 , so I assume the Write() method is correctly executed.
But fmt.Printf(">>> %#v", finalFileContent) displays nothing. Absolutely nothing (even the ">>>" are not displayed!) And it's the same for the commented line just above.
The funny part is that the string "Y U NO WORK ? :'(" is correctly displayed...
Do you know why?
And do you know how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance!
You are ignoring some errors. What are your results when you run the following version of your code?
package main
import (
func main() {
//Open main file
mainFilePath := "/path/to/my/file.html"
mainFileDir := path.Dir(mainFilePath) + "/"
mainFileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mainFilePath)
if err == nil {
mainFileContent := string(mainFileContent)
var finalFileContent bytes.Buffer
//Start RegExp searching for JavaScript src
scriptReg, _ := regexp.Compile("<script src=\"(.*)\">")
scripts := scriptReg.FindAllStringSubmatch(mainFileContent, -1)
//For each SRC found...
for _, path := range scripts {
//We open the corresponding file
subFileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mainFileDir + path[1])
if err == nil {
//And we add its content to the "final" variable
// fmt.Println(finalFileContent.Write(subFileContent))
n, err := finalFileContent.Write(subFileContent)
fmt.Println("finalFileContent Write:", n, err)
} else {
//Try to display the final result
// fmt.Println(finalFileContent.String())
// fmt.Printf(">>> %#v", finalFileContent)
n, err := fmt.Printf(">>> %#v", finalFileContent)
fmt.Println("finalFileContent Printf:", n, err)
fmt.Println("Y U NO WORKS? :'(")
} else {
The statement:
fmt.Println("finalFileContent Printf:", n, err)
finalFileContent Printf: 0 write /dev/stdout: winapi error #8
finalFileContent Printf: 0 write /dev/stdout: Not enough storage is available to process this command.
From MSDN:
8 (0x8)
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
The formatted output to the Windows console overflows the buffer (circa 64KB).
There is a related Go open issue:
Issue 3376: windows: detect + handle console in os.File.Write
