React, adding components in component - reactjs

I started to learn React and I hit first wall.
I have a list component which should display a list of rows + button for adding a new row.
All is in those 2 gists:
The addRow method is executed on click, because I can see the console.log, but no InputRows are added.
Can't really see why.
This is a little updated (dirty) code which doesn't work either.
Now it's only one file:
var InputList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
rowCount: 1
getClassNames: function () {
if (this.props.type === 'incomes') {
return 'col-md-4 ' + this.props.type;
} else if (this.props.type === 'expenses') {
return 'col-md-4 col-md-offset-1 ' + this.props.type;
addRow: function () {
this.state.rowCount = this.state.rowCount + 1;
render: function () {
var inputs = [];
for (var i=0;i<this.state.rowCount; i++) {
return (
<div className={ this.getClassNames() }>
{ (result) {
return <InputRow key={result} />;
<div className="row">
<button onClick={this.addRow} className="btn btn-success">Add more</button>

this.render() doesn't do anything. If you look at the function, it simply does some calculations and returns some data (the virtual dom nodes).
You should be using setState instead of directly modifying it. This is cleaner, and allows react to know something's changed.
addRow: function () {
this.setState({rowCount: this.state.rowCount + 1});

Don't store list of components in state.
Instead store the income row count and expense row count in state.
Use click handler to increment these counts.
Use render method to generate required rows based on count.


Calling a function to change css within render() in a React Component

I am returning a set of information from Spotify in a React Component and want to interrogate the JSON that is returned and highlight the original search term within the artist name. so for example, if you search 'bus' and one of the artists returned is Kate Bush, then this would be highlighted green in 'Kate BUSh'. At the moment I am calling a function from within render(). However, what I get rendered is:
Kate <span style="color:green">Bus</span>h
How do I get render() to read the HTML as HTML (so that Bus would just be green) rather than rendering as text? Relevant code from the React Component below:
// Called from within render() to wrap a span around a search term embedded in the artist, album or track name
underlineSearch(displayString) {
let searchTerm = this.props.searchTerm;
if (displayString.indexOf(searchTerm) !== -1) {
displayString = displayString.replace(searchTerm, '<span style="color:green">'+searchTerm+'</span>');
return displayString;
render() {
return (
<div className="Track" id="Track">
<div className="Track-information">
<p>{this.underlineSearch(this.props.artistName)} | {this.underlineSearch(this.props.albumName)}</p>
Your underlineSearch function needs to return React Elements, but right now it is returning a string. You could use a Fragment to make it work:
// Called from within render() to wrap a span around a search term embedded in the artist, album or track name
underlineSearch(displayString) {
const searchTerm = this.props.searchTerm;
const indexOfSearchTerm = displayString.indexOf(searchTerm);
let node;
if (indexOfSearchTerm === -1) {
node = displayString;
} else {
node = (
{displayString.substr(0, indexOfSearchTerm)}
<span style={{color: 'green'}}>
{displayString.substr(indexOfSearchTerm, searchTerm.length)}
{displayString.substr(indexOfSearchTerm + searchTerm.length)}
return node;
To make your solution even more reusable you can make underlineSearch and wrapper with your styles for highlighting into 2 separate components. Even more, you can search for multiple occurrences of your searchTerm with regex. Found a similar SO question here. I slightly adapted one of the answers there according to your needs, but all credit goes to this amazing and neat solution for highlighting matches of a string in longer texts. Here is the code:
const Match = ({ children }) => (
<span style={{'color':'green'}}>{children}</span>
const HighlightMatches = ({ text, searchTerm }) => {
let keyCount = 0;
let splits = text.split(new RegExp(`\\b${searchTerm}\\b`, 'ig'));
let matches = text.match(new RegExp(`\\b${searchTerm}\\b`, 'ig'));
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < splits.length; ++i) {
if (i < splits.length - 1) {
result.push(<Match key={++keyCount}>{matches[i]}</Match>);
return (
Then in your main component where you render everything you can do this:
render() {
<div className="Track" id="Track">
<div className="Track-information">
<HighlightMatches text={this.props.trackName} searchTerm={this.props.searchTerm}/>
<HighlightMatches text={this.props.artistName} searchTerm={this.props.searchTerm} /> |
<HighlightMatches text={this.props.albumName} searchTerm={this.props.searchTerm} />
To me this seems like the most react-like approach to solve the problem :)
While you can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML (), as the name suggests it is extremely dangerous, since it is prone to XSS attacks, for example:
{artist: "Kate Bush<script> giveMeAllYourCookies()</script>"}
You can split the displayString into an array and render it.
Please note that that my implementation of underlineSearch is buggy, and will not work if there are more than one match.
class Main extends React.Component {
underlineSearch(displayString) {
let searchTerm = this.props.searchTerm;
var index = 0;
var results = [];
var offset = 0;
while(true) {
const index = displayString.indexOf(searchTerm, offset);
if(index < 0) {
results.push(<span> {displayString.substr(offset, index)}</span>);
results.push(<strong style={{color: 'green'}}> {displayString.substr(index, searchTerm.length)}</strong>);
offset = index + searchTerm.length;
return results;
render() {
return <div>
<p>{this.underlineSearch(this.props.artistName)} | {this.underlineSearch(this.props.albumName)}</p>
trackName="Magic Buses"
artistName="Kate Bush"
albumName="Kate Bush Alubm"
/>, document.getElementById('main'))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='main'></div>

Why is my state being updated here?

I'm pretty new to React, but liking it so far. I'm building a large application, which is going well, except I've run into an issue. I'm building a list of responses to questions, and they can be deleted, but I also want to have a "Cancel" button so all unsaved changes can be reverted. What is confusing me is the cancel button reverts to the initial state for the name value, but not the responses. If I add in some console logging to the response deletion script, I would expect to see log lines 1 & 2 match, with 3 being different. However, I'm seeing that 1 is the original, but 2 & 3 match. Why is state being updated before I call setState, and why does updating state seem to update the my initial props?
EDIT: I added a jsFiddle
getInitialState: function() {
return {
responses: this.props.question.responses,
handleCancelButtonClick: function(e) {
handleNameChange: function(e) {
handleResponseDeletion: function(e) {
var resp = this.state.responses;
var from = Number(;
resp.splice(from, 1);
this.setState({responses: resp});
render: function() {
var key = "mp" +;
var resp = [];
if (this.state.responses) {
this.state.responses.forEach(function(response, i) {
var rkey = "r_" + + "_" + i;
resp.push(<ModalResponse response={response} key={rkey} value={i} deleteResponse={this.handleResponseDeletion} />);
return (
<layer id={} style={questionModal} key={key}>
<h2>Edit {}</h2>
<button onClick={this.handleCancelButtonClick}>Cancel</button>
<div class='form-group'>
<label for='client_name' style={formLabel}>Question Name:</label><br />
<input type='text' style={formControl} id='question_name' name='question_name' value={} onChange={this.handleNameChange} required />
<div class='form-group'>
<label style={formLabel}>Responses:</label><br />
<ul style={responseList} type="response_list" value={this.props.qname}>
The problem is that splice modifies original array. It means the one that belongs to the original question. So when you call getInitialState from within handleCancelButtonClick you get modified array.
To avoid this you need to somehow clone original data inside getInitialState. For example
getInitialState: function() {
//copy array and responses
const copy = resp => ({...resp})
return {
Here's what I did to fix the issue:
handleResponseDeletion: function(e) {
var resp = []
var from = Number(;
this.state.responses.forEach(function(res, i) {
if (i != from) {
this.setState({responses: resp});

React onClick fires multiple times on load and doesn't contain callback function in component props

I believe I have two basic problems, which are probably connected. I'm trying to place an event handler with a callback function on a nested component. It didn't seem to be doing anything, so I replaced the callback function with an alert of JSON.stringify(this.props) to see if that would shed any light. It illuminated two problems: 1) my callback function was not in the props. 2) the alert popped up 2 times on page load, but did not pop up on click, like it was supposed to. I'm working through this React tutorial. Here are the relevant components:
var App = React.createClass({
mixins: [Catalyst.LinkedStateMixin],
getInitialState: function(){
return {
fishes: {},
order: {}
componentDidMount: function(){
base.syncState(this.props.params.storeId + '/fishes', {
context: this,
state: 'fishes'
var localStorageRef = localStorage.getItem('order-' + this.props.params.storeId);
order: JSON.parse(localStorageRef)
componentWillUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
localStorage.setItem('order-' + this.props.params.storeId, JSON.stringify(nextState.order));
loadSamples: function(){
fishes: require('./sample-fishes.js')
addFish: function(fish){
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
this.state.fishes['fish-' + timestamp] = fish;
this.setState({ fishes: this.state.fishes });
removeFish: function(key){
if(confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this fish?")){
this.state.fishes[key] = null;
this.setState({ fishes: this.state.fishes });
addToOrder: function(key){
this.state.order[key] = this.state.order[key] + 1 || 1;
this.setState({ order: this.state.order });
// <<<<<<<< the function I'm having trouble with >>>>>>>>
removeFromOrder: function(key){
delete this.state.order[key];
this.setState({ order: this.state.order });
return <Fish key={key} index={key} details={this.state.fishes[key]} addToOrder={this.addToOrder}/>
render: function(){
return (
<div className="catch-of-the-day">
<div className="menu">
<Header tagline="Fresh Seafood Market"/>
<ul className="list-of-fish">
{/*{ Object.keys(this.state.fishes).map(this.renderFish) }*/}
{ Object.keys(this.state.fishes).length > 0 ? Object.keys(this.state.fishes).map(this.renderFish) : <li>No Fishes!</li> }
// <<<<<<<< I pass the function through to the Order component >>>>>>>>
<Order fishes={this.state.fishes} order={this.state.order} removeFromOrder={this.removeFromOrder}/>
<Inventory fishes={this.state.fishes} addFish={this.addFish} removeFish={this.removeFish} loadSamples={this.loadSamples} linkState={this.linkState}/>
var Order = React.createClass({
renderOrder: function(key){
var fish = this.props.fishes[key];
var count = this.props.order[key];
// <<<<<<<< the onClick I'm having trouble with >>>>>>>>
var removeButton = <button onCLick={this.props.removeFromOrder.bind(null, key)}>×</button>
// var removeButton = <button onCLick={alert(JSON.stringify(this.props))}>×</button>
if(!fish) {
return <li key={key}>Sorry, that fish is no longer available! {removeButton}</li>
// return <li key={key}>Sorry, that fish is no longer available!</li>
return (
<li key={key}>
{" " +}
<span className="price">{helpers.formatPrice(count * fish.price)} {removeButton}</span>
{/*<span className="price">{helpers.formatPrice(count * fish.price)}</span>*/}
render: function(){
var orderIds = Object.keys(this.props.order);
var total = orderIds.reduce((prevTotal, key)=>{
var fish = this.props.fishes[key];
var count = this.props.order[key];
var isAvailable = fish && fish.status === 'available';
if(isAvailable) {
return prevTotal + (count * parseInt(fish.price) || 0);
return prevTotal;
}, 0);
return (
<div className="order-wrap">
<h2 className="order-title">Your Order</h2>
<ul className="order">
{ orderIds.length > 0 ? : ""}
<li className="total">
The props for Order should include: the available fishes with all of their details, the current order with a fish id and quantity, and the removeFromOrder callback. When I explore the component in React dev tools, it has all of these things.
When I replace the removeFromOrder callback with an alert of the props, what happens is:
- on click, nothing
- on page refresh, two alerts pop up: the props in the first include the current order and an empty fishes array, the props in the second include the current order and the populated fishes array. Neither show the removeFromOrder callback function, which appears to be undefined from the perspective of the event listener.
On a potentially related note, when I explore the component in React dev tools and hover over a list item in the Order, I get the following error: TypeError: node.getBoundingClientRect is not a function. I'm not sure if this is part of my problem; if it's not, I'm not too concerned about it, since it only seems to pop up when I hover over the element in dev tools.
Thank you for reading this long thing, and any help would be much appreciated!
As #azium pointed out, the problem was a simple typo: onCLick={alert()} should instead be onClick={() => alert()}. Facepalm.

Maximum call stack exceeded error in ReactJS. Can someone help explain what's going on? (Snippet on JSFiddle)

I'm new to ReactJS and was trying my hands on a simple project. Basically, the snippet create a list of friends from an array and displays the total number of friends.
For some reason, I realized the incrementFriendsCount function throws a "Maximum call stack exceeded error" when I add a new friend
The code snippet below is also available on JSFiddle.
var HelloUser = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
name: "Toyosi",
friends: ["Susanna", "Jibola", "Worreva"],
friendsCount: 0
addFriends: function(friend) {
friends: this.state.friends.concat([friend])
componentWillMount: function() {
friendsCount: this.state.friends.length
incrementFriendsCount: function() {
friendsCount: this.state.friends.length
render: function() {
return ( < div >
Villain: {
}, No of friends: {
} < br / >
< AddingTheFriend addNew = {
incCount = {
<ListFriends enemies={this.state.friends} / >
< /div>
var ListFriends = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
enemies: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired
render: function() {
var allFriends ={
return <li>{friend}</li > ;
return ( < div > Her evil friends:
< ul > {
} < /ul>
</div >
var AddingTheFriend = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
newFriend: ''
propTypes: {
addNew: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
updateNewFriend: function(change) {
addTheFriend: function() {
newFriend: ''
componentWillReceiveProps: function() {
render: function() {
return ( < div >
< input type = "text"
value = {
onChange = {
<button type="button" onClick={this.addTheFriend}>Add Friend</button >
< /div>
React.render(<HelloUser / > , document.getElementById('app'));
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>
I will appreciate if anyone could throw more light on why this error is thrown.
You are calling this.props.incCount in componentWillReceiveProps which sets the state of the parent component and the effect will be that AddingTheFriend is rendered again, and this.props.incCount is called again. Hence the stack overflow.
Another advice would be that generally you want to be careful and use setState as little as possible, in as few components as possible. Simply increment the friends count at the same time you concat the new friend to parent component's state.
Here's the codepen --much better than JSFiddle in my opinion.
As a future reference for people with the same error output when using react:
This error will also occur of you run your app with both
webpack-dev-server --hot
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()
So: When you run your server with --hot and also have the hotModuleReplacementPlugin enabled in your webpack config then you will get into the situation that your components will recursively update, thus generating exactly the error message the OP mentioned.
Simple solution: Omit one of the two things, e.g. omit the "--hot" since you already use the plugin for that.
In my case it was an infinite loop, or if you like an obvious logical error.

React multiple input (array of inputs) not working

So I'm attempting to render multiple input fields with React.
Everything looks fine until I remove an item. Always the last item is being "removed". If you want to try my code, write "A" in input field 1, "B" in 2, "C" in 3 and remove "B". You'll notice that you have removed "C" instead.
I have tried both value and defaultValue for input to no avail. I have also tried giving a name to the input. I think I am missing a key point here.
Any recommendations?
var MultiInput = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
value = this.props.value
// force at least one element
if (!value || value == '') {
value = [ null ]
return {
value: value
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
add_more: function() {
new_val = this.state.value.concat([])
this.setState({ value: new_val })
remove_item: function(e, i) {
new_state = this.state.value.concat([])
this.setState({ value: new_state })
render: function() {
me = this
// console.log(this.state.value)
lines = function(e, i) {
return (
<div key={i}>
<input value={e} />
<button onClick={me.remove_item} >X</button>
return (
<button onClick={this.add_more}>Add More</button>
There are a few things going on here.
To start, you shouldn't use the array index as the key when rendering in an array:
lines = function(e, i) {
return (
<div key={i}>
<input value={e} />
<button onClick={me.remove_item} >X</button>
The first time through, ["A", "B", "C"] renders:
<div key={0}>
<div key={1}>
<div key={2}>
Then, the second time, once you've removed "B" and left ["A", "C"], it renders the following:
<div key={0}>
<div key={1}>
So, when you removed item at index 1, the item previous at index 2 moves to index 1. You'll want to use some unique value that doesn't change when the position in the array changes.
Second, you should use the empty string instead of null for initialization, and then you'll see that you can't type anything in your inputs. That's because value ensures that an input's value is always whatever you pass it; you'd have to attach an onChange handler to allow the value to be edited.
Changing to defaultValue allows you to type in the box, but when you type, the string in this.state.value doesn't get updated--you'd still need an onChange handler.
Finally, your button has an onClick of this.remove_item, but your remove_item method seems to take the event and index as parameters. However, React will not pass the current index to remove_item; you would need to create a new function that passes the correct params:
onClick={me.remove_item.bind(null, i)}
That said, you really shouldn't call Function#bind inside render as you'll create new functions every time it runs.
Working Code
#BinaryMuse clearly explains why my code above doesn't work: by removing an item from the array and render is called again, the items change position and apparently React's algorithm picks the "wrong changes" because the key we're providing has changed.
I think the simplest way around this is to not remove the item from the array but rather replace it with undefined. The array would keep growing with this solution but I don't think the number of actions would slow this down too much, especially that generating a unique id that doesn't change might involve storing this ID as well.
Here's the working code: (If you wish to optimize it, please check #BinaryMuse's suggestions in the accepted answer. My MultInput uses a custom Input component that is too large to paste here =) )
var MultiInput = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
value = this.props.value
if (!value || value == '') {
value = [ '' ]
return {
value: value
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
add_more: function() {
new_val = this.state.value.concat([])
this.setState({ value: new_val })
remove_item: function(i,e) {
new_state = this.state.value.concat([])
new_state[i] = undefined
this.setState({ value: new_state })
render: function() {
me = this
lines = function(e, i) {
if (e == undefined) {
return null
return (
<div key={i}>
<input defaultValue={e} />
<button onClick={me.remove_item.bind(null, i)} >X</button>
}).filter( function(e) {
return e != undefined
return (
<button onClick={this.add_more}>Add More</button>
