I am new in Angular.js and I am playing with it, I am getting an issue when passing the HTML content with $scope object.
It returns as a string on browser.
Here what I am doing with my controller
function htmlCtrl($scope, $http,Project) {
// data contains HTML value
And in HTML file I am doing this
div ng-view
!-- /container --
Any help will be appreciated.
Use $sce service.
Like this
$scope.project = $sce.trustAsHtml(data);
As for v1.0.3 use ngSanitize, example of using is here
i'm trying to unset/set a css class at a specific path url
I tried writing this code, but without any success
<div ng-class="window.location.toString().includes('ocs')? '' :'icon-home'"></div>
in chrome console i see this:
<div ng-class="window.location.toString().includes('ocs')? '' :'icon-home'" class="icon-home"></div>
I need to create a new angularjs module and scope for do this?
As you are clearing the class if location contains 'ocs', the correct approach should be this:
// in you angularjs controller:
$scope.containesOCS = window.location.toString().includes('ocs');
And in the html:
<div ng-class="{'icon-home': !containesOCS}"></div>
And if you haven't created an angular module or controller, please do so first. Without the
ng-app the angular attributes won't work.
I am new to angularjs, and I have an jquery background.
I want to compile json from the server into an element with an template.
What I now have for so far is:
The template:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="/tiles.html">
<div ng-repeat="tile in tiles">
{{tile.name}}<img ng-src="tile.src" />
The button for displaying the content:
<button ng-click="imageOptions.addFromList()">+ Add Image from list</button>
The function:
$scope.imageOptions.addFromList = function (){
$scope.tiles = data;
console.log("something did go wrong");
$(".prompt").html('<div ng-include src="/tiles.html"></div>');
The placeholder:
<div class="prompt"></div>
The placeholder will be used many times with also other content.
So I can not just type the html from the .html() argument. Like this:
<div class="prompt"><div ng-include src="/tiles.html"></div></div>
When I inspect the .prompt div it will stay uncompiled
The first thing you should do is remove jQuery library from your app while you get familiar with angular methodology.
There is no need to use html() method when all you need to do is include your template through a variety of different ways in your html source.
If the data isn't already available for ng-repeat it will simply fail quietly and do nothing. Then when the data is available it will respond automatically.
You could simply do:
<div class="prompt" ng-include src="/tiles.html"></div>
Or you could make a simple directive that will accomplish the same thing .
app.directive('prompt', function() {
return {
restrict: 'C',/* use for "class" */
templateUrl: '/tiles.html'
Simply change this
<div ng-include src="/tiles.html">
to this
<div ng-include src="'/tiles.html'">
While coding your single page application in angularjs, ideally there should not be any need for you to first get a reference to an element and then perform some action on it (You may think of this as the first step of switching from a jquery background to angularjs domain).
To achieve complete separation of model, view and controller you should just define your templates and controllers accordingly. These mappings and references should be managed by angularjs on its own.
As correctly mentioned above you should not be using .html() method of jquery. If you have included jquery in your document, it will be internally used by angularjs, but, including jquery should not be mandatory for using angularjs.
ng-repeat and ng-include also create a separate scope, so you may want to take care of those as well in future.
For your query, you may reference the template by including extra quotes in ng-include as:
<div class="prompt">
<div ng-include src="'tiles.html'"></div>
I have a tabbed navigtion in my webapp that looks like this
Now I want to Change the directive each time the user clicks on one of the Navigation points. My Idea was to init the page with the first template.
$scope.currentDirective = $compile('<div order-Sale></div>');
Then when the user clicks on a tab, I wanted to change and compile the content again with a new directive in it. But for some reason this is not working. How would you proceed in order to archive this dynamic content loading? I really want to only load the content on necessary need and not just to show or hide it. I think using directives is the right way to go for it, but I'm a but stuck at the implementation... Someone any pointer ? (I don't want to use any jQuery)
What I tried [Edit]:
The controller.js
app.controller('pageController',['$scope','$compile', function($scope, $compile){
var templates = ['<div first-template></div>','<div second-template></div>'];
$scope.currentTemplate = $compile(templates[0]);
$scope.changeTemplate = function(id) {
$scope.currentTemplate = $compile(templates[id]);
<div ng-controller="pageController">
<a ng-click="changeTemplate('1')">Change Template</a>
$compile returns a linking function not a value, you cannot just bind it to your template with interpolation.
You should use ngBindHtml instead of regular bindings ( ngBind & {{ }} ).
ngBindHtml does compiling, linking and watching all out-of-the-box.
With ng-bind-html-unsafe removed, how do I inject HTML?
Here is a plunker
app.controller('pageController',['$scope','$compile','$sce', function($scope, $compile, $sce){
var templates = ['<div>first-template</div>','<div>second-template</div>'];
$scope.currentTemplate = $sce.trustAsHtml(templates[0]);
$scope.changeTemplate = function(id) {
$scope.currentTemplate = $sce.trustAsHtml(templates[id]);
The markup:
<div ng-controller="pageController">
<button ng-click="changeTemplate('1')">Change Template</button>
<div ng-bind-html="currentTemplate"></div>
For more robust dynamic content loading you have two good alternatives:
ngRoute from angular team.
ui-router from angular-ui team.
If you want to change and compile the content again, well that's exactly what ng-view/ ui-view directives already do for you.
Why not just use a directive:
You probably need to load a different template (html partial) for each tab.
You probably need to change the url based on the tab (and vice versa)
You probably need to instantiate a different controller for each tab.
ngRoute and ui-router come with their own directives.
You can implement your own route module if you want but that's more than just a directive.
I am trying to render a piece of html, available on a dynamic route, the route is fetched via a $http.get() call, it returns a piece of html,
Just to give an example I try to load this html partial:
<h1>{{ pagetitle }}</h1>
this is a simple page example
I made a small fiddle, to mock the problem, but for the simplicity i left the http call out, and just added the html in a string on the scope.
The controller is:
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.data = {
view: "<h1>whaaaaa</h1>"
The page html is this:
<div ng-app="">
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div ng-include src="data.view"></div>
The problem is that it does not add the string into the html file (ng-include), but it makes a http call to a url made of that string aparently.
So Is it not possible to just enter a string into an include? if not, what is the proper way to make an http call to a dynamic url, and enter the returned url into the page.
You can play with it in JSFiddle.
You can add static hooks to the template cache, so let's say you have a service that gets the template:
myApp.service('myTemplateService', ['$http', '$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {
$http(/* ... */).then(function (result) {
$templateCache.put('my-dynamic-template', result);
/* ... */
Then, you can do:
<div include src=" 'my-dynamic-template' "></div>
NOTE reference name must be wrapped in single quotes, this always bytes me.... NOTE
Do note that you'll have to have assigned it to the template cache before angular tries to resolve the url.
If the dynamic URL logic is simple enough, you can also use a conditional in the ng-include, e.g.
<div ng-include="isTrue() && 'template1.html' || 'template2.html'"
You can't do that with ng-include; reference:
ngInclude|src – {string} – angular expression evaluating to URL. If
the source is a string constant, make sure you wrap it in quotes, e.g.
Use directly ng-bind-html-unsafe like this:
<div ng-bind-html-unsafe="data.view"></div>
Creates a binding that will innerHTML the result of evaluating the
expression into the current element. The innerHTML-ed content will not
be sanitized! You should use this directive only if ngBindHtml
directive is too restrictive and when you absolutely trust the source
of the content you are binding to.
You can use ng-bind-html-unsafe
If you do not trust the html which comes from your ajax request, you can also use ng-bind-html which needs the $sanitize service to work (DEMO).
<div ng-bind-html="data.view"></div>
To use that you need to include an extra js file .
angular.module('app', ['ngSanitize']);
And of course add the app to ng-app:
<div ng-app="app">
ng-include expects a URL to an external HTML fragment, not an HTML string.
You want ng-bind-html-unsafe:
Updated demo.
I'm pretty sure it's something stupid again. I'm learning angularjs so I don't get the full scope yet but I'm getting there. I tried everything and really searched for anything I could find but nothing seemed to work.
I'm trying to do a ng-class="..." in my layout file but the expression is set in my controller but somehow it's not rendered. It is rendered when I put it in my ng-view file. I get that he only renders part of the file but I want him to render the ng-class on ng-view as well. Is this possible or is it easier to just put in a div inside the partial html file.
Simple html file
<ng-view ng-class="{ 'splash': splash=='splash' }"></ng-view>
My controller
.controller('IndexCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, config) {
$rootScope.splash = 'splash';
$scope.login = function(e) {
alert('Soon. How soon? Very soon.');
When you define a variable in the root scope, you can't access it in the same way as you define it in the local scope. $rootScope variables can be accessible in the AngularJS templates using $root.<variableName>, so your HTML file should be changed to this:
<ng-view ng-class="{ 'splash': $root.splash=='splash' }"></ng-view>
You can see the diffrence of $scope and $rootScope in this demo