(Processing) Removing Previously Used Object in Array - arrays

Sorry for the horrible wording of the title. I'm creating a game of "War" in Processing for my Programming class. I need to change my code so that each card that is used is removed from the deck/array. I stumbled upon some posts and Google results mentioning "ArrayList", but I'm still sort of clueless.
The following code displays two separate, random cards and displays two new random cards when the mouse is clicked.
(First Tab 'War')
void draw(){
void mousePressed(){
imageIndex = int(random(card.length));
imageIndex2 = int(random(card2.length));
(Second Tab 'Card')
PImage[] card = new PImage[13];
PImage[] card2 = new PImage[13];
int imageIndex = int(random(0,12)),
imageIndex2 = int(random(0,12));
void setup(){
card[0] = loadImage("2_of_clubs.jpg");
card[1] = loadImage("3_of_clubs.jpg");
card[2] = loadImage("4_of_clubs.jpg");
card[3] = loadImage("5_of_clubs.jpg");
card[4] = loadImage("6_of_clubs.jpg");
card[5] = loadImage("7_of_clubs.jpg");
card[6] = loadImage("8_of_clubs.jpg");
card[7] = loadImage("9_of_clubs.jpg");
card[8] = loadImage("10_of_clubs.jpg");
card[9] = loadImage("jack_of_clubs.jpg");
card[10] = loadImage("queen_of_clubs.jpg");
card[11] = loadImage("king_of_clubs.jpg");
card[12] = loadImage("ace_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[0] = loadImage("2_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[1] = loadImage("3_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[2] = loadImage("4_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[3] = loadImage("5_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[4] = loadImage("6_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[5] = loadImage("7_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[6] = loadImage("8_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[7] = loadImage("9_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[8] = loadImage("10_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[9] = loadImage("jack_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[10] = loadImage("queen_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[11] = loadImage("king_of_clubs.jpg");
card2[12] = loadImage("ace_of_clubs.jpg");

Using ArrayList would look more or less like:
// gonna use strings instead of images
// just to show the idea. I don't have all this images...
ArrayList<String> card = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> card2;
int imageIndex, imageIndex2;
String display1, display2;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
card2 = new ArrayList<String>(card);
imageIndex = int(random(card.size()));
imageIndex2 = int(random(card2.size()));
display1 = card.get(imageIndex);
display2 = card2.get(imageIndex2);
println("\ncard draw from card : "+ display1);
println("card draw from card2: "+ display2 + "\n");
void draw() {
void mousePressed() {
if (card.size() > 0) {
imageIndex = int(random(card.size()));
imageIndex2 = int(random(card2.size()));
display1 = card.get(imageIndex);
display2 = card2.get(imageIndex2);
println("\ncard draw from card : "+ display1);
println("card draw from card2: "+ display2 + "\n");
} else {
println("The deck is empty...");

if you have to use arrays then you would have to do something similar to the following code:
PImage[] removeCardFromDeck(PImage deck, int index){
PImage[] newdeck = new PImage[deck.length -1];
int count=0;
for(int i =0 ; i<newdeck.length;i++){
if(count==index) count++;
newdeck[i] = deck[count];
return newdeck;
but for this task it is better to use ArrayLists.


Drag and Drop Arrays AS3

I'm trying to create a drag and drop game in Actionscript 3 using mostly arrays. I'm doing it on a simpler game first before going to the main game because I need to know how the codes work first.
The simpler game is just there are two squares and two circles. The two squares are on a different array while the two circles are in the same one. What should happen is that when either circles hit (hitTestPoint) the right square, their x and y becomes the center of the square. (like it clicks to the center). And when either circles hit the left square, it should return the circles to their last position (doesn't have to be their original position).
Here's the code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.events.Event;
public class MC_MAIN extends MovieClip
var mc1:mc_circle;
var mc2:mc_circle;
var mc3:mc_square;
var mc4:mc_square;
var Shapes:Array;
var Target:Array;
var WTarget:Array;
var newPlace:Point;
public function MC_MAIN()
// constructor code
function init():void
Shapes = new Array ;
Target = new Array ;
WTarget = new Array ;
mc3 = new mc_square();
mc3.height = 75;
mc3.width = 75;
mc3.x = 400;
mc3.y = 200;
mc4 = new mc_square();
mc4.height = 75;
mc4.width = 75;
mc4.x = 150;
mc4.y = 200;
mc1 = new mc_circle();
mc1.height = 25;
mc1.width = 25;
mc1.x = 100;
mc1.y = 100;
mc2 = new mc_circle();
mc2.height = 25;
mc2.width = 25;
mc2.x = 200;
mc2.y = 200;
for (var i:int = 0; i<Shapes.length; i++)
Shapes[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, DRG);
Shapes[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, SDRG);
function DRG(e:MouseEvent):void
function SDRG(e:MouseEvent):void
for (var m:int = 0; m<Shapes.length; m++)
newPlace = new Point(Shapes[m].x,Shapes[m].y);
for (var a:int = 0; a<Target.length; a++)
for (var b:int = 0; b<Shapes.length; b++)
if (Target[a].hitTestPoint(Shapes[b].x,Shapes[b].y))
Shapes[b].x = Target[a].x;
Shapes[b].y = Target[a].y;
for (var c:int = 0; c<WTarget.length; c++)
for (var d:int = 0; d<Shapes.length; d++)
if (WTarget[c].hitTestPoint(Shapes[d].x,Shapes[d].y))
Shapes[d].x = newPlace.x;
Shapes[d].y = newPlace.y;
What happens is that the code for the left square doesn't work but their are no syntax errors. Nothing happens when either circles hit the left square.
And when I'm trying to trace the position of the circles, It just shows the x & y coordinate of only one of them. (I guess it's tracing the first object of the array which is at index 0. I'm just asking if I guessed right for this part.)
I is a bit difficult to follow the logic and there are some points that doesn't make much sense like:
for (var m:int = 0; m<Shapes.length; m++)
newPlace = new Point(Shapes[m].x,Shapes[m].y);
newPlace will be the position of the last shape in Shapes, so the loop is fairly useless.
I guess what you need is something like that:
public class MC_MAIN extends MovieClip
private leftSquares:Array;
private rightSquares:Array;
//more of the members from above
private startPos:Point;
//init the thing and add left and right squares
//to there respective Array
function DRG(e:MouseEvent):void
var t:DisplayObject = e.currentTarget;
//save the starting position
startPos = new Point(t.x,t.y);
function SDRG(e:MouseEvent):void {
var t:DisplayObject = e.currentTarget;
//find all squares from the left
//the target »hits«
var leftHits:Array = leftSquares.filter(
function (square:DisplayObject) {
return square.hitTestPoint(t.x, t.y);
//same for the right
var leftHits:Array = rightSquares.filter(
function (square:DisplayObject) {
return square.hitTestPoint(t.x, t.y);
//now you can apply the logic
//based on the hit Test result
//this way you can handle the case
//if it hits both, to throw an error
//or alike
if(leftHits.length > 0) {
//reset position
t.x = startPos.x;
t.y = startPos.y;
else if (rightHits.length > 0) {
//set the position tp the desired item in rightHits
else {
Please not that my Action Script skills haven't been used for a long time, so the code above might not compile. It is meant to illustrate the idea. Important are the following steps:
1. Save the starting position, to be able to reset it
2. Sort the `squares` in respective lists for left and right
3. Hit test both and apply the logic.

dropdown error on device in codenameone

I am implementing drop-drown feature in my app. Its implemented using container with list of elements in it.
Suppose the drop down list has following items aa1, aa2, aa3, aa4 aa5 and so on. And if i search as 'aa' it displays items starting from 'aa', if I select aa5 from list, it takes aa1 and displays that. But whereas if I scroll the items and select its working fine. This problem occurring only on iOS device working perfectly fine on simulator.
the first picture depicts how drop down looks like, in second picture if I search 'ee', it gives list of items starting with 'ee'. If I select 'ee5', it sets to ee1 as shown in picture 3. Problem only on device. Any workaround for this?
So, please let me know whats the issue with this.
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
private CustomList itemList;
class CustomList extends List {
int startYPos = -1;
long lastDiff = 0;
Timer t = null;
int draggingState = 0;
public CustomList() {
private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) {
final Runnable rn = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Create and show a dialog to allow users to make a selection.
final UiBuilder uib = dm.UiBuilder();
dialog = (Dialog) uib.createContainer(DESIGNER_NAME_DIALOG_COMBOBOX_CONTAINER);
GenericSpinner itemSpinner = (GenericSpinner) uib.findByName(DESIGNER_NAME_DIALOG_COMBOBOX_GENERIC_SPINNER, dialog);
itemSpinner.setPreferredW(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth() * 4 / 5);
//remove from parent and replace with a linear list
Container parent = itemSpinner.getParent();
// Add the searchable text field box
final TextField tf = (TextField)uib.findByName("Search", dialog);
tf.addDataChangedListener(new DataChangedListener() {
public void dataChanged(int type, int index) {
Object[] items = model.getFilteredItems(tf.getText());
itemList.setModel(new DefaultListModel(items));
itemList = new CustomList();
parent.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, itemList);
final String[] items = model.getItems();
itemList.setModel(new DefaultListModel(items));
itemList.getStyle().setMargin(10, 10, 10, 10);
ActionListener list = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (model.isUserEditable() && model.getItemCount() > 0) {
int i = itemList.getSelectedIndex();
if (i > items.length - 1) {
model.onUserDataEntered((String) itemList.getModel().getItemAt(i));
String textToDisplay = (String) itemList.getModel().getItemAt(i);
CommonTransitions tran = CommonTransitions.createEmpty();
itemList.setRenderer(new ListRenderer());
//related to dialog to show list of items
//how much space do we really need???
if (cellHeight == 0) {
int dip = Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(1);
int siz = 2;
if (Display.getInstance().isTablet()) {
siz = 4;
siz *= 2;
cellHeight = siz * dip;
int heightRequired = cellHeight * (items.length + 8);
//is this too much for the screen - we will use 3/4 of the screen height max
int availableHeight = Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() * 3;
availableHeight /= 4;
if (heightRequired > availableHeight) {
int topPos = Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() / 8;
int bottomPos = topPos + availableHeight;
dialog.show(topPos, topPos, 40, 40);
else {
int topPos = (Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() - heightRequired) / 2;
int bottomPos = topPos + heightRequired;
dialog.show(topPos, topPos, 40, 40);
//new code using Multibutton implementation
final String[] listItems = model.getItems();
Display.getInstance().callSerially(() ->{
multiButton= new MultiButton();
multiButton.addActionListener(e -> Log.p("you picked " + multiButton.getSelectCommandText(), Log.ERROR));
I would recommend using a Container and simple layout search as demonstrated by code such as this. The code below was taken from the Toolbar javadoc:
Image duke = null;
try {
duke = Image.createImage("/duke.png");
} catch(IOException err) {
int fiveMM = Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(5);
final Image finalDuke = duke.scaledWidth(fiveMM);
Form hi = new Form("Search", BoxLayout.y());
hi.add(new InfiniteProgress());
Display.getInstance().scheduleBackgroundTask(()-> {
// this will take a while...
Contact[] cnts = Display.getInstance().getAllContacts(true, true, true, true, false, false);
Display.getInstance().callSerially(() -> {
for(Contact c : cnts) {
MultiButton m = new MultiButton();
Image pic = c.getPhoto();
if(pic != null) {
m.setIcon(fill(pic, finalDuke.getWidth(), finalDuke.getHeight()));
} else {
hi.getToolbar().addSearchCommand(e -> {
String text = (String)e.getSource();
if(text == null || text.length() == 0) {
// clear search
for(Component cmp : hi.getContentPane()) {
} else {
text = text.toLowerCase();
for(Component cmp : hi.getContentPane()) {
MultiButton mb = (MultiButton)cmp;
String line1 = mb.getTextLine1();
String line2 = mb.getTextLine2();
boolean show = line1 != null && line1.toLowerCase().indexOf(text) > -1 ||
line2 != null && line2.toLowerCase().indexOf(text) > -1;
}, 4);

Cant access all children of element?

So i am adding some elements to a map control like this
foreach (var res in results)
if (res.geometry.location != null)
var pushpin = new Image();
pushpin.Name = "a";
BasicGeoposition bs = new BasicGeoposition { Latitude = res.geometry.location.lat, Longitude = res.geometry.location.lng };
pushpin.Source = new BitmapImage(uri);
pushpin.Height = 50;
pushpin.Width = 50;
MapControl.SetLocation(pushpin, new Geopoint(bs));
Now i want to remove elements names "a" form the control and i am using following code
int c = myMap.Children.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
if(myMap.Children.ElementAt(i) is Image)
var z = myMap.Children.ElementAt(i) as Image;
But always some elements are not getting removed ,for example the count of children is coming 21,but the loop is looping only 10 time.
How can i solve this problem?
try it with looping backwards so you dont mess up your collection during the loop.
int c = myMap.Children.Count - 1;
for (int i = c; i >= 0; i--)
if (myMap.Children.ElementAt(i) is Image)
var z = myMap.Children.ElementAt(i) as Image;

Select pairs from an array (matching game) And add sound to that selection AS3 Flash CS4

I'm using a tutorial I found on Google - which works well. However, I have a few issues to make it work how I would like. This code uses a MovieClip for the card faces with the back of the card on frame1 and 2-17 different pictures or movieclips.
The questions are - Is there a way to get the ActionScript to choose from the whole array? But still produce pairs to choose from. As it stands now - If I select the game to be 4 across by 2 down (8 cards in total) It has the back of card (frame1) and will then randomly select, but only from frames 2-5 . If I modify these lines...
public function MatchingGameObject10():void {
// make a list of card numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array();
for(var i:uint=0;i<boardWidth*boardHeight/2;i++) {
public function MatchingGameObject10():void {
// make a list of card numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16,16,17,17);
I get random cards - but no pairs...
If I can ask another question here - it is - how to add a seperate sound to each card..So if it shows a Bee - the Bee.mp3 is played.. Here's the whole code..
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
public class MatchingGameObject10 extends MovieClip {
// game constants
private static const boardWidth:uint = 4;
private static const boardHeight:uint = 2;
private static const cardHorizontalSpacing:Number = 500;
private static const cardVerticalSpacing:Number = 700;
private static const boardOffsetX:Number = 50;
private static const boardOffsetY:Number = 70;
private static const pointsForMatch:int = 10;
private static const pointsForMiss:int = -1;
// variables
private var firstCard:Card10;
private var secondCard:Card10;
private var cardsLeft:uint;
private var gameScore:int;
private var gameStartTime:uint;
private var gameTime:uint;
// text fields
private var gameScoreField:TextField;
private var gameTimeField:TextField;
// timer to return cards to face-down
private var flipBackTimer:Timer;
// set up sounds
var theFirstCardSound:FirstCardSound = new FirstCardSound();
var theMissSound:MissSound = new MissSound();
var theMatchSound:MatchSound = new MatchSound();
// initialization function
public function MatchingGameObject10():void {
// make a list of card numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array();
for(var i:uint=0;i<boardWidth*boardHeight/2;i++) {
// create all the cards, position them, and assign a randomcard face to each
cardsLeft = 0;
for (var x:uint=0; x<boardWidth; x++) {// horizontal
for (var y:uint=0; y<boardHeight; y++) {// vertical
var c:Card10 = new Card10();// copy the movie clip
c.stop();// stop on first frame
c.x = x*cardHorizontalSpacing+boardOffsetX;// set position
c.y = y*cardVerticalSpacing+boardOffsetY;
var r:uint = Math.floor(Math.random()*cardlist.length);// get a random face
c.cardface = cardlist[r];// assign face to card
cardlist.splice(r,1);// remove face from list
c.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickCard);// have it listen for clicks
c.buttonMode = true;
addChild(c);// show the card
// set up the score
gameScoreField = new TextField();
gameScore = 0;
// set up the clock
gameTimeField = new TextField();
gameTimeField.x = 450;
gameStartTime = getTimer();
gameTime = 0;
// player clicked on a card
public function clickCard(event:MouseEvent) {
var thisCard:Card10 = (event.target as Card10); // what card?
if (firstCard == null) { // first card in a pair
firstCard = thisCard; // note it
} else if (firstCard == thisCard) { // clicked first card again
firstCard = null;
} else if (secondCard == null) { // second card in a pair
secondCard = thisCard; // note it
// compare two cards
if (firstCard.cardface == secondCard.cardface) {
// remove a match
// reset selection
firstCard = null;
secondCard = null;
// add points
gameScore += pointsForMatch;
// check for game over
cardsLeft -= 2; // 2 less cards
if (cardsLeft == 0) {
MovieClip(root).gameScore = gameScore;
MovieClip(root).gameTime = clockTime(gameTime);
} else {
gameScore += pointsForMiss;
flipBackTimer = new Timer(2000,1);
} else { // starting to pick another pair
// select first card in next pair
firstCard = thisCard;
// return cards to face-down
public function returnCards(event:TimerEvent) {
firstCard = null;
secondCard = null;
public function showGameScore() {
gameScoreField.text = "Score: "+String(gameScore);
public function showTime(event:Event) {
gameTime = getTimer()-gameStartTime;
gameTimeField.text = "Time: "+clockTime(gameTime);
public function clockTime(ms:int) {
var seconds:int = Math.floor(ms/1000);
var minutes:int = Math.floor(seconds/60);
seconds -= minutes*60;
var timeString:String = minutes+":"+String(seconds+100).substr(1,2);
return timeString;
public function playSound(soundObject:Object) {
var channel:SoundChannel = soundObject.play();
Here's Card10 class
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public dynamic class Card extends MovieClip {
private var flipStep:uint;
private var isFlipping:Boolean = false;
private var flipToFrame:uint;
// begin the flip, remember which frame to jump to
public function startFlip(flipToWhichFrame:uint) {
isFlipping = true;
flipStep = 10;
flipToFrame = flipToWhichFrame;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, flip);
// take 10 steps to flip
public function flip(event:Event) {
flipStep--; // next step
if (flipStep > 5) { // first half of flip
this.scaleX = .20*(flipStep-6);
} else { // second half of flip
this.scaleX = .20*(5-flipStep);
// when it is the middle of the flip, go to new frame
if (flipStep == 5) {
// at the end of the flip, stop the animation
if (flipStep == 0) {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, flip);
So without completely re-factoring how this game works, the best way to make it dynamic based off the amount of frames (card faces) in your Card10 Clip, is change this code:
var cardlist:Array = new Array();
for(var i:uint=0;i<boardWidth*boardHeight/2;i++) {
To the following:
var allCards:Array = new Array(); //an array of all available frame numbers
var cardlist:Array = new Array(); //an array of just those cards to show
var tmpCard:Card10 = new Card10(); //create a temporary card for the sole purpose of counting how many frames it has
var i:int;
//populate the array with all the frames from the Card MC
for (i = 0; i < tmpCard.totalFrames;i++) {
allCards.push(i);//add card frame to allCards array
//now create the list of cards to show (since the amount of cards may be more than the amount you want to show
for (i = 0; i < (boardWidth * boardHeight) / 2; i++) {
var cardIndex:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * allCards.length);// get a random card from the all card list
//add the card twice (so there is a pair) in the list of cards to show
//remove it from the all cards array so it doesn't come up again in the random bit above

Actionscript 3: Trying to create a randomized array

im trying to create a randomized array that will change the position of my pictures(in the tilelist) each time the application is launched. Hope you understand what im looking for, and i dont really understand how to link code correctly here :/
I think its easier simply copying into flash and view from there
thanks :)
Here's my code:
btn_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ftilbake);
function ftilbake(evt:MouseEvent)
var heroArray:Array = new Array();
var randomizeArray:Array = new Array();
function createArrays()
heroArray[0] = new Array("Rumble","Garen","Lulu","Corki","Warwick");
heroArray[1] = new Array("Bilder/Champions/Rumble.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Garen.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Lulu.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Corki.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Warwick.jpg");
heroArray[2] = new Array("Bilder/Champions/Rumble1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Garen1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Lulu1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Corki1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Warwick1.jpg");
heroArray[3] = new Array("the Mechanized Menace","the Might of Demacia","the Fae Sorceress","the Daring Bombardier","the Blood Hunter");
heroArray[4] = new Array(0,0,0,0,0);
heroArray[5] = new Array("Rumble.wav","Garen.wav","Lulu.wav","Corki.wav","Warwick.wav");
randomizeArray[0] = new Array();
randomizeArray[1] = new Array();
randomizeArray[2] = new Array();
randomizeArray[3] = new Array();
randomizeArray[4] = new Array();
//randomizing the positions in the array(?)
var randomPos:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < heroArray.length; i++)
randomPos = int(Math.random() * heroArray[0].length);
while (randomizeArray[randomPos][0] != null)
randomPos = int(Math.random() * heroArray.length);
var totalKlikk:int = 0;
for (var teller1:int = 0; teller1 <heroArray[0].length; teller1++)
leagueChamps.addItem({label:heroArray[0][teller1], source:heroArray[1][teller1]});
leagueChamps.columnWidth = 80;
leagueChamps.rowHeight = 80;
leagueChamps.columnCount = 5;
leagueChamps.rowCount = 1;
leagueChamps.direction = "horizontal";
leagueChamps.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bildeKlikk);
function bildeKlikk(evt:MouseEvent)
var element:Object = leagueChamps.selectedItem;
var fil:String = element.source;
txtChHero.visible = false;
if (totalKlikk <11)
for (teller1 = 0; teller1 <heroArray[0].length; teller1++)
if (heroArray[1][teller1] == fil)
if (heroArray[4][teller1] == 1)
txtBox1.visible = true;
txtBox2.visible = true;
leagueShow.source = heroArray[2][teller1];
txtBox1.text = heroArray[0][teller1];
txtBox2.text = heroArray[3][teller1];
if (heroArray[4][teller1] == 2)
txtBox1.visible = true;
txtBox2.visible = true;
leagueShow.source = heroArray[2][teller1];
txtBox1.text = heroArray[0][teller1];
txtBox2.text = heroArray[3][teller1];
if (heroArray[4][teller1] == 3)
txtChHero.visible = true;
txtChHero.text = "Du har klikket følgende mange ganger på de forskjellige bildene:";
txtH1.text = heroArray[4][0]
txtH2.text = heroArray[4][1]
txtH3.text = heroArray[4][2]
txtH4.text = heroArray[4][3]
txtH5.text = heroArray[4][4]
txtBox1.visible = false;
txtBox2.visible = false;
leagueShow.visible = false;
function bildeKlikk3()
txtBox1.visible = true;
txtBox2.visible = true;
leagueShow.source = heroArray[2][teller1];
txtBox2.text = "Ikke mer informasjon";
txtBox2.visible = false;
txtBox1.visible = false;
Array randomization is something which comes up very frequently in all my projects so I ended up creating a static method in my Array utility class for it.
It uses the Fisher–Yates shuffle which is supposed to be the most unbiased (and efficient?) algorithm for shuffling the content of an array. There could be faster ways of doing it (like using the array.sortOn() method, but I am not sure how unbiased a result they get compared to this one.)
The shuffle method:
* shuffle the given array
* #param array
* #return
public static function shuffle(array:Array):Array
var index :int;
var item :*;
var limit :int = array.length as int;
for (var i:int = limit-1; i >= 0 ; --i)
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
item = array[index];
array[index] = array[i];
array[i] = item;
return array;
var myArray:Array = new Array("Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue");
myArray = ArrayUtils.shuffle(myArray);
where ArrayUtils is the name of the Array Utility class I use. You can simply use the function directly if you don't want to use a utility class of course.
Try this
while (heroArray.length > 0) {
randomizeArray.push(heroArray.splice(Math.round(Math.random() * (heroArray.length - 1)), 1)[0]);
Just instatiate randomizeArray though, and don't fill it with empty Arrays like in ur source!
I recommend creating a single object to hold related data, and using a single Array/Vector of that object type.
To answer your question, randomizing an array is fairly easy to do with array.sort() and a random selection function. This method can also be used to randomize any array. you don't need to splice arrays or iterate either.
function sortOnRandom(a:Object, b:Object):Number{
if(Math.random() > 0.5){
return 1;
return -1;
