Full SPA Application with AngularJS - angularjs

I was thinking in doing a full SPA application with AngularJS that would download all the views code on the initial request and then just communicate with the server through AJAX requests.
The big advantage is that it would look like the application is running locally.
The disadvantage is that maybe on the initial request the application would take maybe 2 minutes to load because it would make about 40 page requests to the server.
Isn't there a way to download all the application views in a single request like using some kind of ASP.Net MVC bundles?

I did something similar. I'm using Asp.net MVC & WebApi with AngularJS.
My first request is to an MVC Action -> It returns a kind of master page(including bundles).
When the page gets down to the client, AngularJS kicks in and gets in charge.
Now my template views are also rendered via the Razor view engine(since I needed a special in house engine to locate my relevat templates) - I can use bundles and other .net stuff inside instead of fetching plain html.
Now using templates this way can be BAD.
I put red lines about what I want the Razor view engine to do in the process. It's easy to misuse AngularJS when you use Razor views\templates in your project.

you could use the $templateCache service to download multiple views at once. In the run phase you define them all (of some of them).
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.run(function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('template1.html', 'This is the content of the template 1');
$templateCache.put('template2.html', 'This is the content of the template 2');
$templateCache.put('template3.html', 'This is the content of the template 3');


Architecture Spring MVC: JSP pages to angular JS

Currently, I have a small Web site using Spring MVC (controller) with JSP pages.
I would like to migrate JSP pages to AngularJS/HTML but I have some troubles to understand the global picture.
I guess, I should migrate my #Controller to #RestController. These controllers will provide data/JSON necessary to display angularJS/HTML pages. Right ?
I haven't trouble to create these REST controllers: I can consult JSON data by using URL provided in request mapping of my REST controllers.
My problem is to display index page. In WEB-INF folder, I have an index.html. I would like to access to this page via: http://localhost/MyApp/
How should I process ?
A) Do I need a #Controller with request mapping on '/' which return 'index' view ? Then, the index.html will in charge to call REST controllers thanks to AngularJS ?
B) Should I disable all #Controller on server side and the index.html should be directly the entry point of my Web site ? How configure Spring MVC in this case ?
There are a lot of alternatives and all of them valid. With legacy Jspx MVC projects I do the next:
Small project
Create a package api to put on it the REST Controllers. Returns JSON
Create apackage web to put on it the View Controllers.
Big projects
Divide into separated projects
myproject- api. For REST: JSON
myproject-web. For frontend resources: HTML, CSS, JS
To serve the index.html,as you appointment, you need configure a Controller with a RequestMapping / that returs "index". The template views and viewresolver mades the trick.
From AngularJS I suggest try ui-router and retrieve views and resourfes according your url state.

AngularJS with JSP

I am new to AngularJS.I have two questions.
Is it possible to use JSP pages instead of HTML in AngularJS.
Is it possible to create a web application using AngularJS without webservices (for fetching data from DB) and use HTTP servlet for that purpose
Is it possible to use JSP pages instead of HTML in AngularJS.
Even if you use JSP the final output will be HTML so you can use JSP in AngularJS but JSP files are mainly used to render the frontend with data that you can do using HTML only in AngularJS.
Is it possible to create a web application using AngularJS without web services (for fetching data from DB) and use HTTP servlet for that purpose
Whether you use plain Servlet or any framework that creates REST APIs, it will be HTTP calls only.
(This is a newbie question which applies equally to all front-end MVVM frameworks. I'll answer it for the general good.)
AngularJS is a front-end framework which runs in the browser. It relies on a server delivering the content (HTML templates, CSS and JS sources) to the browser.
What you use as a server, is entirely up to you. It depends on whether you need server-side dynamic content.
If none is required in that area, you can use a static HTTP server like LightHTTP, or plain old apache, or nginx, or anything else to deliver the AngularJS site to the browser.
But in most you will have some server interaction (i.e. storing / querying stuff in a database, or communication / synchronization with other users, etc). The common approach for that is to deliver HTML/CSS/JS statically and add a bunch of REST interfaces. Flask and Tornado are popular server choices for that, or stuff like spray.IO / akka.http for higher traffic volumes.
In specific cases, you may want to work with pre-rendered HTML templates (usually because you want to dynamically exclude parts of pages for security/user role reasons). Then you need a server-side framework with template rendering. Django, JSP, ASP, pick your favourite.
It seems like you are asking how to use AngularJs in a JavaEE application. And yes it is possible. Only your index.jsp will be in jsp, and all you other views will be in html.
You can then use http requests to fetch data through your servlets.
it can be useful. here are scenarios:
you want to save ram, cpu for mobile phones or machines that doesn't have lots of power. you can partially render page in jsp and keep only minimal in angular.
your team is traditionally jsp heavy and you want to use them and gradually transfer to angular. eg... for i18n rendering jsp seems far better. note that i18n may not add lots of values in angular and you may not want to throw up existing code in jsp.
I have been noticing strong views in stackoverflow and they seem to dismiss everything that doesn't fit in their utopian all new cutting edge. all the angular projects I worked had heavy dose of legacy pages using jsp and it doesn't make sense to rewrite everything from scratch or lay off whole team and start hiring from scratch. and thus, yes, jsp makes sense with angular.

AngularJS inside JSP page

I'm working on a project where all may work is jsp pages can i add AngularJS inside these pages , i'm also new to Angular
I work on a web project, which renders a lot of graphs and animation charts to end users. We have been using the AngularJS in the jsp for some time and this works fine for us. With jsp, one can easily determine the request context (for e.g the request context URI for another link) on the webpage. With AngularJS, we develop the json returning services on server side and process the data via angularJS directives.

Asp.Net MVC and AngularJS in same View

I´d like to know if exists a better way to render a view like this:
For the first load I need bring data from Controller like usual but after apply a filter in same page I need to start use AngularJS and never more uses Razor.
Is there a way to do that ?
Thanks for all.
Yes. you can do that.
Basically, you'd need to add the line below in your view. After you do that, the json is going to be available to the DOM / javascript and angular can take it from there. Hope this help
var json = '#Html.Raw(Model.MyJsonStringForMyCoolAngularJsApp)';
There are multiple ways to implement ASP.Net MVC with AngularJs.
I personally like Mini SPA (Silos). You can watch Miguel A Castro's video here.
You can also download the source at his website.
What it does is when a request comes in, it goes to ASP.Net MVC Route first. Then, Angular Route takes over the rest. It is a very slick design.
FYI: I also use Angular.Net Helpers to generate strongly typed views.
You could use WebAPI project in visual studio to exchange data between frontend and backend. It would go stateless, so to secure the data, you could use a mechanism like JWT.
The frontend would exchange JSONS from/to the backend using REST apis.
Yes. You can make angular views and exchange data using $http.get(/controller/method/). You can also configure routing using ngRoute.

Is there a case scenario where routing thru AngularJS and thru ExpressJS are both required?

Routing functionality is defined in both ExpressJS thru app.get('/*') and in AngularJS thru
What is the case scenario for needing to define routes thru both?
Part 2.
Server and Client Communication in AngularJS takes place thru REST API ? ( can it be handled thru socket.io?)
Part 1
Angular is only on the front end, so if you need to make calls to your database (getting data or posting data), it'll likely go through a route that the backend (Express) created (app.get, app.post).
If all your data is coming from someone else's site (API) and you don't need to store anything, then in that case you might not need any routes on the back end.
It really depends on what you're building. If I build a 'to do' list, I can have a 'Tasks' and 'Completed Tasks' page using Angular routes and then post and get routes in ExpressJS. You can also have multiple SPA (single page applications) on Express in turn you may need another Angular module that will have it's own routes.
Answer to your Part 2.
AngularJS using SocketIO
AngularJS is an SPA (Single Page Application) framework. For SPAs which need pages to be loaded can be used to route thru Angular so
to define particular SPA which may be subset of your total app can be routed thru Angular. Where as your regular routes app.get('/home ... can be done thru ExpressJS.
