Debugging in in emulator with Ionic framework - angularjs

I'm very new to Ionic framework and trying to find a way to debug my app. My problem is, I want to check if my Angularjs function call is working in the js file.
As a web developer what I used to do is with Chrome Dev tools by adding some breakpoints and etc..
I'm wondering that is the approach in Ionic framework to check/ debug my Angularjs code? and please note I'm testing a Cordova plugin and it does not support web browser testing.
So is there anyway of adding breakpoints / debug in Ionic apps with emulators (iOS)?

You can connect your device to chrome dev tools and debug your app. It works for Android and iOS. You may also use GapDebug, which is a free tool encapsulating chrome dev tools.


What's the Chrome Developer Tools equivalent while developing React-Native apps?

Just like we have Chrome Developer Tools to debug React apps, what's the equivalent while debugging React-Native apps? Is there any general approach to be followed?
When you develop React Native apps you actually debug them with Chrome Developer Tools. Your JS runtime, running on device or emulator, is connected to Chrome on your computer. You can find more in official docs

How to automate a Silverlight based web application using selenium?

I am trying to automate a web application using selenium, however that application is developed using Silverlight. Hence, i am not able to inspect the elements in the web page. Could anyone please suggest on how to tackle this problem?
Out of the box, selenium won't natively support testing a Silverlight-based web app. There is, but it doesn't look like that project is currently being maintained. Beyond that, Silverlight itself is not longer under development, and it won't run on recent versions of Chrome or Edge (or Android or iOS).

Polymer Starter Kit did not go to mobile layout in production

I am trying to start developing my personal web using polymer starter kit as my basis. When I tried to run the web locally using python server, it all ran well and the mobile mode is working. But when I upload it into my Github, it does not change into mobile layout if I open it in my Android phone.
Any idea why?
My full code is available at:

Testing framework for ionic angular cordova app real devices with continuous integration?

Our team is starting a project and we would like to have an automated testing server that tests our app on real devices, instead of emulators or just browser.
Its an Ionic framework app, so Cordova+AngularJS.
I am going to research this and give the best answer I have, but in the meantime if anyone is familiar with it, I'd love to hear all about it!
I'm interested on that point too.
For instance, I manage to code very few tests with APPIUM but seems to do the job for tests using Selenium webserver
Looking forward for other user feedback
The intel xkd provides on device testing via the intel xkd preview app and on device debugging via the adb with debugger. Also comes with build services for android, ios, windows, tizen, amazon, nook, webapp, chrome, facebook, and firefox. This is the easiest way I have found for testing on device to make sure Cordova plug ins work and to get live JavaScript debugging.
Another option is to run the ionic app in phantomjs and run integration tests using your server-side framework. This allows you to quite easily test across the entire stack. Theres a blog post about how to do it with rails at

Debugging VoiceOver application using Angular JS

I have this huge Web Application using Angular JS. This application run in almost every platform and browser configuration like WIn7/IE10, MAC, iPad iOS5,7 and many more.
But this application does not work well when VoiceOver is ON for accessibility and test on iPad iOS 7. The application turn blank on double tap. How to debug this application and anyone who face similar issue can guide, it will be helpful.
