ui bootstrap tooltip cutoff in iframe - angularjs

I have an app running in an iframe and it makes use of angular ui boostrap tooltips. Unfortunately if the element with the tooltip is on the edge of the iframe, the tooltip will be cutoff by the iframe. Is there any solution to this? Should I play with its position within the iframe, or the z-index value?
So I'm trying to override the tooltip positions (note that I an using angularjs ui bootstrap). I have 2 tooltips which each require their own positioning. I managed to change the css styles (colours and fonts) globally, but I'm having trouble targeting each one to give them unique positions. I have the following html and css:
<div id="my-div">
<li tooltip="Foo">A</li>
<li tooltip="Bar">B</li>
Tooltip "Foo" needs a different position that "Bar". So I'm trying to access the li tags using the following css, but it doesn't work.
#my-div > ul > li:nth-child(1).tooltip.top {
margin-left: 10px;
#my-div > ul > li:nth-child(2).tooltip.top {
margin-left: 30px;
Note that .tooltip.top is the bootstrap class added via the angularjs tooltip directive. I'm guessing this doesn't work because the directive is actually adding another element somewhere.

So it turns out angular will insert a div element right after the element defined as the tooltip. So in my case, when the tooltip event for A is triggered, angular inserts the new element like so:
<div id="my-div">
<li tooltip="Foo">A</li>
<div><!-- tooltip for foo --></div>
<li tooltip="Bar">B</li>
Therefore the solution I came up with was to add id's to each of my li tags:
<li id="foo-tip" tooltip="Foo">A</li>
<li id="bar-tip" tooltip="Bar">B</li>
and then access the css tooltip element like so:
#foo-tip + div {
margin-left: 25px;
#bar-tip + div {
margin-left: 15px;


How to check an element is having display block / none style in Protractor?

I'm having two div's which are having same css, only difference is the style is having display:block and none.
<div class="autocomplete-suggestions " style="left: 91px; top: 333px; min-width: 747px; display: none;">
<div class="autocomplete-suggestions " style="left: 91px; top: 333px; min-width: 747px; display: block;">
How we could identify the which element is having the style display block or none in Protractor?
I need to click item3 div which is reside with display:block div.
I have tried the below code.
browser.findElements(by.css('.autocomplete-suggestions')).then((autoSuggestions) => {
autoSuggestions.map((item) => {
if (item.isDisplayed()) {
item.getTagName().then((x) => {
console.log('tagname', x);
from the above code i can see both div's.
I'm receiving 'could not find element 'click on undefined' error.
I'm trying end to end testing with Anuglar 7, protractor, jasmine and selenium web driver.
You need to filter your expression to take into consideration the style attribute.
You might find XPath selector easier to write/read/understand, you can use XPath contains() function to select only div which has display: block in the style attribute would be:
//div[contains(#class,'autocomplete-suggestions') and contains(#style, 'display: block')]/div[1]
If you would like to stay with CSS selectors the equivalent expression will be:
div[class*="autocomplete-suggestions"][style *= "display: block"] >:nth-child(1)
If you're looking for an option using CSS as locator then you can use this
element(by.cssContainingText(".autocomplete-suggestions[style*='display: block'] div", "item3"))

How to position polymer paper-toast element

Created Polymer app using polymer init command and selecting app-drawer-template.
In my-view1.html, linked to paper-toast.html and modified the template and script as follows:
<div class="card">
<div class="circle">1</div>
<h1>View One</h1>
<button on-tap="handleTap">open</button>
<paper-toast id="toast0" text="This toast auto-closes after 3 seconds"></paper-toast>
is: 'my-view1',
handleTap: function(){
When the button is clicked, the toast appears but most of it appears behind the Menu drawer and only part of the toast window is visible.
I tried to center the toast using css but it does not work. Setting z-index did not work either. How can the toast window be positioned so it is not hidden behind the drawer?
Following css also can solve your problem.
paper-toast {
width: 300px;
margin-left: calc(50vw - 150px);
Added the following css class to toast element:
.mytoast {
width: 100%;
text-align: right;
Now toast window spans the page and text shows aligned to right end .

AngularJS UI Grid and Popover alignment

Hi I'm adding a popover to UI grid in AngularJS. The idea is when the user mouse-over a row a popover will show up, and the popover contains a directive. I've successfully implemented this part, but now the problem is that part of the popover is blocked by the ui grid table, like this:
I want to bring the popover to the front, and I've tried setting z-index for both the ui grid table and the popover. Related code is here:
JS part:
function rowTemplate() {
var template = [];
template.push('popover-template="\'popover.html\'" popover-placement="bottom" popover-trigger="click"></div>');
return template.join(' ' );
<div class="gridStyle" ui-grid="vm.grid" ui-grid-resize-column ui-grid-selection style="margin-top:0px; height:200px; z-index: 4; position: relative">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="popover.html">
<div style="height: 150px; width: 600px; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; z-index: 10; position: relative">
<directive-related part />
But after I set the z-index it's still not working. How can I resolve this?
Some of my references are here: popover: popover, z-index: z-index.
Note: I am making the assumption here that you are using ui-bootstrap.
I have found that usually you need to use the append-to-body attribute with ui-grid custom formats.
Try changing the template like so to add that attribute:
template.push('popover-template="\'popover.html\'" popover-append-to-body="true" popover-placement="bottom" popover-trigger="click"></div>')

Angular 1.2 - ngAnimate isn't applying .ng-move class

Angular's animate-repeat isn't applying the ng-move class when it seems like it should, so I'm confused and unable to create the animation I want.
I'm using ng-repeat with a custom filter to add and remove divs from a horizontal row:
<div id="presidents">
<div ng-repeat="president in presidents | showPresident:this" class="pres animate-repeat" id="{{ president.birth }}" >
<a href="{{ president.url }}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{ president.imageURL }}" alt="{{ president.name }}">
<p>{{ president.name }}</p>
I'm trying to create animations for when the divs are added and removed from the DOM. The Angular docs for ng-repeat state that there are three classes available for this type of animation: ng-enter, ng-leave, and ng-move. I've applied CSS animations to the enter and leave classes so that the divs fade in and out.
.ng-enter {
animation: zoomIn 1s;
.ng-leave {
animation: zoomOut 1s;
When a div fades in or out, though, the others have to slide into or out of its way and it seems like the ng-move class should be applied while that happens so that I can animate the process, but the class is never applied, so the divs just snap over instead of sliding the way I'd like. I verified that the class is never applied by giving it a red border:
.ng-move {
border: 4px solid red;
So, am I misunderstanding ng-move? Why is it not applied to the remaining divs when they re-position themselves?
How do I get these divs to slide over instead of snapping?
The solution I've ended up using is to animate the width and opacity of the elements myself instead of using animate.css. As they shrink in size, the others slide into place. Looks weird with text, but works fine with images. No need for the ng-move class.

Add class to accordion heading using AngularJS ui-bootstrap?

I want use ng-class to conditionally add a class to the accordion-heading, but it appears that not even setting a class explicitly on the element gets preserved. I have this:
<div accordion close-others="true">
<div ng-repeat="currItem in items" accordion-group>
<div accordion-heading class="myClass">My Heading {{$index}}</div>
<div class="accordion-inner myClass">asdf asdf asdf</div>
And the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Zmhx5/1/
When I inspect the accordion heading element, the class myClass is nowhere to be found. Is there some reason I can't add classes to the accordion heading?
You can put the CSS inside the directive accordion-heading tags:
<div class="myClass">My Heading {{$index}}</div>
In Angular UI Bootstrap, they have created a directive for accordion-heading. Template for this is written in ui-bootstrap-tpls.js. Try to modify directive for accordion-heading.
I ran into the same issue trying to conditionally apply a background color to the heading with ng-class. This is a bit of a workaround, but it does the trick.
First we need to remove the padding from the heading. If you inspect it, you'll see that it generates a div with a .panel-heading class and a padding: 10px 15px (see note below). The padding is what causes issues when trying to apply a background to a nested div, so lets remove it.
.panel-heading {
padding: 0;
Now we can add our nested div and give it the same padding to get back our previous look.
<div class="myClass" style="padding: 10px 15px">My Heading {{$index}} </div>
Here's the updated jsfiddle
Note my code above is from a different version of ui-bootstrap. The classes were slightly different in this jsfiddle, so you will see a slightly different solution. The concept, however, is the same.
you could just apply your CSS to an outer div like this:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div accordion close-others="true">
<div class="myClass" ng-repeat="currItem in items" accordion-group>
<div accordion-heading>
<div>My Heading {{$index}}</div>
<div class="accordion-inner">asdf asdf asdf</div>
.myClass {
background-color: gray;
color: black;
.accordion-inner {
background-color: green;
color: black;
angular.module("myApp", ['ui.bootstrap'])
.controller("MyCtrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.items = [{}, {}, {}, {}];
then, change it to use ng-class and it should work just fine
pd: (Sorry about the bad english)
