CakePHP: create temporary table and use it - cakephp

I'm trying to create a temporary table within CakePHP 2.x, but I always receive the message "Error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object".
I did some research and found a solution, but this one is not working for me: Create temporary table in CakePHP and load it as a Model
The following code now produces a different error: "Error: Table devices_cls for model DevicesCl was not found in datasource default."
Here is my code:
class DevicesController extends AppController {
public $uses = array('Device','Client');
public function index(){
$conditions = array();
$tmpModel = 'DevicesCl';
$tmpTable = 'devices_cls';
$this->DevicesCl->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS devices_cls AS (SELECT uuid,ownerUuid,status,os,imei,updatedOn,msisdn,model FROM device)" );
As I'm quite new to CakePHP, do I need to add an additional model class? I don't think so, as this should be handled by the temporary table - right?
Thanks for your support!

class DevicesController extends AppController {
public $uses = array('Device','Client');
public function index(){
$conditions = array();
$tmpModel = 'DevicesCl';
$tmpTable = 'devices_cls';
$this->DevicesCl->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS devices_cls AS (SELECT uuid,ownerUuid,status,os,imei,updatedOn,msisdn,model FROM device)" );
$this->DevicesCl->useTable = $tmpTable;

The problem is that the Model "DevicesCl" does not exist yet.
in your example on the link : the Model exist
so if you change
But i don t see why you need a functionnality like that... i think there are surely best solutions no ?

In Cakephp 3, you can do the following:
// ......
class MyTempTable extends Table{
public function initDownload(){
$connection = ConnectionManager::get('default');
$connection->execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temptemp as (select * from refernece_db)');
// Do your thing
// When use the temp table, first should do:
// Then, can use Cakephp3 Table syntax normally as if it is a normal table


Cakephp: How to get table data without creating Models/Controllers?

My doubt is, I had few tables named client1,client2,client3 etc., I need to get the data of each client in single controller without creating any model/controller for each table. Can any one explain how to get those values.
You can use dynamic models
class ClientModel extends Model {
var $name = 'Client';
var $alias = 'Client';
function __construct($table) {
$this->useTable = $table;
And Use like this for client1 table
$client = new ClientModel('client1');
You Can do it by firing normal mysql queries selecting table and fetching values
in controller as we do in core php.

Filter data based on User field cakePHP

So I have a company based system and I am keeping all data within the one database and I separate the data by using a site_id field which is present in all tables and in the users table.
Now at the moment I am doing a condition on every single find('all'). Is there a more global way to do this. Maybe in the AppController? Even for saving data I am having to set the site_id every single save.
Something like
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->set('site_id', $this->Auth->user('site_id'));
Any direction would only help. Thanks
Create a Behavior with a beforeFind() method that appends a site_id condition to all queries.
Create a behavior something along the lines of the below. Note, I'm getting the siteId from a Configure variable, but feel free to get that however you want.
class SiteSpecificBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
public function setup(Model $Model, $settings = array()) {
$Model->siteId = Configure::read('');
public function beforeFind(Model $Model, $query = array()) {
$siteId = $Model->siteId;
$query['conditions'][$Model->alias . '.site_id'] = $siteId ;
return $query;
Then on any/all models where you want to make sure it's site-specific, add:
public $actsAs = array('SiteSpecific');
This can be tweaked and improved up certainly, but it should give you a good idea.

define model association without the second model

Is there a way in CakePHP 1.3 to define a model association without having a model for the associated table? For example:
class SomeModel extends AppModel
var $useTable = 'some_table';
var $belongsTo = array(
'AnotherModel' => array(
// association data here
Where AnotherModel doesn't actually have a model file. I just want to define the table that model would use and the association details. Is this possible?
Quick answer is: It should be fine. Have you tried it? Worse case scenario is it won't work without the file, so just add the model file. It takes all of two seconds:
class AnotherModel extends AppModel {
var $name = 'AnotherModel';
If you follow cake convention on the naming of tables, you should be able to reference the table using the appropriate name without the model file. For example:
my_models = MyModel
your_models = YourModel
model_tables = TableModel
However, if you have a table that does not follow convention, you must create a model file that defines $useTable to indicate which table it relates to:
some_table = model file: SomeTable where $useTable = 'some_table';
another_model = model file: CustomModel where $userTable = 'anotherModel';
There is no other way around it. CakePHP is not magic. It needs to know what table is being referenced. Unless you are doing joins. Then in the join you can reference the table.

CakePHP 2.0 - Plugin Model without an underlying database table

I'm having difficulty in creating a Cake 2.0 plugin with a model that is not associated with an underlying database table.
The Cake Manual says that you can set the variable public $useTable = false; but when I load my plugin with this in my model I still get the missing database table error message.
This is the beginning of my class definition (where my plugin is called OneTime):
class Ticket extends OneTimeAppModel {
* This model does not use a database table
* #var boolean
public $useTable = FALSE;
What am I doing wrong here?
For a workaround in the meanwhile, I've been using this:
public $uses = array();

CakePHP requiring a database table

I intended to create a controller that handles a contact page. I created the controller ContactsController. The problem is that it is asking for a table with the same name:
Missing Database Table
Error: Database table
username_contacts for model Contact
was not found.
Notice: If you want to customize this
error message, create
Do I really need to create a table with no data for this?
This is my controller code:
class ContactsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Contacts';
function index($id = null)
$this->set('page', ClassRegistry::init('Page')->findByShortname($id));
var $name = 'Contacts';
var $uses = array();
not to be that guy, but this is documented well.
You might want to create the model anyway as you'll almost certainly find you need to do some database type stuff. It doesn't need to use a db_table:
class ModelWithoutTable extends AppModel
var $useTable = false;
Think "fat model - thin controller"
