C function to calculate relative path - c

on input: two paths like
inFrom: /usr/share/lib
inTo: /usr/bin
on output:
a path like
oRelPath == ../../bin
Are there any standard or near standard functions ? OSes of interests are: windows, mac, linux
It looks weird that for such standard trivial task it seems there is no any standard function (or they called in an non-obvious way)

I converted the C# code that #Armali posted to C++:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
std::vector<std::string> str_split(const std::string& in, const std::string& delim=" \t\r\n") {
std::vector<std::string> out;
auto firstPos = in.find_first_not_of(delim);
auto secondPos = in.find_first_of(delim, firstPos);
if(firstPos != std::string::npos)
{ out.push_back( in.substr( firstPos, secondPos - firstPos ) ); }
while( secondPos != std::string::npos ) {
firstPos = in.find_first_not_of(delim, secondPos);
if(firstPos == std::string::npos)
{ break; }
secondPos = in.find_first_of( delim, firstPos );
out.push_back( in.substr( firstPos, secondPos - firstPos ) );
return out;
int str_compare_no_case(std::string a, std::string b) {
std::transform(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), ::tolower);
std::transform(b.begin(), b.end(), b.begin(), ::tolower);
return a.compare(b);
static std::string MakeRelativePath(std::string absPath, std::string relTo) {
#ifdef _WIN32
const char directorySeparator = '\\';
const char directorySeparator = '/';
std::string DirectorySeparatorChars = {directorySeparator, '\0'};
auto absParts = str_split(absPath, DirectorySeparatorChars);
auto relParts = str_split(relTo, DirectorySeparatorChars);
// Get the shortest of the two paths
size_t len = std::min(absParts.size(), relParts.size());
// Use to determine where in the loop we exited
int lastCommonRoot = -1;
int index;
// Find common root
for (size_t index = 0; index < len; index++) {
if (str_compare_no_case(absParts[index], relParts[index])==0) {
lastCommonRoot = index;
} else {
// If we didn't find a common prefix "c:\xx", "D:\"
if (lastCommonRoot == -1) {
// The path of the two files doesn't have any common base.
return absPath;
// Build up the relative path
std::string relativePath;
// Add on the ..
for (size_t index = lastCommonRoot + 1; index < relParts.size(); index++) {
relativePath += "..";
relativePath += directorySeparator;
// Add on the folders
for (size_t index = lastCommonRoot + 1; index+1 < absParts.size(); index++) {
relativePath += absParts[index];
relativePath += directorySeparator;
if(!absParts.empty()) {
relativePath += absParts[absParts.size() - 1];
return relativePath;

This question is a duplicate, but in C#. Should not be impossible to port the code to C.
– Some programmer dude
thanks, from there it seems I found a WinAPI function: PathRelativePathTo – dev_null


Methods to iterate every file in a directory?

I've been looking around for methods by which a directory can be monitored for file creation/modification etc. however all the previous posts I've found for Windows are C++ specific.
Microsoft does list ReadDirectoryChangesW, but this too is for C++ (I haven't the knowledge to assess whether these are compatible for C). I've only knowledge with inotify for Linux, which is fairly straightforward, and wondered if there are any simple examples of the Windows equivalent? (I do not want to use inotify on Windows despite it technically being achievable).
If you are just looking for methods, maybe this will help a bit:
(just copy-pasted the code in case)
Tested it on linux machine and it seems to work. Not recursive though.
int main(void)
struct dirent *de; /* Pointer for directory entry */
/* opendir() returns a pointer of DIR type. */
DIR *dr = opendir(".");
if (dr == NULL) /* opendir returns NULL if couldn't open directory */
printf("Could not open current directory" );
return 0;
/* Refer http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7990989775/xsh/readdir.html
for readdir() */
while ((de = readdir(dr)) != NULL)
printf("%s\n", de->d_name);
return 0;
Also, see this question if you need to check if a listed file is a directory:
Checking if a dir. entry returned by readdir is a directory, link or file
This method may not be as portable as it seems, but worth a try.
Using FindFirstFile to hit the first node of certain directory, then to call FindNextFile to iterate files one by one inside one directory layer.
Here is my sample code for your reference, there is a recursive funcion.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
static void iterate_dir(std::string dir) {
std::wstring fn_ws;
std::string fn;
int pos = 0;
int count_bg = 0;
int count_fg = 0;
std::string dir_bkp = dir;
std::string dir_sub;
std::string str_wide_char_for_any = "*.*";
std::string str_folder_node = "..";
if (dir.length() - dir.find_last_of("\\") > 1) //dir ends without "\\"
dir += "\\";
dir += str_wide_char_for_any;
std::wstring dir_wstr = std::wstring(dir.begin(), dir.end());
LPCWSTR dir_wc = dir_wstr.c_str();
hFind = FindFirstFile(dir_wc, &fd);
while(true) {
if (!FindNextFile(hFind, &fd)) {
if ((fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
fn_ws = std::wstring(fd.cFileName);
fn = std::string(fn_ws.begin(), fn_ws.end());
if (fn.compare(str_folder_node) == 0) {
else {
if ((pos = dir.rfind(str_wide_char_for_any)) != std::string::npos) {
dir_sub = dir;
dir_sub = dir_sub.replace(dir_sub.begin()+pos, dir_sub.end(), fn.begin(), fn.end());
else if (dir.length() - (pos = dir.rfind("\\")) > 1) {
dir_sub = dir;
dir_sub += "\\";
dir_sub += fn;
else {
dir_sub = dir;
dir_sub += fn;
printf("[%s][directory]:%s\n", __func__, dir.c_str());
else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) {
fn_ws = std::wstring(fd.cFileName);
fn = std::string(fn_ws.begin(), fn_ws.end());
printf("[%s][file]:%s\n", __func__, fn.c_str());
else {
fn_ws = std::wstring(fd.cFileName);
fn = std::string(fn_ws.begin(), fn_ws.end());
printf("[%s][unspecified attribute file]:%s\n", __func__, fn.c_str());
You can have a main.cpp like:
int main() {
std::string dir_name("C:\\test");
return 0;

How do I append text to the name of the file from a fullpath (string) in C?

How do I append text to the name of the file from a fullpath (string) in C?
For example:
"/home/erikas/myfile.txt" would become "/home/erikas/myfile-generated.txt"
"/home/erikas/myfile" would become "/home/erikas/myfile-generated"
"/my.directory/my.super.file.txt" would become "/my.directory/my.super.file-generated.txt"
It just feels like I am trying to re-invent a wheel. Is there any simple solutions to this problem? A function?
I've just managed to create my own solution for this.
Note that this code snippet will fail on full path like "myfile.txt" or "/home/my.user/", but in my case I used GTK to select file, so no issues to me:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#define SEPARATOR '\\'
#define SEPARATOR '/'
#define GENERATED_APPEND_TEXT "-generated"
char *generate_output_fpath(char* fpath) {
int last_separator_index = (int) (strrchr(fpath, SEPARATOR) - fpath);
int last_dot_index = (int) (strrchr(fpath, '.') - fpath);
char *new_fpath = malloc(strlen(fpath) + strlen(GENERATED_APPEND_TEXT) + 1); // +1 for \0
if(new_fpath == NULL){
return NULL; // malloc failed to allocate memory
// if dot does not exist or dot is before the last separator - file has no extension:
if ( !last_dot_index || last_dot_index < last_separator_index) {
new_fpath[0] = '\0'; //ensure it is empty
strcat(new_fpath, fpath);
strcat(new_fpath, GENERATED_APPEND_TEXT);
return new_fpath;
int fpath_length = strlen(fpath);
int append_text_length = strlen(GENERATED_APPEND_TEXT);
int i = 0;
int ii = 0;
for (; i < last_dot_index; i++) {
new_fpath[i] = fpath[i];
// We copied everything until dot. Now append:
for (; ii < append_text_length; ii++) {
new_fpath[i + ii] = GENERATED_APPEND_TEXT[ii];
// Now append extension with dot:
for (; i < fpath_length; i++) {
new_fpath[i + ii] = fpath[i];
return new_fpath;
"/home/erikas/myfile.txt" would become "/home/erikas/myfile-generated.txt"
"/home/erikas/myfile" would become "/home/erikas/myfile-generated"
Note that full example can be seen/tested here: onlinegdb.com/HyPyfTvw7
Any tips regarding code optimization are welcome!
I would suggest two handy functions : basename and dirname instead

To return the ith word in the string [duplicate]

How do I iterate over the words of a string composed of words separated by whitespace?
Note that I'm not interested in C string functions or that kind of character manipulation/access. I prefer elegance over efficiency. My current solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "Somewhere down the road";
istringstream iss(s);
do {
string subs;
iss >> subs;
cout << "Substring: " << subs << endl;
} while (iss);
I use this to split string by a delimiter. The first puts the results in a pre-constructed vector, the second returns a new vector.
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
template <typename Out>
void split(const std::string &s, char delim, Out result) {
std::istringstream iss(s);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(iss, item, delim)) {
*result++ = item;
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, char delim) {
std::vector<std::string> elems;
split(s, delim, std::back_inserter(elems));
return elems;
Note that this solution does not skip empty tokens, so the following will find 4 items, one of which is empty:
std::vector<std::string> x = split("one:two::three", ':');
For what it's worth, here's another way to extract tokens from an input string, relying only on standard library facilities. It's an example of the power and elegance behind the design of the STL.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
int main() {
using namespace std;
string sentence = "And I feel fine...";
istringstream iss(sentence);
ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
Instead of copying the extracted tokens to an output stream, one could insert them into a container, using the same generic copy algorithm.
vector<string> tokens;
... or create the vector directly:
vector<string> tokens{istream_iterator<string>{iss},
A possible solution using Boost might be:
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
std::vector<std::string> strs;
boost::split(strs, "string to split", boost::is_any_of("\t "));
This approach might be even faster than the stringstream approach. And since this is a generic template function it can be used to split other types of strings (wchar, etc. or UTF-8) using all kinds of delimiters.
See the documentation for details.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
int main()
std::string str("Split me by whitespaces");
std::string buf; // Have a buffer string
std::stringstream ss(str); // Insert the string into a stream
std::vector<std::string> tokens; // Create vector to hold our words
while (ss >> buf)
return 0;
For those with whom it does not sit well to sacrifice all efficiency for code size and see "efficient" as a type of elegance, the following should hit a sweet spot (and I think the template container class is an awesomely elegant addition.):
template < class ContainerT >
void tokenize(const std::string& str, ContainerT& tokens,
const std::string& delimiters = " ", bool trimEmpty = false)
std::string::size_type pos, lastPos = 0, length = str.length();
using value_type = typename ContainerT::value_type;
using size_type = typename ContainerT::size_type;
while(lastPos < length + 1)
pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
if(pos == std::string::npos)
pos = length;
if(pos != lastPos || !trimEmpty)
(size_type)pos-lastPos ));
lastPos = pos + 1;
I usually choose to use std::vector<std::string> types as my second parameter (ContainerT)... but list<> is way faster than vector<> for when direct access is not needed, and you can even create your own string class and use something like std::list<subString> where subString does not do any copies for incredible speed increases.
It's more than double as fast as the fastest tokenize on this page and almost 5 times faster than some others. Also with the perfect parameter types you can eliminate all string and list copies for additional speed increases.
Additionally it does not do the (extremely inefficient) return of result, but rather it passes the tokens as a reference, thus also allowing you to build up tokens using multiple calls if you so wished.
Lastly it allows you to specify whether to trim empty tokens from the results via a last optional parameter.
All it needs is std::string... the rest are optional. It does not use streams or the boost library, but is flexible enough to be able to accept some of these foreign types naturally.
Here's another solution. It's compact and reasonably efficient:
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &text, char sep) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::size_t start = 0, end = 0;
while ((end = text.find(sep, start)) != std::string::npos) {
tokens.push_back(text.substr(start, end - start));
start = end + 1;
return tokens;
It can easily be templatised to handle string separators, wide strings, etc.
Note that splitting "" results in a single empty string and splitting "," (ie. sep) results in two empty strings.
It can also be easily expanded to skip empty tokens:
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &text, char sep) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::size_t start = 0, end = 0;
while ((end = text.find(sep, start)) != std::string::npos) {
if (end != start) {
tokens.push_back(text.substr(start, end - start));
start = end + 1;
if (end != start) {
return tokens;
If splitting a string at multiple delimiters while skipping empty tokens is desired, this version may be used:
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& text, const std::string& delims)
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::size_t start = text.find_first_not_of(delims), end = 0;
while((end = text.find_first_of(delims, start)) != std::string::npos)
tokens.push_back(text.substr(start, end - start));
start = text.find_first_not_of(delims, end);
if(start != std::string::npos)
return tokens;
This is my favorite way to iterate through a string. You can do whatever you want per word.
string line = "a line of text to iterate through";
string word;
istringstream iss(line, istringstream::in);
while( iss >> word )
// Do something on `word` here...
This is similar to Stack Overflow question How do I tokenize a string in C++?. Requires Boost external library
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string text = "token test\tstring";
char_separator<char> sep(" \t");
tokenizer<char_separator<char>> tokens(text, sep);
for (const string& t : tokens)
cout << t << "." << endl;
I like the following because it puts the results into a vector, supports a string as a delim and gives control over keeping empty values. But, it doesn't look as good then.
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
vector<string> split(const string& s, const string& delim, const bool keep_empty = true) {
vector<string> result;
if (delim.empty()) {
return result;
string::const_iterator substart = s.begin(), subend;
while (true) {
subend = search(substart, s.end(), delim.begin(), delim.end());
string temp(substart, subend);
if (keep_empty || !temp.empty()) {
if (subend == s.end()) {
substart = subend + delim.size();
return result;
int main() {
const vector<string> words = split("So close no matter how far", " ");
copy(words.begin(), words.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
Of course, Boost has a split() that works partially like that. And, if by 'white-space', you really do mean any type of white-space, using Boost's split with is_any_of() works great.
The STL does not have such a method available already.
However, you can either use C's strtok() function by using the std::string::c_str() member, or you can write your own. Here is a code sample I found after a quick Google search ("STL string split"):
void Tokenize(const string& str,
vector<string>& tokens,
const string& delimiters = " ")
// Skip delimiters at beginning.
string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
// Find first "non-delimiter".
string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
// Found a token, add it to the vector.
tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
// Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of"
lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
// Find next "non-delimiter"
pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
Taken from: http://oopweb.com/CPP/Documents/CPPHOWTO/Volume/C++Programming-HOWTO-7.html
If you have questions about the code sample, leave a comment and I will explain.
And just because it does not implement a typedef called iterator or overload the << operator does not mean it is bad code. I use C functions quite frequently. For example, printf and scanf both are faster than std::cin and std::cout (significantly), the fopen syntax is a lot more friendly for binary types, and they also tend to produce smaller EXEs.
Don't get sold on this "Elegance over performance" deal.
Here is a split function that:
is generic
uses standard C++ (no boost)
accepts multiple delimiters
ignores empty tokens (can easily be changed)
template<typename T>
split(const T & str, const T & delimiters) {
vector<T> v;
typename T::size_type start = 0;
auto pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, start);
while(pos != T::npos) {
if(pos != start) // ignore empty tokens
v.emplace_back(str, start, pos - start);
start = pos + 1;
pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, start);
if(start < str.length()) // ignore trailing delimiter
v.emplace_back(str, start, str.length() - start); // add what's left of the string
return v;
Example usage:
vector<string> v = split<string>("Hello, there; World", ";,");
vector<wstring> v = split<wstring>(L"Hello, there; World", L";,");
I have a 2 lines solution to this problem:
char sep = ' ';
std::string s="1 This is an example";
for(size_t p=0, q=0; p!=s.npos; p=q)
std::cout << s.substr(p+(p!=0), (q=s.find(sep, p+1))-p-(p!=0)) << std::endl;
Then instead of printing you can put it in a vector.
Yet another flexible and fast way
template<typename Operator>
void tokenize(Operator& op, const char* input, const char* delimiters) {
const char* s = input;
const char* e = s;
while (*e != 0) {
e = s;
while (*e != 0 && strchr(delimiters, *e) == 0) ++e;
if (e - s > 0) {
op(s, e - s);
s = e + 1;
To use it with a vector of strings (Edit: Since someone pointed out not to inherit STL classes... hrmf ;) ) :
template<class ContainerType>
class Appender {
Appender(ContainerType& container) : container_(container) {;}
void operator() (const char* s, unsigned length) {
ContainerType& container_;
std::vector<std::string> strVector;
Appender v(strVector);
tokenize(v, "A number of words to be tokenized", " \t");
That's it! And that's just one way to use the tokenizer, like how to just
count words:
class WordCounter {
WordCounter() : noOfWords(0) {}
void operator() (const char*, unsigned) {
unsigned noOfWords;
WordCounter wc;
tokenize(wc, "A number of words to be counted", " \t");
ASSERT( wc.noOfWords == 7 );
Limited by imagination ;)
Here's a simple solution that uses only the standard regex library
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<string> Tokenize( const string str, const std::regex regex )
using namespace std;
std::vector<string> result;
sregex_token_iterator it( str.begin(), str.end(), regex, -1 );
sregex_token_iterator reg_end;
for ( ; it != reg_end; ++it ) {
if ( !it->str().empty() ) //token could be empty:check
result.emplace_back( it->str() );
return result;
The regex argument allows checking for multiple arguments (spaces, commas, etc.)
I usually only check to split on spaces and commas, so I also have this default function:
std::vector<string> TokenizeDefault( const string str )
using namespace std;
regex re( "[\\s,]+" );
return Tokenize( str, re );
The "[\\s,]+" checks for spaces (\\s) and commas (,).
Note, if you want to split wstring instead of string,
change all std::regex to std::wregex
change all sregex_token_iterator to wsregex_token_iterator
Note, you might also want to take the string argument by reference, depending on your compiler.
Using std::stringstream as you have works perfectly fine, and do exactly what you wanted. If you're just looking for different way of doing things though, you can use std::find()/std::find_first_of() and std::string::substr().
Here's an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string s("Somewhere down the road");
std::string::size_type prev_pos = 0, pos = 0;
while( (pos = s.find(' ', pos)) != std::string::npos )
std::string substring( s.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) );
std::cout << substring << '\n';
prev_pos = ++pos;
std::string substring( s.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) ); // Last word
std::cout << substring << '\n';
return 0;
If you like to use boost, but want to use a whole string as delimiter (instead of single characters as in most of the previously proposed solutions), you can use the boost_split_iterator.
Example code including convenient template:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
template<typename _OutputIterator>
inline void split(
const std::string& str,
const std::string& delim,
_OutputIterator result)
using namespace boost::algorithm;
typedef split_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> It;
for(It iter=make_split_iterator(str, first_finder(delim, is_equal()));
*(result++) = boost::copy_range<std::string>(*iter);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace std;
vector<string> splitted;
split("HelloFOOworldFOO!", "FOO", back_inserter(splitted));
// or directly to console, for example
split("HelloFOOworldFOO!", "FOO", ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
return 0;
Heres a regex solution that only uses the standard regex library. (I'm a little rusty, so there may be a few syntax errors, but this is at least the general idea)
#include <regex.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector.h>
using namespace std;
vector<string> split(string s){
regex r ("\\w+"); //regex matches whole words, (greedy, so no fragment words)
regex_iterator<string::iterator> rit ( s.begin(), s.end(), r );
regex_iterator<string::iterator> rend; //iterators to iterate thru words
vector<string> result<regex_iterator>(rit, rend);
return result; //iterates through the matches to fill the vector
There is a function named strtok.
using namespace std;
vector<string> split(char* str,const char* delim)
char* saveptr;
char* token = strtok_r(str,delim,&saveptr);
vector<string> result;
while(token != NULL)
token = strtok_r(NULL,delim,&saveptr);
return result;
C++20 finally blesses us with a split function. Or rather, a range adapter. Godbolt link.
#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <string_view>
namespace ranges = std::ranges;
namespace views = std::views;
using str = std::string_view;
constexpr auto view =
"Multiple words"
| views::split(' ')
| views::transform([](auto &&r) -> str {
return {
auto main() -> int {
for (str &&sv : view) {
std::cout << sv << '\n';
Using std::string_view and Eric Niebler's range-v3 library:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "range/v3/view.hpp"
#include "range/v3/algorithm.hpp"
int main() {
std::string s = "Somewhere down the range v3 library";
| ranges::view::split(' ')
| ranges::view::transform([](auto &&sub) {
return std::string_view(&*sub.begin(), ranges::distance(sub));
[](auto s) {std::cout << "Substring: " << s << "\n";}
By using a range for loop instead of ranges::for_each algorithm:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "range/v3/view.hpp"
int main()
std::string str = "Somewhere down the range v3 library";
for (auto s : str | ranges::view::split(' ')
| ranges::view::transform([](auto&& sub) { return std::string_view(&*sub.begin(), ranges::distance(sub)); }
std::cout << "Substring: " << s << "\n";
The stringstream can be convenient if you need to parse the string by non-space symbols:
string s = "Name:JAck; Spouse:Susan; ...";
string dummy, name, spouse;
istringstream iss(s);
getline(iss, dummy, ':');
getline(iss, name, ';');
getline(iss, dummy, ':');
getline(iss, spouse, ';')
So far I used the one in Boost, but I needed something that doesn't depends on it, so I came to this:
static void Split(std::vector<std::string>& lst, const std::string& input, const std::string& separators, bool remove_empty = true)
std::ostringstream word;
for (size_t n = 0; n < input.size(); ++n)
if (std::string::npos == separators.find(input[n]))
word << input[n];
if (!word.str().empty() || !remove_empty)
if (!word.str().empty() || !remove_empty)
A good point is that in separators you can pass more than one character.
Short and elegant
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
vector<string> split(string data, string token)
vector<string> output;
size_t pos = string::npos; // size_t to avoid improbable overflow
pos = data.find(token);
output.push_back(data.substr(0, pos));
if (string::npos != pos)
data = data.substr(pos + token.size());
} while (string::npos != pos);
return output;
can use any string as delimiter, also can be used with binary data (std::string supports binary data, including nulls)
auto a = split("this!!is!!!example!string", "!!");
I've rolled my own using strtok and used boost to split a string. The best method I have found is the C++ String Toolkit Library. It is incredibly flexible and fast.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <strtk.hpp>
const char *whitespace = " \t\r\n\f";
const char *whitespace_and_punctuation = " \t\r\n\f;,=";
int main()
{ // normal parsing of a string into a vector of strings
std::string s("Somewhere down the road");
std::vector<std::string> result;
if( strtk::parse( s, whitespace, result ) )
for(size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i )
std::cout << result[i] << std::endl;
{ // parsing a string into a vector of floats with other separators
// besides spaces
std::string s("3.0, 3.14; 4.0");
std::vector<float> values;
if( strtk::parse( s, whitespace_and_punctuation, values ) )
for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i )
std::cout << values[i] << std::endl;
{ // parsing a string into specific variables
std::string s("angle = 45; radius = 9.9");
std::string w1, w2;
float v1, v2;
if( strtk::parse( s, whitespace_and_punctuation, w1, v1, w2, v2) )
std::cout << "word " << w1 << ", value " << v1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "word " << w2 << ", value " << v2 << std::endl;
return 0;
The toolkit has much more flexibility than this simple example shows but its utility in parsing a string into useful elements is incredible.
I made this because I needed an easy way to split strings and c-based strings... Hopefully someone else can find it useful as well. Also it doesn't rely on tokens and you can use fields as delimiters, which is another key I needed.
I'm sure there's improvements that can be made to even further improve its elegance and please do by all means
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class StringSplit
void copy_fragment(char*, char*, char*);
void copy_fragment(char*, char*, char);
bool match_fragment(char*, char*, int);
int untilnextdelim(char*, char);
int untilnextdelim(char*, char*);
void assimilate(char*, char);
void assimilate(char*, char*);
bool string_contains(char*, char*);
long calc_string_size(char*);
void copy_string(char*, char*);
vector<char*> split_cstr(char);
vector<char*> split_cstr(char*);
vector<string> split_string(char);
vector<string> split_string(char*);
char* String;
bool do_string;
bool keep_empty;
vector<char*> Container;
vector<string> ContainerS;
StringSplit(char * in)
String = in;
StringSplit(string in)
size_t len = calc_string_size((char*)in.c_str());
String = new char[len + 1];
memset(String, 0, len + 1);
copy_string(String, (char*)in.c_str());
do_string = true;
for (int i = 0; i < Container.size(); i++)
if (Container[i] != NULL)
delete[] Container[i];
if (do_string)
delete[] String;
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "StringSplit.hpp"
using namespace std;
void StringSplit::assimilate(char*src, char delim)
int until = untilnextdelim(src, delim);
if (until > 0)
char * temp = new char[until + 1];
memset(temp, 0, until + 1);
copy_fragment(temp, src, delim);
if (keep_empty || *temp != 0)
if (!do_string)
string x = temp;
delete[] temp;
void StringSplit::assimilate(char*src, char* delim)
int until = untilnextdelim(src, delim);
if (until > 0)
char * temp = new char[until + 1];
memset(temp, 0, until + 1);
copy_fragment(temp, src, delim);
if (keep_empty || *temp != 0)
if (!do_string)
string x = temp;
delete[] temp;
long StringSplit::calc_string_size(char* _in)
long i = 0;
while (*_in++)
return i;
bool StringSplit::string_contains(char* haystack, char* needle)
size_t len = calc_string_size(needle);
size_t lenh = calc_string_size(haystack);
while (lenh--)
if (match_fragment(haystack + lenh, needle, len))
return true;
return false;
bool StringSplit::match_fragment(char* _src, char* cmp, int len)
while (len--)
if (*(_src + len) != *(cmp + len))
return false;
return true;
int StringSplit::untilnextdelim(char* _in, char delim)
size_t len = calc_string_size(_in);
if (*_in == delim)
_in += 1;
return len - 1;
int c = 0;
while (*(_in + c) != delim && c < len)
return c;
int StringSplit::untilnextdelim(char* _in, char* delim)
int s = calc_string_size(delim);
int c = 1 + s;
if (!string_contains(_in, delim))
return calc_string_size(_in);
else if (match_fragment(_in, delim, s))
_in += s;
return calc_string_size(_in);
while (!match_fragment(_in + c, delim, s))
return c;
void StringSplit::copy_fragment(char* dest, char* src, char delim)
if (*src == delim)
int c = 0;
while (*(src + c) != delim && *(src + c))
*(dest + c) = *(src + c);
*(dest + c) = 0;
void StringSplit::copy_string(char* dest, char* src)
int i = 0;
while (*(src + i))
*(dest + i) = *(src + i);
void StringSplit::copy_fragment(char* dest, char* src, char* delim)
size_t len = calc_string_size(delim);
size_t lens = calc_string_size(src);
if (match_fragment(src, delim, len))
src += len;
lens -= len;
int c = 0;
while (!match_fragment(src + c, delim, len) && (c < lens))
*(dest + c) = *(src + c);
*(dest + c) = 0;
vector<char*> StringSplit::split_cstr(char Delimiter)
int i = 0;
while (*String)
if (*String != Delimiter && i == 0)
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
if (*String == Delimiter)
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
String -= i;
delete[] String;
return Container;
vector<string> StringSplit::split_string(char Delimiter)
do_string = true;
int i = 0;
while (*String)
if (*String != Delimiter && i == 0)
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
if (*String == Delimiter)
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
String -= i;
delete[] String;
return ContainerS;
vector<char*> StringSplit::split_cstr(char* Delimiter)
int i = 0;
size_t LenDelim = calc_string_size(Delimiter);
if (!match_fragment(String, Delimiter, LenDelim) && i == 0)
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
if (match_fragment(String, Delimiter, LenDelim))
String -= i;
delete[] String;
return Container;
vector<string> StringSplit::split_string(char* Delimiter)
do_string = true;
int i = 0;
size_t LenDelim = calc_string_size(Delimiter);
while (*String)
if (!match_fragment(String, Delimiter, LenDelim) && i == 0)
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
if (match_fragment(String, Delimiter, LenDelim))
assimilate(String, Delimiter);
String -= i;
delete[] String;
return ContainerS;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
StringSplit ss = "This:CUT:is:CUT:an:CUT:example:CUT:cstring";
vector<char*> Split = ss.split_cstr(":CUT:");
for (int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
cout << Split[i] << endl;
return 0;
Will output:
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
StringSplit ss = "This:is:an:example:cstring";
vector<char*> Split = ss.split_cstr(':');
for (int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
cout << Split[i] << endl;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
string mystring = "This[SPLIT]is[SPLIT]an[SPLIT]example[SPLIT]string";
StringSplit ss = mystring;
vector<string> Split = ss.split_string("[SPLIT]");
for (int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
cout << Split[i] << endl;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
string mystring = "This|is|an|example|string";
StringSplit ss = mystring;
vector<string> Split = ss.split_string('|');
for (int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
cout << Split[i] << endl;
return 0;
To keep empty entries (by default empties will be excluded):
StringSplit ss = mystring;
ss.keep_empty = true;
vector<string> Split = ss.split_string(":DELIM:");
The goal was to make it similar to C#'s Split() method where splitting a string is as easy as:
String[] Split =
"Hey:cut:what's:cut:your:cut:name?".Split(new[]{":cut:"}, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach(String X in Split)
I hope someone else can find this as useful as I do.
This answer takes the string and puts it into a vector of strings. It uses the boost library.
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
std::vector<std::string> strs;
boost::split(strs, "string to split", boost::is_any_of("\t "));
Here's another way of doing it..
void split_string(string text,vector<string>& words)
int i=0;
char ch;
string word;
if (isspace(ch))
if (!word.empty())
word = "";
word += ch;
if (!word.empty())
What about this:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<string> split(string str, const char delim) {
vector<string> v;
string tmp;
for(string::const_iterator i; i = str.begin(); i <= str.end(); ++i) {
if(*i != delim && i != str.end()) {
tmp += *i;
} else {
tmp = "";
return v;
I like to use the boost/regex methods for this task since they provide maximum flexibility for specifying the splitting criteria.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
int main() {
std::string line("A:::line::to:split");
const boost::regex re(":+"); // one or more colons
// -1 means find inverse matches aka split
boost::sregex_token_iterator tokens(line.begin(),line.end(),re,-1);
boost::sregex_token_iterator end;
for (; tokens != end; ++tokens)
std::cout << *tokens << std::endl;
Recently I had to split a camel-cased word into subwords. There are no delimiters, just upper characters.
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <locale> // std::isupper
template<class String>
const std::list<String> split_camel_case_string(const String &s)
std::list<String> R;
String w;
for (String::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i < s.end(); ++i) { {
if (std::isupper(*i)) {
if (w.length()) {
w += *i;
if (w.length())
return R;
For example, this splits "AQueryTrades" into "A", "Query" and "Trades". The function works with narrow and wide strings. Because it respects the current locale it splits "RaumfahrtÜberwachungsVerordnung" into "Raumfahrt", "Überwachungs" and "Verordnung".
Note std::upper should be really passed as function template argument. Then the more generalized from of this function can split at delimiters like ",", ";" or " " too.

OSX FSEventStreamEventFlags not working correctly

I am watching a directory for file system events. Everything seems to work fine with one exception. When I create a file the first time, it spits out that it was created. Then I can remove it and it says it was removed. When I go to create the same file again, I get both a created and removed flag at the same time. I obviously am misunderstanding how the flags are being set when the callback is being called. What is happening here?
// main.c
// GoFSEvents
// Created by Kyle Cook on 8/22/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Cook. All rights reserved.
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void eventCallback(FSEventStreamRef stream, void* callbackInfo, size_t numEvents, void* paths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[], const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[]) {
char **pathsList = paths;
for(int i = 0; i<numEvents; i++) {
uint32 flag = eventFlags[i];
uint32 created = kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated;
uint32 removed = kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved;
if(flag & removed) {
printf("Item Removed: %s\n", pathsList[i]);
else if(flag & created) {
printf("Item Created: %s\n", pathsList[i]);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
CFStringRef mypath = CFSTR("/path/to/dir");
CFArrayRef paths = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&mypath, 1, NULL);
CFRunLoopRef loop = CFRunLoopGetMain();
FSEventStreamRef stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, (FSEventStreamCallback)eventCallback, NULL, paths, kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, 1.0, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents | kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer);
FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, loop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
return 0;
As far as I can tell, you will have to look for either kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved or kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated, and then use stat() or similar to check if the file was in fact added or deleted. The FSEvents documentation seems to hint as such.
It looks like the API is or'ing the events bits together... so really it's an OR of all the changes made since the FSEventsListener is created. Since that seems to be the case, another option might be to create a new FSEventListener each time (and use the coalesce timer option).
I did some Googling, but didn't find other examples of this problem or even apple sample code, but I didn't spend too long on it.
I have previously used the kqueue API: https://gist.github.com/nielsbot/5155671 (This gist is an obj-c wrapper around kqueue)
I changed your sample code to show all flags set for each FSEvent:
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static int __count = 0 ;
void eventCallback(FSEventStreamRef stream, void* callbackInfo, size_t numEvents, void* paths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[], const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[]) {
char **pathsList = paths;
printf("callback #%u\n", ++__count ) ;
const char * flags[] = {
} ;
for(int i = 0; i<numEvents; i++)
printf("%u\n", i ) ;
printf("\tpath %s\n", pathsList[i]) ;
printf("\tflags: ") ;
long bit = 1 ;
for( int index=0, count = sizeof( flags ) / sizeof( flags[0]); index < count; ++index )
if ( ( eventFlags[i] & bit ) != 0 )
printf("%s ", flags[ index ] ) ;
bit <<= 1 ;
printf("\n") ;
FSEventStreamFlushSync( stream ) ;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
CFStringRef path = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, argv[1], kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) ;
CFArrayRef paths = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&path, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
if ( path ) { CFRelease( path ) ; }
CFRunLoopRef loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ;
FSEventStreamRef stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, (FSEventStreamCallback)eventCallback, NULL, paths, kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, 0, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents );
if ( paths ) { CFRelease( paths ) ; }
FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, loop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
CFRunLoopRun() ;
return 0;

FreeImage include in c

Is there any way to include http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/index.html in my c test program without first installing the library? It fails to compile because of some memset..
Here is my C code. Is there any way to make it work? Please try compiling it and tell me how to do it if it works?
#include <stdio.h>
#include "FreeImage.h"
void FreeImageErrorHandler(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif, const char *message);
FIBITMAP* GenericLoader(const char* lpszPathName, int flag);
int main(){
FIBITMAP *dib, *ptr;
char ulaz_slika[NAZIV_DATOTEKE] = "bmp_24.bmp";
char izlaz_slika[NAZIV_DATOTEKE] = "free.bmp"; //podrazumevana vrednost
dib = GenericLoader(ulaz_slika, 0);
//slika = FreeImage_Load(FIF_BMP, "bmp_24.bmp", BMP_DEFAULT);
if (dib) {
printf("Ucitan \"%s\".\n", ulaz_slika);
FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif = FreeImage_GetFileType(ulaz_slika, 0);
if ((fif != FIF_BMP) && (fif != FIF_ICO) && (fif != FIF_JPEG) && (fif != FIF_PNG) && (fif != FIF_TIFF)){
printf("Format slike nije podrzan.\n");
return 1;
ptr = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(dib);
dib = ptr;
if (dib) {
printf("Konvertovan u RGB.\n");
const char *slika = (const char*)FreeImage_GetBits(dib);
if (FreeImage_Save(fif, dib, izlaz_slika, BMP_DEFAULT)) {
printf("Snimljen \"%s\".\n", izlaz_slika);
if (dib) {
return 0;
void FreeImageErrorHandler(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif, const char *message){
printf("\n*** ");
if(fif != FIF_UNKNOWN) {
if (FreeImage_GetFormatFromFIF(fif))
printf("%s Format\n", FreeImage_GetFormatFromFIF(fif));
printf(" ***\n");
FIBITMAP* GenericLoader(const char* lpszPathName, int flag) {
// check the file signature and deduce its format
// (the second argument is currently not used by FreeImage)
fif = FreeImage_GetFileType(lpszPathName, 0);
if(fif == FIF_UNKNOWN) {
// no signature ?
// try to guess the file format from the file extension
fif = FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(lpszPathName);
// check that the plugin has reading capabilities ...
if((fif != FIF_UNKNOWN) && FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading(fif)) {
// ok, let's load the file
FIBITMAP *dib = FreeImage_Load(fif, lpszPathName, flag);
// unless a bad file format, we are done !
return dib;
return NULL;
No you cannot. To compile your source, the linker needs the library.
