I have a set of value pairs in a text file and need to read them in two different arrays. The values in the file are stored in the following manner
I need to read 100, 300, 19 in a separate array and 5,10 and 30 in a different array. so far I'm able to read the values of 5,10 and 30, but how do I read the other values?
below is the code i have to read the assigned values.
while read -r line; do declare $line; done <file
POSIX shell does not specify an array datatype (the tags only mention "shell"), so you cannot "read them in two different arrays" unless you're willing to use a shell which supports such a datatype.
This should work in Bash (untested):
while IFS='=' read -r key value
done < key_value_pairs.txt
Word splitting
I have a file with pipe delimiter and one record has more columns than expected.
For example:
File NPS.txt
The last column has more columns than expected and I want to know the line number to understand what the problem is.
I found this command:
awk -F\; '{print NF}' NPS.txt | sort | uniq -c
With this command I know that one columns has one column added but I do not know which one is.
I would use a bash script
a) Define a counter variable, starting at 0,
b) iterate over each line in your file, adding +1 to the counter at the beginning of each loop,
c) split each line into an array based on the "|" delimiter, logging the counter # if the array contains more than 3 elements. you can log to console or write to a file.
It's been awhile since I've scripted in Linux, but these references might help:
For Loops:
Bash String Splitting
How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?
Making Scripts Executable
There may be a good one-liner out there, but it's not a difficult script to write.
I am new to R and I have a Perl Script in which I want to call a R Script, which calculates something for me (not important what in this context). I want to give as arguments an input file, an array which contains some numbers and a number for a total number of clusters. medoid.r is the name of my R Script.
my $R_out;
$R_out = qx{./script/medoid.r $output #cluster $NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS}
My current R code looks like this. Right now I just print cluster to see what is inside.
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
filename = args[1]
cluster = as.vector(args[2])
number_of_cluster = args[3]
matrix = read.table(filename, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1, quote="")
Is it possible to give an array as an argument? How can I save it in R? Right now only the first number of the array is stored and printed, but I would like to have every number in a vector or something similar.
If you do this in Perl
$R_out = qx{./script/medoid.r $output #cluster $NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS};
your command line will look similar to this
./scriptmedoid.r output 111 222 333 3
assuming that $output is 'output' and #clusters = (111, 222, 333).
If you want to read that in R, you need to assign all elements after the first one in args to cluster but the last one, and the last one to number_of_cluster. In Perl you can use shift and pop for that.
my #args = #_;
my $output = shift #args;
my $number = pop #args;
# now #args only contains the clusters
I don't know if those operators exist in R.
You cannot pass a full data structure unless you serialize it in some way.
In perl, qx will expect a string as an argument. You may certainly use an array to generate that string, but ultimately it will still be a string. You cannot "pass an array" to a system call, you can only pass command-line text/arguments.
Keep in mind, you are executing a system call running Rscript as a child process. The way you're describing the issue, there is no inter-process communication beyond the command line. Think of it this way: how would you type an array on the command line? You may have some textual way of representing an array, but you can't type an array on the command line. Arrays are stored and accessed in memory differently by various different languages, and thus are not really portable between two languages like you're suggesting.
One solution: all that said, there may be a simple solution for you. You haven't provided any information on the type of data you want to pass in your array. If it is simple enough, you may try passing it on the command line as delimited text, and then break it up to use in your Rscript.
Here is an Rscript that shows you what I mean:
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
filename = args[1]
cluster <- c(strsplit(args[2],"~"))
sprintf("Filename: %s",filename)
sprintf("Cluster list: %s",cluster)
sprintf("First Item: %s",cluster[[1]][1])
Save it as "test.r" and try executing it with "Rscript test.r test.txt one~two" and you'll get the following output (tested on Rscript 46084, OpenBSD):
[1] "Filename: test.txt"
[1] "Cluster list: c(\"one\", \"two\")"
[1] "Cluster:"
[1] "one" "two"
[1] "First Item: one"
So, all you'd have to do on the perl side of things is join() your array using "~" or any other delimiter- it is highly dependent on your data, and you haven't provided it.
Summary: re-think how you want to communicate between perl and Rscript. Consider sending the data as a delimited string (if it's the right size) and breaking it up on the other side. Look into IPC if that won't work, consider environment variables or other options. There is no way to send an array reference on the command-line.
Note: you may want to read up on security risks of different system calls in perl.
I'm looking to replace characters at specific byte offsets.
Here's what is provided:
An input file that is simple ASCII text.
An array within a Bash shell script, each element of the array is a numerical byte-offset value.
The goal:
Take the input file, and at each of the byte-offsets, replace the character there with an asterisk.
So essentially the idea I have in mind is to somehow go through the file, byte-by-byte, and if the current byte-offset being read is a match for an element value from the array of offsets, then replace that byte with an asterisk.
This post seems to indicate that the dd command would be a good candidate for this action, but I can't understand how to perform the replacement multiple times on the input file.
Input file looks like this:
The array of offsets looks this:
offsetsArray=("2" "8" "9" "15")
The output file's desired format looks like this:
Any help you could provide is most appreciated. Thank you!
Please check my comment about about newline offset. Assuming this is correct (note I have changed your offset array), then I think this should work for you:
read -r -d ''
offsetsArray=("2" "8" "9" "15")
for i in "${offsetsArray[#]}"; do
printf "%s" "$txt"
read -d '' reads the whole input (redirected file) in one go into the $REPLY variable. If you have large files, this can run you out of memory.
We then loop through the offsets array, one element at a time. We use each index i to grab i-1 characters from the beginning of the string, then insert a * character, then add the remaining bytes from offset i. This is done with bash parameter expansion. Note that while your offsets are one-based, bash strings use zero-based indexing.
In use:
$ ./replacechars.sh < input.txt
This is not really a very efficient solution, as it causes the sting containing the whole file to be copied for every offset. If you have large files and/or a large number of offsets, then this will run slowly. If you need something faster, then another language that allows modification of individual characters in a string would be much better.
The usage of dd can be a bit confusing at the time, but it's not that hard:
# create some test data
echo -n 0123456789abcde > "$outfile"
offsetsArray=("2" "7" "8" "13")
for offset in "${offsetsArray[#]}"; do
dd bs=1 count=1 seek="$offset" conv=notrunc of="$outfile" <<< '*'
cat "$outfile"
Important for this example is to use conv=notrunc, otherwise dd truncates the file to the length of blocks it seeks over. bs=1 specifies that you want to work with blocks of size 1, and seek specifies the offset to satart writing count blocks to.
The above produces 01*3456**9abc*e
With the same offset considerations as #DigitalTrauma's superior solution, here's a GNU awk-based alternative. This assumes your file contains no null bytes
(IFS=','; awk -F '' -v RS=$'\0' -v OFS='' -v offsets="${offsetsArray[*]}" \
'BEGIN{split(offsets, o, ",")};{for (k in o) $o[k]="*"; print}' file)
I wish to read and write to a .csv file using this format: ~83474\t>wed 19 march 2014\n
When reading, I need to ignore the ~, the tab and the >. They are just there to remind my program of what the values that follow are used for. So far I figured out how to write to file using that format, however, I do not know how to read from the file either. I wish to store the numbers after the ~ as an integer value and the characters after the > as a string. How can I read those two values from every line in the file if each line has the format stated above?
Read the whole line as a string using fgets and process it.
I'm trying to create n variables in bash...ideally an array with these n variables so that I may later go through and assign them to columns I read in from a csv file. I guess I'm just really confusing myself with syntax. Help is much appreciated!
The easiest way in bash to read a line from a CSV file and put it into an array is:
IFS=, read -r -a ARRAY < filename
The IFS=, at the beginning tells read to use , as a field separator. The option -a ARRAY tells read to put the results in a bash array named ARRAY (you could use any name; it doesn't need to be uppercase).
You would normally want to do that in a loop, something like:
while IFS=, read -r -a ARRAY; do
# do something with ARRAY
done < filename
This is not a very robust technique, since it will not work with quoted fields and especially not with embedded commas in quoted fields. There are CSV-parsing libraries for most languages; if you have any familiarity with Python, it might be a good choice.