WPF rendering is too slow - wpf

I am experiencing a strange problem trying to use WPF to render a number of polylines (64 polylines about 400-500 vertices in each on a 2300x1024 Canvas). Polylines are updated every 50ms.
For some reason my application UI becomes very sluggish and almost unresponsive to user input.
I am using to following class to avoid updating the point collection while it is displayed:
class DoubleBufferPlot
/// <summary>
/// Double-buffered point collection
/// </summary>
private readonly PointCollection[] mLineBuffer =
new PointCollection(),
new PointCollection()
private int mWorkingBuffer; //index of the workign buffer (buffer being modified)
#region Properties
//Polyline displayed
public Polyline Display { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// index operator to access points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aIndex">index</param>
/// <returns>Point at aIndex</returns>
public Point this[int aIndex]
get { return mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer][aIndex]; }
set { mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer][aIndex] = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Number of points in the working buffer
/// </summary>
public int WorkingPointCount
get { return mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer].Count; }
SetCollectionSize(mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer], value);
public DoubleBufferPlot(int numPoints = 0)
Display = new Polyline {Points = mLineBuffer[1]};
if (numPoints > 0)
SetCollectionSize(mLineBuffer[0], numPoints);
SetCollectionSize(mLineBuffer[1], numPoints);
/// <summary>
/// Swap working and display buffer
/// </summary>
public void Swap()
Display.Points = mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer]; //display workign buffer
mWorkingBuffer = (mWorkingBuffer + 1) & 1; //swap
//adjust buffer size if needed
if (Display.Points.Count != mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer].Count)
SetCollectionSize(mLineBuffer[mWorkingBuffer], Display.Points.Count);
private static void SetCollectionSize(IList<Point> collection, int newSize)
while (collection.Count > newSize)
collection.RemoveAt(collection.Count - 1);
while (collection.Count < newSize)
collection.Add(new Point());
I update the working buffer offscreen and then call Swap() to have it displayed. All 64 polylines (DoubleBufferPlot.Display) are added to a Canvas as children.
I used Visual Studio Concurrency Analyzer tool to see what's going on and discovered that after each update the main thread spends 46ms performing some WPF-related tasks: System.Widnows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout() and System.Windows.Media.MediaContex.Render().
I also discovered that there is another thread that's running almost non-stop rendering
I read a number of articles on WPF including this: Can WPF render a line path with 300,000 points on it in a performance-sensitive environment?
and also this article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd483292.aspx.
I am (or my company rather) trying to avoid DrawingVisual since the rest of the project uses WPF shapes API.
Any idea why this is so slow? I even tried disabling anti-aliasing (RenderOptions.SetEdgeMode(mCanvas, EdgeMode.Aliased)) but it did not help very much.
Why does layout update takes so long. Anyone who is an expert in WPF internals?
Thank you very much.

After trying different approaches including DrawingVisual it seems that drawing polylines with so many vertices is too inefficient.
I ended up implementing at approach where I draw polylines only when there 1 or fewer vertices per pixel. Otherwise I render manually to a WriteableBitmap object. This is surprisingly much more efficient.

The fastest way I've found to draw frequently updated geometry is to create a DrawingGroup "backingStore", output that backing store during OnRender(), and then update that backingStore when my data needs to update, by using backingStore.Open(). (see code below)
In my tests, this was more efficient than using WriteableBitmap or RenderTargetBitmap.
If your UI is becoming unresponsive, how are you triggering your redraw every 50ms? Is it possible some of the redraw is taking longer than 50ms and backing up the message-pump with redraw messages? One method to avoid this is to shut off your redraw timer during your redraw loop (or make it a one-shot timer), and only enable it at the end. Another method is to do your redraw during a CompositionTarget.Rendering event, which happens right before the WPF redraw.
DrawingGroup backingStore = new DrawingGroup();
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) {
Render(); // put content into our backingStore
// I can call this anytime, and it'll update my visual drawing
// without ever triggering layout or OnRender()
private void Render() {
var drawingContext = backingStore.Open();


how to use Drawingvisual in wpf?

i have a screen that shows thousands of points and refresh rate is 10 ms.
first i had problem because rendering was slow and jittery.
i searched internet people suggest me to convert shapes to visual because shapes have a lot of events and is heavy to render. i changed the points to visuals like this:
public class MyVisualHost : FrameworkElement{
// Create a collection of child visual objects.
private VisualCollection _children;
public MyVisualHost()
_children = new VisualCollection(this);
// Provide a required override for the VisualChildrenCount property.
protected override int VisualChildrenCount
get { return _children.Count; }
// Provide a required override for the GetVisualChild method.
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= _children.Count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return _children[index];
the performance still is not acceptable. the question is what is the difference between shapes and FrameworkElement. both have lots of events that make them heavy to render. i want something that doesnt have events. what can i do?!
actually i want to add these visuals to canvas and give them their positions using canvas.setLeft and canvas.setTop. how to do this without inheriting from FrameworkElement?

MVVM command binding of nested view models

I am using the view models in the class diagram below for a time sheet presentation using a DataGrid.
The top class (ActivityCollectionViewModel) is the DataContext for the grid; the collection of activities (ActivityViewModel) it holds are line items in the grid. The activity has a collection of allocations (AllocationViewModel) which are the majority of the line item DataGrid cells (columns).
Please notice that the AllocationVm (cell) has it's own command, the MakeFullDayCommand. In the current design I have equivalent commands in both the AllocationVm's parent as well as its grandparent. I did it this way thinking I could bind the grandparent's command and then use the collectionViewSource's ability to maintain the selected chiild vms so that the correct cell's command would always be the one invoked.
In practice, it is confusing to track and I am having trouble getting binding alone to keep everything synchronized, so I have resorted to several code behind hacks in the DataGrid, as shown below.
So I thought I'd step back and see if maybe someone could suggest a simpler more effective design than what I've got, or confirm that this is a viable solution and help me get a better data binding strategy in place.
How it works
The bottom command in the context menu below is that nested command I am referring to.
Code Behind
This code is butt ugly and tough to test!
/// <summary>
/// Synchronize the <see cref="ActivityViewModel.SelectedAllocationVm"/> here so the input binding
/// key (F8) is always working on the correct command.
/// </summary>
private void OnCurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender == null) return;
var grid = (DataGrid)sender;
if (grid.CurrentColumn == null) return;
var selectedActivity = (ActivityViewModel)grid.CurrentItem;
if (_isEditableDayOfTheWeekColumn(grid.CurrentColumn))
var dowCol = (DayOfTheWeekColumn)grid.CurrentColumn;
var index = Convert.ToInt32(dowCol.DowIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Invoke the MakeFullDayCommand when the user double clicks an editable cell;
/// synchronize the selected allocation view model first.
/// </summary>
private void OnDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (sender == null) return;
var grid = (DataGrid)sender;
if (grid.CurrentColumn == null) return;
if (!_isEditableDayOfTheWeekColumn(grid.CurrentColumn)) return;
var selectedActivity = (ActivityViewModel) grid.CurrentItem;
var dowCol = (DayOfTheWeekColumn)grid.CurrentColumn;
var index = Convert.ToInt32(dowCol.DowIndex);
var allocationVm = selectedActivity.SetSelectedAllocationVm(index);
if (allocationVm.MakeFullDayCommand.CanExecute(null))
/// <summary>
/// Manipululate the context menu to show the correct description of the MakeFullDayCommand.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenuEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
void OnContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e) {
if (sender == null) return;
var grid = (DataGrid)sender;
if (grid.CurrentColumn == null) return;
if (_isEditableDayOfTheWeekColumn(grid.CurrentColumn)) {
var selectedActivity = (ActivityViewModel) grid.CurrentItem;
var dowCol = (DayOfTheWeekColumn) grid.CurrentColumn;
var index = Convert.ToInt32(dowCol.DowIndex);
var allocationVm = selectedActivity.SetSelectedAllocationVm(index);
var menuItem = allocationVm.MakeFullDayCommand.ToMenuItem();
if (grid.ContextMenu.Items.Count == 1) {
Log.Info("{0}", allocationVm.MakeFullDayCommand.HeaderText);
else {
var currentItem = (MenuItem) grid.ContextMenu.Items.GetItemAt(INDEX_OF_MAKE_FULL_DAY_CMD);
if (currentItem.Command != menuItem.Command) {
// remove the outdated menu item before adding back the new one
if (grid.ContextMenu.Items.Count == 2)
// we aren't on an editable cell - remove the command altogether
In my experience with the data grid (and what seems like yours), I have had a hard time trying to get it to bind to columns by way of nested view models. Last time I tried to use it, I ended up downloading the source of the data grid and rewriting a bunch of it to support binding the way I needed. If I could start over, I would just write my own from scratch with my limited functionality.
Besides that, it may be beneficial to look at a different way of displaying your data to the end user that may work a little nicer in both user experience and coding and testability. Seems like it will be hard for a user to look at the grid and think "I should right click on the column to make a full day."
Also, part of the goodness of WPF is the ability to make a control REALLY easily. Maybe that might be a better route for you?

WPF update binding in a background thread

I have a control that has its data bound to a standard ObservableCollection, and I have a background task that calls a service to get more data.
I want to, then, update my backing data behind my control, while displaying a "please wait" dialog, but when I add the new items to the collection, the UI thread locks up while it re-binds and updates my controls.
Can I get around this so that my animations and stuff keep running on my "please wait" dialog?
Or at least give the "appearance" to the user that its not locked up?
If i understand correctly, you already use a BackgroundWorker to retrieve the data, and that simply assigning this data to the ObservableCollection is locking up the UI.
One way to avoid locking up the UI is to assign the data to the ObservableCollection in smaller chunks by queuing multiple dispatcher methods. Between each method call, UI events can be handled.
the following would add one item on at a time, that's a bit extreme, but it illustrates the concept.
void UpdateItems()
//retrievedItems is the data you received from the service
foreach(object item in retrievedItems)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ParameterizedThreadStart(AddItem), item);
void AddItem(object item)
ObservableCollection will raise CollectionChanged events that will force UI to rebind data, measure, arrange and redraw. This might take a lot of time if you have many updates coming.
It is possible to make user think that UI is alive by splitting the job in small packages. Use Dispatcher from UI thread (any control has reference to it) to schedule collection update actions with 10-100 items (determine number by experiment, these just to support the idea).
Your background code might looks like this:
void WorkInBackground()
var results = new List<object>();
//get results...
// feed UI in packages no more than 100 items
while (results.Count > 0)
new Action<List<object>>(FeedUI),
results.GetRange(0, Math.Min(results.Count, 100)));
results.RemoveRange(0, Math.Min(results.Count, 100));
void FeedUI(List<object> items)
// items.Count must be small enough to keep UI looks alive
foreach (var item in items)
I have a DLL which runs a worker thread and sends events back to the application - worked perfectly on windows forms, switched to WPF and everything stopped working. I've been smashing my head against a brick wall for 4 hours trying to get this to work. But the solution I ended up with, thanks to Microsoft's UI Thread Safe marshalling EnableCollectionSynchronization, gives a really clean implementation to solve this.
This Collection extends ObservableCollection and implements EnableCollectionSynchronization making these objects usable between WPF and also background workers.
Edit: Microsoft's docs say the following, so I'm going to assume that the object context sharing doesn't matter.
The context parameter is an arbitrary object that you can use to information known when you enable collection synchronization. Context can be null.
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace NSYourApplication
/// <summary>
/// This ObservableCollection is thread safe
/// You can update it from any thread and the changes will be safely
/// marshalled to the UI Thread WPF bindings
/// Thanks Microsoft!
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Whatever type of collection you want!</typeparam>
public class ThreadSafeCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
private static object __threadsafelock = new object();
public ThreadSafeCollection()
BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(this, __threadsafelock);
Example WindowViewModel
namespace NSYourApplication
/// <summary>
/// Example View
/// BaseModelView implements "PropertyChanged" to update WPF automagically
/// </summary>
class TestViewModel : BaseModelView
public ThreadSafeCollection<string> StringCollection { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// background thread implemented elsewhere...
/// but it calls this method eventually ;)
/// Depending on the complexity you might want to implement
/// [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
/// to Synchronize multiple threads to prevent chase-conditions,deadlocks etc
/// </summary>
public void NonUIThreadMethod()
// No dispatchers or invokes required here!
StringCollection.Add("Some Text from a background worker");
/// <summary>
/// Somewhere in the UIThread code it'll call this method
/// </summary>
public void UIThreadMethod()
StringCollection.Add("This text come from UI Thread");
/// <summary>
/// Constructor, creates a thread-safe collection
/// </summary>
public TestViewModel()
StringCollection = new ThreadSafeCollection<string>();
Usage in a listbox in a xaml window/control
<ListBox x:Name="wpfStringCollection" ItemsSource="{Binding StringCollection,Mode=OneWay}">
use BackgroundWorker to accomplish this task. update the obsrvablecollection in the DoWork method
Use this:
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, new Action(UpdateData), value);
private void UpdateData(int value)
BindingSourceProperty = value;

XAML Without WPF - Animations

I am trying to use XAML completely outside WPF, in particular inside an XNA application. So far, I have managed (quite easily, I am surprised to admit) to load some data inside my XNA application from a XAML file. The problems start when I decided that I wanted to animate one of the properties of my class...Nothing happens :(
Here is the main class I load from the XAML file:
public class Test : FrameworkContentElement
public string Text { get; set; }
public Vector2 Position { get; set; }
public Color Color { get; set; }
public Storyboard Animation { get; set; }
public static DependencyProperty RotationProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Rotation", typeof(double), typeof(Test), new PropertyMetadata(0.0));
public double Rotation { get { return (double)GetValue(RotationProperty); } set { SetValue(RotationProperty, value); } }
Here is the XAML file:
<l:Test xmlns:l="clr-namespace:XAMLAndXNA;assembly=XAMLAndXNA"
Text="Testo" Position="55,60" Color="0,255,255,255">
<a2:DoubleAnimation a1:Storyboard.TargetProperty="Rotation"
And here is the loading and animation launching (attempt):
Test test = XamlReader.Load(new XmlTextReader("SpriteBatchStuff.xaml")) as Test;
I am dying of curiosity :)
Although XAML is independent of WPF, the visual elements aren't. In particular, animation and layout are part of WPF, and depends on the WPF plumbing being present -- through an Application object, a PresentationSource such as a HwndSource, the XBAP PresentationHost.exe, etc.
So you can read in your XAML and get an object graph of a Test object with a child Storyboard object, but that Test object isn't hooked up to the animation or layout engines until it's placed in a WPF context. All that the XAML gets you is a dumb in-memory object graph: it's WPF, not XAML, that makes the objects "live."
So as Ben says, you'll probably end up needing to "push or prod" the animation yourself. I'm not aware of any documentation on how to do this, but from poking around in Reflector, it looks like the key API is Storyboard.SeekAlignedToLastTick, of which the docs say:
Values are immediately updated to
reflect the changes due to
SeekAlignedToLastTick, even though the
screen does not reflect these changes
until the screen updates.
Notice that second clause. Normally, WPF handles the updating of the screen as visual object values change. If you're not using WPF, then it's up to you to read the changed values out and redraw the screen accordingly: you don't have the WPF layout manager to handle it for you.
Finally, please note I haven't tested whether SeekAlignedToLastTick will work in an environment without the WPF plumbing loaded. It sounds like it should, because it doesn't care whether it's WPF or user code which is driving the clocks, but I can't make any promises... though I admit you've got me curious!
UPDATE: I've given this a quick go, and it does seem to work. Here's a demo of hosting an animation within Windows Forms (in this case using a plain ol' Windows Forms timer, but in XNA I guess the framework will provide a game timer for you -- didn't try that because I don't know XNA). Assume you have a vanilla Windows Form with a timer (timer1) and a label (label1), and that the project references the WPF assemblies.
First, my simplified version of your class:
public class Fie : DependencyObject
public double Test
get { return (double)GetValue(TestProperty); }
set { SetValue(TestProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty TestProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Test", typeof(double), typeof(Fie),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.0));
public Storyboard Animation { get; set; }
Now, the WPF code to load one of these babies from XAML and begin the animation:
private Fie _f;
private DateTime _startTime;
public Form1()
string xaml =
#"<local:Fie xmlns:local=""clr-namespace:AnimationsOutsideWpf;assembly=AnimationsOutsideWpf""
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty=""Test""
_f = (Fie)XamlReader.Load(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xaml)));
Storyboard.SetTarget(_f.Animation, _f);
_startTime = DateTime.Now;
timer1.Enabled = true;
Note that I had to set the storyboard's target to be the XAML object I'd just loaded. This doesn't happen automatically. I tried doing this with Storyboard.TargetName in the XAML, but that didn't seem to work -- you may have more luck.
The final lines are just setup for the timer callback:
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
TimeSpan sinceStart = DateTime.Now - _startTime;
label1.Text = _f.Test.ToString();
I've stored the start time of the animation, and used that to calculate how far into the animation we are. WinForms timers are a bit crude, but this suffices for proof of concept; no doubt XNA will have something better. Then I call Storyboard.SeekAlignedToLastTick, which updates the animated values. Nothing displays automatically because my XAML object isn't hooked up for display, but I can check its Test property and verify that it is indeed animating. In reality, I'd use this to update the position or orientation of whatever XNA visual element the XAML object represented.
Just for reference, I will now document how I managed to make this work with XNA. Thanks to itowlson for providing the missing link: otherwise I had to create an empty Application with an invisible Window...
We define the class with its animation in XAML (notice the xmlns directives):
Text="Testo" Position="55,60" Color="0,255,255,255">
<a2:DoubleAnimation a1:Storyboard.TargetProperty="Rotation"
The "code-behind" class Test is the following:
public class Test : DependencyObject
public string Text { get; set; }
public Vector2 Position { get; set; }
public Color Color { get; set; }
public Storyboard Animation { get; set; }
public static DependencyProperty RotationProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Rotation", typeof(double), typeof(Test), new PropertyMetadata(0.0));
public double Rotation { get { return (double)GetValue(RotationProperty); } set { SetValue(RotationProperty, value); } }
In the Initialize function of the XNA Game class we deserialize our xaml file and start the animation:
test = XamlReader.Load(new XmlTextReader("SpriteBatchStuff.xaml")) as Test;
Storyboard.SetTarget(test.Animation, test);
The Update function takes as input a GameTime, which offers the TotalGameTime field that stores the TimeSpan of the amount of time passed since the app launch: that is exactly what a Storyboard needs to tick:
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
// Allows the game to exit
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
In the draw method we can just draw some text using the Rotation property, which will now be correctly animated:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.DrawString(Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font"), test.Text, test.Position, test.Color, (float)test.Rotation, Vector2.Zero, 1.0f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f);
Outside of the normal loop of a WPF application, I doubt there is any way to drive the animation. There may be some class you can push or prod to drive them, but it is likely sealed.
You will probably wind up building your own animation execution engine running on another thread and ensuring the updates happen on your UI thread, which means either finding a way to reuse the Dispatcher or recreating something similar.
This MSDN article may provide some useful information in this endeavor
It's an interesting project... I'd be curious to hear if you succeed!
Wow, this is pretty awesome! Unfortunately, it will likely come down to some "update" type of call that is being made in some internal API. And if you don't call it, the animation won't animate ... much like if an XNA game doesn't have the Update method called.
I would very much like more info on how you're doing this and what level of success you're finding. You should write a blog post/article somewhere :-)

Can you animate a custom dependency property in Silverlight?

I might be missing something really obvious. I'm trying to write a custom Panel where the contents are laid out according to a couple of dependency properties (I'm assuming they have to be DPs because I want to be able to animate them.)
However, when I try to run a storyboard to animate both of these properties, Silverlight throws a Catastophic Error. But if I try to animate just one of them, it works fine. And if I try to animate one of my properties and a 'built-in' property (like Opacity) it also works. But if I try to animate both my custom properties I get the Catastrophic error.
Anyone else come across this?
The two DPs are ScaleX and ScaleY - both doubles. They scale the X and Y position of children in the panel. Here's how one of them is defined:
public double ScaleX
get { return (double)GetValue(ScaleXProperty); }
set { SetValue(ScaleXProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Identifies the ScaleX dependency property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ScaleXProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(OnScaleXPropertyChanged));
/// <summary>
/// ScaleXProperty property changed handler.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">MyPanel that changed its ScaleX.</param>
/// <param name="e">DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs.</param>
private static void OnScaleXPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
MyPanel _MyPanel = d as MyPanel;
if (_MyPanel != null)
public static void SetScaleX(DependencyObject obj, double val)
obj.SetValue(ScaleXProperty, val);
public static double GetScaleX(DependencyObject obj)
return (double)obj.GetValue(ScaleXProperty);
Edit: I've tried it with and without the call to InvalidateArrange (which is absolutely necessary in any case) and the result is the same. The event handler doesn't even get called before the Catastrophic error kicks off.
It's a documented bug with Silverlight 2 Beta 2. You can't animate two custom dependancy properties on the same object.
I would try commenting out the InvalidateArrange in the OnPropertyChanged and see what happens.
I hope it's not bad form to answer my own question.
Silverlight 2 Release Candidate 0 was released today, I've tested this problem on it, and it appears to have been fixed. Both Custom DPs in my test panel can now be animated properly, so the app is behaving as expected. Which is nice.
Note that this RC is only a developer-based RC so the standard build of Silverlight hasn't been updated. I'd expect it to be fully released in the next month, though.
