Restangular call - angularjs

where patientService/edit is a full path to the called method.(patientService) for class and (edit) for edit method .
It gives me an error 400 Bad Request
cannot we send this kind of request in restangular

You might wish to look at the variables being passed in patientService. If the server is trying to map them to a class you will get a 400 if they are misspelt, do not exist or have incompatible data types.

In Restangular I would separate "/" :
But your problem could be elsewhere : perhaps this REST path couln't be understood server-side ?


Trouble accessing remote JSON in AngularJS

So, I have been working on this exercise and I'm down to one final problem.
The JSON is on a different server. If I use a plain old $http.get then it doesn't allow the cross-server request. When I switch and use $http.jsonp I get to the file but it claims an unexpected ":" right away. I've validated their JSON so I'm not sure what's going on.
This is the current implementation of the call:
app.factory('users', ['$http', function($http) {
return {
callExternalJson: function() {
return $http.jsonp('').then( function(response) {
return response;
How do I get that remote JSON file?
Something to note: that remote JSON changes every time you hit it.
I also tried a different way of using jsonp that I've used in the past to access other RESTful APIs and got the same result of it choking on their first colon.
The problem isn't your code, but instead the server.
Try replacing the URL with this Test URL that supports JSONP.

REST API Endpoint for Retrieving Empty Object

I have a REST API endpoint for creating an empty object. What is the "standard" url scheme for this GET method? I'm currently using a factory in an angularjs app to make the call to the server.
Right now I have the following scheme:
My $resource:
ngServices.factory("TESTfactory", function ($resource) {
return $resource("testNewItem/new", {}, {
create: {method: 'GET'}
A successful call to the above resource:
$scope.newItem = TESTfactory.newItem.create();
Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.
I've looked at the following links, which did not specifically list a url scheme for getting empty objects:
REST API Overview
Quick Reference section in this doc
A GET method should never create something. GET is supposed to be nullipotent, which means that it should have no side-effects. Creating a resource is certainly a side effect.
So, the standard http call would be
or better yet just

Laravel RESTful returning 301 state

I'm developing a Backbone/Laravel application.
When I try to send a POST request to a certain resource, it returns me 301 status with no response, regardless that on the controller i'm printing a 'hello world', to check if it's getting to that point.
Here's some code...
public function store()
return 'hello world';
This is the routes.php
Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function()
Route::get('/', 'SitesController#index');
Route::resource('rooms', 'RoomsController');
So, when I make a POST request to
With some info to save, it gives me back 301 status with no response at all.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
On backbone collection configuration, I had url parameter with '/' at the end.
Deleted that slash and now it works fine.
Hope someone find's this helpful
(Adding this answer in case anyone has the same issue as me)
In my case I had a resource videos which gave the exact same problem. The reason was that I also had a directory on the server /videos/ (with files in it) which the server tried to point me to before it let Laravel direct it to the controller.
For some reason, posting to "image" in Laravel, even without a trailing "/" gives me a 301 Moved Permanently HTTP response.
I don't have an "image" folder in my public directory and still don't understand why the redirect occurs.
Changing the request to "foo" seems to work fine.
So if you found this page because you're trying to store an image restfully, try something like this:
Route::resource('api/image', 'ImageController');

destroy always returns with the error callback (although everything seems to be ok)

I'm trying to delete a model on my backend and what I do is this (the code is adapted just to show you the issue, some parts could be missing):
attending= new Backbone.Model();
attending.url= this.url() + "/reject";
success: function(){
error: function(){
but what I always obtain is a "no" alert. The fact is the backend seems to be updated correctly and what I obtain as a response too. Here it is:
so... what's wrong with the response I get? Why doesn't backbone recognizes it as a successful response? I get 200/OK and a "application/json" format as well!
Your backend should return something with 200
jQuery expect 200 with application/json to have some content
Have a look here:
You might want to place a "debugger;" in the error callback and trace exactly why its coming that route vs the success route. That should atleast get your started on the right path...

How to know if a Kohana request is an internal one?

I'm writing an API using Kohana. Each external request must be signed by the client to be accepted.
However, I also sometime need to do internal requests by building a Request object and calling execute(). In these cases, the signature is unnecessary since I know the request is safe. So I need to know that the request was internal so that I can skip the signature check.
So is there any way to find out if the request was manually created using a Request object?
Can you use the is_initial() method of the request object? Using this method, you can determine if a request is a sub request.
Kohana 3.2 API, Request - is_initial()
It sounds like you could easily solve this issue by setting some sort of static variable your app can check. If it's not FALSE, then you know it's internal.
This is how I ended up doing it: I've overridden the Request object and added a is_server_side property to it. Now, when I create the request, I just set this to true so that I know it's been created server-side:
$request = Request::factory($url);
$response = $request->execute();
Then later in the controller receiving the request:
if ($this->request->is_server_side()) {
// Skip signature check
} else {
// Do signature check
And here is the overridden request class in application/classes/request.php:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Request extends Kohana_Request {
protected $is_server_side_ = false;
public function is_server_side($v = null) {
if ($v === null) return $this->is_server_side_;
$this->is_server_side_ = $v;
Looking through Request it looks like your new request would be considered an internal request but does not have any special flags it sets to tell you this. Look at 782 to 832 in Kohana_Request...nothing to help you.
With that, I'd suggest extending the Kohana_Request_Internal to add a flag that shows it as internal and pulling that in your app when you need to check if it is internal/all others.
Maybe you are looking for is_external method:
Kohana 3.3 in the controller :
