ember AfterModel of one to many creates empty array - arrays

I have 2 models. Session and Test.
App.Session = DS.Model.extend({
tests: DS.hasMany('test', {async: true}/*, {inverse: 'sessionID'}*/),
App.Test = DS.Model.extend({
session: DS.belongsTo('session', {async: true}, {inverse:'tests'}),
And I have a route to fetch the tests array (it isn't included in the JSON coming from the server)
App.SessionRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.get('store').find('session', params.session_id);
afterModel: function(model) {
var promise;
promise = this.get('store').find('test', {
sessionId: model.get('id')
return this.controllerFor('tests').set('model', promise);
The thing is that the tests array in Session is still empty after the fetch.
{{ tests.length }}
is 0
When I log to console what is returned in AfterModel - I do have the data - however it is nested in a triple nested object (don't know if it is how it should be or not)
Class {content: Class, ember1416498812066: "ember400", __nextSuper: undefined, __ember_meta: Object, constructor: function…}ember1416498812066: "ember400"__ember_meta: Object__nextSuper: undefinedcontent: Class__ember1416498812066: "ember525"ember_meta: Object__nextSuper: undefinedcontent: Class__ember1416498812066: "ember524"ember_meta: Object__nextSuper: undefinedcontent: Array[1] isLoaded: truemanager: Classmeta: Objectquery: Objectstore: Classtype: BackslashUi.Test__proto__: ClassisFulfilled: true__proto__: Class__proto__: Class
The test object exists nicely in the ember chrome plugin (in "data" section)
Does anyone know what is wrong/how I can even debug this?

Don't set the model for the tests controller to the promise; set it to the result of the promise when it fulfills, and return the promise so that Ember will know when to go ahead.
afterModel: function(model) {
var testsController = this.controllerFor('tests');
var promise = this.get('store').find('test', {
sessionId: model.get('id')
return promise.then(function(tests) {
testsController.set('model', tests);
The automatic handling of promises for models is something that happens specifically in the context of the route's model hook. model examines the return value, sees if it is a promise. If it is, it waits for it to resolve before proceeding to pass the result of the promise to setupController etc. You can't just randomly set models to promises and expect them to work. Nobody is watching them or waiting for them to resolve or then'ing off them.


Backbone.js / require.js - Override model function to work with backend as a service

Good morning guys. I have a little understanding problem with backbone.js. i have a javascript sdk from a backend as a service with some getter and setter methods to get datas from this platform.
I have load this javascript sdk with require.js an it´s work fine. Now i need to create some models that work with this getter and setter methods to get this data to my collection an finally to my view. I do not have any clue...maybe someone have the right idea for me.
This is my current model:
define(['jquery','underscore','backbone'], function($,_,Backbone) {
var holidayPerson = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
console.log("init model holidayPerson");
this.on("change", function(data) {
console.log("change model holidayPerson"+JSON.stringify(data));
return holidayPerson;
Actually i create an instance of my model in my view:
define(['jquery','underscore','backbone','text!tpl/dashboard.html','holidayPerson','apio'], function($,_,Backbone,tpl, holidayperson, apio) {
template = _.template(tpl);
var usermodel = new holidayperson();
var dashboardView = Backbone.View.extend({
id: 'givenname',
initialize: function() {
console.log("dashboard view load");
usermodel.on('change', this.render);
var user = new apio.User();
apio.employee.getemployees("firstName like \"jon\" and lastName like \"doe\"", {
onOk: function (objects) {
console.log("apio: " + JSON.stringify(objects));
usermodel.set({mail: objects[0]['data']['mail'],lastname: objects[0]['data']['lastName'], username: objects[0]['data']['userName'], superior: objects[0]['data']['superior']});
render: function() {
console.log("render dashboard view");
return this;
return dashboardView;
I think this not the right way...can i override the getter and setter method from this model ? Or maybe the url function ? Anyone now what is the best practice ?
Thanks a lot :-)
First of all, make sure that your render operation is asynchronous, as your API call will be and the usermodel params won't be set until that operation completes. If you render method fires before that, it will render the empty usermodel, since the data will not be there yet.
Second, a model need not fetch its own data, in my opinion. If you are going to have multiple users, you could use a collection to hold those users and then override the collection's sync method to handle the fetching of data from the API, but if there's no collection, it seems logical to me to have a method that does the data fetching and setting thereafter, as you've done.

Can't access attributes model backbone js

I am creating my "Hello world" app in backbone js. I am stuck at the very basic.
var gs = {
documentRoot: ""
}; // create namespace for our app
gs.Test = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: gs.documentRoot+'/test.php',
initialize: function(){
gs.TestView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function(){
var testM = new gs.Test();
var test = new gs.TestView({model: testM});
Here when I log model in the console, it shows fetched attributes from the server but I can't access those attributes from test.get('attribute'). I tried logging test.attributes, it gives empty object but when I log test, it shows those attributes in attributes object.
model#fetch method has a success and error callback options that can be passed to fetch. The success callback gets called when the response from the server has come.
Right way to test the fetched attributes of a model is
success: function(model){
// model here and test are same
// access your attribute with name `attributeName`
fetch is async method, so you have to wait some time.
The best solution in this case is promises:
test.fetch().done(function() {
Your updated model:
initialize: function() {
// save link to promise
this.deferred = this.fetch();
And your render function:
render: function() {
// use promise to render view after model will be fetched
// use `bind` to save context of this view
this.model.deferred.done(_.bind(function () {
// model is fetched
// all operations goes here
console.log(this.model.get('testId')); // <- proper value
}, this));
console.log(this.model.get('testId')); // <- undefined
More about ajax you can read here http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax
var TestModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url : '/test.php'
var test = new TestModel();
// `context` context to be passed to any callback function
test.fetch({context:test}).done(function () {
// `this` is equals to `test` (`context` option)
// In case if you want to get all model data:
// the best way to get model data for read-only mode.
// this metod return a copy of the model's attributes
// you can also use `this.attributes` but this is not recommended
// In case if you want to get some model data:
// If you want to get `c` from this model ({a:{b:{c:1}}}):
For those who are stuck with the same problem, here is the solution from the library itself.
Use model's in-built 'sync' event to get the model attributes after fetch()/save() calls.

backbone: trying to set error message on "this" in failed ajax request

I have a User model in a Backbone application that makes an ajax request. In the error callback, I wish to set an error message to pass to the view. However, if I try do
this.set({errors: result.errors});
I'm told "this" doesn't have a method set. In this case, I believe "this" is the ajax response object (rather than the User model which does have a set method)
Object {url: "/users.json", isLocal: false, global: true, type: "POST", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"…}
However, I also tried to do
this.model.set({errors: result.errors});
but it said I can't call "set" of undefined. I'm assuming it doesn't make sense to say "this.model" from within the model, but, as mentioned above, if I just say "this," it refers to the response object.
Is this the wrong way to go about it?
I am assuming you are doing something like this when you are saving your model
success: function() {},
error: function() {
this.set({ errors: result.errors });
If that is the case, then you can change this.set to model.set, and everything will work.
However it doesn't really make that much sense to be storing the error message as a model attribute.
The model will fire an event when its save call fails on the server (check out the backbone events catalogue).
Therefore if you have a view with an attached model, you can tell the view to listen to this error event.
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
// if your using backbone v0.9.10
this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', this.handleModelError);
// or for earlier versions
this.model.on('error', this.handleModelError, this);
handleModelError: function(model, xhr, options) {
// show an error message, or whatever
var view = new MyView({ model: aModel });
// if the server returns an error, view.handleModelError will be called
I think this probably loses context. Try using var self = this. Something like:
var self = this;
model.save("author", "F.D.R.",
{error: function()
self.model.set({errors: result.errors});

Backbone Collection is empty when testing with Jasmine

I'm just getting started with Jasmine and trying to set up some tests for the first time. I have a Backbone collection. I figured I would get my collection as part of the beforeEach() method, then perform tests against it.
I have a test json object that I used while I prototyped my app, so rather than mocking an call, I'd prefer to reuse that object for testing.
Here's my code so far (and it is failing).
describe("Vehicle collection", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.vehicleCollection = new Incentives.VehiclesCollection();
this.vehicleCollection.url = '../../json/20121029.json';
it("should contain models", function() {
console.log(this.vehicleCollection.length); // returns 0
When I console.log in the beforeEach method -- the console look like this ...
d {length: 0, models: Array[0], _byId: Object, _byCid: Object, url: "../../json/20121029.json"}
Curiously when I expand the object (small triangle) in Chrome Developer Tools -- my collection is completely populated with an Array of vehicle models, etc. But still my test fails:
Error: Expected 0 to equal 36
I'm wondering if I need to leverage the "waitsFor()" method?
UPDATE (with working code)
Thanks for the help!
#deven98602 -- you got me on the right track. Ultimately, this "waitsFor()" implementation finally worked. I hope this code helps others! Leave comments if this is a poor technique. Thanks!
describe("A Vehicle collection", function() {
it("should contain models", function() {
var result;
var vehicleCollection = new Incentives.VehiclesCollection();
vehicleCollection.url = '/json/20121029.json';
waitsFor(function() {
return result === true;
}, "to retrive all vehicles from json", 3000);
runs(function() {
function getCollection() {
success : function(){
result = true;
error : function () {
result = false;
Just glancing at your code, it looks to me like fetch has not yet populated the collection when you run the expectation.
You can use the return value from fetch to defer the expectation until the response is received using waitsFor and runs:
beforeEach(function() {
this.vehicleCollection = new Incentives.VehiclesCollection();
this.vehicleCollection.url = '../../json/20121029.json';
var deferred = this.vehicleCollection.fetch();
waitsFor(function() { return deferred.done() && true });
it("should contain models", function() {
runs(function() {
I haven't actually tried this can't guarantee that it will work as-is, but the solution will look something like this. See this article for more on asynchronous testing with Jasmine.
the collection.fetch() is asyn call that accepts success and error callbacks
var result;
this.collection.fetch({success : function(){
result = true;
waitsFor(function() {
return response !== undefined;
}, 'must be set to true', 1000);
runs(function() {
console.log(this.vehicleCollection.length); // returns 0

One View connected to multiple models

I have the following problem…
MyView which is connected to two views: TaskModel and UserModel
TaskModel = {id: 1, taskName: "myTask", creatorName: "myName", creator_id: 2 },
UserModel = {id: 2, avatar: "someAvatar"}
The view should display
{{taskName}}, {{creatorName}}, {{someAvatar}}
As you can see the fetch of TaskModel and UserModel should be synchronized, because the userModel.fetch needs of taskModel.get("creator_id")
Which approach do you recommend me to display/handle the view and the two models?
You could make the view smart enough to not render until it has everything it needs.
Suppose you have a user and a task and you pass them both to the view's constructor:
initialize: function(user, task) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.user = user;
this.task = task;
this.user.on('change', this.render);
this.task.on('change', this.render);
Now you have a view that has references to both the user and the task and is listening for "change" events on both. Then, the render method can ask the models if they have everything they're supposed to have, for example:
render: function() {
&& this.task.has('name')) {
task: this.task.toJSON(),
user: this.user.toJSON()
return this;​​​​
So render will wait until both the this.user and this.task are fully loaded before it fills in the proper HTML; if it is called before its models have been loaded, then it renders nothing and returns an empty placeholder. This approach keeps all of the view's logic nicely hidden away inside the view where it belongs and it easily generalizes.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/rreu5jd8/
You could also use Underscore's isEmpty (which is mixed into Backbone models) instead of checking a specific property:
render: function() {
&& !this.task.isEmpty()) {
task: this.task.toJSON(),
user: this.user.toJSON()
return this;​​​​
That assumes that you don't have any defaults of course.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/4q07budc/
jQuery's Deferreds work well here. As a crude example:
var succesFunction = function () {
var errorFunction = function () {
$.when(taskModel.fetch(), userModel.fetch()).then(successFunction, errorFunction);
You could also pipe the request through using the crude data (remember that fetch, save, create are really just wrappers around jQuery's $.ajax object.
var taskModelDeferred = taskModel.fetch();
var userModelDeferred = taskModelDeferred.pipe(function( data ) {
return userModel.fetch({ data: { user: data.userId }});
note: Backbone returns the collection and model in the success / error functions by default on collections and models so if you need this be sure have a reference handy.
I've run into this very same issue with a complex layout that used two models and multiple views. For that, instead of trying to synchronize the fetches, I simply used the "success" function of one model to invoke the fetch of the other. My views would listen only to the change of the second model. For instance:
var model1 = Backbone.Model.extend({
var model2 = Backbone.Model.extend({
var view1 = Backbone.View.extend({
var view2 = Backbone.View.extend({
model2.on("change",view1.render, view1);
model2.on("change",view2.render, view2);
success : function() {
The point to this is you don't have to do any sophisticated synchronization. You simply cascade the fetches and respond to the last model's fetch.
