New connection in SQL Developer 01017 - database

Status : Failure -Test failed: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
This status above I see when I'm trying to create new Connection in SQL Developer 11g EE.
I tried propably all possibilites with lower/uppercases and numbers.
Here is printscreen:
I was searching for that, but coulnd find solution for this kind of problem.
Thank you in advance and sorry if this problem is trivial, but I am beginner in this:(


Status : Failure - Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found

I have got the problem with my Oracle Database Server that give me an error message Status : Failure - Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found.
I am a newbie at using Oracle Database Server. I just found the way how to fix that problem using these code;
SELECT * FROM v$resource_limit WHERE resource_name IN ('processes','sessions');
ALTER system SET processes=300 scope=spfile;
When I tried it, I got this Query Result
But when I tried to increase the number of processes/sessions, it did not help me so much.
Does anyone here could help me to fix this problem.
Thank you in advance
You must restart the Oracle RDBMS after ALTER system SET processes=300 scope=spfile;

What is state 123 for error 18456 on an Azure SQL Database?

I have an Azure Webjob that can't connect to the database with the error "login failed for user". (Incidentally, the Web App uses the same connection string to connect without a problem).
Here are the details from the error log:
Error code: 18456
Error state: 123
I can't find any documentation on state 123. Can anyone tell me what it means?
We don't document the error state codes because they don't mean anything. They represent unique instances of an error in out code base to help us debug customer issues faster. So, it more or less maps to line x in source code file y.
Conor Cunningham
Architect, SQL Core Engine
I had some help from the Microsoft guys and they've updated the documentation:
States 122 - 124 means "Failure due to empty user name or password."
Error 18456 is a generic connection error and may have many causes. I would not pay too much attention to 123

Getting errror as the server threw exception in QTP

I am getting error the server threw exception in QTP
Function file:C:\GPONSanityAutomation\FunctionalLibraries\DatabaseConnection.vbs
Line (42): “ “Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=”& strDBDesc &”;User ID=”& strUSERID &”;Password=”& strPassword &”;””
I am getting this error during database connection
Could you please anyone help me resolve this error.
You need to install oracle client in your system for database connectivity. If already installed try to create a database checkpoint using the installed driver and check whether you are able to create the checkpoint.

"SSPI handshake failed" from unknown location?

I realised a few minutes ago , in my sql server log; there was an error:
SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c, state 14 while
establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has
been closed. Reason: AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error
code indicates the cause of failure. The logon attempt failed
But i don't have an sqlclient ip
I research this ip and :
Continent: Asia
Country: China cn flag
State/Region: Jiangsu Sheng
City: Nanjing
Is my Sql Server under attack?:)
What is this?
Thanks for help.
Short answer; probably, but don't panic.
Someone tried to log onto your SQL server with invalid login credentials. If its coming from an IP that's totally out there, then it's probably not just someone mistyping their password. I wouldn't be overly worried about it, though. Its pretty common to see stuff like this every once in a while. Usually, its someone or some tool going through a list of SQL servers and trying common login credentials in hopes of getting lucky.
Just make sure you have solid login credentials, maybe update your firewall/IDS, and watch your logs to make sure that IP (or another weird one) logs in later.

Login failed for user 'sa' while trying to create datasource with Railo

So I'm trying to setup Railo and I want to add a datasource.
For the database I'm using Microsoft SQL server Management Studio.
But now I've run into the classical problem: "Login failed for user 'sa'. ClientConnectionId:afd80ac2-0744-4a7d-a9f7-083d93adee0d"
What I've done so far:
With the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the TCP/IP settings I enabled the IPs I had to.
I set the password for the user 'sa' in MSSQL and I added a user mapping for the table I want to use.
I made the user 'sa' the owner of the DB i want to connect to
Restarted the SQL service, my computer and Railo multiple times.
I'm pretty much out of ideas.
After Leigh mentioned in the comments to look at my logs it had the following message: "Login failed for user 'max'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'test'. [CLIENT:]"
I then tried to make a connection without mentioning a database and that worked.
I would also point to Leigh's answer here which explains how to turn Mixed-Mode authentication on, as this can also cause this error. Since the cause of this isn't on Railo/Lucee's end, this issue still arises in 2018.
I just don't want a useful answer to get lost to history, nor plagiarize an answer I barely found.
