angularjs have a directive only apply for select controllers - angularjs

I'm using a directive to implement scrolling on a page from an a to a div. Meaning that by clicking on an a looks like:
<a data-scroll-on-click="" href="#projects">Projects</a>
The page smoothly scrolls to:
<div id="projects">
To make this happen, I am using an attribute scroll-on-click via the following directive:
consortiumApp.directive('scrollOnClick', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var idToScroll = attrs.href;
element.on('click', function(event) {
var $target;
if (idToScroll) {
$target = $(idToScroll);
} else {
$target = element;
$("body").animate({scrollTop: $target.offset().top}, 1500, 'easeInOut
The preventDefault stops the router from kicking in.
The a with the data-scroll-on-click attribute is part of a navbar that I would like to include on other pages via ng-include. However, this means that the a element will have the scroll-on-click attribute on pages where scrolling does not make sense. Meaning that when the navbar is on other pages besides the main page, I want the anchors in it to function like links back to the main page and not to trigger scrolling.
I'm not sure what a good solution is: I'm not sure if it is possible to have scroll-on-click appear only when there is a certain active controller (a sort of conditional attribute)? Or if it is possible to indicate the current active controller in a directive?
Worst comes to worst, I will just write two navbars - one for the main page that implements scrolling via a directive and one for subsidiary pages that implements linking via the router, but I have a feeling there is a more concise way to do this.

I think you can pass boolean value along with the data-scroll-on-click='true/false' and check this in the directive if its true than proceed for scroll otherwise ignore it.
<a data-scroll-on-click="" href="#projects">Projects</a>
consortiumApp.directive('scrollOnClick', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var idToScroll = attrs.href;
var scroll_needed = attrs.scrollOnClick;
if(scroll_needed === true){
element.on('click', function(event) {
var $target;
if (idToScroll) {
$target = $(idToScroll);
} else {
$target = element;
$("body").animate({scrollTop: $target.offset().top}, 1500, 'easeInOut


Get Rendered Form into $StateChangeStart

Is there any way that I can get the rendered form into
$rootScope.on("$stateChangeStart", function (){
I tried two things.
First: Using $template Request I got the template using templateURL and compiled that but it renders predefined template not the DOM's rendered.
See the code
if ( > 0) {
.then(function (html) {
var compiledElement = $compile(html)($rootScope);
var compliedForm = compiledElement.find('form');
then Secondly, I tried using
But it gives me list of attribute and all. But how to get check form is valid or not.
I think what you are trying to achieve, is to block a state change when a form in the current view is not valid. I would make a directive for this, something like:
app.directive("formValidStateCheck", function($rootScope) {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "ngForm",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngFormCtrl) {
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event) {
if (ngFormCtrl.$invalid) {
// prevent routing
if (!confirm("Are you sure"))
Than put the directive on your forms:
<form ng-form="myForm" form-valid-state-check>
.find() method will not work with selectors and tag names. you need to get it by form id(for this have a id to the form).
Then use angular.element(document.getElementById("#form_id"));

Floating title is not working in Angularjs

I have a list of item with two iterations. I want a sticky title when the title scroll up from the view area. I have done it with jquery, but can't able to do in angular. Created a fiddle
I just to want to add a class in tag when the title is goes up to the view area.
angular.element(document.querySelector('#l-content__desc__split1__body')).on('scroll', function() {
And the important thing is it is not a window scroll. It's a div scroll
Please help me.
You need to include a directive and operate on it. If $window.pageYOffset is greater than the position of the element you apply a specific class to that element which is positioned fixed.
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('setClassOnTop', function ($window) {
var $win = angular.element($window); // wrap window object as jQuery object
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var title = angular.element(document.getElementById('sticky-title'));
var offsetTop = title[0].offsetTop;
$win.on('scroll', function (e) {
if ($window.pageYOffset > offsetTop) {
} else {
And here is the updated fiddle:

How to make sibling directives communication work( communication between certain specific directive)

Suppose I have two directives( dir1 and dir2) , which are both isolated scope. From some posts, I learnt that I need to use "require" to get scope of the other directive, but there is one question confused me so much:
Suppose I use ng-repeat generated a lot of dir1 and dir2, how do I know in certain dir1, which specific dir2's controller scope is required( cos there are many dir2 and in my understanding, all those scopes in dir2 controller are independent to each other)?
For example:
app.directive("dir1", function(){
var counter = 0;
return {
template: "<button class='dir1_btn'>highlight dir2_"+(couter++)+" </button>",
link:function(scope, EL, attrs){
EL.find("button.dir1_btn").on("click", function(){
// How to let according dir2 know this click?
app.directive("dir2", function(){
var counter = 0;
return {
template: "<span class='dir2_area'>This is dir2_"+(couter++)+" </span>",
link:function(scope, EL, attrs){
// Maybe put something here to listening the event passed from dir1?
And the html like( for simple purpose, I just put 2 of each there, actually it will generated by ng-repeat) :
Consider this just like the switch and light, dir1 is the switch to open(by change background-color) according light (dir2).
In actual project, what I want to do is angularJS directive version
sidemenu and scrollContent, each item in sidemenu is a directive,
click it will make according content(another directive) to auto scroll
to top.
I wonder how to do this? I know this is easy in jQuery, just wondering how to hook this into AngularJS data-driven pattern.
The most important thing to note here is that I think you want to use ng-class Since you are creating both directives in an ng-repeat, I assume you are iterating over a list of objects (even if they are two separate ng-repeats, if you iterate over the same list of objects in both it will work. JQuery should not be necessary)? Attach an ngClass object to each object you iterate over, put it on an ng-class attribute in your dir2, then give dir1 access to change it. ngClass provides animation hooks if you want to animate the transition. The rest of my answer may help, though I would like to redo it now that I thought of ng-class. I have to get back to work for now though. I'll watch for feedback and try to answer quickly if you have questions.
I think there are probably a few ways to better accomplish what you are trying to do. It is not clear why both of your directives need to have isolate scopes. As I use angular more I find that though isolating a scope is a powerful technique, it is best to avoid over using it.
As for the require directive property, this post explains how to make directives communicate via their controllers very well.
I have two possible suggestions for you.
Make it one directive
Why can't you just put the templates into one?
Or if as I assume there is some reason they need to be separate, you could consider just sharing an object between them.
<div ng-repeat='obj in sharedDirObjs'>
<dir1 shared-dir-obj='obj'></dir1>
<dir2 shared-dir-obj='obj'></dir2>
app.controller('ctrl', function() {
$scope.sharedDirObjs = [obj1, obj2, obj3]
app.directive("dir1", function(){
var counter = 0;
return {
scope:{sharedDirObj : '='},
template: "<button class='dir1_btn' ng-click='clickFn()'>highlight dir2_"+(couter++)+" </button>",
link:function(scope, EL, attrs){
var dir1vars...
scope.clickFn = function(){
// dir1 logic...
app.directive("dir2", function(){
var counter = 0;
return {
scope:{sharedDirObj : '='},
template: "<span class='dir2_area'>This is dir2_"+(couter++)+" </span>",
link:function(scope, EL, attrs){
scope.sharedDirObj.dir2 = {};
scope.sharedDirObj.dir2.clickFn(dir1vars...) {
// access to dir2 vars
Similarly, you could create a service that holds an array of objects that are shared by injecting the service and indexed using the $index from the ng-repeat, or you could use an id system as PSL suggests. Note that the solution I describe above could work with isolate scope, or without it using scope.$eval(attr.sharedObj); on either or both of your directives. The answer to this question provides a solid runthrough of when and why to use isolated scope. In any case it would likely be best not to pipe functions through a shared object as I am showing above, and timing issues would need to be dealt with. Better would be to store properties on the object and set a scope.$watch on them in your dir2.
You may have to use some sort of strategy. Some kind of identifier hook up. Clearly you cannot use require(to require the controller of a directive and you don't have any also it can only look up to ancestors or itself not siblings). For example you could add an id attribute and a for attribute and target the element with a selection based on specific attribute value and fire an event. With this position of related element does not matter.
Your directive could look like:
<dir1 dir-for="id1"></dir1>
<dir2 dir-id="id1"></dir2>
<dir1 dir-for="id2"></dir1>
<dir2 dir-id="id2"></dir2>
and simple implementation:
.directive("dir1", function($document) {
var counter = 0;
return {
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
dirFor: '#'
template: "<button class='dir1_btn' ng-click='handleClick()'>highlight dir2_({{dirFor}}) </button>",
link: function(scope, EL, attrs) {
var $target = angular.element(
$document[0].querySelector('[dir-id="' + scope.dirFor + '"]'))
var clicked = false;
scope.handleClick = function() {
clicked = !clicked;
targetScope.$broadcast("SWITCH_CLICKED", clicked);
scope.$on('$destory',function() {
$target = null;
app.directive("dir2", function() {
var counter = 0;
return {
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
dirId: '#'
template: "<span class='dir2_area' ng-class=\"{true:'on', false:'off'}[status]\">This is dir2_{{dirId}}</span>",
link: function(scope, EL, attrs) {
scope.status = false;
scope.$on('SWITCH_CLICKED', function(e, data) {
scope.status = data;
var app = angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl', angular.noop);
app.directive("dir1", function($document) {
var counter = 0;
return {
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
dirFor: '#'
template: "<button class='dir1_btn' ng-click='handleClick()'>highlight dir2_({{dirFor}}) </button>",
link: function(scope, EL, attrs) {
var $target = angular.element($document[0].querySelector('[dir-id="' + scope.dirFor + '"]')).contents();
var clicked = false;
scope.handleClick = function() {
clicked = !clicked;
$target.scope().$broadcast("SWITCH_CLICKED", clicked);
scope.$on('$destroy',function() {
$target = null;
app.directive("dir2", function() {
var counter = 0;
return {
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
dirId: '#'
template: "<span class='dir2_area' ng-class=\"{true:'on', false:'off'}[status]\">This is dir2_{{dirId}}</span>",
link: function(scope, EL, attrs) {
scope.status = false;
scope.$on('SWITCH_CLICKED', function(e, data) {
scope.status = data;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<dir1 dir-for="id1"></dir1>
<dir2 dir-id="id1"></dir2>
<dir1 dir-for="id2"></dir1>
<dir2 dir-id="id2"></dir2>
I have used $document[0].querySelector('[dir-id="' + scope.dirFor + '"]')).contents().scope() to get hold of the scope, similarly you could do .controller to get hold of the controller instance as well. Current example is doing an absolute selection(with document), you could as well make it relative.

Angular navigate to a specific tab on a page

I would like to navigate to a page of my single page application using a link like /#/invoices/1?tab=2. This page contains tabs, so I would also like to send the user directly to the tab I wish through the url.
Could you provide some pointers on how to implement this in the cleanest way?
Use $anchorScroll method, passing a class name on it you can go directly to that element.
Just an update to above answer.
Few examples with custom directives
angular.module('MyApp').directive('scrollToBookmark', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var value = attrs.scrollToBookmark; {
scope.$apply(function() {
var selector = "[scroll-bookmark='"+ value +"']";
var element = $(selector);
if(element.length) {
window.scrollTo(0, element[0].offsetTop – 100);
// Don’t want the top to be the exact element, -100 will go to the top for a little bit more

How to stop angular from scrolling to the top

I have an angular-powered table on my page, with sorting. When I click a column to change the sorting, it makes a $http request for the new data and reapplies it. All works well, but it annoyingly scrolls the page to the top.
My sort links are rendered by a directive: <a ng-click='sort()' href='#' ng-transclude></a>
My sort handler is defined in the directive too:
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
scope.sort = function () {
// Want to check the pagerInfo of the controller
scope.$parent.onsort(scope.sortby, sortDir);
return false;
This just calls through to a function on the contoller to refetch the data.
I've tried:
Returning false from the sort function
Adding this to my module to disable angular's scrolling: var ngGrid = angular.module("ngGrid", []).value('$anchorScroll', angular.noop);
Setting a min-height in css on the table in case that was causing it
Using ng-href instead of href in the anchor link.
Found it.
In my sort function, instead of returning false, I needed to event.preventDefault();
Full function:
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
scope.sort = function () {
// Want to check the pagerInfo of the controller
var sortDir = "desc";
if (scope.$parent.pagerInfo.sortby == scope.sortby) {
sortDir = scope.$parent.pagerInfo.sortdir == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc";
scope.$parent.onsort(scope.sortby, sortDir);
