User Profile: Birthday VS Anniversary - database

I am creating a contact list and as usual I like to see how others do it. I went to see full-contact and they have 2 fields on the users profile, one for birthday and another for anniversary.
I thought that they where the same, but apparently they are not.
Does anyone knows the difference between he two?
If you know why, then why is that full-contact is using both?
Which one should I use?

Usually the "Birthday Represent the date of birth while the "Anniversary" represents the day of marriage.


CakePHP4 - idea for database across multiple tables

I'm creating a body-wax comparison website for my own project with cakephp4 and I'm stuck with a problem right now and I dunno what to do.
There are multiple body-waxing companies, each company has many options for waxing like legs, arms,
beard etc. And each company has different price range for each waxing part.
CompanyA->arms = $60
CompanyA->legs = $30
CompanyB->arms = $50
I already connected to the Companies-table and Parts-table like the image below. Additionally, I came up with the idea of Prices-table too but I'm not sure if it's doable or I need to come up with something else.
Hopefully, I want to edit the price in the companies edit/add pages.
Any help I would appreciate.

Can a relationship type attribute be a derived attribute?

Is it possible to have this? Assuming there are many attributes in the relations A and B
First we must remember that a derived attribute is a changing attribute that can be achieved by another, such as your age (current date - date of birth)
Yes, imagine this situation, you have the relationship of many to many students - course
We can say that a student will take a course that will start on January 3rd and last 8 weeks of effective classes, we can't put directly the attribute "end date" because this date could change (for example because of a strike, a pandemic) but we can put the start date and make the calculation.

MS Access 2010 database

I am not sure if this the proper forum for my kind of question but since you all guys are programmers perhaps you know a bit of everything. :)
So what I want to do is to create in MS Access a simple contact database (for my clients). BUT I want for each of my contacts (AKA records) to be able to add info assigned to dates (something like subform-record I guess) one info (note) assigned to one date for each record/client
Record 1: Bill Smith.
Date 17/02/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Date 18/05/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Record 2: Spencer Williams.
Date 17/02/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Date 18/05/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Date 19/05/2012 note: "I got 30$"
and so on...
notice that different records will give me info in the same dates sometimes.
In conclusion I wanna make a contact database for my clients but since I am having regular dates with them I want to take notes for each client : "what date" , "how much he gave me".
in case you are new comer in ms access world, I recommended to look at ready to use template. That can be downloaded from Microsoft site. For example : microsoft templates
in this et of template there is contact database

Get the region name in maxmind database

I have downloaded a database cities
`Country` `City` `AccentCity` `Region` `Population` `Latitude` `Longitude`
af amir kalay Amir Kalay 16 0 34.6333 70.3333
ad aixas Aixas 06 0 42.4833 1.4667
and lot more records
I have downloaded another database called fips_10_4 to show the state of the city
AD,04,"La Massana"
AD,06,"Sant Julia de Loria"
AD,07,"Andorra la Vella"
AE,01,"Abu Dhabi"
Now if you are thinking that Iam asking for some sql query then you are wrong.
Everything was working fine but then I came to know that the file i downloaded from
Maxmind website is incomplete as 'fips_10_4' has no record for country 'af' and region '16' .May anybody help me to deal this problem and tell me the correct place to download this complete file
FIPS 10-4 has changed. The list of changes can be found here.
In particular, AF16 (Laghman) has changed to AF35. MaxMind uses the new list.
If you need both the old and the new codes, you can find them here. You can parse the contents of the file, and replace your database table with the information found there.
AF is the two digit ISO code (IS0-3166-2) for Afghanistan, which ISO are currently trying to sell for the frankly astonishing sum of CHF 244 (Swiss Francs).
As Teleo says FIPS 10-4 has changed as detailed on the ITL website and the link Teleo has given provides the data in a more usable format. MaxMind also provides it in a better format.
I would be extremely wary about using this. Both MaxMind & Teleo's link are being provided, for free, by an external company/person that has no particular interest in keeping their data up-to-date. I notice, for instance, that the following countries are missing:
South Sudan
Sint Martaan (Dutch Part)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
The last three were part of the Netherlands Antilles, which was dissolved on 10th October 2010. Incidentally, the Netherlands Antilles, which hasn't existed for a year and a half, is still on this file.
The reason for all of this? FIPS 10-4 was withdrawn almost a decade ago on 8th September 2002. To quote the ITS website (my emphasis):
“For a replacement to FIPS 10-4, INCITS L1 is coordinating with other
standards developers and interested parties to determine whether
processing a draft proposed American National Standard or adopting an
ISO standard would be the better way forward. For more information on
the status of this activity, contact Rick Pearsall
A quick Google brings the news the INCITS L1 is next meeting on the 12th June 2012. I wouldn't hold your breath.
Another reason not to use FIPS is that it is unlikely to be used much outside of the USA (obviously some people will still use it). While this may not matter immediately I would future proof your systems as a matter of course.
I would highly recommend using the ISO 3166 standard. It is a globally recognised way of categorising country data.
The CommonDataHub maintains a great version, which includes country and state in the same manner as FIPS 10-4. They also have other ISO states databases, which are more normalised and worth investigating.
It also maintains a list of all cities with a population greater than 5,000.
ISO maintain a copy on their website of the 3166-2 standard, which will take a bit of coding to ensure it's you're always updated at least you'll be sure it's correct. Wikipedia is also surprisingly good at keeping up-to-date. It beat CommonDataHub by a month when South Sudan was created, due to problems telling people that the data existed.
There are other places out there where this data exists, this just details what I use.
If you want to avoid databases all-together then the Yahoo! PlaceFinder API is a good place to start. It has some documented problems keeping up-to-date but at least there's a place where you can tell them they've got it wrong.
Don't use FIPS, it was withdrawn a decade ago. Use the globally recognised ISO standard instead.
I am not sure what is your true goal, but here is a great resource of countries and cities and all...

How many address fields would you use for a UK database?

Address records are probably used in most database, but I've seen a number of slightly different sets of fields used to store them. The number of fields seems to vary from 3-7, and sometimes all fields are simple labelled address1..addressN, other times given specific meaning (town, city, etc).
This is UK specific, though I'm open to comments about the rest of the world too. Here you need the first line of the address (actually just the number) and the post code to identify the address - everything else is mostly an added bonus.
I'm currently favouring:
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Post Code
We could add Country if we ever needed it (unlikely).
What do you think? Is this too little, too much?
The Post Office suggests ( 7 lines:
Addressees Name
Building Name
Number of building and name of thoroughfare
Locality Name
Post Town
Post Code
They then say you do not need to include a County name provided the Post Town and Postcode are used.
The BSI have BS 7666 - that covers all addressing. I recommend you look there.
The 2000 version recommends
An address shall be based upon a logical data model comprising the following entities:
addressable object, with sub-types:
primary addressable object;
secondary addressable object;
administrative area, a.k.a. district;
I don't know whether this is minimal (I doubt it) but the heading on my cheque book says something pretty close to:
Lloyds TSB
Isle of Man Offshore Centre
Peveril Buildings
Peveril Square
Isle of Man
IM99 0XX
United Kingdom
This causes fits when I try to enter it into the US banking system.
If I were you, I'd call Royal Mail and ask them... or look on their website for postcode lookup as a best practice.
There's different types of addresses, and each different type has a slightly different structure. Forward sorting offices have a different postal address structure than a residential home with a street number. What if the house has a name instead of a number? There are so many factors to consider.
Since I moved to Canada I had to do something similar and it's far more complicated than a straightforward residential address which generally has:
Street Number if applicable
Street Number Suffix if applicable
House Name
Street Name
Street Type
Street Direction if applicable
Unit Number for flats, townhouses or other types of building/location
Minor Municipality (Village)
Major Municipality (Major Town/City)
Country if you include Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland (and now I noticed Eire)
Then you get businesses that have their own Delivery Route, PO Boxes, Forward Sortation Offices...
It gets complicated in a real hurry.
Best bet - give Royal Mail a call and they should be able to give you information on their standard address templates.
EDIT: Your 3 field method isn't a bad one...particularly. However, data sanitization may be a significant issue using the field setup you have and you may need a fairly complex strategy for making sure that the address entered is valid. It's far easier to sanitize single dedicated fields to make sure input is correct than it is to parse various address tokens out of combined fields.
Another simpler way to gain this info is to go on the Royal Mail website and check their postcode lookup page.
On their main postcode lookup, they use 4 fields and I guess they have some form of validation on the street name/type field. They separate the house number and name and I guess they only allow major municipality. I'm assuming the county/country are assumed. If you break out their advanced search, they give you two extra fields for flat number and business name.
Given that some fields are combined on their site, you have to assume that there's some amount of validation to make sure that data entered can be gainfully used.
Premises elements
Sub Building Name
Building Name
Building Number
Organisation Name
Department Name
PO Box Number
Thoroughfare elements
Dependent Thoroughfare Name
Dependent Thoroughfare Descriptor
Thoroughfare Name
Thoroughfare Descriptor
Locality elements
Double Dependent Locality
Dependent Locality
Post Town
Postcode element
This answer may be a few years late, but it's aimed at those like myself looking for guidance on how to correctly format postal addresses for both storing in a database (or the likes of it) and for printing purposes.
Taken from Royal Mail Doc, link below - conveniently titled the 'Programmers Guide'
Technical specififcation for users of PAF
Page 27 - 42 was most helpful for me.
It's very likely that a "UK" will be opened to Eire as well, and in some lines of business there will be legal differences, generally between Scotland / NI / the channel islands and England and Wales.
In short, I would add country to the list. Otherwise it's fine (no fewer certainly), though of course any address is traceable from a building reference, a post code and a country alone.
Where we live in France its just 3 lines:-
village/location name
6 digit postcode followed by post town name in uppercase
Even from UK that's all that is required
