Database table prefixes - cakephp

I don't know if I skipped something in the doc but I don't see the 'tableprefix' statement anymore in the database configuration nor in Models and when I search for tableprefix, I only see it in 2.x documentation.
Is it still possible to use tableprefix and how?

It's not possible, as per 3.0. And 3.1 doesn't seem to me that is working on that. So, in the meantime, I think the simplest solution is doing the following:
class Post extends AppModel {
public $useTable = 'wp_posts';


Override Cakephp 3 core class

I'd like to override a function that exists in the CakePHP 3 core (to be more specific Cake\Database\ValueBinder).
How can I achieve this? I tried copying the class to src/Database/ and changed the namespace from Cake to App. I use'd the class in AppController, but had no luck.
Thanks in advance
ndm helped me a lot with this (see comments to my question), but since he didn't post an answer I am doing this now.
It's possible to use an own ValueBinder by setting it on my query: $this->Table->find()->valueBinder(myOwnValueBinder).
To make that the default ValueBinder in my own code (sufficient in most cases) one can use e.g. an AppTable as known from CakePHP 2 that extends to Table and make all other *Table classes extend AppTable. Now one only needs to create the following method:
public function query() {
return parent::query()->valueBinder(myOwnValueBinder);
In case it's needed that all code uses teh custom ValueBinder, an extended datasource Connection class has to be created (and used). In this class Connection::newQuery() has to be overriden.

Replacement for AppModel in Cakephp3

I would like to implement an autoslug-function for two models in CakePHP3 and use the beforeSave-callback for that which works fine. However the slug structure is a bit different than in Inflector::slug, so I wrote a small function for the different structure which finally leads to my question
In Cake2 I would have placed this helper function in AppModel which is not existing anymore. What's the best way to do that now? A behaviour (which seems a bit biggish for 2 lines of code) or class AppTable extends Table or ..?
Make it a behavior and use it where needed instead of putting it in a super model class. If you put that into a plugin and repository you can simply add your plugin as package via composer for every app that needs this plugin.

cakephp - how to define cake php helpes correctly

I have an ItemsController which extends AppController.
To handle my site menu, I used a menuhelper.
However, I saw in the documentation that you have to add your helpers in an array in your controller (AppController):
public $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'Menu');
The weird thing is that I forgot it and my menu worked anyway.
Also, you always have to add Form and Html extra to the array because otherwise they don't work anymore.
However, when I do something like this in my AppController, my form helpers still work:
public $helpers = array('Menu');
So it seems that whatever I do, it still works, but I don't get why and I don't like automatic "magic" :)
Is there something I am missing in the docs?
Since 2.x you don't "need" to specify app or core helpers.
Those are lazyloaded automatically.
You only need to specify plugin helpers manually.
That said I personally still always describe what helpers I use, just to be consistent with the plugin ones.

CakePHP custom function (but not global)

I have a module that handles translations.
It is not bound to any database, the file is purely and simply something like this:
I need to make Ajax calls in order to edit that file. That file will be imported each time a page is accessed in order to deliver any text content that I need (it may not be the best thing of the world but it does the job, and it's supposed to be really fast since there's no "XML parsing" kind of thing, it is simply stored in a standard .php file).
To handle these ajax calls that will have actions like Add/Edit operations, I have made a TranslationController that is Model-less:
class TranslationsController extends AppController {
public $uses = array(); // Model-less
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
public $helpers = array('Session');
protected $translationFilePath;
public function setItem() {
public function backupFile() {
My problem is simple: where do I put custom functions that are used to open/write/find in files?
For example I have a function that extracts a key from the line that is being read.
I've seen some posts where we are advised to place the data inside the model but in my case I have no model AND it's these functions are not linked to the data. So it shouldn't be in the model, right? I do not want it to be global.
Thank you for your help.
Why are you not using the built in translation stuff that comes with CakePHP and is based on the more or less standard gettext tools?
What you're doing is just re-inventing the wheel and probably coming up with a non tested customized translation implementation that is obviously lacking feature that CakePHP alreay offers you. For example how do you handle plurals?
CakePHP offers you __(), __d(), __n(), __dn() for translations and the translation files are stored in APP/Locale/ as plain text files and are edited with poedit.
See and
Sounds like a use case for a custom datasource:
Personally, I would just create a normal PHP class in the app/Lib folder of your application.

CakePHP: I can't understand this in translate behavior

in cakebook on page there is a sentence what I am not able interpret:
When defining fields for TranslateBehavior to translate, be sure to omit those fields from the translated model's schema. If you leave the fields in, there can be issues when retrieving data with fallback locales.
Can somebody explain me in a more simple way than it is in originally?
I think I have language problem as english is not my native :P
It means that in the following case:
class Article extends AppModel
var $actsAs = array('Translate' => array('title'));
You should not have the field Article.title (i.e. articles.title) in your database, otherwise you'll have trouble at some point.
Basically, when you design your table you plan to translate, omit those fields you want to translate.
Hope that helps!
I've never used that behaviour and I have to say that I would be looking elsewhere for an explanation of how to use it as I too (and I'm English) am having trouble understanding it.
My guess is that you need to ensure that there are no fields in the i18n table with the same name as a field that you are translating, i.e. if you are translating you must be careful not to have
I don't use the console and there is no explanation of the required name or structure of the i18n table, so my comment is guesswork but I hope that it is in someway helpful.
