SQL Server BCP export corrupted file? - sql-server

i have a small problem with BCP functionality in SQL Server 2012.
The things is:
im loading .jpg image (167KB in size) using below command:
INSERT [tabela_testowa] ( Data )
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK N'C:\foty\ch6_MagicShop.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) a;
and then im trying to export it back to disk using:
BCP "SELECT data FROM tabela_testowa WHERE ID = 1" queryout "C:\test\file.jpg" -T -n -d test
File gets saved on disk no problem, size is also 167 KB but.. it cant be opened like the original copy.
I dont know whatever some parameter is wrong in BCP export? Or maybe it gets corrupted at import stage?
Anyone had similiar problems?

Thank god, thanks to #user_0 answer and #user3494351's cryptic answer and comment and this ancient forum post I finally figured this out after several hours of banging my head against the wall.
The issue is that BCP likes to add an extra 8 bytes to the file by default. This corrupts the file and makes it unable to be opened if you just use the native -n flag.
However, BCP allows you to specify a format file as output that can allow you to tell it not to add the extra 8 bytes. So I have a table I created (to be used in a cursor) in SQL Server that only has ONE ROW and ONE COLUMN with my binary data. Table must exist when you run the first command.
In command line first you need to do this:
bcp MyDatabase.MySchema.MyTempTable format nul -T -n -f formatfile.fmt
This creates formatfile.fmt in the directory you are in. I did on E:\ drive. Here's what it looks like:
1 SQLBINARY 8 0 "" 1 MyColumn ""
That 8 right there is the variable that bcp says how many bytes to add to your file. It is the bastard that is corrupting your files. Change that sucker to a 0:
1 SQLBINARY 0 0 "" 1 MyColumn ""
Now just run your BCP script, drop the -n flag and include the -f flag:
bcp "SELECT MyColumn FROM MyDatabase.MySchema.MyTempTable" queryout "E:\MyOutputpath" -T -f E:\formatfile.fmt

BCP is adding informations to his file. Just few data, but you are not exporting just a jpg file.
You say 167 KB, but watch the real bytes, not the rounded dimension. There will be a difference.
You cannot export the image via BCP.

OK so i solved the issue.
Format file has to be added using -f and path to the file. It can be create by running bcp without any format and order it to save format file to disk. Then we can use this format file so its no longer needed to answer those questions, and file itself has no additional data and can be opened without problems


SQL Server OPENROWSET error reading bcp file

I'm trying to transfer table data from one SQL Server to another and wanting to use the bcp utility for it. This is purely to transfer data between two identical schemas, but I'm not able to use something like SSDT; I need something that can be scriptable and portable so it can be run by others with just SQL server and SSMS access.
I am generating a native output file and format file like so:
$> bcp database.TableName OUT c:\data\bcp\TableName.bcp -T -N -S SQLINSTANCE
$> bcp database.TableName format nul -f c:\data\bcp\TableName.fmt -T -N
Then in Management Studio I am trying to in turn read the files like this:
OPENROWSET (BULK 'c:\data\bcp\TableName.bcp',
FORMATFILE = 'c:\data\bcp\TableName.fmt') AS t1
But am getting this error:
The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 6, column 19. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.
I have followed this process before successfully, and it works for other tables. But I'm running into issue with this table. The column mentioned is of datatype nvarchar(max). I can inspect what I think is the "problem" record in the source data and it's just a very long string but I don't see anything else special about it.
Is there something else I should be doing when generating the format file or what else am I missing?
If you are only exporting for the purpose of importing to another SQL Server, native format is the way to go. And is this case you don't need to use format files. Just do a native export and import.
Note you are specifying a capital -N and that's not native. Native is lower -n.
You should export using something like:
bcp database.Schema.TableName OUT c:\data\bcp\TableName.bcp -T -n -S SQLINSTANCE
Then on the importing side I sugest using BULK IMPORT, which don't need a format file for native at all:
BULK INSERT TargetDB.dbo.TargetTable
FROM 'c:\data\bcp\TableName.bcp'
If you can't use BULK INSERT and must absolutely go for OPENROWSET, you need a format file. bcp can generate that for you, but again, lower case -n:
bcp database.Schema.TableName format nul -f c:\data\bcp\TableName.fmt -T -n -S SQLINSTANCE
Now your OPENROWSET should work.

BCP export working for PDF but not for JPG [duplicate]

i have a small problem with BCP functionality in SQL Server 2012.
The things is:
im loading .jpg image (167KB in size) using below command:
INSERT [tabela_testowa] ( Data )
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK N'C:\foty\ch6_MagicShop.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) a;
and then im trying to export it back to disk using:
BCP "SELECT data FROM tabela_testowa WHERE ID = 1" queryout "C:\test\file.jpg" -T -n -d test
File gets saved on disk no problem, size is also 167 KB but.. it cant be opened like the original copy.
I dont know whatever some parameter is wrong in BCP export? Or maybe it gets corrupted at import stage?
Anyone had similiar problems?
Thank god, thanks to #user_0 answer and #user3494351's cryptic answer and comment and this ancient forum post I finally figured this out after several hours of banging my head against the wall.
The issue is that BCP likes to add an extra 8 bytes to the file by default. This corrupts the file and makes it unable to be opened if you just use the native -n flag.
However, BCP allows you to specify a format file as output that can allow you to tell it not to add the extra 8 bytes. So I have a table I created (to be used in a cursor) in SQL Server that only has ONE ROW and ONE COLUMN with my binary data. Table must exist when you run the first command.
In command line first you need to do this:
bcp MyDatabase.MySchema.MyTempTable format nul -T -n -f formatfile.fmt
This creates formatfile.fmt in the directory you are in. I did on E:\ drive. Here's what it looks like:
1 SQLBINARY 8 0 "" 1 MyColumn ""
That 8 right there is the variable that bcp says how many bytes to add to your file. It is the bastard that is corrupting your files. Change that sucker to a 0:
1 SQLBINARY 0 0 "" 1 MyColumn ""
Now just run your BCP script, drop the -n flag and include the -f flag:
bcp "SELECT MyColumn FROM MyDatabase.MySchema.MyTempTable" queryout "E:\MyOutputpath" -T -f E:\formatfile.fmt
BCP is adding informations to his file. Just few data, but you are not exporting just a jpg file.
You say 167 KB, but watch the real bytes, not the rounded dimension. There will be a difference.
You cannot export the image via BCP.
OK so i solved the issue.
Format file has to be added using -f and path to the file. It can be create by running bcp without any format and order it to save format file to disk. Then we can use this format file so its no longer needed to answer those questions, and file itself has no additional data and can be opened without problems

"Format File Could Not Be Opened" Error After BCP Export [duplicate]

i have a small problem with BCP functionality in SQL Server 2012.
The things is:
im loading .jpg image (167KB in size) using below command:
INSERT [tabela_testowa] ( Data )
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK N'C:\foty\ch6_MagicShop.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) a;
and then im trying to export it back to disk using:
BCP "SELECT data FROM tabela_testowa WHERE ID = 1" queryout "C:\test\file.jpg" -T -n -d test
File gets saved on disk no problem, size is also 167 KB but.. it cant be opened like the original copy.
I dont know whatever some parameter is wrong in BCP export? Or maybe it gets corrupted at import stage?
Anyone had similiar problems?
Thank god, thanks to #user_0 answer and #user3494351's cryptic answer and comment and this ancient forum post I finally figured this out after several hours of banging my head against the wall.
The issue is that BCP likes to add an extra 8 bytes to the file by default. This corrupts the file and makes it unable to be opened if you just use the native -n flag.
However, BCP allows you to specify a format file as output that can allow you to tell it not to add the extra 8 bytes. So I have a table I created (to be used in a cursor) in SQL Server that only has ONE ROW and ONE COLUMN with my binary data. Table must exist when you run the first command.
In command line first you need to do this:
bcp MyDatabase.MySchema.MyTempTable format nul -T -n -f formatfile.fmt
This creates formatfile.fmt in the directory you are in. I did on E:\ drive. Here's what it looks like:
1 SQLBINARY 8 0 "" 1 MyColumn ""
That 8 right there is the variable that bcp says how many bytes to add to your file. It is the bastard that is corrupting your files. Change that sucker to a 0:
1 SQLBINARY 0 0 "" 1 MyColumn ""
Now just run your BCP script, drop the -n flag and include the -f flag:
bcp "SELECT MyColumn FROM MyDatabase.MySchema.MyTempTable" queryout "E:\MyOutputpath" -T -f E:\formatfile.fmt
BCP is adding informations to his file. Just few data, but you are not exporting just a jpg file.
You say 167 KB, but watch the real bytes, not the rounded dimension. There will be a difference.
You cannot export the image via BCP.
OK so i solved the issue.
Format file has to be added using -f and path to the file. It can be create by running bcp without any format and order it to save format file to disk. Then we can use this format file so its no longer needed to answer those questions, and file itself has no additional data and can be opened without problems

SQL Server 2014 : Not able to import any data into LocalDB using bcp and format file (zero rows, no errors)

I'm trying to use a non-XML bcp format file to import data into LocalDB on Win7 64 bit. Simplest possible use case.
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
OS Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
LocalDB version: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (12.0.2000.8)
BCP version: 12.0.2000.8
Basically, latest version of everything downloaded from Microsoft SQL Server 2014 site a few days ago.
I'm able to connect to the LocalDB instance via bcp to create a format file, but the generated format file doesn't work when trying to re-import the simplest possible data using it. No matter what I try, bcp loads zero rows, fails silently and prints no error information to the specified error file.
/* create the table */
use try_db;
create table try(num integer);
/* create the format file based on the table. */
bcp try_db.dbo.TRY format nul -n -T -f TRY.fmt -S (localdb)\default_db
/* above command creates a file TRY.fmt with the following contents */
1 SQLINT 1 4 "" 1 num ""
/* then I create a file data.txt, with just the number 99 in it, followed by a Windows line terminator (\r\n) */
/* then try importing the file into the table */
bcp try_db.dbo.TRY in data.txt -f TRY.fmt -T -S (localdb)\default_db -e errors.txt
Starting copy...
0 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1
Nothing is written to errors.txt. I am just not able to get bcp to import anything at all using a format file!
I haven't tried it with SQL Server itself (only with LocalDB) but it shouldn't matter for stuff as simple as this.
I tried editing the TRY.fmt file line as follows:
1 SQLINT 1 4 "\r\n" 1 num ""
But that didn't help either.
I am able to get it to successfully import using -c instead of -f:
bcp try_db.dbo.TRY in data.txt -c -T -S (localdb)\default_db -e errors.txt
Any thoughts on (a) why bcp won't import using the format file, and (b) why it prints no errors to the specified error file? There must be something really simple I'm getting wrong here.
Please, no recommendations to use BULK INSERT or SSIS (etc) instead. bcp should just work as documented!
The format file is describing the source data not the destination. When you use -c or datafiletype='char' your input datatypes must be SQLCHAR. Native datatypes are only valid when using -n or datafiletype='native'. A source file in native format is always binary so bcp needs to know the data type of each field in order to read the correct amount of bytes and interpret them correctly.
I think I found the answer. The bcp format spec doesn't work properly! It seems that even for numeric or datetime import fields, you have to specify "SQLCHAR" as the datatype in the .fmt file. Any attempt to use the actual .fmt file generated by "bcp format" is hopeless -- if it gives you SQLINT or SQLDATE lines back, you have to replace those with SQLCHAR for the thing to work, even if the db columns are in fact numeric or date/datetime types.
What a crock!

Sybase bcp error

What i want to do is copy a table into a file, truncate the table and copy the data back into the table.
For this, i am using the following two commands:
Out: bcp TABLE out file.csv -S SERVER -U user -P password -r '\n' -t '^|' -c
In: bcp TABLE in file.csv -S SERVER -U user-P password-r '\n' -t '^|' -c -J iso_1 -b 5000
This is the error i get:
CSLIB Message: - L0/O0/S0/N36/1/0:
cs_convert: cslib user api layer: common library error: The result is truncated because the conversion/operation resulted in overflow.
The interesting part ( for me, at least ) is that i get the error only for rows with the first column being an ODD number. From the first 3 million rows, it cuts half of them, all having the first column ( the PK ) an odd number.
I tried with different options, but none seem to work: no problem with the charset as far as i can tell, there are no huge columns such that they are truncated and it is not the carriage return missing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: After creating a format-file there are no more errors, but it only copies half of the data back into the table.
UPDATE: I managed to create a format file which works and loads all data, but i cannot use it on another server (it works in testing environment, it needs to run in production environment), since it says Attempt to read an unknown version of bcp format-file.? I know what this means, but is there any way of finding the correct values of the version?
SOLVED: After digging back in the database, it seems that the problem was indeed data inconsistency due to the fact that the VIEW used in production to copy the table only copied 25 columns, but the table has 26 columns ( somebody altered the table and i didn't know and hadn't noticed that it happened ). Fixed the View and now it works.
Since you are going out of/into the same server, I recommend you use bcp with the native flag.
bcp DBNAME..TABLE out file.bcp -SSERVER -Uuser -Ppassword -n
bcp DBNAME..TABLE in file.bcp -SSERVER -Uuser -Ppassword -n -b5000
Character mode can get wierd, and I only use it when it is required.
