Form with setLayout and displayFieldError not working, workaround? - atk4

i have a code like this:
$f = $this->add('Form', null, null, array('form/stacked'));
$f_fbid = $f->addField('Line','app_id','')->validateNotNull();
return $f_fbid->displayFieldError('Error text');
But i get no error text, neither on validateNotNull. It is working without setting layout. Is this a bug or it just the way it is, what would be the best workouround?


How do I get the text from the li tag

How do I get the text from the li tag? I want to find the text "Password is required." only, not the text inside strong tag.
<li><strong>Error:</strong> Password is required.</li>
You need to show your code for somebody to give a complete answer. I guess that you already know how to do something like the following
WebElement something = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(?))
string s = something.Text;
The next bit seems to be where you are stuck. There you need to parse the string s. That is nothing to do with Selenium-Webdriver. You could do something like
string[] s2 = s.split(new string[] {">","<"});
were the last element in s2 would be your answer here. This would be totally non generic though. Is this a situation in which you always want to purge html?
Here is the method developed in python.
def get_text_exclude_children(element):
return driver.execute_script(
var parent = arguments[0];
var child = parent.firstChild;
var textValue = "";
while(child) {
if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
textValue += child.textContent;
child = child.nextSibling;
return textValue;""",
How to use in this:
liElement = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//li")
liOnlyText = get_text_exclude_children(liElement)
Please use your possible strategy to get the element, this method need an element from which you need the text (without children text).

how to delete property using CQ.Extjs

I want to delete a property of a node, so I have written something like this -
var params={};
var propKey="somekey"+"#Delete";
params[propKey] = "some value";
params["_charset_"] ="utf-8";
above code is not deleting from the node. Kindly advice!
some value should actually be null, otherwise the property has a value and won't be deleted. The type hint only works for the empty values, like null.
var params={};
params["somekey"+"#Delete"] = null;
params["_charset_"] ="utf-8";
$"/path/to/my/node", params, null);

initialized without binding with angular

I need to initialized without binding.
I've tried the following. But I did not succeed
$scope.emptyRow = $scope.newsCategories[1];
$scope.newsCategories[1].Name = "yes";
$scope.emptyRow.Name = "test";
alert($scope.emptyRow.Name); // alert => test
alert($scope.newsCategories[1].Name);// alert => test
I need this :
$scope.emptyRow = $scope.newsCategories[1];
$scope.newsCategories[1].Name = "yes";
$scope.emptyRow.Name = "test";
alert($scope.emptyRow.Name); // alert => test
alert($scope.newsCategories[1].Name);// alert => yes
How to do this?
This has nothing to do with binding, but rather basic javascript.
The line: $scope.emptyRow = $scope.newsCategories[1];
is explicitly saying that you want $scope.emptyRow and $scope.newsCategories[1] to be pointing to the exact same object. Hence, when you change a child value of either (like Name), it will effect the other.
It looks like you want to be able to copy the object in question. For that you can use angular.copy(). An example use in your case would be:
$scope.emptyRow = angular.copy($scope.newsCategories[1]);
Read here for more info.

Use twitchAPI with cake

since a few hours i'm trying to implement the twitchAPI in my cake projet. a long time ago i made this little script in basic php.
$channelName = "gamespot";
$json_file = #file_get_contents("{$channelName}", 0, null, null);
$json_array = json_decode($json_file, true);
#$json_array[0] && $json_array[0]['name'] == "live_user_{$channelName}";
#$title = $json_array[0]['channel']['status'];
#$game = $json_array[0]['meta_game'];
#$chanel_view = $json_array[0]['channel_count'];
#$totalchanelview = $json_array[0]['channel_view_count'];
but i don't know how to add this lines on my controller
For know i've just find this
public function twitch() {
$json = file_get_contents('');
$twitch = json_decode($json);
$totalchanelview = $twitch[0]['channel_view_count'];
$this->set('twitch', 'totalchanelview');
but of course i've this error
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /Users/*/Desktop/Websites/**/app/Controller/UsersController.php on line 29
anyone can explain to me how i can use this API?
thanks in advance and have a nice day/night :)
okey first thanks to help me. i still have a little "logic problem"
my function is something like that:
public function twitch() {
$json = file_get_contents('');
$twitch = json_decode($json, true);
$this->set('json', $twitch);
but know, what can I write to my view to see my informations (like the title of my stream for exemple.
I test with
echo $twitch[0]['title']; (it's my line 1)
bit i've this error
Notice (8): Undefined variable: twitch [APP/View/Users/admin_dashboard.ctp, line 1]
$twitch = json_decode($json, true); // add true param
adding true returns the data as an associated array instead

reading and updating record and doing addition

I have a field called force. Its by default a null field. I want to add 1 everytime I run an if block. here is my code sample
$array = array();
$array[] = $this->Model->read(null, 1);
$this->Model->updateAll(array('Model.complete' => 1, 'Model.force' => $array['force']),array('Model.completed IS NULL'));
I am getting an error of undefined variable $array. Not sure why.
it seems you are very new to Cake (and maybe even PHP)
$array = $this->Model->read('force',1);
if($array['Model']['force']===NULL)$array['Model']['force'] = 0;
It you can, change the default value of 'force' to 0 in the DB, so you don't have to check for that here.
You should initialize $array['force'] to 0 before incrementing it.
