Access process memory directly - c

simple question:
Is it possible, and how is it possible, to acess the Virtual Memory of my program directly?
To be specific,
instead of typing
int someValue = 5;
can I do something like this:
VirtualMemory[0x0] = (int)5;
I'm just asking because I want the values to be stored next to each other to get a nice and small memory map.
When I look into assembler basics, the processor stores values directly after each other and I was wondering how to do so in c.
Thanks for all of your replies.

Not exactly, because in the source code you don't know which memory address your program is going to be "loaded into". So all memory addresses in the program are encoded in an "offset from the start of program" type manner.
Part of the "process loader"'s responsibility in copying the program into memory is to add the "base offset pointer" to all the other offesets, so all the "names" describing memory addresses refer to actual memory addresses instead of "offsets from the beginning of the program".
That's generally a good thing, as if they were encoded directly, two programs that needed the same set of addresses couldn't be run at the same time without corrupting each other's shared memory. In addition, loading a program into a different starting address would not be possible, as walking outside of the memory of your program (nearly guaranteed if you relocate the program without rewriting the memory address references) is going to raise a segfault in the operating system's memory management monitors.
Also you need a name to start at, and this means that the offsets are bound to the variable names. Generally it is much easier to do fishing around in the heap based off of an alloc'd item than it is to truly find the start of the program loaded in memory (because the C programming language doesn't really capture that address into a in-language variable name, and the layout is somewhat system dependent).


Address of environment variable changes on program call [duplicate]

int i=10;
printf("Address of i = %u",&i);
Address if i = 3220204848
Output on re-execution:
Address of i = 3216532594
I get a new address of i each time I execute the program. What does this signify?
It signifies that your program is being loaded a different (virtual) address each time you run it. This is a feature called Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and is a feature of most modern operating systems.
That's how operating systems work. When you declare a variable, you're asking the underlying systems to allocate a memory block (address) to store that data (or a pointer to another block if you're dealing with pointers, but here you've got a primitive, so it's just data being stored). The program doesn't care where the memory is, just that it exists, because it knows how to keep track of whatever it's given.
As the programmer, this really isn't that big of a deal unless you're doing some incredibly low-level work. The hardest part of this to really grasp, for most people, is that when you work with pointers, you can't equate things the same way you can primitives, because pointers consider their values (when using == as an equator) to be their memory addresses.
Disable ASLR using:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
You will always see the same address.
At the time of c program execution another processes are running.While executing a code again you will allocate new address previously allocated address will be allocate for another process.

By printing "garbage values" in uninitialized data segment (bss) can we map out all values from previous program

I have a weird question, and i am not sure if i will be able to explain it but here we go. While learning C and using it you usually come across the term "trash" or "garbage" value, my first question to that is, is data left over data in that memory address from some different program or of anything or is it actually some 'random' value , if i take that it is true that is leftover value in that memory address why are we still able to read from such memory address, i mean lets assume we just declare int x; and it is now stored in bss on some memory address #, and we were to output its value we would get the value of that resides on that address, so if all the things i said are true, doesnt that allow for us to declare many many many variables but only declare and not initialize perhaps we can map all the values previously stored in bss from some program from before etc.
I am mostly likely sure that this would be a big security threat and thus i know there is probably some measure against it but i want to know what prevents this?
No, the contents of the .bss section are zeroed out before your program starts. This is to satisfy C's guarantee that global and static variables, if not explicitly initialized, will be initialized to zero.
Indeed, on a typical multitasking system, all memory allocated by your process will be zeroed by the operating system before you are given access to it. This is to avoid precisely the security hole you mention.
The values of local (auto) variables, on the stack, do typically contain "garbage" if not initialized, but it would be garbage left over from the execution of your own program up to this point. If your program happens not to have written anything to that particular location on the stack, then it will still contain zero (again on a typical OS); it will never contain memory contents from other programs.
The same goes for memory allocated by malloc. If it is coming straight from the OS, it contains zeros. If it happens to be a block that was previously allocated and freed, it might contain garbage from your previous use of that memory, or from malloc's internal data, but again it will never contain another program's data.
Nothing in the C language itself prevents you from doing almost exactly as you say. The only thing you said that was wrong, considering only the requirements of C standard, was talking about variables "in bss". Objects with static storage duration and no initializer (which is the standardese equivalent of variables in bss) are guaranteed to be initialized to zero at program startup, so you cannot access the data of no-longer-running programs that way. But, in an environment like good old-fashioned MS-DOS or CP/M, there was nothing whatsoever to stop you from setting a pointer to the base of physical RAM, scanning to the end, and finding data from previous programs.
All modern operating systems for full-featured computers, however, provide memory protection which means, among other things, that they guarantee that no process can read another process's memory, whether or not the other process is still running, except via well-defined APIs that enforce security policy. The "Spectre" family of hardware bugs are a big deal just because they break this guarantee.
The details of how memory protection work are too complex to fit into this answer box, but one of the things that's almost always done is, whenever you allocate more memory from the operating system, that memory is initialized, either to all-bits-zero or to the contents of a file on disk. Either way you can't get at "garbage".

Declare a pointer to an integer at address 0x200 in memory

I have a couple of doubts, I remember some where that it is not possible for me to manually put a variable in a particular location in memory, but then I came across this code
void main()
int *x;
printf("Number is %lu",x); // Checkpoint1
Is it that we can not put it in a particular location, or we should not put it in a particular location since we will not know if it's a valid location or not?
Also, in this code, till the first checkopoint, I get output to be 512.
And then after that Seg Fault.
Can someone explain why? Is 0x200 not a valid memory location?
In the general case - the behavior you will get is undefined - everything can happen.
In linux for example, the first 1GB is reserved for kernel, so if you try to access it - you will get a seg fault because you are trying to access a kernel memory in user mode.
No idea how it works in windows.
Reference for linux claim:
Currently the 32 bit x86 architecture is the most popular type of
computer. In this architecture, traditionally the Linux kernel has
split the 4GB of virtual memory address space into 3GB for user
programs and 1GB for the kernel.
Adding to what #amit wrote:
In windows it is the same. In general it is the same for all protected-mode operating systems. Since DOS etc. are no longer around it is the same with all systems except kernel-mode (km-drivers) and embedded systems.
The operating system manages which memory-pages you are allowed to write to and places markers that will make the cpu automatically raise access-violations if some other page is written to.
Up until the "checkpoint", you haven't accessed memory location 0x200, so everything works fine.
There I'd a local variable x in the function main. It is of type "pointer to int". x is assigned the value 0x200, and then that value is printed. But the target of x hasn't been accessed, so up to this point it doesn't matter whether x holds a valid memory address or not.
Then scanf tries to write to the memory address you passed in, which is the 0x200 stored in x. Then you get a seg fault, which is certainly sac possible result of trying to write to an arbitrary memory address.
So what are your doubts? What makes you think that this might work, when you come across this code that clearly doesn't?
Writing to a particular memory address might work under certain conditions, but is extremely unlikely to in general. Under all modern OSes, normal programs do not have control over their memory layout. The OS decides where initial things like the program's code, stack, and globals go. The OS will probably also be using some memory space, and it is not required to tell you what it's using. Instead you ask for memory (either by making variables or by calling memory allocation routines), and you use that.
So writing to particular addresses is very very likely to get either memory that hasn't been allocated, or memory that is being used for some other purpose. Neither of those is good, even if you do manage to hit an address that is actually writable. What if you clobber sundry some piece of data used by one of your program's other variables? Or some other part of your program clobbers the value you just wrote?
You should never be choosing a particular hard-coded memory address, you should be using an address of something you know is a variable, or an address you got from something like malloc.

Garbage values in a multiprocess operating system

Does the allocated memory holds the garbage value since the start of the OS session? Does it have some significance before we name it as a garbage value in our program runtime session? If so then why?
I need some advice on study materials regarding linux kernel programming, device driver programming and also want to develop an understanding on how the computer devices actually work. I get stuck into the situations like the "garbage value" and feel like I have to study something else also for better understanding of the programming language. I am studying by myself and getting a lot of confusing situations. Any advice will be really helpful.
"Garbage value" is a slang term, meaning "I don't know what value is there, or why, and for that reason I will not use the value". It is "garbage" in the sense of "useless nonsense", and sometimes it is also "garbage" in the sense of "somebody else's leavings".
Formally, uninitialized memory in C takes "indeterminate values". This might be some special value written there by the C implementation, or it might be something "left over" by an earlier user of the same memory. So for examples:
A debug version of the C runtime might fill newly-allocated memory with an eye-catcher value, so that if you see it in the debugger when you were expecting your own stored data, you can reasonably conclude that either you forgot to initialize it or you're looking in the wrong place.
The kernel of a "proper" operating system will overwrite memory when it is first assigned to a process, to avoid one process seeing data that "belongs" to another process and that for security reasons should not leak across process boundaries. Typically it will overwrite it with some known value, like 0.
If you malloc memory, write something in it, then free it and malloc some more memory, you might get the same memory again with its previous contents largely intact. But formally your newly-allocated buffer is still "uninitialized" even though it happens to have the same contents as when you freed it, because formally it's a brand new array of characters that just so happens to have the same address as the old one.
One reason not to use an "indeterminate value" in C is that the standard permits it to be a "trap representation". Some machines notice when you load certain impossible values of certain types into a register, and you'd get a hardware fault. So if the memory was previously used for, say, an int, but then that value is read as a float, who is to say whether the left-over bit pattern represents a so-called "signalling NaN", that would halt the program? The same could happen if you read a value as a pointer and it's mis-aligned for the type. Even integer types are permitted to have "parity bits", meaning that reading garbage values as int could have undefined behavior. In practice, I don't think any implementation actually does have trap representations of int, and I doubt that any will check for mis-aligned pointers if you just read the pointer value -- although they might if you dereference it. But C programmers are nothing if not cautious.
What is garbage value?
When you encounter values at a memory location and cannot conclusively say what these values should be then those values are garbage value for you. i.e: The value is Indeterminate.
Most commonly, when you use a variable and do not initialize it, the variable has an Indeterminate value and is said to possess a garbage value. Note that using an Uninitialized variable leads to an Undefined Behavior, which means the program is not a valid C/C++ program and it may show(literally) any behavior.
Why the particular value exists at that location?
Most of the Operating systems of today use the concept of virtual memory. The memory address a user program sees is an virtual memory address and not the physical address. Implementations of virtual memory divide a virtual address space into pages, blocks of contiguous virtual memory addresses. Once done with usage these pages are usually at least 4 kilobytes. These pages are not explicitly wiped of their contents they are only marked as free for reuse and hence they still contain the old contents if not properly initialized.
On a typical OS, your userspace application only sees a range of virtual memory. It is up to the kernel to map this virtual memory to actual, physical memory.
When a process requests a piece of (virtual) memory, it will initially hold whatever is left in it -- it may be a reused piece of memory that another part of the process was using earlier, or it may be memory that a completely different process had been using... or it may never have been touched at all and be in whatever state it was when you powered on the machine.
Usually nobody goes and wipes a memory page with zeros (or any other equally arbitrary value) on your behalf, because there'd be no point. It's entirely up to your application to use the memory in whatever way you please, and if you're going to write to it anyway, then you don't care what was in it before.
Consequently, in C it is simply not allowed to read a variable before you have written to it, under pain of undefined behaviour.
If you declare a variable without initialising it to a particular value, it may contain a value which was previously assigned by a different program that has since released that piece of memory, or it may simply be a random value from when the computer was booted (iirc, PCs used to initialise all RAM to 0 on bootup because early versions of DOS required it, but new computers no longer do this). You can't assume the value will be zero, for instance.
Garbage value, e.g. in C, typically refers to the fact that if you just reserve memory, but never intialize it, it will hold random values, since it simply is not initialized yet (C doesn't do that for you automatically; it would just be overhead, and C is designed for as little overhead as possible).
The random values in the memory are leftovers from whatever was in there before.
These previous values are left in there, because usually there is not much use in going around setting memory to zero - or any other value - that will later be overwritten again anway. Because for the general case, there is no use in reading uninitialized memory (except if you e.g. want to exploit possible security issues - see the special cases where memory is actually zeroed: Kernel zeroes memory?).

Why address of a variable change after each execution in C?

int i=10;
printf("Address of i = %u",&i);
Address if i = 3220204848
Output on re-execution:
Address of i = 3216532594
I get a new address of i each time I execute the program. What does this signify?
It signifies that your program is being loaded a different (virtual) address each time you run it. This is a feature called Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and is a feature of most modern operating systems.
That's how operating systems work. When you declare a variable, you're asking the underlying systems to allocate a memory block (address) to store that data (or a pointer to another block if you're dealing with pointers, but here you've got a primitive, so it's just data being stored). The program doesn't care where the memory is, just that it exists, because it knows how to keep track of whatever it's given.
As the programmer, this really isn't that big of a deal unless you're doing some incredibly low-level work. The hardest part of this to really grasp, for most people, is that when you work with pointers, you can't equate things the same way you can primitives, because pointers consider their values (when using == as an equator) to be their memory addresses.
Disable ASLR using:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
You will always see the same address.
At the time of c program execution another processes are running.While executing a code again you will allocate new address previously allocated address will be allocate for another process.
