DL; Generic reasoning algorithms - owl

Actually, I'm getting lost about what can be done and cannot be done using a reasoner in general.
My question is two fold:
I used to think that a reasoner is only dedicated for sumbsumption and taxonomies. Recently, I discovered that a reasoner can be used in multiple ways within some algorithms for example this reference introduces using a reasoner to search for entities compliant to a specific pattern in the ontology:
What is meant by a DL generic reasoning algorithm and how can it
be implemented through a reasoner?
Can you please refer my to
any references where I can get more familiar to things that can be
achieved by reasoning algorithms if any?
My original problem is that: given an OWL ontology and two classes C1 and C2, I want to check whether there is a functional property chain connecting them, i.e.
let's consider (C1 P1 C3), (C3 P2 C4)and (C4 P3 C2) where P1, P2 and P3 are functional object properties, thus the result will be (P1, P2, P3) which is the functional property chain connecting C1 and C2.


Horst (pD*) compared to OWL2-RL

We are using GraphDB 8.4.0 as a triple store for a large data integration project. We want to make use of the reasoning capabilities, and are trying to decide between using HORST (pD*) and OWL2-RL.
However, the literature describing these is quite dense. I think I understand that OWL2-RL is more "powerful", but I am unsure how so. Can anyone provide some examples of the differences between the two reasoners? What kinds of statements are inferred by OWL2-RL, but not HORST (and vice versa)?
Brill, inside there GraphDB there is a single rule engine, which supports different reasoning profiles, depending on the rule-set which was selected. The predefined rule-sets are part of the distribution - look at the PIE files in folder configs/rules. One can also take one of the existing profiles and tailor it to her needs (e.g. remove a rule, which is not necessary).
The fundamental difference between OWL2 RL and what we call OWL-Horst (pD*) is that OWL2RL pushes the limits of which OWL constructs can be supported using this type of entailment rules. OWL Horst is limited to RDFS (subClassOf, subSpropertyOf, domain and range) plus what was popular in the past as OWL Lite: sameAs, equivalentClass, equivalentProperty, SymmetricProperty, TransitiveProperty, inverseOf, FunctionalProperty, InverseFunctionalProperty. There is also partial support for: intersectionOf, someValuesFrom, hasValue, allValuesFrom.
What OWL 2 RL adds on top is support for AsymmetricProperty, IrreflexiveProperty, propertyChainAxiom, AllDisjointProperties, hasKey, unionOf, complementOf, oneOf, differentFrom, AllDisjointClasses and all the property cardinality primitives. It also adds more complete support for intersectionOf, someValuesFrom, hasValue, allValuesFrom. Be aware that there are limitations to the inference supported by OWL 2 RL for some of these properties, e.g. what type of inferences should or should not be done for specific class expressions (OWL restrictions). If you chose OWL 2 RL, check Tables 5-8 in the spec, https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-profiles/#OWL_2_RL. GraphDB's owl-2-rl data set is fully compliant with it. GraphDB is the only major triplestore with full OWL 2 RL compliance - see the this table (https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/OWL/Implementations) it appears with its former name OWLIM.
My suggestion would be to go with OWL Horst for a large dataset, as reasoning with OWL 2 RL could be much slower. It depends on your ontology and data patterns, but as a rule of thumb you can expect loading/updates to be 2 times slower with OWL 2 RL, even if you don't use extensively its "expensive" primitives (e.g. property chains). See the difference between loading speeds with RDFS+ and OWL 2 RL benchmarked here: http://graphdb.ontotext.com/documentation/standard/benchmark.html
Finally, I would recommend you to use the "optimized" versions of the pre-defined rule-sets. These versions exclude some RDFS reasoning rules, which are not useful for most of the applications, but add substantial reasoning overheads, e.g. the one that infers that the subject, the predicate and the object of a statement are instances of rdfs:Resource
Id: rdf1_rdfs4a_4b
x a y
x <rdf:type> <rdfs:Resource>
a <rdf:type> <rdfs:Resource>
y <rdf:type> <rdfs:Resource>
If you want to stay 100% compliant with the W3C spec, you should stay with the non-optimized versions.
If you need further assistance, please, write to support#ontotext.com
In addition to what Atanas (our CEO) wrote and your excellent example, http://graphdb.ontotext.com/documentation/enterprise/rules-optimisations.html provides some ideas how to optimize your rulesets to make them faster.
Two of the ideas are:
ptop:transitiveOver is faster than owl:TransitiveProperty: quadratic vs cubic complexity over the length of transitive chains
ptop:PropChain (a 2-place chain) is faster than general owl:propertyChainAxiom (n-place chain) because it doesn't need to unroll the rdf:List underlying the representation of owl:propertyChainAxiom.
Under some conditions you can translate the standard OWL constructs to these custom constructs, to have both standards compliance and faster speed:
use rule TransitiveUsingStep; if every TransitiveProperty p (eg skos:broaderTransitive) is defined over a step property s (eg skos:broader) and you don't insert p directly
if you use only 2-step owl:propertyChainAxiom then translate them to custom using the following rule, and infer using rule ptop_PropChain:
Id: ptop_PropChain_from_propertyChainAxiom
q <owl:propertyChainAxiom> l1
l1 <rdf:first> p1
l1 <rdf:rest> l2
l2 <rdf:first> p2
l2 <rdf:rest> <rdf:nil>
t <ptop:premise1> p1
t <ptop:premise2> p2
t <ptop:conclusion> q
t <rdf:type> <ptop:PropChain>
http://rawgit2.com/VladimirAlexiev/my/master/pubs/extending-owl2/index.html describes further ideas for extended property constructs, and has illustrations.
Let us know if we can help further.
After thinking this for bit, I came up with a concrete example. The Oral Health and Disease Ontology (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ohd.owl) contains three interrelated entities:
a restored tooth
a restored tooth surface that is part of the restored tooth
a tooth restoration procedure that creates the restored tooth surface (e.g., when you have a filling placed in your tooth)
The axioms that define these entities are (using pseudo Manchester syntax):
restored tooth equivalent to Tooth and has part some dental restoration material
restored tooth surface subclass of part of restored tooth
filling procedure has specified output some restored tooth surface
The has specified output relation is a subproperty of the has participant relation, and the has participant relation contains the property chain:
has_specified_input o 'is part of'
The reason for this property chain is for reasoner to infer that if a tooth surface participates in a procedure, then the whole tooth that the surface is part of participates in the procedure, and, furthermore, the patient that the tooth is part of also participates in the procedure (due to the transitivity of part of).
As a concrete example, let define some individuals (using pseudo rdf):
:patient#1 a :patient .
:tooth#1 a :tooth; :part-of :patient#1
:restored-occlusal#1 a :restored-occlusal-surface; :part-of tooth#1 .
:procedure#1 :has-specified-output :restored-occlusal#1 .
Suppose you want to query for all restored teeth:
select ?tooth where {?tooth a :restored-tooth}
RDFS-Plus reasoning will not find any restored teeth b/c it doesn't reason over equivalent classes. But, OWL-Horst and OWL2-RL will find such teeth.
Now, suppose you want to find all patients that underwent (i.e. participated in) a tooth restoration procedure:
select ?patient where {
?patient a patient: .
?proc a tooth_restoration_procedure:; has_participant: ?patient .
Again, RDFS-Plus will not find any patients, and neither will OWL-Horst b/c this inference requires reasoning over the has participant property chain. OWL2-RL is needed in order to make this inference.
I hope this example is helpful for the interested reader :).
I welcome comments to improve the example. Please keep any comments within the scope of trying to make the example clearer. Its purpose is to give insight into what these different levels of reasoning do and not to give advice about which reasoner is most appropriate.

Best way to represent part-of (mereological) transitivity for OWL classes?

I have a background in frame-based ontologies, in which classes represent concepts and there's no restriction against assertion of class:class relationships.
I am now working with an OWL2 ontology and trying to determine the best/recommended way to represent "canonical part-of" relationships - conceptually, these are relationships that are true, by definition, of the things represented by each class (i.e., all instances). The part-of relationship is transitive, and I want to take advantage of that so that I'd be able to query the ontology for "all parts of (a canonical) X".
For example, I might want to represent:
"engine" is a part of "car", and
"piston" is a part of "engine"
and then query transitively, using SPARQL, for parts of cars, getting back both engine and piston. Note that I want to be able to represent individual cars later (and be able to deduce their parts by reference to their rdf:type), and of course I want to be able to represent sub-classes of cars as well, so I can't model the above-described classes as individuals - they must be classes.
It seems that I have 3 options using OWL, none ideal. Is one of these recommended (or are any discouraged), and am I missing any?
OWL restriction axioms:
rdfs:subClassOf(engine, someValuesFrom(partOf, car))
rdfs:subClassOf(piston, someValuesFrom(partOf, engine))
The major drawback of the above is that there's no way in SPARQL to query transitively over the partOf relationship, since it's embedded in an OWL restriction. I would need some kind of generalized recursion feature in SPARQL - or I would need the following rule, which is not part of any standard OWL profile as far as I can tell:
antecedent (body):
subClassOf(B, (P some A) ^
subClassOf(C, (P some B) ^
consequent (head):
subClassOf(C, (P some A))
OWL2 punning: I could effectively represent the partOf relationships on canonical instances of the classes, by asserting the object-property directly on the classes. I'm not sure that that'd work transparently with SPARQL though, since the partOf relationships would be asserted on instances (via punning) and any subClassOf relationships would be asserted on classes. So if I had, for example, a subclass six_cylinder_engine, the following SPARQL snippet would not bind six_cylinder_engine:
?part (rdfs:subClassOf*/partOf*)+ car
Annotation property: I could assert partOf as an annotation property on the classes, with values that are also classes. I think that would work (minus transitivity, but I could recover that easily enough with SPARQL paths as in the query above), but it seems like an abuse of the intended use of annotation properties.
I think you have performed a good analysis of the problem and the advantages/disadvantages of different approaches. I don't know if any one is discouraged or encouraged. IMHO this problem has not received sufficient attention, and is a bigger problem in some domains than others (I work in bio-ontologies which frequently use partonomies, and hence this is very important).
For 1, your rule is valid and justified by OWL semantics. There are other ways to implement this using OWL reasoners, as well as RDF-level reasoners. For example, using the ROBOT command line wrapper to the OWLAPI, you can run the reason command using an Expression Materializing Reasoner. E.g
robot reason --exclude-tautologies true --include-indirect true -r emr -i engine.owl -o engine-reasoned.owl
This will give you an axiom piston subClassOf partOf some car that can be queried using a non-transitive SPARQL query.
The --exclude-tautologies removes inferences to owl:Thing, and --include-indirect will include transitive inferences.
For your option 2, you have to be careful in that you may introduce incorrect inferences. For example, assume there are some engines without pistons, i.e. engine SubClassOf inverse(part_of) some piston does not hold. However, in your punned shadow world, this would be entailed. This may or may not be a problem depending on your use case.
A variant of your 2 is to introduce different mapping rules for layering OWL T-Tboxes onto RDF, such as described in my OWLStar proposal. With this proposal, existentials would be mapped to direct triples, but there is another mechanism (e.g. reification) to indicate the intended quantification. This allows writing rules that are both safe (no undesired inferences) and complete (for anything expressible in OWL-RL). Here there is no punning (under the alternative RDF to OWL interpretation). You can also use the exact same transitive SPARQL query you wrote to get the desired results.

Exclude individuals that is related by some specific inverse properties

I have some individuals A,B,C,D,E, and two properties P1, P2.
A P1 B
C P1 D
E P2 C
I want to build a Class that only captures A but not C. so I set a Class like,
myClass EquivalentTo: (P1 some owl:Thing) and (P1 only owl:Thing)
myClass EquivalentTo: (P1 some owl:Thing) and (not inverse P2 some owl:Thing)
but all of those tries failed. How can I differentiate the individual A and C?
myClass EquivalentTo: (P1 some owl:Thing) and (P1 only owl:Thing)
fails because the class expression is really equivalent to P1 some Thing. Since every individual is an instance of Thing, the right hand side of the intersection really doesn't add anything.
myClass EquivalentTo: (P1 some owl:Thing) and (not inverse P2 some owl:Thing)
This is actually correct for the description that you gave. You want individuals that have some value for P1 (good), and that are not the P2 value of some other individual. This is the way to describe that.
I think the issue that you're having is that while while your data set doesn't contain any triples of the form
x P2 A
there's nothing in the ontology that says that such a thing is impossible. So you can't be sure that A actually has the type (not inverse P2 some Thing). This phenomenon is known as the open world assumption (OWA). If you search for that, you'll find some other questions on Stack Overflow about OWA in OWL. See, for instance:
Why is this DL-Query not returning any individuals?
Strange query behaviour in OWL!
In this case, if you want to say that A isn't the P2 value of some other individual, you'd probably have to do it manually, by adding a type to A like:
inverse P2 only owl:Nothing
Once you do that, you'll get the results you want:

what is the serializability graph of this?

I try to figure out a question, however I do not how to solve it, I am unannounced most of the terms in the question. Here is the question:
Three transactions; T1, T2 and T3 and schedule program s1 are given
below. Please draw the precedence or serializability graph of the s1
and specify the serializability of the schedule S1. If possible, write
at least one serial schedule. r ==> read, w ==> write
T1: r1(X);r1(Z);w1(X);
T2: r2(Z);r2(Y);w2(Z);w2(Y);
T3: r3(X);r3(Y);w3(Y);
S1: r1(X);r2(Z);r1(Z);r3(Y);r3(Y);w1(X);w3(Y);r2(Y);w2(Z);w2(Y);
I do not have any idea about how to solve this question, I need a detailed description. In which resource should I look for? Thank in advance.
There are various ways to test for serializability. The Objective of serializability is to find nonserial schedules that allow transactions to execute concurrently without interfering with one another.
First we do a Conflict-Equivalent Test. This will tell us whether the schedule is serializable.
To do this, we must define some rules (i & j are 2 transactions, R=Read, W=Write).
We cannot Swap the order of actions if equivalent to:
1. Ri(x), Wi(y) - Conflicts
2. Wi(x), Wj(x) - Conflicts
3. Ri(x), Wj(x) - Conflicts
4. Wi(x), Rj(x) - Conflicts
But these are perfectly valid:
R1(x), Rj(y) - No conflict (2 reads never conflict)
Ri(x), Wj(y) - No conflict (working on different items)
Wi(x), Rj(y) - No conflict (same as above)
Wi(x), Wj(y) - No conflict (same as above)
So applying the rules above we can derive this (using excel for simplicity):
From the result, we can clearly see with managed to derive a serial-relation (i.e. The schedule you have above, can be split into S(T1, T3, T2).
Now that we have a serializable schedule and we have the serial schedule, we now do the Conflict-Serialazabile test:
Simplest way to do this, using the same rules as the conflict-equivalent test, look for any combinations which would conflict.
r1(x); r2(z); r1(z); r3(y); r3(y); w1(x); w3(y); r2(y); w2(z); w2(y);
r1(z) w2(z)
r3(y) w2(y)
w3(y) r2(y)
w3(y) w2(y)
Using the rules above, we end up with a table like above (e.g. we know reading z from one transaction and then writing z from another transaction will cause a conflict (look at rule 3).
Given the table, from left to right, we can create a precedence graph with these conditions:
T1 -> T2
T3 -> T2 (only 1 arrow per combination)
Thus we end up with a graph looking like this:
From the graph, since there it's acyclic (no cycle) we can conclude the schedule is conflict-serializable. Furthermore, since its also view-serializable (since every schedule that's conflict-s is also view-s). We could test the view-s to prove this, but it's rather complicated.
Regarding sources to learn this material, I recommend:
"Database Systems: A practical Approach To design, implementation and management: International Edition" by Thomas Connolly; Carolyn Begg - (It is rather expensive so I suggest looking for a cheaper, pdf copy)
Good luck!
I've developed a little tool which will do all of the above for you (including graph). It's pretty simple to use, I've also added some examples.

Description Logics; mandatory participation

I have a UML conceptual diagram; and I want to express it as DL ontology. UML classes are captured as DL concepts, where associations are captured by means of roles. One important perspective is multiplicities among UML classes. A to-one multiplicity (0..* - 0..1) is captured by a functional object property, and to make the one (0..1) side mandatory, i.e. (0..* - 1) references talk about mandatory participation implying a maximum and minimum multiplicity of 1 on the to-one side.
Here is the reference
An association A between classes C1 and C2 is formalized in DL by means of a
role A on which we enforce the assertions
To express the multiplicity ml..mu on the participation of instances of C2 for each
given instance of C1, we use the assertion
I just cannot understand how the mandatory participation of C2 in the assertion is expressed by an assertion on C1, how is the last assertion read?
Using A a as a property name is a bit unusual, so I'm going to use p instead. The UML diagram doesn't express the direction of the property either, which makes the rest of the discussion a bit confused. Some information can be gleaned from the axioms you've provided, though.
If the UML is designed to express:
Instances of C1 are related by p to at least nl and and most nu instances of C2.
At least ml and and most mu instances of C1 are related by p to each instance of C2.
then you could use the DL axioms:
C1 &sqsubseteq; &geq;nl p.C2
C1 &sqsubseteq; &leq;nu p.C2
C2 &sqsubseteq; &geq;ml p-1.C1
C2 &sqsubseteq; &geq;mu p-1.C1
Those say that if x is a C1 (C2) then x is related to the appropriate number of C2 (C1) instances by p (p-1). Now, since the relationship as expressed in UML will only relate instances of the two classes, i.e., no other types of instances will be related by property p, then it's more likely that you would declare the domain and range of p as C1 and C2, respectively, with:
∃p &sqsubseteq; C1
∃p-1 &sqsubseteq; C2
and then use a simpler version of the axioms above:
C1 &sqsubseteq; &geq;nl p
C1 &sqsubseteq; &leq;nu p
C2 &sqsubseteq; &geq;ml p-1
C2 &sqsubseteq; &geq;mu p-1
To answer the very specific question:
just cannot understand how the mandatory participation of C2 in the
assertion is expressed by an assertion on C1, how is the last
assertion read?
The notation in the last axiom in the question is unusual, and I'm not sure exactly what's supposed to be. I'm not sure what the little circumflexes are suppose to be. It looks like:
C1 &sqsubseteq; ∃ p
though. If that's what it is, it's read as
C1 is a subclass of ∃ p
which means that that
If x is an instance of C1 then x is an instance of ∃ p
which means that
If x is an instance of C1 then x is an instance of the class of things that have at least value for p (i.e., there is at least one y such that p(x,y)).
In first-order logic, you could express it as:
∀x.(C1(x) &rightarrow; ∃y.p(x,y))
