Avoid radcombobox suggest list from being collapsed - winforms

I have a RadDropDownList in suggestappend mode and a usercontrol as keyboard, this have buttons with ControlStyles.Selectable = false. the MouseUp event fires a SendKeys.Send(key).
The thing is when I focus in the RadDropDownList and write with my keyboard (UserControl) the suggest list appears for a milisecond and desappear.
I tried to control the popup event but it seems to have nothing to do with the suggest list.
how can i keep it opened showing suggestions until user leaves the RadDropDownList?

Here is how to access the auto complete suggest popup and cancel the closure of the popup:
radDropDownList1.DropDownListElement.AutoCompleteSuggest.DropDownList.PopupClosing += DropDownList_PopupClosing;
. . .
void DropDownList_PopupClosing(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPopupClosingEventArgs args)
args.Cancel = true;


PreviewlostkeyboardFocus event fires twice when I click on combobox WPF

I have wired PreviewLostKeyboardFocus event to TextBox. I handled the event. When I click on the ComboBox control, it fires twice.
If I not handled it fires only one time.
private void TextBox_PreviewLostKeyboardFocus(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
Can someone please help resolve this issue ?
When you set:
e.Handled = True;
You are effectively preventing the focus leaving the TextBox.
So if focus is in this TextBox and you click on another field (e.g. ComboBox) it will cause the event to fire, but the cursor will remain forever in the TextBox.
Remove this or make it conditional.

XAML Window MouseDown event beats Image event

I'm using WPF to design a borderless, movable application window.
In order to manually perform the ability to drag and drop the window, I've added an OnMouseDown event to the <Window> element, that executes a corresponding C# function (this.DragMove()).
Additionally, I need an <Image> button to allow some operation (with the OnMouseUp event this time). Note that it has to be an Image tag, and not a Button.
Unfortunately, the Image event fired only when the right mouse button is clicked, probably because the left button is held to the window event. Am I right?
When someone clicks the Image button, I want only the Image event to be triggered. How can I do it?
Problem you're facing is most probably related to event routing. The idea is that if your handler doesn't mark event as a Handled it will be routed to the next listener unless reach end of chain or one of listeners/handlers will set it as Hadnled.
So if you have MouseDown event handler for both Window and Image you should keep in mind that routing will stop at a point when you will set e.Handled = true;:
private void Window_OnMouseDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
e.Handled = false; // will NOT break event chain;
You can always check a type of sender so it will make possible for you to differ Image and Window events:
private void Image_OnMouseDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (sender is Image)
// Handle Image.MouseDown
e.Handled = true; // we don't need to push event further;
Its because of WPF bubbling and tunnelling events. so what u can do is whenever u handle event on button use bubbling for that means you can use previewevents for that for both button and window and whenever you just want to handle event for button then after last line of code in button click just write down like this.
// here e is the event argument which u will get in your preview event.so now window dragging event will not work.
i would just suggest first clear the idea of bubbling(preview mouse event) and tunneling in wpf.
Difference between Bubbling and Tunneling events
and go through some of the example of bubbling and tunnelling. you will get better idea.

Setting Default Keyboard Focus On Loading A UserControl

I have an MVVM setup with a mainwindow that contains a ContentControl.
I set this to a particular viewmodel which then maps to a view.
A view is a usercontrol.
I want to be able to set the default keyboard focus to a default element in the usercontrol(View) when it loads so the application can eventually be driven just by using up, down, left, right and enter.
Some of my failed attempts are setting
FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=DefaultElement}"
in my content control tag. This sets the logical focus but not the keyboard focus
I'd rather keep the solution in xaml if possable but have tried placing the following in code behind.
This does not work but if I popup a message box first it does. I'm a little confused as to why.
I just placed this in my onloaded event of my user control. It seems to work but can anyone see any issues that might arrise at this priority level. I.E a circumstance when the action will never run?
new Action(delegate()
It seems that this wpf the you have to implement a workaround on a case by case basis. The solution that seemed to work best, most of the time for me was to insert the focus code inside the dispatcher when OnVisible was changed. This sets the focus not only when the View/Usercontrol loads but also if you a changing Views by way of Visibility. If you Hide and then Show a ContentControl that is mapped to your ViewModels then the Loaded event won't fire and you'll be forced to Mouse input, or tabbing (Not so good if you want to navigate your app with a remote control).
VisibilityChanged will always fire however. This is what I ended up with for my listbox.
private void ItemsFlowListBox_IsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if ((bool)e.NewValue == true)
new Action(delegate()
I had the same symptom for a WPF UserControl hosted in a Winforms application. Just wanted to note I was about to try this solution when I found a normal TabIndex in the Winforms app fixed it
Per How to set which control gets the focus on application start
"The one with the minimum tab index automatically gets the focus
(assuming the TabStop property is set to true). Just set the tab
indices appropriately."
It's a tricky one with no easy answer. I'm currently doing this, although I'm not sure I like it:
public MyView()
// When DataContext changes hook the txtName.TextChanged event so we can give it initial focus
DataContextChanged +=
(sender, args) =>
txtName.TextChanged += OnTxtNameOnTextChanged;
private void OnTxtNameOnTextChanged(object o, TextChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
// Setting focus will select all text in the TextBox due to the global class handler on TextBox
// Now unhook the event handler, since it's no longer required
txtName.TextChanged -= OnTxtNameOnTextChanged;
And in case you're wondering what the global class handler does, it's this:
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
// Register a global handler for this app-domain to select all text in a textBox when
// the textBox receives keyboard focus.
typeof (TextBox), UIElement.GotKeyboardFocusEvent,
new RoutedEventHandler((sender, args) => ((TextBox) sender).SelectAll()));
which auto selects TextBox text when receiving keyboard focus.

My application loses focus when a window is closed

I have a simple two forms, one that contains a grid and a button. When I click the button, my application starts doing a long operation. While it is working, I show another form that contains a progress bar
I open it like this:
And defined
public partial class BusyWindow : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
public BusyWindow()
private void BusyWindow_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true; // this cancels the close event.
When the operation is finished, I hide the form like this
if (ended)
It works fine. The problem is that when I close the second form (same closing code), it also closes fine but my main GUI loses the focus. For example, if I have the Firefox opened behind the application, then the Firefox gets the focus.
This only happens when I close the second form when the busyWindow has been opened, and no when it hasn't (ie, if I open the form, I close it without clicking on the button, then the main GUI doesn't lose the focus).
Do you know what is happening or where could I try to search?
There could be two possible solutions to enable you to keep focus on your main window:
//Edited: Main Window in the below example would be the window with Grid and Button.
Since you are showing the busy window via ShowDialog() try setting the owner of the window by this: _busyWindow.ShowDialog(this);. I had earlier faced a similar problem and this worked for me. Since you specify the owner of the busyWindow, when it closes it would put the focus back on its owner,i.e. your main window
In case the above technique doesnt work (it should, as it worked for me), you could try to pass the reference of the main window to the busyWindow and then on its close set the focus of the main window. Sample:
_busyWindow.MyMainWindow = this; //MyMainWindow references mainWindow of your app
And the following at the FormClosing of busyWindow:
private void BusyWindow_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true; // this cancels the close event.
See if it works. The first solution should work.
Hope it helps.
Thanks & Happy Windowing!
Just set child's window Owner = null before closing it

ToolStrip Buttons flashes

I have a windows form with a toolstip in it with several buttons.
When the mouse is over a button of the toolstip then the toolstrip button starts to flash... looks like it gets and loses focus every second.
That results for the click to do nothing if the user click at the time that the button has no focus therefore the user has to click the button again and again util he gets the timing correct.
Does anyone knows anything about this?
I rally need some answers as soon as possible...
Thank you very much
I have found the reason...
The toolstrips in windows forms have by default the tooltips set to Auto and if the tooltip opens on the taskbar then the toolstrip loses focus.
The solution to this is to either disable the tooltips or to set it to manual and show the tooltip at another place.
Here is the code for showing the tool tip above the item manually:
private readonly ToolTip currentToolTip = new ToolTip();
private void ToolStripItem_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripItem item = (ToolStripItem)sender;
this.currentToolTip.Show(item.ToolTipText, item.Owner, item.Bounds.X, -20);
private void ToolStripItem_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripItem item = (ToolStripItem)sender;
You have to add the event handlers to all your ToolStripItems and set the ToolStrips' ShowItemToolTips to false.
