No instances in app engine admin console - google-app-engine

I just deployed an app on Google App Engine and everything went fine. The app runs smoothly at < project-id > I deployed it a few more times and one time there was an error:
05:56 PM Unknown error TEMPORARY_ERROR: . Deployed Version: 5.379937995233868117
ERROR: Unknown error TEMPORARY_ERROR: . Deployed Version: 5.379937995233868117
05:56 PM Rolling back the update. This can sometimes take a while since a VM version is being rolled back.
Could not start serving the given version.
ERROR: ( Command failed with error code [1]
The app was still running and I could manage it to successfully deploy it again. But since then when I go to the admin console there is not a single instance listed. Only a small grey icon is shown with a flash. The path to the icon is '//' (I looked it up in the CSS).
The app runs on a managed VM with a custom runtime.
Can anybody help me?

I was planning to deploy a managed VM with custom runtime and was watching this Google I/O bytes video and it seems it's expected. The manged vms with custom runtimes will show under Compute Engine on your developer console (4:35 in this video). You will be able to manage your App through App Engine on developer console.


can't run or deploy Google App Engine from IntelliJ

I'd like to deploy an app on GAE, but I think I must be missing something.
I've downloaded the google cloud code plugin for IntelliJ.
I've installed the gcloud SDK
I've authenticated with my google account
I've created a new project of type GAE project, which in the project structure window shows the GAE facet, and has an appengine-web.xml file.
Yet when I try and run my new project the log shows an error:
21:51 Error running 'Google App Engine Deployment': Deployment is not selected
I presume it's referring to this window:
As you can see there are no deployments. When I try to edit the Run configuration, there's not much there:
What am I doing wrong?
what happens if you try adding AppEngine support explicitly, i.e. using Tools -> Cloud Code -> App Engine -> Add App Engine Support -> App Engine Standard menu? Will the deployment target appear or anything changes?

One or more modules in this project use a version of App Engine that does not support Java 8

I have a Google App Engine project in IntelliJ. I have been working on it for a while but suddenly I can't launch the local development server from IntelliJ anymore.
When I launch Intellij I get this message in Event log:
Java language level not supported: One or more modules in this project use a version of App Engine that does not support Java 8. Please click here to automatically change them to use the Java 7 language level.
If I try to launch the local server I get this error:
Error running 'Google App Engine Standard Local Server'
Error running Google App Engine Dev Server.
Exception occurred :
Exception message : java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml
I can see from my version control system that appengine-web.xml or build.gradle have not changed.
If I run 'gradlew appenginerun' it works ok.
How can I see what modules are not supported on Java 8?
I imported the project again from gradle.
Seems to work now.

Google App Engine: Build Timed Out during Deployment

Edit: Google Cloud at its finest. Made absolutely no changes but deployed fine this morning.
Error after ~10m of deployment (10+ deploy attempts).
I've changed the app to add a simply function with less than 10 lines of code. It has no affect on libraries and uses native python only and hence I'm not sure how it can affect the deployment.
I've tested the app and it runs fine locally.
Here is the error that I get:
ERROR: ( Cloud build failed. Check logs at Failure status: UNKNOWN:
Error Response: [4] DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
Previously to that, logs don't show any errors, in fact everything is going as expected.
Newest entries first:
9302e2430a0e: Pushed
4f56eb74b6bf: Pushed
21df82f90a72: Layer already exists
f0e2b3558b28: Layer already exists
99c71ba2c817: Layer already exists
2483da9621d1: Layer already exists
af09d2110abe: Layer already exists
d968669f4b42: Pushed
4b1e707066a6: Layer already exists
55530b72c8c8: Layer already exists
62c169a7d462: Layer already exists
According to this you can change the build timeout setting with:
gcloud config set app/cloud_build_timeout 1000
Setting it to 1000 seconds in this example.
I have this problem too when deploying my custom image to AppEngine flex. My image requires a few ML models and takes around 2 hours to build and GAE does not seem to like it.
To build your container images outside of Google Cloud Platform, you must first upload your images to a container image repository before you can deploy your images to App Engine with the gcloud app deploy command.
In short, push your image to Google Container Registry or container image repository of your choice, then deploy with this command
gcloud app deploy --image-url
More info here and here
For my case, I've found out the problem was that I have the same version for all gcloud app deploy command.
When there's traffic, the deployment will timeout.

Google App Engine SOAP Not Appearing in phpinfo()

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in ../libraries/Shipping/drivers/Shipping_usps.php on line 12
Using Google App Engine for PHP, I receive the error above when try to instantiate a SoapClient object. I've checked phpinfo() and the SOAP extension isn't showing up. When I deploy to production, it does show up, so I figure there's something that's causing the extension not to load locally. I run the dev server from the command line as opposed to the application on Mac OS.
GAE is up to date. Any advice is appreciated.

Internal error on deployment to google appengine

I'm trying to get Vaadin7 app working on Google app-engine. I use app-engine sdk 1.8.5 with eclipse juno.
Deployment seems to work since I get:
------------ Deploying frontend ------------
Preparing to deploy:
Created staging directory at: '/tmp/appcfg4530509922106401908.tmp'
Scanning for jsp files.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update.
Cloning 4 static files.
Cloning 8 application files.
Uploading 0 files.
Initializing precompilation...
Deploying new version.
Verifying availability:
Will check again in 1 seconds.
Will check again in 2 seconds.
Will check again in 4 seconds.
Will check again in 8 seconds.
Closing update: new version is ready to start serving.
Updating datastore:
Uploading index definitions.
Deployment completed successfully
However at the end of operation there is a pop-up saying:
An internal error occurred during: "Deploying <app-name> to Google".
Nothing is written to log file and I have no clue what kind of nullpointer is that. Accessing the application from web-browser gives HTTP 500.
Any tips on what can be the reason/possible solution?
Normally, after a successful deployment, the Google App Engine Eclipse plugin launches a browser tab pointing to If this fails, you can get a NullPointerException as you have described.
This is what happens to me, at least, with Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) and app-engine sdk 1.8.6.
In this situation, your backend has indeed been deployed and it is safe to ignore this error. You will have to, however, launch or refresh your browswer tab manually.
