How to ignore an unknown subclass with single collection inheritance in Mongoid? - mongoid

The default inheritance method for Mongoid is creating a single collection for all subclasses. For instance:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
class Admin < User
class Guest < User
Internally, Mongoid adds a _type field to each document with the class name, which is used to automatically map each instance to the right class.
The problem is, if I have a document in this collection with an unknown _type value, I get an exception:
NameError: uninitialized constant UnknownClass
This can happen if you create a new subclass of User, in the example above, and a migration that creates a new instance of this new subclass. Until you restart your servers, every query to this collection (like User.all.to_a). Is there a safe way to avoid this error?
The only solution I came up is rescuing NameError exception and querying by all known subclasses:
class User
def self.some_query(params)
rescue NameError => e
Rails.logger.error "Unknown subclass: #{e.message}"
subtypes =
self.where(params.merge( => subtypes)).to_a


Datastore query without model class

I recently encountered a situation where one might want to run a datastore query which includes a kind, but the class of the corresponding model is not available (e.g. if it's defined in a module that hasn't been imported yet).
I couldn't find any out-of-the-box way to do this using the google.appengine.ext.db package, so I ended up using the google.appengine.api.datastore.Query class from the low-level datastore API.
This worked fine for my needs (my query only needed to count the number of results, without returning any model instances), but I was wondering if anyone knows of a better solution.
Another approach I've tried (which also worked) was subclassing db.GqlQuery to bypass its constructor. This might not be the cleanest solution, but if anyone is interested, here is the code:
import logging
from google.appengine.ext import db, gql
class ClasslessGqlQuery(db.GqlQuery):
This subclass of :class:`db.GqlQuery` uses a modified version of ``db.GqlQuery``'s constructor to suppress any
:class:`db.KindError` that might be raised by ``db.class_for_kind(kindName)``.
This allows using the functionality :class:`db.GqlQuery` without requiring that a Model class for the query's kind
be available in the local environment, which could happen if a module defining that class hasn't been imported yet.
In that case, no validation of the Model's properties will be performed (will not check whether they're not indexed),
but otherwise, this class should work the same as :class:`db.GqlQuery`.
def __init__(self, query_string, *args, **kwds):
**NOTE**: this is a modified version of :class:`db.GqlQuery`'s constructor, suppressing any :class:`db.KindError`s
that might be raised by ``db.class_for_kind(kindName)``.
In that case, no validation of the Model's properties will be performed (will not check whether they're not indexed),
but otherwise, this class should work the same as :class:`db.GqlQuery`.
query_string: Properly formatted GQL query string.
*args: Positional arguments used to bind numeric references in the query.
**kwds: Dictionary-based arguments for named references.
PropertyError if the query filters or sorts on a property that's not indexed.
from google.appengine.ext import gql
app = kwds.pop('_app', None)
namespace = None
if isinstance(app, tuple):
if len(app) != 2:
raise db.BadArgumentError('_app must have 2 values if type is tuple.')
app, namespace = app
self._proto_query = gql.GQL(query_string, _app=app, namespace=namespace)
kind = self._proto_query._kind
model_class = None
if kind is not None:
model_class = db.class_for_kind(kind)
except db.KindError, e:
logging.warning("%s on %s without a model class", self.__class__.__name__, kind, exc_info=True)
super(db.GqlQuery, self).__init__(model_class)
if model_class is not None:
for property, unused in (self._proto_query.filters().keys() +
if property in model_class._unindexed_properties:
raise db.PropertyError('Property \'%s\' is not indexed' % property)
self.bind(*args, **kwds)
(also available as a gist)
You could create a temporary class just to do the query. If you use an Expando model, the properties of the class don't need to match what is actually in the datastore.
class KindName(ndb.Expando):
You could then do:
If you need to filter on specific properties, then I suspect you'll have to add them to the temporary class.

How to migrate newly added python class property in ndb model?

I currently have a model in NDB and I'd like to add a new property to it. Let's say I have the following:
class User(Model, BaseModel):
name = ndb.StringProperty(required=False)
email = ndb.StringProperty(required=False)
def user_roles(self):
return UserRole.query(ancestor=self.key).fetch()
def roles(self):
return [user_role.role for user_role in UserRole.query(ancestor=self.key).fetch()]
Now, let's say, I've added one additional property called market_id. For example,
class User(Model, BaseModel):
name = ndb.StringProperty(required=False)
email = ndb.StringProperty(required=False)
def user_roles(self):
return UserRole.query(ancestor=self.key).fetch()
def roles(self):
return [user_role.role for user_role in UserRole.query(ancestor=self.key).fetch()]
def market_id(self):
""" fetches `id` for the resource `market` associated with `user` """
for each_role in UserRole.query(ancestor=self.key):
resource = each_role.role.get().resource
if resource.kind() == 'Market':
return None
The problem here is, roles are fetched properly as expected for all the existing entities (since that property had been there since the beginning and also, an extra column can be observed in datastore called roles).
Since, I'm dealing with Python class property, I assume that migration is not required. But, how does column called roles already exist? And why newly added property called market_id does not? Does it require migration?
The change you're suggesting is not an actual ndb model change as you're not adding/deleting/modifying any of the model's datastore properties. Only ndb.Property class children are real ndb model properties that are stored when the entity is put() into the datastore.
The property you're adding is a Python class #property - nothing to do with what's in the datastore.
So for this particular case no migration is needed.
The update to the question makes this even more clear, I believe. The market_id #property is not a User datastore entity property. To get values for it you don't need to update the User entity, but you have to create/edit corresponding UserRole entities with their resource property point to a Market entity.

How do I handle objects that are part of a Model object’s state, but don’t need separate db-level support?

In my Google App Engine app I have model objects that need to be stored. These objects are parameterized by various policy objects. For example, my Event class has a Privacy policy object which determines who can see, update, etc. There are various subclasses of PrivacyPolicy that behave differently. The Event consults its PrivacyPolicy object at various points.
class PrivacyPolicy(db.Model):
def can_see(self, event, user):
class OwnerOnlyPolicy(PrivacyPolicy):
def can_see(self, event, user):
return user == event.owner
class GroupOnlyPolicy(PrivacyPolicy):
def can_see(self, event, user):
for grp in event.owner.groups()
if grp.is_member(user):
return True
return False
class OnlyCertainUsersPolicy(PrivacyPolicy):
def __init__(self, others):
self.others = others
def can_see(self, event, user):
return user in others
I could make my Event class use a ReferenceProperty to the PrivacyPolicy:
class Event(db.Model):
privacy: db.ReferenceProperty(PrivacyPolicy)
The reason I don’t like this is that the one-to-one relationship means that nobody every queries for the policy object, there is no need to maintain the back-reference from the policy to its Event object, and in no other way is PrivacyPolicy an independent db-level object. It is functionally equivalent to an IntegerProperty, in that it is part of the Event object’s state, it’s just an object instead of a number — specifically it’s an object that can have zero state or lots of state, unknown to the Event type.
I can’t find anyone talking about how to approach such a situation. Is there a tool/approach I don’t know about? Do I just suck it up and use a reference property and the hell with the overhead?
If the only other way to handle this is a custom Property type, any advice about how to approach it would be welcome. My first thought is to use a TextProperty to store the string rep of the policy object (policy), decode it when needed, caching the result, and having any change to the policy object invalidate the cache and update the string rep.
You're overcomplicating by trying to store this in the datastore. This belongs in code rather than in the datastore.
The least complicated way would be:
class Event(db.Model):
privacy = db.IntegerProperty()
def can_see(self, user):
if self.privacy == PRIVACY_OWNER_ONLY:
return user == event.owner
else if self.privacy == PRIVACY_GROUP:
for grp in self.owner.groups()
if grp.is_member(user):
return True
return False
Sometimes all it takes is to think of the right approach. The solution is to introduce a new kind of property that uses pickle to store and retrieve values, such as that described in!topic/google-appengine/bwMD0ZfRnJg
I wanted something slightly more sophisticated, because pickle isn’t always the answer, and anyway documentation is nice, so here is my ObjectReference type:
import pickle
from google.appengine.ext import db
class ObjectProperty(db.Property):
def __init__(self, object_type=None, verbose_name=None, to_store=pickle.dumps, from_store=pickle.loads, **kwds):
"""Initializes this Property with all the given options
All args are passed to the superclass. The ones used specifically by this class are described here. For
all other args, see base class method documentation for details.
object_type: If not None, all values assigned to the property must be either instances of this type or None
to_store: A function to use to convert a property value to a storable str representation. The default is
to use pickle.dumps()
from_store: A function to use to convert a storable str representation to a property value. The default is
to use pickle.loads()
if object_type and not isinstance(object_type, type):
raise TypeError('object_type should be a type object')
kwds['indexed'] = False # It never makes sense to index pickled data
super(ObjectProperty, self).__init__(verbose_name, **kwds)
self.to_store = to_store
self.from_store = from_store
self.object_type = object_type
def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance):
"""Get value from property to send to datastore.
We retrieve the value of the attribute and return the result of invoking the to_store function on it
See base class method documentation for details.
value = getattr(model_instance,, None)
return self.to_store(value)
def make_value_from_datastore(self, rep):
"""Get value from datastore to assign to the property.
We take the value passed, convert it to str() and return the result of invoking the from_store function
on it. The Property class assigns this returned value to the property.
See base class method documentation for details.
# It passes us a unicode, even though I returned a str, so this is required
rep = str(rep)
return self.from_store(rep)
def validate(self, value):
"""Validate reference.
A valid value.
BadValueError for the following reasons:
- Object not of correct type.
value = super(ObjectProperty, self).validate(value)
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.object_type):
raise db.KindError('Property %s must be of type %s' % (, self.object_type))
return value

Add a new attribute to entity in datastore?

I have an entity in my app engine datastore. There's actually only one instance of this entity. I can see it in my admin console. Is it possible to add a new attribute to the entity via the admin console (using gql perhaps)?
Right now it looks something like:
Entity: Foo
Attributes: mName, mAge, mScore
and I'd like to add a new boolean attribute to this entity like "mGraduated" or something like that.
In the worst case I can write some code to delete the entity then save a new one, but yeah was just wondering.
-------- Update ---------
Tried adding the new attribute to my class (using java) and upon loading from the datastore I get the following:
Datastore entity with kind Foo and key Foo(\"Foo\") has a null property named mGraduated.
This property is mapped to, which cannot accept null values.
This is what my entity class looks like, I just added the new attribute (mGraduated), then deployed, then tried loading the single entity from the datastore (which produced the above exception):
public class Foo
private String k;
/** Some old attributes, look like the following. */
#Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "gae.unindexed", value="true")
private String mName;
/** Tried adding the new one. */
#Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "gae.unindexed", value="true")
private boolean mGraduated;
The only way to implement this is to use Boolean as the type for the new property..
Than in set method you can accept boolean value, that's no issue.
If you want the get method to also return boolean.. you also can, but be sure to check if the value is null and if so.. return default value (e.g. true)
private Boolean newProp = null; // can also assing default value .. e.g. true;
public void setNewProp(boolean val)
this.newProp = val;
public boolean getNewProp()
if(this.newProp == null)
return true; // Default value if not set
return this.newProp.booleanValue();
I recommend you not to migrate your data in this case - it can be very costly and can deplete your quota easily (read old data, create new, delete old = 3 operations for every entry in you data store)
You can't do this through the admin console, but you shouldn't have to delete the entity. Instead just update it- the Datastore does not enforce schemas for Kinds.
E.g., if Foo is a subclass of db.Model (Python), change your model subclass to include the new property; fetch the model instance (e.g., by its key), update the instance, including setting the value of the new field; and save the modified instance. Since you just have one instance this is easy. With many such instances to update you'd probably want to do this via task queue tasks or via a mapreduce job.
You have declared the new mGraduated field using the primitive type boolean, which cannot be null. The existing entity can't be loaded into the model class because it doesn't have this property. One option is to declare this property using the Boolean class, which can accept a null value.
The Admin Console only knows about properties in existing entities. You cannot use the Admin Console directly to create a new property with a name not used by any existing entities. (This is just a limitation of the Console. App code can do this easily.)

How to know what class is being deserialized in JackSon Deserializer?

I'm using app engine datastore so I have entity like this.
public class Author {
#Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
#JsonSerialize(using = JsonKeySerializer.class)
#JsonDeserialize(using = JsonKeyDeserializer.class)
private Key key;
When the model is sent to view, it will serialize the Key object as an Id value. Then, if I send data back from view I want to deserialize the Id back to Key object by using JsonKeyDeserializer class.
public class JsonKeyDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Key> {
public Key deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializeContext)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
String id = jsonParser.getText();
if (id.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// Here is the problem because I have several entities and I can't fix the Author class in this deserializer like this.
// I want to know what class is being deserialized at runtime.
// return KeyFactory.createKey(Author.class.getSimpleName(), Integer.parseInt(id))
I tried to debug the value in deserialize's parameters but I can't find the way to get the target deserialized class. How can I solve this?
You may have misunderstood the role of KeySerializer/KeyDeserializer: they are used for Java Map keys, and not as generic identifiers in database sense of term "key".
So you probably would need to use regular JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer instead.
As to type: it is assumed that handlers are constructed for specific types, and no extra type information is passed during serialization or deserialization process: expected type (if handlers are used for different types) must be passed during construction.
When registering general serializers or deserializers, you can do this when implementing Module, as one of the arguments is type for which (de)serializer is requested.
When defining handlers directly for properties (like when using annotations), this information is available on createContextual() callback of interface ContextualSerializer (and -Deserializer), if your handler implements it: BeanProperty is passed to specify property (in this case field with annotation), and you can access its type. This information needs to be stored to be used during (de)serialization.
EDIT: as author pointed out, I actually misread the question: KeySerializer is the class name, not annotation.
