I need to create something like this in SSRS:
My source dataset is fetchxml. I have actually two datasets.
One dataset is just the datapoint "347" whereas the other datapoint is "1000"
Dataset_Active returns 347
Dataset_InActive returns 1000
I have the option of using these fields for the following 3 categories:
My issue is that I cannot use values from multiple datasets.
How do I create a pie chart where the data comes from 2 different datasets? Also in the case that I just neeed to graph 2 values, should I use anything in the category/values/series or just use values?
I have 4 column:
Company name
Work done
Work to be done
Columns 2, 3 and 4 (Work done, Work to be done and Revenue) are currency expressed in Eur format.
I need to represent this data in a pie chart as 3 different slices (column 2, 3 and 4).
You will need to convert Work done, Work to be done and Revenue to categorical values in a single column, e.g. something like this:
Company name
Work done
Work to be done
Work done
Work to be done
This GDS dashboard generates a pie chart using a Google Sheet datasource with these columns and rows. The pie chart dimension is Type and the metric is Amount. Make a copy of the dashboard to see the chart configuration.
I am preparing a datastudio report. The data studio report consists of the following columns below:
As seen in the picture it captures metric data at a particular time.
The date range is set as the end_time
The X axis will represent the end_time column and the breakdown dimension will be InstanceName column and I am preparing to show it as line chart.
There are 2 metrics readops and writeops columns.
I need to represent these 2 metrics as 2 different lines in the same chart so that the read and write operation fluctuations for the instance at a particular time can be easily viewed.
I am not sure on how to represent this on data studio. If it is 1 metrics, i know it is straight forward. I can set instancename as breakdown dimension and end_time as dimension and date range is set to end_time and can represent it. But to represent the 2 metrics as 2 different lines for a particular Instance, with the time range on x axis, i don't know as I am very new to datastudio. I want to do it without drill-down. similar to the picture below which I got from google cloud console which shows ReadBytes the Big Triangle and the smaller one at the bottom in red for WriteBytes
Can anyone help me? Thanks
There are two approaches based on how the the charts need to be displayed:
1) Filter Control
If the aim is to only display 2 lines (2 Metrics):
While allowing the user to select the required InstanceName, then a Filter Control (optionally with a default selection) could be used.
The chart would be set up using:
Dimension: end_time
Metric #1: readops
Metric #2: writeops
Editable Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to expand on the above:
2) Multiple Metrics
If the objective is to display a line for each of the InstanceName values as well as both the Metrics (readops and writeops), then the below approach would be one way.
Currently, when using a Breakdown Dimension, Google Data Studio charts (such as a Time Series chart) support a single metric.
Using the Data Set below, based on the screenshot in the question (Editable Google Sheets):
One approach is to create and use multiple CASE statements at the Data Source; for example:
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(InstanceName, "(dum)") THEN readops
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(InstanceName, "(dum)") THEN writeops
Editable Google Data Studio Data Source and an image to elaborate:
A Chart could then be created with end_time as the Dimension and using the newly created Metrics; Editable Google Data Studio Report and an image to visualise with a Time Series chart:
I have an excel spreadsheet from a Questionnaire. One of the questions was in checkbox format. The result of this question are held in a single column, and where the user has selected more that one answer, the answers are separated by comma's.
What devices do you own? Mobile, PC, Laptop, Tablet
So in a single cell I get 'Mobile,PC' when these two are selected.
I am using Google Data Studio to visualise the data, but stuck on how to create a graph that shows all the values individually.
At the minute I get a combination for every value. So a value of 1 for 'Mobile,PC' rather than a value for 1 'PC' and '1'Mobile.
Google Data Studio doesn't allow countif statements, so a bit lost.
I have tried to TRIM, COUNIF and REGEX but none have worked.
Count(REGEXP_MATCH(Device, "PC"))
I'm a bit lost on this, tried so many combinations. If someone can put me on the right track I would be very grateful
I don't think you'll be able to achieve that with a pie chart without changing your data source first as it needs one dimension (Device) and then one count metric which your data doesn't seem to support.
You could create 4 metrics like
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Device, "PC") then 1
And put them into a Stacked bar / column chart. You might need to create a dimension that has a single value to avoid having multiple bars/columns.
I'm trying to create a datetime based line chart, with a column series.
The problem I found is that amcharts defines dataProvider in chart level, not in series level.
My data points are like:
{date: '2015-11-04 10:12', value: 100}
Obviously I've configered dataDateFormat property.
And I want to add a column, that is only date based. i.e., it displays a number per day. But amcharts force all points to be in the same dataset, isn't it possible to create another dataset, or to define the points in [x,y] method ? rather than all the values in one structure.
I'd like to create a pie chart from a dataset that returns a single row with multiple columns in SSRS. Is this even possible?
I've tried unpivoting the data so I can have multiple rows, and I can't quite pull it. It seems I can't unpivot aggregated data.
So I'm not sure what my next step is. Should I try to unpivot the data, or can I build an expression for the values in the pie chart?
Here's sample data:
ID | IndivMonthSales | IndivBudget | IndivDifference
PAW $30,456.31 $60,000.00 $29543.69
The result I'm looking for is the Pie chart to use the values from IndivMonthSales and IndivDifference (which add up to 100%)
I guess there's 2 questions:
is it possible to unpivot aggregated data (if so, how?)
is it possible to use expressions for Pie Chart values (if so, how?)
I'm very grateful for any and all help.
I believe what you are asking for can be very simply solved by placing both measurements as values in the pie wizard:
Resulting in :