Testing equality between two __m128i variables - c

If I want to do a bitwise equality test between two __m128i variables, am I required to use an SSE instruction or can I use ==? If not, which SSE instruction should I use?

Although using _mm_movemask_epi8 is one solution, if you have a processor with SSE4.1 I think a better solution is to use an instruction which sets the zero or carry flag in the FLAGS register. This saves a test or cmp instruction.
To do this you could do this:
if(_mm_test_all_ones(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(v1,v2))) {
//v0 == v1
Edit: as Paul R pointed out _mm_test_all_ones generates two instructions: pcmpeqd and ptest. With _mm_cmpeq_epi8 that's three instructions total. Here's a better solution which only uses two instructions in total:
__m128i neq = _mm_xor_si128(v1,v2);
if(_mm_test_all_zeros(neq,neq)) {
//v0 == v1
This generates
pxor %xmm1, %xmm0
ptest %xmm0, %xmm0

You can use a compare and then extract a mask from the comparison result:
__m128i vcmp = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v0, v1); // PCMPEQB
uint16_t vmask = _mm_movemask_epi8(vcmp); // PMOVMSKB
if (vmask == 0xffff)
// v0 == v1
This works with SSE2 and later.
As noted by #Zboson, if you have SSE 4.1 then you can do it like this, which may be slightly more efficient, as it's two SSE instructions and then a test on a flag (ZF):
__m128i vcmp = _mm_xor_si128(v0, v1); // PXOR
if (_mm_testz_si128(vcmp, vcmp)) // PTEST (requires SSE 4.1)
// v0 == v1
FWIW I just benchmarked both of these implementations on a Haswell Core i7 using clang to compile the test harness and the timing results were very similar - the SSE4 implementation appears to be very slightly faster but it's hard to measure the difference.

Consider using an SSE4.1 instruction ptest:
if(_mm_testc_si128(v0, v1)) {if equal}
else {if not}
ptest computes the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing integer data) in a and mask, and return 1 if the result is zero, otherwise return 0.


Why don't GCC and Clang optimize multiplication by 2^n with a float to integer PADDD of the exponent, even with -ffast-math?

Considering this function,
float mulHalf(float x) {
return x * 0.5f;
the following function produces the same result with normal input/output.
float mulHalf_opt(float x) {
__m128i e = _mm_set1_epi32(-1 << 23);
__asm__ ("paddd\t%0, %1" : "+x"(x) : "xm"(e));
return x;
This is the assembly output with -O3 -ffast-math.
mulss xmm0, DWORD PTR .LC0[rip]
paddd xmm0, XMMWORD PTR .LC1[rip]
-ffast-math enables -ffinite-math-only which "assumes that arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Infs" [1].
So the compiled output of mulHalf might better use paddd with -ffast-math on if doing so produces faster code under the tolerance of -ffast-math.
I got the following tables from Intel Intrinsics Guide.
Architecture Latency Throughput (CPI)
Skylake 4 0.5
Broadwell 3 0.5
Haswell 5 0.5
Ivy Bridge 5 1
Architecture Latency Throughput (CPI)
Skylake 1 0.33
Broadwell 1 0.5
Haswell 1 0.5
Ivy Bridge 1 0.5
Clearly, paddd is a faster instruction. Then I thought maybe it's because of the bypass delay between integer and floating-point units.
This answer shows a table from Agner Fog.
Processor Bypass delay, clock cycles
Intel Core 2 and earlier 1
Intel Nehalem 2
Intel Sandy Bridge and later 0-1
Intel Atom 0
VIA Nano 2-3
Seeing this, paddd still seems like a winner, especially on CPUs later than Sandy Bridge, but specifying -march for recent CPUs just change mulss to vmulss, which has a similar latency/throughput.
Why don't GCC and Clang optimize multiplication by 2^n with a float to paddd even with -ffast-math?
This fails for an input of 0.0f, which -ffast-math doesn't rule out. (Even though technically that's a special case of a subnormal that just happens to also have a zero mantissa.).
Integer subtraction would wrap to an all-ones exponent field, and flip the sign bit, so you'd get 0.0f * 0.5f producing -Inf, which is simply not acceptable.
#chtz points out that the +0.0f case can be repaired by using psubusw, but that still fails for -0.0f -> +Inf. So unfortunately that's not usable either, even with -ffast-math allowing the "wrong" sign of zero. But being fully wrong for infinities and NaNs is also undesirable even with fast-math.
Other than that, yes I think this would work, and pay for itself in bypass latency vs. ALU latency on CPUs other than Nehalem, even if used between other FP instructions.
The 0.0 behaviour is a showstopper. Besides that, the underflow behaviour is a lot less desirable than with FP multiply for other inputs, e.g. producing a subnormal even when FTZ (flush to zero on output) is set. Code that reads it with DAZ set (denormals are zero) would still handle it properly, but the FP bit-pattern might also be wrong for a number with the minimum normalized exponent (encoded as 1) and a non-zero mantissa. e.g. you could get a bit-pattern of 0x00000001 as a result of multiplying a normalized number by 0.5f.
Even if not for the 0.0f showstopper, this weirdness might be more than GCC would be willing to inflict on people. So I wouldn't expect it even for cases where GCC can prove non-zero, unless it could also prove far from FLT_MIN. That may be rare enough not to be worth looking for.
You can certainly do it manually when you know it's safe, although much more convenient with SIMD intrinsics. I'd expect rather bad asm from scalar type-punning, probably 2x movd around integer sub, instead of keeping it in an XMM for paddd when you only want the low scalar FP element.
Godbolt for several attempts, including straightforward intrinsics which clang compiles to just a memory-source paddd like we hoped. Clang's shuffle optimizer sees that the upper elements are "dead" (_mm_cvtss_f32 only reads the bottom one), and is able to treat them as "don't care".
// clang compiles this fully efficiently
// others waste an instruction or more on _mm_set_ss to zero the upper XMM elements
float mulHalf_opt_intrinsics(float x) {
__m128i e = _mm_set1_epi32(-1u << 23);
__m128 vx = _mm_set_ss(x);
vx = _mm_castsi128_ps( _mm_add_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(vx), e) );
return _mm_cvtss_f32(vx);
And a plain scalar version. I haven't tested to see if it can auto-vectorize, but it might conceivably do so. Without that, GCC and clang do both movd/add/movd (or sub) to bounce the value to a GP-integer register.
float mulHalf_opt_memcpy_scalar(float x) {
uint32_t xi;
memcpy(&xi, &x, sizeof(x));
xi += -1u << 23;
memcpy(&x, &xi, sizeof(x));
return x;

AVX512 - How to move all set bits to the right?

How can I move all set bits of mask register to right? (To the bottom, least-significant position).
For example:
__mmask16 mask = _mm512_cmpeq_epi32_mask(vload, vlimit); // mask = 1101110111011101
If we move all set bits to the right, we will get: 1101110111011101 -> 0000111111111111
How can I achieve this efficiently?
Below you can see how I tried to get the same result, but it's inefficient:
__mmask16 mask = 56797;
// mask: 1101110111011101
__m512i vbrdcast = _mm512_maskz_broadcastd_epi32(mask, _mm_set1_epi32(~0));
// vbrdcast: -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1
__m512i vcompress = _mm512_maskz_compress_epi32(mask, vbrdcast);
// vcompress:-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0
__mmask16 right_packed_mask = _mm512_movepi32_mask(vcompress);
// right_packed_mask: 0000111111111111
What is the best way to do this?
BMI2 pext is the scalar bitwise equivalent of v[p]compressd/q/ps/pd.
Use it on your mask value to left-pack them to the bottom of the value.
mask = _pext_u32(-1U, mask); // or _pext_u64(-1ULL, mask64) for __mmask64
// costs 3 asm instructions (kmov + pext + kmov) if you need to use the result as a mask
// not including putting -1 in a register.
Implicit conversion between __mmask16 (aka uint16_t in GCC) and uint32_t works.
Use _cvtu32_mask16 and _cvtu32_mask16 to make the KMOVW explicit if you like.
See How to unset N right-most set bits for more about using pext/pdep in ways like this.
All current CPUs with AVX-512 also have fast BMI2 pext (including Xeon Phi), same performance as popcnt. AMD had slow pext until Zen 3, but if/when AMD ever introduces an AVX-512 CPU it should have fast pext/pdep.
For earlier AMD without AVX512, you might want (1ULL << __builtin_popcount(mask)) - 1, but be careful of overflow if all bits are set. 1ULL << 64 is undefined behaviour, and likely to produce 1 not 0 when compiled for x86-64.
If you were going to use vpcompressd, note that the source vector can simply be all-ones _mm512_set1_epi32(-1); compress doesn't care about elements where the mask was zero, they don't need to already be zero.
(It doesn't matter which -1s you pack; once you're working with boolean values, there's no difference between a true that came from your original bitmask vs. a constant true that was just sitting there which you generated more cheaply, without a dependency on your input mask. Same reasoning applies for pext, why you can use -1U as the source data instead of a pdep. i.e. a -1 or set bit doesn't have an identity; it's the same as any other -1 or set bit).
So let's try both ways and see how good/bad the asm is.
__mmask16 leftpack_k(__mmask16 mask){
return _pdep_u32(-1U, mask);
__mmask16 leftpack_comp(__mmask16 mask) {
__m512i v = _mm512_maskz_compress_epi32(mask, _mm512_set1_epi32(-1));
return _mm512_movepi32_mask(v);
Looking at stand-alone versions of these isn't useful because __mmask16 is a typedef for unsigned short, and is thus passed/returned in integer registers, not k registers. That makes the pext version look very good, of course, but we want to see how it inlines into a case where we generate and use the mask with AVX-512 intrinsics.
// not a useful function, just something that compiles to asm in an obvious way
void use_leftpack_compress(void *dst, __m512i v){
__mmask16 m = _mm512_test_epi32_mask(v,v);
m = leftpack_comp(m);
_mm512_mask_storeu_epi32(dst, m, v);
Commenting out the m = pack(m), this is just a simple 2 instructions that generate and then use a mask.
use_mask_nocompress(void*, long long __vector(8)):
vptestmd k1, zmm0, zmm0
vmovdqu32 ZMMWORD PTR [rdi]{k1}, zmm0
So any extra instructions will be due to left-packing (compressing) the mask. GCC and clang make the same asm as each other, differing only in clang avoiding kmovw in favour of always kmovd. Godbolt
# GCC10.3 -O3 -march=skylake-avx512
use_leftpack_k(void*, long long __vector(8)):
vptestmd k0, zmm0, zmm0
mov eax, -1 # could be hoisted out of a loop
kmovd edx, k0
pdep eax, eax, edx
kmovw k1, eax
vmovdqu32 ZMMWORD PTR [rdi]{k1}, zmm0
use_leftpack_compress(void*, long long __vector(8)):
vptestmd k1, zmm0, zmm0
vpternlogd zmm2, zmm2, zmm2, 0xFF # set1(-1) could be hoisted out of a loop
vpcompressd zmm1{k1}{z}, zmm2
vpmovd2m k1, zmm1
vmovdqu32 ZMMWORD PTR [rdi]{k1}, zmm0
So the non-hoistable parts are
kmov r,k (port 0) / pext (port 1) / kmov k,r (port 5) = 3 uops, one for each execution port. (Including port 1, which has its vector ALUs shut down while 512-bit uops are in flight). The kmov/kmov round trip has 4 cycle latency on SKX, and pext is 3 cycle latency, for a total of 7 cycle latency.
vpcompressd zmm{k}{z}, z (2 p5) / vpmovd2m (port 0) = 3 uops, two for port 5. vpmovd2m has 3 cycle latency on SKX / ICL, and vpcompressd-zeroing-into-zmm has 6 cycle from the k input to the zmm output (SKX and ICL). So a total of 9 cycle latency, and worse port distribution for the uops.
Also, the hoistable part is generally worse (vpternlogd is longer and competes for fewer ports than mov r32, imm32), unless your function already needs an all-ones vector for something but not an all-ones register.
Conclusion: the BMI2 pext way is not worse in any way, and better in several. (Unless surrounding code heavily bottlenecked on port 1 uops, which is very unlikely if using 512-bit vectors because in that case it can only be running scalar integer uops like 3-cycle LEA, IMUL, LZCNT, and of course simple 1-cycle integer stuff like add/sub/and/or).

Are there advantages of using `setp` instead of `setb`?

When compiling
double isnan(double x){
return x!=x
both clang and gcc utilize the parity-flag PF:
_Z6is_nand: # #_Z6is_nand
ucomisd %xmm0, %xmm0
setp %al
However, the two possible outcomes of the comparison are:
NaN Not-Nan
ZF 1 1
PF 1 0
CF 1 0
that means it would be also possible to use the CF-flag as alternative, i.e. setb instead of setp.
Are there any advantages of using setp over setb, or is it a coincidence, that both compilers use the parity flag?
PS: This question is the following up to Understanding compilation result for std::isnan
The advantage is that the compiler emits this code naturally without needing a special case to recognize x!=x and transform it into !(x >= x).
Without -ffast-math, x != y has to check PF to see if the comparison is ordered, then check ZF for equality. In special case where both inputs are the same, presumably normal optimization mechanisms like CSE can get rid of the ZF check, leaving only PF.
In this case, setb wouldn't be worse, but it has absolutely no advantage, and it's more confusing for humans, and it probably needs more special-case code for the compiler to emit it.
Your suggested transformation would only be useful when using the result with special instruction that use CF, like adc. For example, nan_counter += arr[i] != arr[i]. That auto-vectorizes trivially (cmp_unord_ps / psubd), but scalar cleanup (or a scalar use-case over non-array inputs) could use ucomiss / adc $0, %eax instead of ucomiss / setp / add.
That saves an instruction, and a uop on Broadwell and later, and on AMD. (Earlier Intel CPUs have 2 uop adc, unless they special-case $0, because they don't support 3-input uops)

Handling zeroes in _mm256_rsqrt_ps()

Given that _mm256_sqrt_ps() is relatively slow, and that the values I am generating are immediately truncated with _mm256_floor_ps(), looking around it seems that doing:
Is the way to go for that extra bit of performance and avoiding a pipeline stall.
Unfortunately, with zero values, I of course get a crash calculating 1/sqrt(0). What is the best way around this? I have tried this (which works and is faster), but is there a better way, or am I going to run into problems under certain conditions?
My code is for a vertical application, so I can assume that it will be running on a Haswell CPU (i7-4810MQ), so FMA/AVX2 can be used. The original code is approximately:
float vals[MAX];
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
int thisSqrt = (int) floor(sqrt(vals[i]));
sum += min(thisSqrt, 0x3F);
All the values of vals should be integer values. (Why everything isn't just int is a different question...)
tl;dr: See the end for code that compiles and should work.
To just solve the 0.0 problem, you could also special-case inputs of 0.0 with an FP compare of the source against 0.0. Use the compare result as a mask to zero out any NaNs resulting from 0 * +Infinity in sqrt(x) = x * rsqrt(x)). Clang does this when autovectorizing. (But it uses blendps with the zeroed vector, instead of using the compare mask with andnps directly to zero or preserve elements.)
It would also be possible to use sqrt(x) ~= recip(rsqrt(x)), as suggested by njuffa. rsqrt(0) = +Inf. recip(+Inf) = 0. However, using two approximations would compound the relative error, which is a problem.
The thing you're missing:
Truncating to integer (instead of rounding) requires an accurate sqrt result when the input is a perfect square. If the result for 25*rsqrt(25) is 4.999999 or something (instead of 5.00001), you'll add 4 instead of 5.
Even with a Newton-Raphson iteration, rsqrtps isn't perfectly accurate the way sqrtps is, so it might still give 5.0 - 1ulp. (1ulp = one unit in the last place = lowest bit of the mantissa).
Newton Raphson formula explained
Newton Raphson SSE implementation performance (latency/throughput). Note that we care more about throughput than latency, since we're using it in a loop that doesn't do much else. sqrt isn't part of the loop-carried dep chain, so different iterations can have their sqrt calcs in flight at once.
It might be possible to kill 2 birds with one stone by adding a small constant before doing the (x+offset)*approx_rsqrt(x+offset) and then truncating to integer. Large enough to overcome the max relative error of 1.5*2-12, but small enough not to bump sqrt_approx(63*63-1+offset) up to 63 (the most sensitive case).
63*1.5*2^(-12) == 0.023071...
approx_sqrt(63*63-1) == 62.99206... +/- 0.023068..
Actually, we're screwed without a Newton iteration even without adding anything. approx_sqrt(63*63-1) could come out above 63.0 all by itself. n=36 is the largest value where the relative error in sqrt(n*n-1) + error is less than sqrt(n*n). GNU Calc:
define f(n) { local x=sqrt(n*n-1); local e=x*1.5*2^(-12); print x; print e, x+e; }
; f(36)
~0.01317850650545403926 ~35.99928693739861723339
; f(37)
~0.01354485498699237990 ~37.00002887280085108140
Does your source data have any properties that mean you don't have to worry about it being just below a large perfect square? e.g. is it always perfect squares?
You could check all possible input values, since the important domain is very small (integer FP values from 0..63*63) to see if the error in practice is small enough on Intel Haswell, but that would be a brittle optimization that could make your code break on AMD CPUs, or even on future Intel CPUs. Unfortunately, just coding to the ISA spec's guarantee that the relative error is up to 1.5*2-12 requires more instructions. I don't see any tricks a NR iteration.
If your upper limit was smaller (like 20), you could just do isqrt = static_cast<int> ((x+0.5)*approx_rsqrt(x+0.5)). You'd get 20 for 20*20, but always 19 for 20*20-1.
; define test_approx_sqrt(x, off) { local s=x*x+off; local sq=s/sqrt(s); local sq_1=(s-1)/sqrt(s-1); local e=1.5*2^(-12); print sq, sq_1; print sq*e, sq_1*e; }
; test_approx_sqrt(20, 0.5)
~20.01249609618950056874 ~19.98749609130668473087 # (x+0.5)/sqrt(x+0.5)
~0.00732879495710064718 ~0.00731963968187500662 # relative error
Note that val * (x +/- err) = val*x +/- val*err. IEEE FP mul produces results that are correctly rounded to 0.5ulp, so this should work for FP relative errors.
Anyway, I think you need one Newton-Raphson iteration.
The best bet is to add 0.5 to your input before doing an approx_sqrt using rsqrt. That sidesteps the 0/0 = NaN problem, and pushes the +/- error range all to one side of the whole number cut point (for numbers in the range we care about).
FP min/max instructions have the same performance as FP add, and will be on the critical path either way. Using an add instead of a max also solves the problem of results for perfect squares potentially being a few ulp below the correct result.
Compiler output: a decent starting point
I get pretty good autovectorization results from clang 3.7.1 with sum_int, with -fno-math-errno -funsafe-math-optimizations. -ffinite-math-only is not required (but even with the full -ffast-math, clang avoids sqrt(0) = NaN when using rsqrtps).
sum_fp doesn't auto-vectorize, even with the full -ffast-math.
However clang's version suffers from the same problem as your idea: truncating an inexact result from rsqrt + NR, potentially giving the wrong integer. IDK if this is why gcc doesn't auto-vectorize, because it could have used sqrtps for a big speedup without changing the results. (At least, as long as all the floats are between 0 and INT_MAX2, otherwise converting back to integer will give the "indefinite" result of INT_MIN. (sign bit set, all other bits cleared). This is a case where -ffast-math breaks your program, unless you use -mrecip=none or something.
See the asm output on godbolt from:
// autovectorizes with clang, but has rounding problems.
// Note the use of sqrtf, and that floorf before truncating to int is redundant. (removed because clang doesn't optimize away the roundps)
int sum_int(float vals[]){
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
int thisSqrt = (int) sqrtf(vals[i]);
sum += std::min(thisSqrt, 0x3F);
return sum;
To manually vectorize with intrinsics, we can look at the asm output from -fno-unroll-loops (to keep things simple). I was going to include this in the answer, but then realized that it had problems.
putting it together:
I think converting to int inside the loop is better than using floorf and then addps. roundps is a 2-uop instruction (6c latency) on Haswell (1uop in SnB/IvB). Worse, both uops require port1, so they compete with FP add / mul. cvttps2dq is a 1-uop instruction for port1, with 3c latency, and then we can use integer min and add to clamp and accumulate, so port5 gets something to do. Using an integer vector accumulator also means the loop-carried dependency chain is 1 cycle, so we don't need to unroll or use multiple accumulators to keep multiple iterations in flight. Smaller code is always better for the big picture (uop cache, L1 I-cache, branch predictors).
As long as we aren't in danger of overflowing 32bit accumulators, this seems to be the best choice. (Without having benchmarked anything or even tested it).
I'm not using the sqrt(x) ~= approx_recip(approx_sqrt(x)) method, because I don't know how to do a Newton iteration to refine it (probably it would involve a division). And because the compounded error is larger.
Horizontal sum from this answer.
Complete but untested version:
#include <immintrin.h>
#define MAX 4096
// 2*sqrt(x) ~= 2*x*approx_rsqrt(x), with a Newton-Raphson iteration
// dividing by 2 is faster in the integer domain, so we don't do it
__m256 approx_2sqrt_ps256(__m256 x) {
// clang / gcc usually use -3.0 and -0.5. We could do the same by using fnmsub_ps (add 3 = subtract -3), so we can share constants
__m256 three = _mm256_set1_ps(3.0f);
//__m256 half = _mm256_set1_ps(0.5f); // we omit the *0.5 step
__m256 nr = _mm256_rsqrt_ps( x ); // initial approximation for Newton-Raphson
// 1/sqrt(x) ~= nr * (3 - x*nr * nr) * 0.5 = nr*(1.5 - x*0.5*nr*nr)
// sqrt(x) = x/sqrt(x) ~= (x*nr) * (3 - x*nr * nr) * 0.5
// 2*sqrt(x) ~= (x*nr) * (3 - x*nr * nr)
__m256 xnr = _mm256_mul_ps( x, nr );
__m256 three_minus_muls = _mm256_fnmadd_ps( xnr, nr, three ); // -(xnr*nr) + 3
return _mm256_mul_ps( xnr, three_minus_muls );
// packed int32_t: correct results for inputs from 0 to well above 63*63
__m256i isqrt256_ps(__m256 x) {
__m256 offset = _mm256_set1_ps(0.5f); // or subtract -0.5, to maybe share constants with compiler-generated Newton iterations.
__m256 xoff = _mm256_add_ps(x, offset); // avoids 0*Inf = NaN, and rounding error before truncation
__m256 approx_2sqrt_xoff = approx_2sqrt_ps256(xoff);
__m256i i2sqrtx = _mm256_cvttps_epi32(approx_2sqrt_xoff);
return _mm256_srli_epi32(i2sqrtx, 1); // divide by 2 with truncation
// alternatively, we could mask the low bit to zero and divide by two outside the loop, but that has no advantage unless port0 turns out to be the bottleneck
__m256i isqrt256_ps_simple_exact(__m256 x) {
__m256 sqrt_x = _mm256_sqrt_ps(x);
__m256i isqrtx = _mm256_cvttps_epi32(sqrt_x);
return isqrtx;
int hsum_epi32_avx(__m256i x256){
__m128i xhi = _mm256_extracti128_si256(x256, 1);
__m128i xlo = _mm256_castsi256_si128(x256);
__m128i x = _mm_add_epi32(xlo, xhi);
__m128i hl = _mm_shuffle_epi32(x, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2));
hl = _mm_add_epi32(hl, x);
x = _mm_shuffle_epi32(hl, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
hl = _mm_add_epi32(hl, x);
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(hl);
int sum_int_avx(float vals[]){
__m256i sum = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i upperlimit = _mm256_set1_epi32(0x3F);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i+=8) {
__m256 v = _mm256_loadu_ps(vals+i);
__m256i visqrt = isqrt256_ps(v);
// assert visqrt == isqrt256_ps_simple_exact(v) or something
visqrt = _mm256_min_epi32(visqrt, upperlimit);
sum = _mm256_add_epi32(sum, visqrt);
return hsum_epi32_avx(sum);
Compiles on godbolt to nice code, but I haven't tested it. clang makes slightly nicer code that gcc: clang uses broadcast-loads from 4B locations for the set1 constants, instead of repeating them at compile time into 32B constants. gcc also has a bizarre movdqa to copy a register.
Anyway, the whole loop winds up being only 9 vector instructions, compared to 12 for the compiler-generated sum_int version. It probably didn't notice the x*initial_guess(x) common-subexpressions that occur in the Newton-Raphson iteration formula when you're multiplying the result by x, or something like that. It also does an extra mulps instead of a psrld because it does the *0.5 before converting to int. So that's where the extra two mulps instructions come from, and there's the cmpps/blendvps.
vpxor ymm3, ymm3, ymm3
xor eax, eax
vbroadcastss ymm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI4_0] ; set1(0.5)
vbroadcastss ymm1, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI4_1] ; set1(3.0)
vpbroadcastd ymm2, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI4_2] ; set1(63)
LBB4_1: ; latencies
vaddps ymm4, ymm0, ymmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax] ; 3c
vrsqrtps ymm5, ymm4 ; 7c
vmulps ymm4, ymm4, ymm5 ; x*nr ; 5c
vfnmadd213ps ymm5, ymm4, ymm1 ; 5c
vmulps ymm4, ymm4, ymm5 ; 5c
vcvttps2dq ymm4, ymm4 ; 3c
vpsrld ymm4, ymm4, 1 ; 1c this would be a mulps (but not on the critical path) if we did this in the FP domain
vpminsd ymm4, ymm4, ymm2 ; 1c
vpaddd ymm3, ymm4, ymm3 ; 1c
; ... (those 9 insns repeated: loop unrolling)
add rax, 16
cmp rax, 4096
jl .LBB4_1
;... horizontal sum
IACA thinks that with no unroll, Haswell can sustain a throughput of one iteration per 4.15 cycles, bottlenecking on ports 0 and 1. So potentially you could shave a cycle by accumulating sqrt(x)*2 (with truncation to even numbers using _mm256_and_si256), and only divide by two outside the loop.
Also according to IACA, the latency of a single iteration is 38 cycles on Haswell. I only get 31c, so probably it's including L1 load-use latency or something. Anyway, this means that to saturate the execution units, operations from 8 iterations have to be in flight at once. That's 8 * ~14 unfused-domain uops = 112 unfused-uops (or less with clang's unroll) that have to be in flight at once. Haswell's scheduler is actually only 60 entries, but the ROB is 192 entries. The early uops from early iterations will already have executed, so they only need to be tracked in the ROB, not also in the scheduler. Many of the slow uops are at the beginning of each iteration, though. Still, there's reason to hope that this will come close-ish to saturating ports 0 and 1. Unless data is hot in L1 cache, cache/memory bandwidth will probably be the bottleneck.
Interleaving operations from multiple dep chains would also be better. When clang unrolls, it puts all 9 instructions for one iteration ahead of all 9 instructions for another iteration. It uses a surprisingly small number of registers, so it would be possible to have instructions for 2 or 4 iterations mixed together. This is the sort of thing compilers are supposed to be good at, but which is cumbersome for humans. :/
It would also be slightly more efficient if the compiler chose a one-register addressing mode, so the load could micro-fuse with the vaddps. gcc does this.

The best way to shift a __m128i?

I need to shift a __m128i variable, (say v), by m bits, in such a way that bits move through all of the variable (So, the resulting variable represents v*2^m).
What is the best way to do this?!
Note that _mm_slli_epi64 shifts v0 and v1 seperately:
r0 := v0 << count
r1 := v1 << count
so the last bits of v0 missed, but I want to move those bits to r1.
I looking for a code, faster than this (m<64):
r0 = v0 << m;
r1 = v0 >> (64-m);
r1 ^= v1 << m;
r2 = v1 >> (64-m);
For compile-time constant shift counts, you can get fairly good results. Otherwise not really.
This is just an SSE implementation of the r0 / r1 code from your question, since there's no other obvious way to do it. Variable-count shifts are only available for bit-shifts within vector elements, not for byte-shifts of the whole register. So we just carry the low 64bits up to the high 64 and use a variable-count shift to put them in the right place.
// untested
#include <immintrin.h>
/* some compilers might choke on slli / srli with non-compile-time-constant args
* gcc generates the xmm, imm8 form with constants,
* and generates the xmm, xmm form with otherwise. (With movd to get the count in an xmm)
// doesn't optimize for the special-case where count%8 = 0
// could maybe do that in gcc with if(__builtin_constant_p(count)) { if (!count%8) return ...; }
__m128i mm_bitshift_left(__m128i x, unsigned count)
__m128i carry = _mm_bslli_si128(x, 8); // old compilers only have the confusingly named _mm_slli_si128 synonym
if (count >= 64)
return _mm_slli_epi64(carry, count-64); // the non-carry part is all zero, so return early
// else
carry = _mm_srli_epi64(carry, 64-count); // After bslli shifted left by 64b
x = _mm_slli_epi64(x, count);
return _mm_or_si128(x, carry);
__m128i mm_bitshift_left_3(__m128i x) { // by a specific constant, to see inlined constant version
return mm_bitshift_left(x, 3);
// by a specific constant, to see inlined constant version
__m128i mm_bitshift_left_100(__m128i x) { return mm_bitshift_left(x, 100); }
I thought this was going to be less convenient than it turned out to be. _mm_slli_epi64 works on gcc/clang/icc even when the count is not a compile-time constant (generating a movd from integer reg to xmm reg). There is a _mm_sll_epi64 (__m128i a, __m128i count) (note the lack of i), but at least these days, the i intrinsic can generate either form of psllq.
The compile-time-constant count versions are fairly efficient, compiling to 4 instructions (or 5 without AVX):
mm_bitshift_left_3(long long __vector(2)):
vpslldq xmm1, xmm0, 8
vpsrlq xmm1, xmm1, 61
vpsllq xmm0, xmm0, 3
vpor xmm0, xmm0, xmm1
This has 3 cycle latency (vpslldq(1) -> vpsrlq(1) -> vpor(1)) on Intel SnB/IvB/Haswell, with throughput limited to one per 2 cycles (saturating the vector shift unit on port 0). Byte-shift runs on the shuffle unit on a different port. Immediate-count vector shifts are all single-uop instructions, so this is only 4 fused-domain uops taking up pipeline space when mixed in with other code. (Variable-count vector shifts are 2 uop, 2 cycle latency, so the variable-count version of this function is worse than it looks from counting instructions.)
Or for counts >= 64:
mm_bitshift_left_100(long long __vector(2)):
vpslldq xmm0, xmm0, 8
vpsllq xmm0, xmm0, 36
If your shift-count is not a compile-time constant, you have to branch on count > 64 to figure out whether to left or right shift the carry. I believe the shift count is interpreted as an unsigned integer, so a negative count is impossible.
It also takes extra instructions to get the int count and 64-count into vector registers. Doing this in a branchless fashion with vector compares and a blend instruction might be possible, but a branch is probably a good idea.
The variable-count version for __uint128_t in GP registers looks fairly good; better than the SSE version. Clang does a slightly better job than gcc, emitting fewer mov instructions, but it still uses two cmov instructions for the count >= 64 case. (Because x86 integer shift instructions mask the count, instead of saturating.)
__uint128_t leftshift_int128(__uint128_t x, unsigned count) {
return x << count; // undefined if count >= 128
In SSE4.A the instructions insrq and extrq can be used to shift (and rotate) through __mm128i 1-64 bits at a time. Unlike the 8/16/32/64 bit counterparts pextrN/pinsrX, these instructions select or insert m bits (between 1 and 64) at any bit offset from 0 to 127. The caveat is that the sum of lenght and offset must not exceed 128.
