I have a Visualforce page and i want to open in in my salesforce account, I want to display it in my page while page is not public. I want to open a website page in apex:iframe which is developed in php.
For example this my code:
<apex:page >
<apex:iframe src="http://www.examplesite.com/" scrolling="true" id="theIframe" height="500px" width="400px"/>
I have a Visualforce page PDF_Generate which generates a PDF.
I created a custom link in Account object with URL
The URL generated from visualforce page is
But what the custom link generates URL
How to change the --d.visualforce.com in the URL to --cch.visualforce.com.
I used liferay 6.1, in my spring MVC portlet one button for only admin in jsp page.
so i want to do check that in controller if admin is login then only that button accessible otherwise no other user can access that.
jsp page all the datagrid content render with extJS so in my jsp all data with write in java script.So, How can we do that in that here is my image link i.imgur.com/Qwfbg2H.png
So can you tell me how can i check and implement that logged in user is admin .??
You can use permissionChecker.isOmniadmin() to check if logged-in user is admin.
permissionChecker is implicit object you will get when you have statement <theme:defineObject/> with proper tld declared in your jsp.
<%# taglib uri="http://liferay.com/tld/theme" prefix="theme" %>
<theme:defineObjects />
In DotnetNuke, home page of site can be set to pages created through Administrator portal only. Is there anyway to set custom page as home page.
As a workaround I think you can make the homepage redirect to your custom page.
For example, go to the Home page > Page Settings > Advanced Settings > Other Settings and set Link Url to URL (A link to an external resource). Then you can put anything in there. You can also make it a permanent redirect.
My clients would like to track the banner clicks in a a href tags. They have gif images on my page that after click redirect to their page. How can I adjust the code, so they can count the click with their GA account. Is this possible at all or not?
If your client specifically wants to track clicks on a banner image/gif on your page that redirects to his own, you could set up an intermediary redirect.
What I mean is to set up a profile on Google Analytics called "MyClient Image Banner Click" or something, then create a page on your server called clientClick.html and make it look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.customer.com/page.html">
Then, you have the image banner gif on your page redirect to clientClick.html instead of his site. This way, the only time this specific analytics code is triggered is when a user clicks on the image banner. After 0 seconds, this clientClick.html page will automagically redirect the user who clicked on the image to the actual destination page on your client's site. Your client gets to see all the user demographics right there in Analytics in his account.
This practice is a lot more common than you think. Think of all the times you have seen ads referencing an "out.php?id=blahblah&client=44" as the href? Hope this helps! Aloha. :)
I want to embed vimeo videos in my Vf page. I am trying to embed this with the link but it says access denied. Means it needs and authorization.
Can any body please suggest me how to d this.
Sounds like the video isn't public? I'd have thought your real problem is some settings on Vimeo — I highly doubt you want your users to create accounts / login to Vimeo, and doubt you really need to store credentials for your own account either.
I've just created a public sites page to show that if the Vimeo settings are set up right that it can be embedded without a login.
The entire page code is below, note I had to add ="true" to the various full screen attributes in order for Salesforce to save the file correctly.
<apex:page >
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/38991709?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScree="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
ANGRY BEARD from TKSH! Films & Stop Motion on Vimeo.
The video is not mine, it's just one I found on the Vimeo home page a moment ago