latest updates on .net framework for MC 70 symbol scanner - mobile

Where and how do I find the latest updates for .net framework on the MC 70 Motorola symbol scanner? Any help is much appreciated.

Have you tried the support page?

I found the link here and it worked


Embed Geckofx 45 in Winforms VisualStudio

I embedded Geckofx 33 in my winform application, but that version is too old for what i have to do, so i would like to figure out with the latest version of gecko embedding it in a winform.
Is this a way to do this with the latest version of gecko??
And if yes, does the latest version support the mp3/mp4?
At this point no, there is not a way to use gecko 45. There have been substantial changes since 33 that require some work before we can move forward. However there are plans to start work on 45 this month. If you sign in to, you can follow the project and should get a notification when 45 is added.

Silverlight developer runtime earlier versions

I need this version of Silverlight developer runtime:
Silverlight_Developer.exe 4.0.60831
I tried to find it, but i was not successful.
Anybody can help me where I can find this version of Silverlight developer runtime?
Thanks advanced,
Here you go I am not sure about the exact version but this contains the SL 4 Developer runtime
Finally I resolved my problem I found this:
Microsoft® Silverlight™ Release History

The Best tool for building Sencha (Ext JS) applications are?

I started working on Ext JS, but the building process has always been a headache to me as I always used notepad..
Can you suggest some tools which help me build the Ext JS applications easily....
Initial GUI Setup (if you're feeling lazy!)
Ext Designer
IDE for further development
Aptana Studio or CodeRun (online) or eCoder (online)
Bug testing during development
Debugging the final layer of polish
YSlow for Firebug
I'm usually a fan of Eclipse, but Check out PHPStorm, it has better colouring, works well with libraries and does refactoring.
Try Aptana Studio + Firebug. Plus a handset of each type you intend to code for.
Also, see this link for an answer to a similar question:
"Debugging" ExtJS script
TextMate? It's really a matter of personal preference.
I recommend Textpad - I've been using it for 12 years now.
Spket IDE is powerful toolkit for working with JavaScript Framework like extjs.
You can also use Eclipse and Spket plugin for developing better javascript code. Visist for more details.

Is it possible to have a solution that builds an XBAP and Standard Application as an output?

Is it possible to have a project build that produces both a standard version of an application (standard as in just the exe and its required assemblies) and an XBAP version of the application? I have looked on the internet and read my books on WPF and I have not found a way to do this as of yet.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing your answers.
After a lot more searching and leafing through the incredibly useful "Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed" - I was presented with a link to a site where they supplied a project template to achieve my exact requirement.
For anyone else interested the link is below:

New Silverlight features in 4.0

For any silverlight fanatics out there, I was wanting to ask what type of new features does Silverlight 4.0 have compared to Silverlight 1.0 ? I am a Silverlight newbie and need to get that skillset accquired.
Look at this table on the official site which compares every version of Silverlight.
Wow that is a loaded question. I would suggest that you do some reading or watch some videos. Here is a link to some Silverlight 4.0 videos that should get you going Silverlight has come a very long way since version 1.0. I started with version 1.0 and its awesome to see how far the platform has come in such a short period of time.
Good luck and happy programming.
I'd start at
You'd also need to check out what was new in Silverlight 2 (Dr Dobbs article) and Silverlight 3 before checking out what's new in Silverlight 4 as each has built on the previous version
