javascript make url read only - extjs

I work with extjs 3.4
I have this kind of code :
var url = "/group/supcom/hiddenpages/tracking?selector=" + id_corresp;
location = url;
I want to know is it possible to make this URL read only
maning when this URL for example :
is displayed the user can not modify same characters in this url


Looking to get the full site URL

I am looking to get the current site url in my apex class. I want the whole url, not just the domain Instead of can it be something like
I could only find how to put the domain without the full link. Thanks for your help in advance
To get the current URL of the Visualforce page you can use
PageReference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();
string currentUrl = pageRef.getUrl();
// Get or set query string parameters
string param1 = pageRef.getParameters().get('param1');
This only works in Visualforce.
When using Lightning, you should pass any additional parameters to the apex controller you need. You can use this JS to get the current page URL to send to the apex controller.
let currentUrl = window.location;
PageReference documentation

Customize url format of Angularjs's $

Is it possible to change the url that $ creates, without changing the functionality at all? For instance, can /page?movie=836 be changed to something like /page/movie/836?
No. $ just grab the query part of the URL and parse it for convenience. Or as setter it updates the query part of the browser URL.
You can transform the search() literal to "REST" form and redirect by using $location.url() :
if $location.path() == /page?movie=836
var url = $location.path()
for (var key in $ {
url += '/' + key + '/'+ $[key]
$location.url( url ) // redirect to /path/movie/836

Get location path without parmaters

Is there a way with AngularJS to and get a URL path minus all parameters? I don't want to grab it out of the address bar, I have a var where the value is a URL that I want the path out of.
Turn this: var url1 =
Into this: /dir1/dir2/
This just wants to return the path with the parameters:
var justPathLocation = $location.path();
window.location.pathname returns exactly what you need.
On this URL:
http: //
it returns this:
So it returns only the path name, without query strings or fragment identifiers.
Here's a regex way, it uses the domain name, which you can hard-code or fetch using window.location.hostname:
var url = "";
And a more generic approach - ^.*\/\/.*?(\/.+)\?:
var url = "";

angular changing the url location without reloading the page

I have some partials which are loaded with some URL templates/test.html for example. This TemplateURL will always be relative. I want to use the same templates in different locations within the website.
So , I want to use the same relative url even if I am on some actual url of
I have tried to use the $loaction service, but I am unable to set the $loaction back to the home url when I need to.
E.g in my controller I would like to :
var new_base_url = homeURL();
function homeUrl() {
/* Here is where I am unable to get the home url */
$location.path('/'); // simply returns the current url
If you want the absolute Url, $location.absUrl() will return everything (all url segments).
If you want the host name, $ will return the host name.
If you want the protocol, $location.protocol() will return that.
If you want the path, $location.path() will return that.
If you want the hash, $location.hash() will return that.
You should be able to use these methods to parse out the pieces of the url that you are after.
var path = $location.path();
var hash = $location.hash();
var basePath = path.replace(hash, '');

Get url of Image in GAE (Python 2.7)

I am trying to get URL of Image(blob field of GAE):
class Product(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
price = db.FloatProperty()
added = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
image = db.BlobProperty(default=None)
url = images.get_serving_url(movie.image)
Handler of serve image:
def result(request):
product = Product() = "halva"
url = ''
product.image = db.Blob(urlfetch.Fetch(url).content)
template = loader.get_template("result.html")
context = RequestContext(request,
"result" : u"Add"})
return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
But i get except:
When try to ignore this exception(that was bug in Python 2.7) I get exception in other place.
And after that i try to encode Image to 'latin-1'('utf-8' don't work):
enc_img = movie.image.decode("latin-1")
url = images.get_serving_url(enc_img)
Result: url has a view like binary file:
"ÝêÓ9>èýÑNëCf Äàr0xã³3Ï^µ7±\íQÀ¡>.....ÕÝ£°Ëÿ"I¢¶L`ù¥ºûMþÒ¸ÿ+ÿL¢ï£ÿÙ' alt="" />"
How I get url to show dynamic image in template?
You are confusing two different things here.
If you are storing your image in a db.BlobProperty (code doesn't show you are doing this, but the Schema you have is using db.BlobProperty) this means your handler has to serve the image.
However you are using image.get_serving_url, which takes a BlobKey instance which comes from storing an Image in the BlobStore which is a completely different thing to what you are doing.
You will need to work out what you want to do, store an image (max size 1MB) in a BlobProperty and provide a handler that can serve the image, or upload it to the BlobStore and serve it from there
images.get_serving_url takes a BlobKey. Try:
enc_img = movie.image
url = images.get_serving_url(enc_img.key())
